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Guest hhheld_down

The One and Only WWE Unforgiven 2003 Thread

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So if we assume that Goldberg just no-sold a sledge hammer shot- how exaclty is he supposed to give up the title when Trips comes back?


That's their stupid booking.  HHH is so unbeatable that it takes a super monster to beat him- and now they've got a champ that can't credibly lose.

3 letters.



3 words




And I really mean it this time!

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Guest wrestlingbs

Didn't sound too good of a PPV. Nice talking with ya. BYW, did you think HHH will say to Goldberg before he leaves:


"See you in two months."

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Ah...I'm thinking about ordering the replay.  Anything on this show worth buying it?

We've decided it's the worst WWE show ever, so I'd say no.

lol. You guys say that about every show.


Anyway, I'll pass.

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So if we assume that Goldberg just no-sold a sledge hammer shot- how exaclty is he supposed to give up the title when Trips comes back?


That's their stupid booking.  HHH is so unbeatable that it takes a super monster to beat him- and now they've got a champ that can't credibly lose.

3 letters.



hahahahha, you're probably right.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
:D :D :D

Champs who won't work houseshows are awesome, man. B-) B-) B-) B-) B-)

The Torch reported that GBerg was taking more house show dates anyway in exchange for a title run. Try again, JotW.

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Guest RollingSambos

Maybe HHH will break his neck on the set of Blade 3 and never be seen again.


Well, I can hope.

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:D :D :D

Champs who won't work houseshows are awesome, man. B-) B-) B-) B-) B-)

The Torch reported that GBerg was taking more house show dates anyway in exchange for a title run. Try again, JotW.


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Well, I didn't find the webcast until right before Shane's big bump, but what I saw of the show was pretty good. The IC title match was excellent, the announcer match was interesting from a storyline standpoint, and the main event was solid even if the finish was a little abrupt.


Plus I'm actually kind of excited to see where they go with all this tomorrow on Raw. The show's actually going in a new direction now.

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lol. You guys say that about every show.


Anyway, I'll pass.

You really didn't miss anything you haven't already seen. A typical Dudley Tables match, the usual chick match, a usual HBK vs stiff-of-the-month match, the crappy announcer match, the same Shane bump-a-thon as always with a rehash of his backlash 2001 jump, a way below par three-way and a paint-by-numbers HHH match (brawling--->legwork--->sledgehammer--->finish).

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RollingSambos Posted on Sep 21 2003, 08:05 PM


Maybe HHH will break his neck on the set of Blade 3 and never be seen again.


Well, I can hope. 


Give it a rest. There is no reason to be wishing that shit on anyone, no matter how much they "suck".

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Goldberg is working a house show that's coming to Manchester, NH. I only know this because I'm going to it and the main event is advertised to be Goldberg/RVD vs Triple H/Randy Orton.


Other thoughts: WCW New Blood Rising, which I rented this week for shits and giggles, was a better PPV than this.


Nice talking with you all, goodnight :cheers:

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Other thoughts: WCW New Blood Rising, which I rented this week for shits and giggles, was a better PPV than this.

Oh, this was worse than Russo WCW. The crowd may have been Starrcade 89, but the wrestling was about on the level with Starrcade 94 (Hogan vs Ed Leslie main event)

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
I liked the IC title match, but everything else was OK or sucked.

That match was horrible. Everybody's timing was off and there were blown spots everywhere. The only good thing that happened in that match was the Electric Bomb. That was it, PERIOD!

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Guest Dids

For somebody who didn't see it- can y'all explain the electric chair powerbomb spot? Did that involve all three wrestlers?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Christian powerbomb RVD out of the corner wehile JEricho was on RVD's shoulders.


I think that was it.

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Guest deadbeater

Yes it did.


RVD was setting up a super electric chair on Jericho. christain came over and powerbomb RVD as RVD was holding Jericho.

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I liked the IC title match, but everything else was OK or sucked.

That match was horrible. Everybody's timing was off and there were blown spots everywhere. The only good thing that happened in that match was the Electric Bomb. That was it, PERIOD!

I agree 100%. Just about everything was wrong with that match, and Christian winning it didn't help things at all.

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Guest hhheld_down

fuck now im out five bucks cause HHH wouldnt use his power to retain his belt.. FUCK... and goldberg having the belt is no better... i rather have crips.... how did shane mcmahon die tonight?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

He jumped off the Unforgiven stage for an elbow drop (that looked fake) but Kane moved and he went thorugh the stage.

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Guest Dids
Yes it did.


RVD was setting up a super electric chair on Jericho. christain came over and powerbomb RVD as RVD was holding Jericho.

I'm having a hard time picturing that. So Jericho's on RVD's sholder- and X picks them both up and powerbombs RVD as Y2J falls?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Yup. Thats how I remember it at least.


I was almost sure someone was gonig to collapse with that set up, but it was pulled off rather nicely.

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Yes it did.


RVD was setting up a super electric chair on Jericho.  christain came over and powerbomb RVD as RVD was holding Jericho.

I'm having a hard time picturing that. So Jericho's on RVD's sholder- and X picks them both up and powerbombs RVD as Y2J falls?

X didn't pick them up, so much as push them off the turnbuckle in a powerbomb position.

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I agree 100%. Just about everything was wrong with that match, and Christian winning it didn't help things at all.

Damn, I must be getting bad at how to tell if a match is good or not because thinking back on it, both of you were right. Jericho nearly blew the cross-body, and the match basically went slow thanks to Vince's new lame "slow-down" WWE style that has even affected Jericho's matches.

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I agree 100%. Just about everything was wrong with that match, and Christian winning it didn't help things at all.

Damn, I must be getting bad at how to tell if a match is good or not because thinking back on it, both of you were right. Jericho nearly blew the cross-body, and the match basically went slow thanks to Vince's new lame "slow-down" WWE style that has even affected Jericho's matches.

To be honest, I flat out hated the match.


The announcers were very quiet and slow for most of the match, the crowd was dead for just about the entire match, and the work in the ring was so slow with a lot of resting and the such.


It was the sort of match that I find hard to even watch, because it drives me so crazy.


(Vince and co. are more than likely on line just LOOKING for people to say these things about that match, lol.)

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Maybe HHH will break his neck on the set of Blade 3 and never be seen again.


Well, I can hope.

OK, that crap really gets old . . .


I was ready to see HHH lose the World title too, but you morons that keep wishing life-threatening injuries on people are just complete idiots.


If you don't want to watch him, and are tired of seeing him in WWE, then I've got some advice for you - - - QUIT WATCHING IT!


I get so damned tired of almost everyone in here bitching and moaning because the product isn't exactly blazing trails right now. But hey, it's still pretty damned entertaining (even the bad stuff is comical sometimes), and if you don't like it so much, then don't watch.


Pure and simple.

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