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California recall debate

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This is absolutely irrelevant to the recall, but this one stuck out to me:


Everybody talks about wanting a colorblind society, but what does that actually mean to you? In other words, how do we know when we have succeeded?


My answer would be, we'll know when this question doesn't have to be asked.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Everybody talks about wanting a colorblind society, but what does that actually mean to you? In other words, how do we know when we have succeeded?


When everyone looks like this: terminator.jpg


Vote Arnold.

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I will now run for governor and answer questions




What do you expect to accomplish in the time remaining on Gray Davis’ term that he could not?


I expect to finally lose my virginity and also I will attempt to solve the budget crisis by having Al Davis held by his ankles and shaken for loose change




How would you propose enhancing revenue and/or what specific cuts would you propose to achieve a balanced budget?


I will enact a 'Bonds home run tax', charging the citizens of California a sum of $500 dollars for each home run that Barry Bonds hits. A tax of $10 dollars will be charged for each walk he earns.




Everybody talks about wanting a colorblind society, but what does that actually mean to you? In other words, how do we know when we have succeeded?


We have succeeded whenever men and women of all races can loot and pillage together as a show of rage after a jury decision




Leaders in the business community are convinced that this state is losing jobs and unable to attract new businesses. If you agree, what are two things you would change to make this a more business-friendly state? If you disagree, what are the misconceptions you would like to correct?


I disagree. With all the illegal immigrants in this state, the oppertunities for business are endless. You just have to be creative enough to think of these ideas.




How are you going to insure that all Californians have adequate healthcare?


Homeless people will live in the Arrowhead Pond to protect them from the elements. I will also expect Californians to learn how to fend for themselves and practice self-surgery




What should be the top priority for California right now?


More costly recall elections




If elected Governor, will you support the expansion of charter schools in California?


I will support the expansion, if the school can build a new stadium with skyboxes and 40,000 people. Then that school will get the Expos




What is the single most important piece of legislation either signed or vetoed during this past legislative session?


The one that people got really pissed off about




Do you support reducing the Vehicle License Fee (car tax), and if so, where would you find the revenue to replace the loss to the budget?


I support reducing the Car Tax. I will make up for the loss in revenue by selling our orphans to sterile couples for a hefty fee




What services will your Administration expect local governments to provide and what stable source of revenue will you give them to do it?


I will expect Local governments to stop bitching at Sacramento. I'll let them have a Visa, but if they go over the limit, it's shit city for them!




Under Governors Pat Brown and Ronald Reagan, California spent up to 20% of its General Fund on Infrastructure - such as roads, bridges, colleges, hospitals and water systems. Now we spend closer to 1%. Proposition 53 on the ballot raises that figure to 3%. What are your positions on Prop. 53 and what will you do to invest more in California's aging infrastructure?


I'm for a hike to 2%, and I will also repaint the intrastructure to make it look new.




As our population continues to age, the demand for government services to seniors will increase dramatically during the next decade. What do you intend to do to proactively manage this demand?


More Matlock, that should distract them

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'Mr. Sharpe, any comments'


Bustamante, I think you need to stop eating so many fish tacos. How do you expect a man who can't decide between having a full head of hair or being bald to be able to make the decisions.


I don't care if you wrote a textbook bill because I wrote the Bill of Rights.


Amendment I: You have the right to have your ass kicked by me.


Amendment II: You have the right to medical care after I kick your ass


Amendment III: Buy the t-shirt


Amendment IV: Eric Gagne's facial hair must be pre-emptively attacked


Amendment V: Say your prayers because when they say "One Nation under God, they're talking about me"

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If I wasn't voting no on the recall, I would vote for Camejo.


For the love of god, conservatives better vote for Mcklintok(sp?) cause Arnold is a buffoon. He gave the most vague answers out of anyone and was easily schooled any time he was presented with facts to oppose his opinion.

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Marney's California Ticker


Tom McClintock: way up (strong showing, but as Garrett noted, did not broaden base. Remains unelectable in California)

Arnold Schwarzenegger: way up (merely solid, but nothing more was needed. He had to prove he could hold his own, and he did just that. Relentless and pointed but good-humoured jabs at Huffington, the easiest target, demonstrated political skill. Avoiding going up against McClintock was very smart, ganging up with him against Bustamante very cunning, ignoring Comejo common sense)

Arianna Huffington: down (Schwarzenegger's people obviously picked her as his primary punching bag, and he tore her up one side and down the other. She came off as petty, carping, and venomous, which is a fair summary anyway. Didn't help that she picked another fight with Bustamante, who deflected her easily, while she was still reeling from Schwarzenegger's attacks. Didn't help either that she complained about the President and Pete Wilson half a dozen times; she isn't running against them, as Schwarzenegger pointed out)

Cruz Bustamante: way down (shades of Al Gore. Supercilious and contemptuous, sighed too much, rolled his eyes, and shook his head. Didn't appear to take other candidates seriously and, as Hume noted, tried to stay above the fray. Passive and weak showing overall)

Peter Comejo: way, way down (merely ridiculous. Now isn't the time to be criticising America in that tone, not even in California. Appeared mawkish and sentimental when he didn't appear unpatriotic and foolish)


Current rankings: Schwarzenegger comfortably ahead of the pack, McClintock following some way behind, Bustamante a distant third, Huffington gasping for breath, and Comejo running very fast but in the wrong direction.

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I am pretty sure nothing has changed after the debate. The Majority of the voters probably still aren't comfortable voting for a 3rd party candidate, so even though IMO, Camejo came off sounding like the smartest of the bunch, he probably won't get any new votes.


So I am sure among VOTERS, not just folks who participate in polls, It is either going to be Arnold, Bustamante, or Davis staying in office....other three don't have a chance.

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As far as Arnold goes. I think when he made his opening statements and answered questions he was fine, but whenever he was confronted with opposition(not counting getting into a clowning contest) he always ended up looking foolish and that he didn't belong in the political spectrum. Look anyone can practice answers ahead of time, but Arnold had no answer to criticism.

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Arnold had no answer to criticism.

He went on the offensive, ignoring most criticism and attacking his opponents right back. In this format that was actually much, much better than being defensive. Trust me, he did fine.

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Another question I have coming from the debate is whether Cruz Bustamante still wants people to vote NO on the recall......he didn't really explain or elaborate on that pre-debate stance of his......and then his closing statement included him wanting people to give him a chance.

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As an international outsider who is usually deprived of any California recall coverage, I felt Tom McClintock came off the best. He had way more clarity and specification in his policies and values, and I agreed with most of them. Arnold just seemed a tad too vague and rhetoric inspired with little specifics, without delving into descriptive solutions. The independent annoyed the piss out of me, the greenie was just as a greenie should be (fucking pathetic substance wise, though he spoke well), and Cruz Bustamante really shouldn't have admitted the ridiculous spending spree that occurred.


That's just a perspective from an outsider, but from what I gather, Arnold's strong lead in the polls should convince most republicans to back him.

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Arnold is just too hypocritical for me though. I mean he says he is an outsider but has camped inside the Republican tent. I mean does he honestly believe the Dems screwed up the state single-handedly? I dunno, but the last time I check there is NOTHING "outsider" about republicans. He should have run as an Independent if he wanted to sell himelf on this great outsider to the political spectrum.

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Independents win very few elections. I'm not debating any candidate's virtues or qualifications; my tickers assess political vulnerability or political strength based on a recent political performance.

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Eh. Schwarzenegger didn't address 54 at all, although he's on record as opposing it.

He did, but he was off camera. When McClintock was just starting to speak up about it, Arianna interrupted and Arnold said he was against it, then McClintock said in the very next instance that he was the only candidate up there in support of it, and you'd think with such a strong bill like that if Arnold was also for it, he'd speak up to clarify.

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