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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Rocky belittles wrestling on Letterman

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Guest El Satanico

Rock doing a "final job" would be pointless


WWe would just fuck up the push by accident or by backstage sabotage and Rock's job will be meaningless.

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If Rock jobs to anyone at Mania 20, it has to be Cena...then you'll have your bring new star.


And burying the Rock is stupid...but Rock shouldn't be bashing wrestling in the media, then going on Raw and saying he loves it and acting like he's getting all emotional and stuff.

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Unlike many wrestling stars, Johnson owns his wrestling persona. Vince McMahon, chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment turned The Rock over to Johnson. In return, McMahon becomes an executive producer on all Johnson's films.


He's not an ass about things if he is asked to job, he will. I don't fault anyone for bettering their career and making more money that's just holding a grudge and being jealous. That's like saying "My friend hates me because I move onto something better."


Wrestling puts im on the road 250 days a year, doing movies doesn't do that. Can't say I blame him. You need to realize there are things bigger than wrestling and to boo the Rock for doing something to better his life is just stupid.


Regis asked if Rock gave up the wrestling business. Rock said that he grew up in the business and he hasn't completely given it up, but he's concentrating on working with actors. I don't see the Rock completely giving up on wrestling, he loves his job, its in his blood, but then again he got bit by the action bug which would explain why he wants to do Hollywood more. If you were in his shoes, would you pass up the chance of a lifetime? Didn't think so.

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Guest NCJ

The craziest thing is I have yet to see an example of the Rock dissing Wrestling. He just said he loves it, but right now he is focussing on his acting career. I think some people here are taking a few jokes a little to seriously.

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Well, it's Rock's loss. WWE is like the greatest action adventure comedy soap opera drama series there is! Plus it's live and doesn't have an off season. Just ask Vince!

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Guest MikeSC
Is it not obvious why?


If he's not going to wrestle anymore, he should obviously do a big job, because retiring wrestlers should always go out on their back, putting over the next generation of wrestlers.


That how, you know, you keep the business going.

Rock did that for Lesnar.


Go back and rewatch SummerSlam. Rock made Brock look REALLY good for the first time in his (Brock's) career.


Well obviously. Rock deserves much credit for jobbing to Lesnar, but that wasn't his last match...

He put over Hurricane and Booker T this year alone. It's not HIS fault the writers can't use that.


But Rock COULD have absolutely destroyed Brock's career had he decided to sandbag him at SSlam. However, he did not. He made Brock look like a God and --- and he deserves MUCHO credit --- he jobbed COMPLETELY cleanly to the young heel.


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