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One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

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2. With that said, they compete in a free market system. There is NOTHING stopping the other 29 teams from doing the same thing the Yankees are doing? Want to spend alot of money? Try using your business sense to build more revenue streams, like the Yankees have done. They have an advantage because they play in New York? Well then what's wrong with the Mets?

Free market theories don't completely apply to baseball, because, unlike a real world economic model, if their competition goes out of business, so do the Yankees. The Yankees need opponents to remain in business, and it's in their own best interest, as well as that of the other teams and the league in general, to not become so far above the rest of the league that other teams become non-viable due to lack of fan interest. That's where revenue-sharing comes in.


4. EVERY dynasty has been built on a team's farm system. The Yankees stunk until they got a solid base of players from the minors. The Yankees will struggle to compete in the coming years as their players age.

Even as recently as twenty years ago, I would agree with you whole-heartedly. Now, when the Yankees have virtually unlimited resources and can pluck All-Stars from other teams' rosters at will, I can't agree. The only thing that that can bring about the downfall of the Yankees now is ineptitude in the general manager's office, and that's not going to happen as long as Cashman's there.

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Free market theories don't completely apply to baseball, because, unlike a real world economic model, if their competition goes out of business, so do the Yankees. The Yankees need opponents to remain in business, and it's in their own best interest, as well as that of the other teams and the league in general, to not become so far above the rest of the league that other teams become non-viable due to lack of fan interest. That's where revenue-sharing comes in.


Right now, interest in baseball is great enough that no team is remotely in danger of going out of business. If a team were drawing under 10,000 a game or so, there would be a problem. But in today's game, the sport is competitive enough to survive just fine. Name any team that has been terrible the last 5 years, and I can show you the clear path of ineptitude that led them there, not economics.


Even as recently as twenty years ago, I would agree with you whole-heartedly. Now, when the Yankees have virtually unlimited resources and can pluck All-Stars from other teams' rosters at will, I can't agree. The only thing that that can bring about the downfall of the Yankees now is ineptitude in the general manager's office, and that's not going to happen as long as Cashman's there.


The point is that no team has done it. The Yankees can fall. They have ALOT of money tied into some players. Jeter, Giambi both make $20 mil. They'll age, and they'll still be paid. There may come a point where the Yankees fail to succeed, and then the revenue dries up.

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Right now, interest in baseball is great enough that no team is remotely in danger of going out of business. If a team were drawing under 10,000 a game or so, there would be a problem. But in today's game, the sport is competitive enough to survive just fine. Name any team that has been terrible the last 5 years, and I can show you the clear path of ineptitude that led them there, not economics.


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Montreal drew more fans than the NY Mets as recently as the mid 90s. The franchise disintegrated the moment Jeff Loria bought the team. Loria failed to negotiage simple television coverage, and interest in the team plummeted. As soon as he saw his opening, he bolted. Had the Expos had a competent owner, they've could've gotten a tv contract and maintained a fan base. And even in the abysmal position they're in, they still did better than the $100 million Mets this year.

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Guest Choken One

bring mr Outta control to the mound...Thank god the marlins gave the cubs an easier route...

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I'm back. Closer than I thought it would be. Tried to find the game on the radio from NYC back to Ithaca, and couldn't. If Willis gets this out and the Marlins get this game, I will be so pumped.


I know this thread missed my constant Marlins shilling.

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Guest Choken One

Willis proves that he was just a hot brief senstation as everyone figured him out now...

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I think you're over reacting Choken. Keep in mind he's only 21 years old, he isn't technically supposed to be here yet, and he's not exactly dying out there. One bad outing doesn't ruin a great season of pitching. If he goes 7-18 next year than that's a different story.

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I've gotta actually agree with Mik here. Like Zambrano, Willis is going to get better as he learns and gets older. You can't expect every young guy to be like Prior out there.


And now it's 3-0. GO CUBS!

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Damnit, if the Sox can't do it...the Cubs is the next best thing.


I feel so fucking happy for those guys, and all their long time fans as well.


It's such a great feeling that a team FINALLY gets back to the Series.


I love baseball. I don't feel emotion like this for any other sports as much.

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