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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Attn: Indy folder/Tape Trading People

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Guest OSIcon

Another quick note - -


This is being discussed over at the Air Raid Crash board and Chris Coey extended an invitation for ShooterJay to sign up there and discuss it (aparently he bothered another Air Raid Crash member about the same thing).


The link to the board if ShooterJay does want to sign up and discuss the issue further (since it obviously can't be done here):




You'll find the discussion on the issue in (appropriately) the 'Stupid People' thread.

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Guest Black Tiger

Why don't you sign up for Spider Twist and tell them you think the thread sucks, IN THAT THREAD?


I did when I first signed up for Spider Twist and I haven't been banned yet.

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Why don't you sign up for Spider Twist and tell them you think the thread sucks, IN THAT THREAD?


I did when I first signed up for Spider Twist and I haven't been banned yet.

Nah. I don't wish to have conversation with elitist assholes. But thanks for the invite.

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Guest OSIcon
Nah. I don't wish to have conversation with elitist assholes.


Yea, its better to just ban people and not have conversations at all.


DISCLAIMER: For the seemingly sarcasm-impaired folks at this board, the above statement was a sarcastic one and is not to be taken as a true statement or confession of any kind.

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Okay, I had a fairly heavy hand in these events, so let me explain it point by point.


1. In his column, Jay plugs a friend of his, Emo, who sells dubs of ROH tapes.


2. Emo lives in Canada. RFVideo has no international copyrights on their ROH footage, so Emo copying and selling their tapes is perfectly legal. Jay plugging them is perfectly legal.


3. Someone, purported to be one Tim Cooke, went to RFVideo very quickly after the column was posted and informed them about it.


4. RFVideo sent several harassing emails to Jay and Emo threatening legal action against their perfectly legal activities. (This despite the fact that RFVideo sells dozens, if not hundreds, of blatantly illegal tapes containing copyrighted WWF and WCW footage.)


5. Jay tells me about the whole incident, and provides me with more than one pieces of evidence suggesting that it was definitely Tim Cooke who did the "ratting".


6. I suggest to Dames that if this is all true then Tim should be banned, as he's caused unecessary trouble and headaches for people who've done nothing wrong.


7. Tim got banned.



Now, Tim has claimed that he didn't do it, and that he was being sarcastic in his conversation on IM where he seemed to admit it. But Jay has always been open and friendly with me, while Tim has not, and I was inclinded to trust Jay more. Thus, it all went down.

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Guest OSIcon
I don't know. I looked through that board in every category, including Sports, and found nothing titled "Stupid People." Found something called "People," but no "Stupid People."


My bad. Its actually something more along the lines of "You can learn a lot from a dummy..." or something like that.

Edited by OSIcon

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I still don't see where Tim broke a rule in any of those points that would neccessitate a banning.


Nor in any of those 7 points do I see why you would want someone DEAD Jingus

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Guest Black Tiger

Don't me wrong J*ngus I like you and think your a hellava nice guy, but.............


1. In his column, Jay plugs a friend of his, Emo, who sells dubs of ROH tapes.


Okay, send your buddy some customers, no problem with that


2. Emo lives in Canada. RFVideo has no international copyrights on their ROH footage, so Emo copying and selling their tapes is perfectly legal. Jay plugging them is perfectly legal.


Sounds good so far


3. Someone, purported to be one Tim Cooke, went to RFVideo very quickly after the column was posted and informed them about it.


Key word here J*ngus is purported, it could have been me for all Jay actually knew.


4. RFVideo sent several harassing emails to Jay and Emo threatening legal action against their perfectly legal activities. (This despite the fact that RFVideo sells dozens, if not hundreds, of blatantly illegal tapes containing copyrighted WWF and WCW footage.)


Which is why I consider RF to be a big hypocrite about being so anal as it pertains to bootleggers


5. Jay tells me about the whole incident, and provides me with more than one pieces of evidence suggesting that it was definitely Tim Cooke who did the "ratting".


so far all that is shown is the IM convo which looks like Tim is being sarcastic about ratting them out.


6. I suggest to Dames that if this is all true then Tim should be banned, as he's caused unecessary trouble and headaches for people who've done nothing wrong.


And this effects the forums how? if it turned into Tim and Jay flaming the hell out of one another, sure ban him. It's not like RF sent a letter to Dames over Jay plugging his buddy here and causing Dames a lot of trouble and RF trying to sue TSM.


7. Tim got banned.


Which was a mistake.

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Jay did a review where he lashed out at something RF Video did and plugged some of his friends sites who sell ROH tapes.


His friends get contacted by RF and have their stuff taken down.


Jay assumes its Tim and uses AIM to prove it.


There ya go

Oh, Ok. thanks

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I cant find that thread on that board


thanks black tiger


btw, I'm backing the mod's. It's an IM convo. Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.

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btw, I'm backing the mod's. It's an IM convo. Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.



What rule did Tim break?

Where did Tim admit to emailing Rob and causing Rob to send emails ShooterJay?

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Nor in any of those 7 points do I see why you would want someone DEAD Jingus


That was a bit of an exagerration. I was pretty hot about it when Jay first told me about it, and let fly with various expletives over the IM convo, but have calmed down since.


so far all that is shown is the IM convo which looks like Tim is being sarcastic about ratting them out.


There was another non-TSM source, which I won't name right now unless Jay got their permission to do so.


And this effects the forums how? if it turned into Tim and Jay flaming the hell out of one another, sure ban him. It's not like RF sent a letter to Dames over Jay plugging his buddy here and causing Dames a lot of trouble and RF trying to sue TSM.


But it easily could've turned into a situation exactly like what you just described. Dames was honestly worried about being sued, even though no laws were broken by anyone on this end. Anyone who did something like this did it with a mean spirit and a hostile attitude, intending to cause some sort of trouble for TSM members if not the website itself. Tim has been known to be, well, less than polite in the past; so I could believe he might do something like this.

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btw, I'm backing the mod's.  It's an IM convo.  Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.

*sniff* I wanted them to reinforce the gimmick of stephen joseph and the "i saved the board" campaign


darn, well, that joke went out the window

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btw, I'm backing the mod's.  It's an IM convo.  Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.



What rule did Tim break?

Where did Tim admit to emailing Rob and causing Rob to send emails ShooterJay?

Look, he got a message from someone about it


He said he did.


I'm sorry, but any fool can use the excuse "dood, I was being sarcastic." It happens in real life, and it happens here too.


Tough shit if he didn't do it, but I don't believe the backpedaling

If he was innocent, he'd be ragingly pissed, not the whiny brat he's being on that other board

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Look, he got a message from someone about it


He said he did.


No he didn't- where in the IM convo did he say he ratted out Jay to Rob?


I'm sorry, but any fool can use the excuse "dood, I was being sarcastic." It happens in real life, and it happens here too.


Read treble charged's post.


Tough shit if he didn't do it, but I don't believe the backpedaling

If he was innocent, he'd be ragingly pissed, not the whiny brat he's being on that other board


I still want to know what rule Tim broke or where in that IM convo he said he ratted out Jay to Rob

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Guest OSIcon
btw, I'm backing the mod's. It's an IM convo. Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.


Seriously, who talks like this in a serious manner:


"Did you rat out tape dealers to RF."


"Yes, I rated out tape dealers to RF."


I don't know about you, but I've never met anyone who talks that way on IM or in real life (repeating the question in the satement like that).


Like from the Simpsons:


"Are you going to marry a carrott Lisa?"

"Yes, I am going to marry a carrot."


Is there anyone here who cannot tell that is sarcasm?


There was another non-TSM source, which I won't name right now unless Jay got their permission to do so.


I love when evidence pops up late in a case or deabte. It always find it funny how a thing like this goes on for a little while, then after a little question, more "evidence" that has been there for a while is all of a sudden brought up.


Please, do tell us. This is a message board for crying out loud. I don't really think we need to protect the incident (then again, Jay somehow took this as an attack on his personal life so who knows).


But it easily could've turned into a situation exactly like what you just described. Dames was honestly worried about being sued, even though no laws were broken by anyone on this end. Anyone who did something like this did it with a mean spirit and a hostile attitude, intending to cause some sort of trouble for TSM members if not the website itself. Tim has been known to be, well, less than polite in the past; so I could believe he might do something like this.


Wow...where to being on this one. First, Dames was worried about being sued for plugging an illegal tape trader on his site. Alright. So what does he do:


a.) Take down the plug so there is no reason to sue




b.) Going on nothing more then a wild hunch, IM Tim asking if he did it. Take a sarcastic response on AIM convo as a "confession" that Tim stooged off RF. Proceed to ban Tim from board so such stooging will never happen again (despite the fact that Tim didn't stooge off anyone). Leave the plug up and consider problem solved.


The sensible solution would be 'A'. Of course, the real one was 'B'.


I read here a lot more then I post and I gather the "Tim is less then polite" comes from debates in the Puro folder. Ammusingly enough, Jingus has had some real spaz outs in that folder and in the NHB folder (about topics in the Puro folder) that have been really angry and certainly "less then polite". I actually thought Jay's tiraide on the MAIN SITE was "less then polite." So let's not use that as your reason for assuming Tim ratted out to RF. It's really, really, weak and out there.


Just like assuming Tim ratted them out because he was against not buying from ROH. I have spoken out against not buying from ROH. Could thing my IM name is not accessible on this board or else maybe I would be the accussed because that seems to be all we are going off of.

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Guest DonWestMark03



I don't really see what the big deal here is.


Tim's registered at dozens of wrestling message boards, being banned from one won't kill him. I saw him reading this exact thread earlier today when I was browsing around, he didn't do anything to defend himself. If he had just said "I was being sarcastic, you moron" I'm sure Jay would have apologized and gotten this thread deleted.


I mean, some of you have been debating this ALL DAY. If this is Internet wrestling "discussion"- I want no part of it. I'll stick with the OAOAST.


Shouldn't wrestling, be like, you know, fun?

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btw, I'm backing the mod's.  It's an IM convo.  Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.

*sniff* I wanted them to reinforce the gimmick of stephen joseph and the "i saved the board" campaign


darn, well, that joke went out the window

And your point TC? That's not sarcasm. That's what I wanted them for. I wanted to develop the SJ persona.


I mean, go ahead and have a problem with that fine. But it wasn't sarcasm, so your point is invalid

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And seriously, what's with flaming Jingus? He did his job, and he says he had other sources. The guys been a good mod for years here, and he's not going to act unless he feels its just.


Look, if the other guy didn't want his name getting out, that's THAT guys problem. Not Jingus'


Give the mod a rest

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Guest Black Tiger

who could ever, forget "A Message To Jubuki" in the NHB folder by J*ngus himself, as the ultimate spazz out. I like J*ngus and all but DAMN.


Hey aren't Coey (aka Jubuki) and Tim Cooke buddies? You don't think.......oh forget it. I don't want to even think about it

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You asked for post count back.


You then said you were just kidding to reinforce a joke that was never funny to begin with and isn't funny now.


Same thing Tim is doing (except for the unfunny joke part)

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btw, I'm backing the mod's.  It's an IM convo.  Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is "duh, sarcasm" because sarcasm is one of those tones that just alot more visual and auditory than written.

*sniff* I wanted them to reinforce the gimmick of stephen joseph and the "i saved the board" campaign


darn, well, that joke went out the window

And your point TC? That's not sarcasm. That's what I wanted them for. I wanted to develop the SJ persona.


I mean, go ahead and have a problem with that fine. But it wasn't sarcasm, so your point is invalid

My point is that you're saying "Sadly, the easiest excuse when in an IM convo and you fuckup is 'duh, sarcasm'", when it seems very likely that you did the exact same thing in this situation.

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