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Rush Limbaugh quits ESPN

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In the wake of his controversial statements regarding Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb, Rush Limbaugh has resigned from his position on ESPN's NFL pregame show. ESPN has accepted the resignation.


Limbaugh issued a statement late Wednesday night in which he wrote:


"My comments this past Sunday were directed at the media and were not racially motivated. I offered an opinion. This opinion has caused discomfort to the crew, which I regret.


"I love NFL Sunday Countdown and do not want to be a distraction to the great work done by all who work on it.


"Therefore, I have decided to resign. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the show and wish all the best to those who make it happen."


George Bodenheimer, President, ESPN and ABC Sports, issued the following response:


"We accept his resignation and regret the circumstances surrounding this. We believe that he took the appropriate action to resolve this matter expeditiously."


The comments referenced by Limbaugh came during Sunday's pregame show on ESPN when Limbaugh offered the opinion that McNabb wasn't as good as the media perceived him to be.


"I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well,'' Limbaugh said. "There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."


Negative reaction did not come immediate. But on Tuesday, McNabb told the Philadelphia Daily News: "It's sad that you've got to go to skin color. I thought we were through with that whole deal."


From there, the firestorm spread quickly. Democratic presidential candidates Wesley Clark, Howard Dean and Rev. Al Sharpton called for ESPN to fire Limbaugh, a conservative talk-show host. Others in the political and athletic circles also lashed out at Limbaugh's comments.


McNabb also provided more reaction on Wednesday.


"It's somewhat shocking to hear that on national TV from him," McNabb said. "It's not something that I can sit here and say won't bother me."


Limbaugh turned down requests to go on SportsCenter on Wednesday. But earlier in the day on his syndicated radio talk show, he refused to back down.


"All this has become the tempest that it is because I must have been right about something," Limbaugh said. "If I wasn't right, there wouldn't be this cacophony of outrage that has sprung up in the sports writer community."


Wednesday night, ESPN issued a statement that, in part, read, "We have communicated to Mr. Limbaugh that his comments were insensitive and inappropriate."


Limbaugh's resignation was officially announced just before midnight ET.


Im surprised that it took 4 weeks. He really had no business being on the show.

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Guest Choken One

but he was actually fun to watch


Great MORE Berman to put up with now...

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I actually found the show to be a lot more interesting with Limbaugh.


It was nice to see someone who didn't kiss the ass of all the usual suspects.

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I haven't watched ESPN countdown at all since the first week. I always liked FOX more, but with Rush and Irvin I was muting it every five seconds.


I don't mind a non-player on there so you get a fan/unconnected opinion. But they made such a big deal having the graphic come up that Rush was coming up. Give me a break.


It was a cowardly way out, because he didn't even have to issue an apology.

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Just an add-on. He doesn't even realize he is wrong.


Yes, the media handed McNabb everything. Lord knows that noone has been criticizing his play over the last month.


The fact of the matter is that the QB (white or black) always gets to much of the credit and/or blame. Unless a defense is Tampa type good where it completely overshadows the offense, it will generally be regarded as the QB leading a team to a conference championship.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Actually I still hear all the McNabb ass kissing that you usually do to be honest.

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Anything I have heard about McNabb lately has revolved around the fact he is a terrible passer and "is he as good as we thought?".


If anyone has been getting the blow job from the media it is Steve McNair. And after seeing a couple Titans games this year, I am starting to believe the hype about him.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I wouldn't quite buy into McNair since a slight gust of wind can cause injury to him.

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I'm surprised he lasted that long, too. I loved how during Week 1 Tom Jackson wouldn't even look in his direction. I also thought Rush's spats with Michael Irvin were great.


Personally, I think he's right in part regarding the media love for black QB's. It seemed last year I couldn't go on any sports show without hearing how Daunte Culpepper, Aaron Brooks, Michael Vick and Donovan McNabb should be mentioned in the same breath as MLK for their courage in breaking down the walls of oppression regarding blacks and the QB position -- just let them be freaking football players and leave race out of it.


I never watched ESPN's Sunday countdown until Rush came aboard (I won’t watch it anymore), and frankly I enjoyed it -- although I could understand how people that despise Limbaugh would want him off that show. After all, if Mikey Moore were on instead (and ESPN would have to go to a wide-screen lens) I wouldn't watch.


And for those interested, ESPN's ratings for this year's Sunday countdown were up 10 percent overall (be wary of the source)




I guess Limbaugh should have said that Donovan shouldn't be struggling early in the season because blacks play better than whites in the heat...

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I don't doubt that the media likes a good successful black QB story. The problem lies in the fact he says that is the reason McNabb was given credit for the Eagles success.


I don't despise Limbaugh or anything. I just don't care about him. His segments just seemed so confrontational just to be confrontational. It's like if you speak loudly, your opinions mean more. I have that problem with the whole ESPN staff on the show, actually. They can't go more than 5 seconds without talking over each other.


And Michael Irvin can rot in hell. (just thought I would throw that in)

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Well if the McNabb thing didnt take him off of ESPN, this might have


from the Drudge Report:





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Guest Salacious Crumb

Wow they'll say anything to smear someone they don't agree with.

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I loved Rush for one reason...


He was ALWAYS as wrong as you can be.


Week 1: "Losing Milloy won't effect the Patriots at all this game. They get paid to play and realize they could be gone at any time. It won't make a difference."


Result: Pats look the flatest any team ever has.


Week 4: "Donovan McNabb is overrated, the Media only wants him to win because he's black."


Result: McNabb has great game, Eagles finally win.



I want him to stay...just so I can bet the opposite of his opinion

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Well you figure that implant for his hearings got to be somewhat painful.


So roasting the guy for taking pain pills is a bit unfair.

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I loved Rush for one reason...


He was ALWAYS as wrong as you can be.


Week 1: "Losing Milloy won't effect the Patriots at all this game. They get paid to play and realize they could be gone at any time. It won't make a difference."


Week 4: "Donovan McNabb is overrated, the Media only wants him to win because he's black."

Everytime he picked a team to win, and I also picked that team to win in the TSM contests, I groaned.


And with good reason.


He also said the Cowboys, with Bill P. at the helm, might go 10-6...

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Guest Olympic Slam

Rush got screwed though he shouldn't be shocked. The media landscape is littered with the corpses of those that dared to bring up something race related that didn't meet the prevailing PC Liberal litmus test. Freedom of Speech only works if you're character isn't assasinated in the process.

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Methinks quitting ESPN is the least of his worries now -- should have gotten one of those maids that doesn't speak English...




Rush Limbaugh in pill probe


Talk radio star had drug habit, maid sez





Talk-radio titan Rush Limbaugh is being investigated for allegedly buying thousands of addictive painkillers from a black-market drug ring.


The moralizing motormouth was turned in by his former housekeeper - who says she was Limbaugh's pill supplier for four years.


Wilma Cline, 42, says Limbaugh was hooked on the potent prescription drugs OxyContin, Lorcet and hydrocodone - and went through detox twice.


"There were times when I worried," Cline told the National Enquirer, which broke the story in an edition being published today. "All these pills are enough to kill an elephant - never mind a man."


Cline could not be reached for further comment yesterday, but her lawyer, Ed Shohat of Miami, said his client "stands behind the story."


The Daily News independently confirmed that Limbaugh is under investigation.


His lawyers, Jerry Fox and Dan Zachary, refused to comment on the accusations and said any "medical information" about him was private and not newsworthy.


They said Limbaugh - who has a top-rated syndicated radio show but resigned early today from a weekly ESPN football segment amid criticism of racial comments about Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb - was traveling and had no comment.


The Palm Beach County state attorney's office, which is running the probe, said it could not confirm or deny the allegations.


Scoring in parking lot


Cline told the Enquirer she went to prosecutors with information about Limbaugh and others after four years of drug deals that included clandestine handoffs in a Denny's parking lot.


She said she wore a wire during her last two deliveries to the conservative commentator and gave the tapes to authorities.


She also gave the Enquirer a ledger documenting how many pills she claimed to have bought for him - 4,350 in one 47-day period - and E-mails she claimed Limbaugh sent her.


In one missive, Limbaugh pushed Cline to get more "little blues" - code for OxyContin, the powerful narcotic nicknamed hillbilly heroin, she said.


"You know how this stuff works ... the more you get used to, the more it takes," the May 2002 E-mail reads. "But I will try and cut down to help out."


The account Cline gave the Enquirer is that she became Limbaugh's drug connection in 1998, nine months after taking a housekeeping job at his Palm Beach mansion.


It started after her husband, David, hurt himself in a fall, and Limbaugh asked how he was.


"He asked me casually, 'Is he getting any pain medication?' I said, 'Yes - he's had surgery, and the doctor gave him hydro-codone 750,'" Cline said. "To my astonishment, he said, 'Can you spare a couple of them?'"


Cline said she gave Limbaugh 10 pills the next day and agreed to give him 30 of her husband's pills each month. When the doctor stopped renewing the prescription in early 1999, Limbaugh allegedly went ballistic.


"His tone was nasty and bullying. He said, 'I don't care how or what you do, but you'd better - better! - get me some more,'" Cline said.


The housekeeper said she found a new supplier and arranged to hide Limbaugh's stashes under his mattress so his wife, Marta, wouldn't find them.


After several months, Limbaugh told her he was going to New York for detox and didn't need any more pills, Cline said.


But a month later, he said his left ear was hurting and asked her for hydrocodone, followed by an order for OxyContin.


Limbaugh, 52, suffered from autoimmune ear disease, a condition that left him deaf and had to be corrected with cochlear implant surgery two years ago.


Cline said she continued to make deliveries to Limbaugh even after she quit as his housekeeper in July 2001 - but he became increasingly paranoid, even patting her down for recording devices, she said.


In June 2002, Limbaugh told her he was going to New York for detox a second time.


After he returned, "I went to talk to him, and he cried a little bit," she said. "He told me that if it ever got out, he would be ruined."


She claimed that a lawyer for Limbaugh gave her a payoff - $80,000 he owed her, plus another $120,000 - and asked her to destroy the computer that contained the E-mail records.


Soon after, Cline and her husband retained Shohat and contacted prosecutors.


The drugs Rush Limbaugh is accused of abusing are legal only with a doctor's prescription. All are habit-forming.


- Hydrocodone


Anti-cough agent and painkiller similar to morphine. Side effects include anxiety, poor mental performance, emotional dependence, drowsiness, mood changes, difficulty breathing and itchiness.


- Lorcet


Brand name for the combination of Tylenol and hydrocodone, prescribed for moderate to severe pain. Side effects include dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, dizziness, tiredness, muscle twitches, sweating and itching.


- OxyContin


Potent time-release medication for relief of moderate to severe pain, known as hillbilly heroin because of black-market popularity in some rural areas. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, sweating, muscle twitches and decreased sex drive. A large dose can be fatal.

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Guest JMA
Rush got screwed though he shouldn't be shocked. The media landscape is littered with the corpses of those that dared to bring up something race related that didn't meet the prevailing PC Liberal litmus test. Freedom of Speech only works if you're character isn't assasinated in the process.

Oh please. Rush brought this on himself just like Michael "Savage" Weiner did. Of course, I AM biased as I do despise the man and his ilk. Still, I hope he gets better. I wouldn't wish drug addiction on my worst enemy. Hopefully he'll be okay.

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Funny how the only people who have Freedom of Speech are Blacks.


If Rush was a black man saying that the media favors White QB's doing well then it would get brushed off like bad dandruff.


But when some white guy says something about blakc it's national news.


Rush is 100% right on what he said too...and I don't agree with much shit he says.

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Guest Ronixis

When it comes to things like this- You have to wonder why, and how we got to this place.


Rush, whether people like it or not- or agree with him or not, maybe the Walter Cronkite of this Genration-


However- by his words, and just words- he was wrong. If he said the same thing about Kobe or Terrell Ownes or even Maruice Clarett- I would not have such of a Coniption.


But, I have to go back to a Fox NFL Sunday report done last year- in which they were prasing Black QB's. If he would have stated this as one of the reasons, then he would have been partly right as well.


But, McNabb? HELL NO. He gets blasted in the Philly Media when he cant play- and when he plays well, he gets prased. Just like ALL Players do.


But when Congressmen come to tell Mike Eisner 3 in the fucking Morning and tell him that Rush must resign- You know that this Country has problems.


But granted- Rush did resign, and that in and of itself is sad. This was his dream. And that means I cant go for my dreams too because if I say my opinions about something that is wrong in the Animation Industry (Say with Peggy Charen is a Liberal Bitch) I am going to get hounded until I am forced to resign? Thats a whole lot of bullshit.


McNabb said he does not a want an aploigy- Rush will not give him one...





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Guest Choken One
Fuck Rush and fuck ESPN. They start Sportscenter with this bullshit after a classic baseball game?

well they likely were still editing footage and stuff...so they went with the ready made segement...

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Get the fuck out of here with that Black QBS being praised shit. When they praised Vick, Culpepper, McNabb, and Brooks, it could have has something to do with their respective teams all having great records.


Do you hear any Brooks love now that the Saints are struggling? What good was said about Dante Culpepper last year when the Viking were sucking? Black QBs are scrutinized and praised the exact same as white QB's

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Funny how the only people who have Freedom of Speech are Blacks.


If Rush was a black man saying that the media favors White QB's doing well then it would get brushed off like bad dandruff.


But when some white guy says something about blakc it's national news.


Rush is 100% right on what he said too...and I don't agree with much shit he says.



I remember when Isaiah Thomas said the same thing about Larry Bird and no one raised a eyebrow at all...









Instead of throwing out that "Blah blah blacks can say anything" you want to cite a example of it. What Rush said was stupid and full of shit, and he would have eventually gotten canned for it.


I guess no one praise Rich Gannon last year for his QB performances? No one said a word about Kurt Warner when the Rams were on top? Ramsey isn't being praised for the good job he is doing now at all is he.


On every team that doesn't have a monster Defense like the Bucs or the Ravens from a few years back, the QB is the one praised in victory and critisized in defeat. McNabb just so happens to have the highest yards per rush average in NFL history, happens to have been the starting QB on a VERY successful team for the past few seasons... Wow...the only reason he possibly would get press is because he is black. Bullshit.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I never watched ESPN's Sunday countdown until Rush came aboard (I won’t watch it anymore), and frankly I enjoyed it -- although I could understand how people that despise Limbaugh would want him off that show. After all, if Mikey Moore were on instead (and ESPN would have to go to a wide-screen lens) I wouldn't watch


Oh come ON, kkk. It's a thread about Limbaugh, and you crack a fat joke about Moore?


I think they should become cohosts of Sumo Digest~! (The best show on ESPN)

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

Taking all opinions into consideration, I think some people are right when they say that there seems to be a bit of reverse racism here; the minorities in sports can speak what they want to, while if the majority (white) people speak poorly about another minority, it's going to be all over. I remember during the Sammy Sosa corked bat incident when Gary Sheffield went to the Budweiser Hot Seat on SportsCenter, and gave a response that the only reason why Sammy was suspended "was cause of this" (and pointed to his skin). He spouted off racism, as a lot of minorities did. National news? It made ESPN and other shows when people spoke up, but there wasn't a media outcry over this "blatant racism."


On a more personal note, I am extremely happy with the departure of Mr. Limbaugh. I can't stand his conservatism, and I think that is what lead him to make the comments he did. Remember, he is Bush's lifeline to the press, because Mr. Bush never gives press conferences. I also find it quite funny to see that the link for ESPN's Countdown ratings is to Fox News.


ESPN owned by ABC owned by Disney

Fox News owned by FOX owned by News Corp.


Both companies are run by conservatives (Michael Eisner and Rupert Murdoch) and receive great press from Limbaugh. Coincidence? I think not. Let's just wait to see how these channels, and Clear Channel Entertainment (who syndicates Limbaugh's radio show) run the story after both the racism and this apparent "drug scandal."

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I like the fact that an allegation by a former housekeeper - to the National Enquirer, no less - is being treated as gospel. You can't help but wonder whether the housekeeper was a FORMER housekeeper before breaking the story, and is looking to smear the name of her former empoyer.


Personally, I think both Culpepper and McNair are better QBs than McNabb, and that Vick is a better athlete than all 3. If the league, or the media, really did want to showcase a black QB, any of those three would have been a better choice than Donovan.

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I like the fact that an allegation by a former housekeeper - to the National Enquirer, no less - is being treated as gospel. You can't help but wonder whether the housekeeper was a FORMER housekeeper before breaking the story, and is looking to smear the name of her former empoyer.


Personally, I think both Culpepper and McNair are better QBs than McNabb, and that Vick is a better athlete than all 3. If the league, or the media, really did want to showcase a black QB, any of those three would have been a better choice than Donovan.

Donavan has more wins in the past few years and is in a bigger media outlet therefore he will get more press.


Be assured that if Philly had a white QB and the same record and the same stats as Donavan, he would be in the news the same.


I still would like someone to point out a example of this double standard that exist. When has a minorty not been taken to task for saying something close to this context?


I guess the league does want to push any and every black quarter back. I can't turn on the TV without seeing a special report on Tony Banks, Jeff Blake, Akili Smith, and Joe Hamilton.

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