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Hogan to work TNA on 11/30

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I think we're all overlooking one of the main reasons why Hogan will be good for TNA - a national TV deal. Yes, Hogan mightn't pop a huge buyrate these days (although that was partly due to the fact that the WWE Creative Team are a bunch of uncreative morons), but in terms of mainstream publicity and attention, there's no better free agent in wrestling. If the Sunday card is a failure in the short-term, it can still be a success in the long-term if Hogan can help get TNA a television deal.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Think about this....


1) What positive effects will Hogan have?


2) Will the positives outweight the negatives(pissed off fans, workers, etc....)?


3) Will Hogan be worth his asking price to come in?

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1) What positive effects will Hogan have?

TV deal, older Hogan fans


2) Will the positives outweight the negatives(pissed off fans, workers, etc....)?

Name workers in the WWE who specifically said they hated Hogan while in the WWE and name fans who dont type on message boards who were pissed with him returning?


3) Will Hogan be worth his asking price to come in?

Do you even know his asking price?

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No one cares about watching Hogan on TV anymore. He'll pop a live crowd, so they may draw more people to the show, but by and large, people don't go out of their way to watch Hogan these days.

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Guest nikowwf

Hogan's programs almost all did below average buyrates for the WWE after Mania. They also diluted the product by putting the focus on him at a time others needed it. He'd overshadow others on the show, people who really needed to get over more than he did.


Yes, Hogan can get them attention. But let's not pretend there are not negatives here. To do so ignores a hell of a lot of Hogan history.



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I think the average buyrates after Wrestlemania can be attributed to the fact that the WWE's creative direction was abysmal.


With the right logical, coherant storyline that plays to Hogan's strengths as the biggest name in the business, TNA can still make a crapload of money from him. The WWE pushed too far with the nostalgia act, and then put Hulk in feuds with guys like Taker and Triple H when he should have been elevating someone else. TNA won't have that problem, because they have a whole roster full of people who need elevating (even Double J).

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Guest nikowwf

And Hogan beating these people with his 50 year old man retarded offense will elevate them how?



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And Hogan beating these people with his 50 year old man retarded offense will elevate them how?



Merely having an AJ Styles or an AMW in the same ring as Hulk Hogan will elevate them more in the eyes of casual fans than any MOTY candidates they put on.


I'm not saying TNA should (or will) job Hogan out to Kid Kash, but Hogan's presence in TNA can help them elevate their roster in a way the WWE couldn't.

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I have a question, if they hype up the card and announce the matches three or four weeks ahead of time, will that take away from the shows before it, since most storylines seem to go on a week by week basis?

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However...when you look back at the lead up for Raven/Jarrett (their biggest show to date) the two weeks prior to that one had two far better matches than that show did (The 4 way tag match that debuted Chris Sabin and came down to Lynn + Red vs. XXX and the next week Lynn + Red vs. XXX) so those actually turned out better despite it.

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Guest TheHulkster

At least in TNA, the owner's kin is a halfway decent wrestler. I don't understand the people that say Hogan showing up in TNA is a detriment to it's advancement. This man has sold out 75,000 seat football stadiums. He has main evented more Wrestlemania's than anyone alive. Is he still the drawing power that he was in his prime? No, but he still has a huge loyal fanbase of marks and smarts alike that will buy a TNA PPV to see him perform his schtick one more time. The roof of the TNA Asylum will be blown off when he Hulks up. Should he beat AJ? No, because anyway you slice it AJ is not in Hogan's league as a main event player and will look like a huge jobber no matter what they do. I just hope Russo doesn't get involved in any way shape or form because it's bad for business. I hope they have learned from WCW's mistakes.

About manager VS wrestler feuds, look at Hogan's biggest drawing feud: Hulk Hogan Vs Bobby Heenan. If you add up anything post-Piper and pre-Bossman, (i'm talking Hogan/Bundy, Hogan/Orndorf, and Hogan/Andre not couting his mini-feuds with Kamala, Muraco, Funk, Studd, etc.) those are probably the biggest drawing feuds in American Wrestling history besides maybe Austin/Rock. All of those feuds can be bunched together as basically Hogan Vs Heenan. Who says wrestler vs manager feuds don't draw?


I'd pay money just to hear Double J call Hogan a geriatric slapass.

Edited by TheHulkster

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No, but he still has a huge loyal fanbase of marks and smarts alike that will buy a TNA PPV to see him perform his schtick one more time.

As the HUGE buyrates that WrestleMania and Judgment Day got show. Fact is, if Hogan was such a huge PPV and TV draw, Vince would have kept him around. There's no real appeal in seeing Hogan on TV anymore, since the matches suck. People want to see him in person, which is evident by the large pops he gets, but that doesn't translate into ratings and buyrates.

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Hogan might not be a draw, but TV execs still know who he is -- nobody said TV execs were smart.


I think if the Jarretts go to a network and they (the network) ask: "Who do you have?" and the Jarretts reply "Hulk Hogan", that could go a long way into getting them a deal. It may sound bad to some fans (and I'm no Hogan fan), but the risk is worth a shot.


I'd rather see TNA attempt a huge risk instead of playing it by the numbers.

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