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Test Breaks his Foot

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Guest Anglesault
In regards to Shane stealing the Van Terminator, he's been using that move as his finisher since before RVD joined the company (i.e. WMX8), so it's not like he's doing it to bury RVD now...

Actually, Shane has used the Macho Man elbow drop as his finisher since about 1999.

Yeah, but Shane's also used the "Coast To Coast" as a finishing move since 2000.


It's what won him the match against Vince at WMX8, and would have beaten Kane if the ref hadn't been out, so the fans can view it as the end of a match.

So, since he's used it two times, winning with it once, it's now his to use? Does that mean the Pedigree was Owen Hart's finisher in 1998?

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In regards to Shane stealing the Van Terminator, he's been using that move as his finisher since before RVD joined the company (i.e. WMX8), so it's not like he's doing it to bury RVD now...

Actually, Shane has used the Macho Man elbow drop as his finisher since about 1999.

Yeah, but Shane's also used the "Coast To Coast" as a finishing move since 2000.


It's what won him the match against Vince at WMX8, and would have beaten Kane if the ref hadn't been out, so the fans can view it as the end of a match.

So, since he's used it two times, winning with it once, it's now his to use? Does that mean the Pedigree was Owen Hart's finisher in 1998?

No, but he's used it as a high profile finisher in two very big matches, so fans are gonna associate it with him as much as the Macho Man elbow drop (which I can't remember him finishing with in ages).


Also, he used it first before RVD came into WWE. It's not like he stole it from annother WWE wrestler to say "oh, look what I can do better than RVD". And, it's hardly the move that most WWE fans associate with RVD. If anything, Shane is getting that move more over with the marks than RVD has, so that when he goes for it, it'll get more of a pop.


I still don't understand the problem people have with him doing it. It looks good, gets a pop, is a credible finisher, and is rarely used by anyone else.

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Shane used it at WrestleMania X-7, not X8.


Thank you, drive through.

Good point.


I wiped X8 from my memory...

I haven't.


Mostly because my Goddess won her first WWF/E Title!


Sure it was the Hardcore title and didn't leave the show with it, but still.

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Guest Anglesault
In regards to Shane stealing the Van Terminator, he's been using that move as his finisher since before RVD joined the company (i.e. WMX8), so it's not like he's doing it to bury RVD now...

Actually, Shane has used the Macho Man elbow drop as his finisher since about 1999.

Yeah, but Shane's also used the "Coast To Coast" as a finishing move since 2000.


It's what won him the match against Vince at WMX8, and would have beaten Kane if the ref hadn't been out, so the fans can view it as the end of a match.

So, since he's used it two times, winning with it once, it's now his to use? Does that mean the Pedigree was Owen Hart's finisher in 1998?

No, but he's used it as a high profile finisher in two very big matches, so fans are gonna associate it with him as much as the Macho Man elbow drop (which I can't remember him finishing with in ages).

He beat Bisch with it.


I think he used it to eliminate Show from winner take all

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In regards to Shane stealing the Van Terminator, he's been using that move as his finisher since before RVD joined the company (i.e. WMX8), so it's not like he's doing it to bury RVD now...

Actually, Shane has used the Macho Man elbow drop as his finisher since about 1999.

Yeah, but Shane's also used the "Coast To Coast" as a finishing move since 2000.


It's what won him the match against Vince at WMX8, and would have beaten Kane if the ref hadn't been out, so the fans can view it as the end of a match.

So, since he's used it two times, winning with it once, it's now his to use? Does that mean the Pedigree was Owen Hart's finisher in 1998?

No, but he's used it as a high profile finisher in two very big matches, so fans are gonna associate it with him as much as the Macho Man elbow drop (which I can't remember him finishing with in ages).

He beat Bisch with it.


I think he used it to eliminate Show from winner take all

Bisch is a non wrestler. It hardly builds up the legitimacy of the move.


And didn't Shane only use the elbow drop as a finisher in the Winner Takes All Match after everybody else did their finisher on him?

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Guest Anglesault
In regards to Shane stealing the Van Terminator, he's been using that move as his finisher since before RVD joined the company (i.e. WMX8), so it's not like he's doing it to bury RVD now...

Actually, Shane has used the Macho Man elbow drop as his finisher since about 1999.

Yeah, but Shane's also used the "Coast To Coast" as a finishing move since 2000.


It's what won him the match against Vince at WMX8, and would have beaten Kane if the ref hadn't been out, so the fans can view it as the end of a match.

So, since he's used it two times, winning with it once, it's now his to use? Does that mean the Pedigree was Owen Hart's finisher in 1998?

No, but he's used it as a high profile finisher in two very big matches, so fans are gonna associate it with him as much as the Macho Man elbow drop (which I can't remember him finishing with in ages).

He beat Bisch with it.


I think he used it to eliminate Show from winner take all

Bisch is a non wrestler. It hardly builds up the legitimacy of the move.


Then your Vince example must be thrown out

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Why is this even a debate?


Rob Van Dam = Wrestler

Van Terminator = Rob Van Dam's move


Shane McMahon = Non-wrestler

Non-wrestler's = Don't have any moves

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In regards to Shane stealing the Van Terminator, he's been using that move as his finisher since before RVD joined the company (i.e. WMX8), so it's not like he's doing it to bury RVD now...

Actually, Shane has used the Macho Man elbow drop as his finisher since about 1999.

Yeah, but Shane's also used the "Coast To Coast" as a finishing move since 2000.


It's what won him the match against Vince at WMX8, and would have beaten Kane if the ref hadn't been out, so the fans can view it as the end of a match.

So, since he's used it two times, winning with it once, it's now his to use? Does that mean the Pedigree was Owen Hart's finisher in 1998?

No, but he's used it as a high profile finisher in two very big matches, so fans are gonna associate it with him as much as the Macho Man elbow drop (which I can't remember him finishing with in ages).

He beat Bisch with it.


I think he used it to eliminate Show from winner take all

Bisch is a non wrestler. It hardly builds up the legitimacy of the move.


Then your Vince example must be thrown out


No, because Vince is built up as a legitimate threat in his matches, and particularly in that one against Shane.


Bischoff, on the other hand, is treated as a Karate loving fool. Nobody ever saw him as a serious threat to Shane.

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Why is this even a debate?


Rob Van Dam = Wrestler

Van Terminator = Rob Van Dam's move


Shane McMahon = Non-wrestler

Non-wrestler's = Don't have any moves

But Shane is a wrestler right now, for better or worse. And seeing as the VT gets him a pop (ad is rarely seen as an RVD move anymore by the marks) why shouldn't he use it?


Besides, he's not using it every week on television to show up Van Dam.

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And now Rob is in the WWE - give it back.


When Shane works the schedule that Rob does, then he can be considered a wrestler. Till then he is just the boss's son who is abusing that power by a)taking the heat away from one of the top heels, b)taking screen time away from actual wrestlers, and c)stealing moves from actual wrestlers. I can't see how any of this is good.

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RVD obviously hasn't complained about it.


Because he'd either stop doing it...or RVD would have been fired!


Seriously though...


How can they think it's good business to have one WRESTLER's trademark move so heavily associated with a NON WRESTLER?


Oh Right...he's a McMahon.

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From 1wrestling, via 411.com:

Management believes that the injury happened because Test moved his leg at the last second after Shane McMahon had started his jump for a Van Terminator. This caused Shane to land wrong on Test's foot.

Management isn't blaming the owner's son? Color me shocked.


Of course, that could be entirely true, but I just found that interesting.

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Guest Boo_Bradley
RVD obviously hasn't complained about it.

Rob's probably too stoned.


"Whoa, cool move dude. Where did you learn that from?"


"Er, it's your move Rob"


"NO WAY! Stop messing with my mind man"


::Rob goes off to hide in a dark corner::

:D :lol:

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From 1wrestling, via 411.com:

Management believes that the injury happened because Test moved his leg at the last second after Shane McMahon had started his jump for a Van Terminator. This caused Shane to land wrong on Test's foot.

Management isn't blaming the owner's son? Color me shocked.


Of course, that could be entirely true, but I just found that interesting.

Oh, so it was Test's fault?


It wasn't due to the fact that Shane is an untrained spot monkey?


Thank God. I was concerned for a moment. Thus, for the record: Test screwed Test.

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Of course it matters who does the move.


If you were going to have someone do a move on you that could be painful, who'd you rather have, a trained athlete or someone else?



RVD or Earl Hebner?

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No, it wouldn't of mattered in that particular situation who did the move. If Test put his foot in the way, it could've been Shane, or RVD doing to move. Either way, his foot would have got broken because of himself.

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No, somebody like RVD who has been using the move a lot longer, and has performed the move a lot more times, would have a better chance of adapting himself to discourage injury than a guy who's scarcely used it.

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OKay. I don't think you are getting this. TEST is the one who put out his foot at the last minute. No one, not Shane, not RVD, can adjust midair to prevent that injury. Therefore, it is TEST's fault that he got injured, because TEST put his foot out. Unless Shane landed wrong, then it isn't Shane's fault. He could of very well did something wrong, but according to the report, it was TEST that put his foot out.

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OKay. I don't think you are getting this. TEST is the one who put out his foot at the last minute. No one, not Shane, not RVD, can adjust midair to prevent that injury. Therefore, it is TEST's fault that he got injured, because TEST put his foot out. Unless Shane landed wrong, then it isn't Shane's fault. He could of very well did something wrong, but according to the report, it was TEST that put his foot out.

Yes, i can SEE what you're SAYING, but what Im SAYING IS that RVD would have a better chance of moving into a LESS dangerous POSITION than Shane would, how do you KNOW that RVD couldn't have MOVED when Shane couldn't have either?

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It wouldn't of mattered who did the move. Test is the one who put his foot in the way.

Are we assuming that management is saying the entire truth by blaming it on a wrestler instead of the boss' son ? I know if I was in the position of seeing a screwup at work and: a) either blaming it on an employee or b) blaming it on the son of the boss, I'd pick a. Just because management chose not to blame Shane doesn't mean it's not his fault. He couldn't have shifted his body over wrongly and landed on Test's foot? Test MUST have moved his foot the wrong time? Right. As far as I can remember, as stoned as RVD may be sometimes, I don't recall him breaking SOMEONE ELSE'S foot doing a Van-Terminator. But then again, I'm not Vince, so I must not see how stealing another guy's move and giving it to a non-wrestler is beneficial to the company.

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Yes exactly this story was probably spin doctored to make Shane look good and Test look wrong. It's not that far fetched.

And yes RVD probably could've adjusted in mid-air. If he can adjust the frog splash like he does then I'm pretty sure he can adjust a few inches to avoid Test's foot.

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