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Dangerous A

The Hypocrisy

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I know there is something along the lines of this on the page, but felt the need to critique the WWE writing team and Austin.


Why did they have Austin come in to stick up for Stacy, then end up stunning her because she didn't like beer? Don't they know how stupid and hypocritical it looks to have Austin, a wifebeater, try to come to the aid of Stacy? This reeks of hypocrisy. The thing is Austin's wifebeating was reported on mainstream tv. So how hypocritical does it look when he "supposedly" comes out to save a woman from abuse when the son of a bitch does it for real?


I just had to get that out there. Raw is despicable. So is Austin. While Austin has entertained me in many ways over the years, that doesn't prevent me from seeing what a piece of shit the man is.

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I thought the same thing when I watched the segment last night. I must be a psychic or something to know that other members of the forum were going to mention that.


I agree though, why did WWE even have Austin "save" Stacy when 1. Austin has beaten Debra in the past 2. Austin Stunned Stacy anyway after telling Steiner how stupid he is for wanting to hit her.

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One of the saddest aspects is that ,in the end,it was all done for the gratuitous Austin pop.

I agree as well. Shows the laziness of the Raw writing team, along with a total lack of common sense.

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Well it shows how lame the creative aspect of Raw truly is when Austin still seems to be the most entertaining thing to the marks.

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Here is a perfect summation from Todd Martin of WO news site.



"Rob Van Dam beat Scott Steiner by disqualification when Steiner hit him with

a chair. Steiner threatened to hit Stacy with the chair afterwards, but

Austin came out. He got Steiner to hit him, and proceeded to beat Steiner

up. He then toasted Stacy, but she didn’t like the beer so he gave her the

stunner. This segment was mind-numbingly stupid, but at least it didn’t make

me angry. It made me laugh. Okay, first you treat your IC Champion as a

total afterthought, yet again. He needs to be saved by the non-wrestling

commissioner, and just disappears as if he was never even there. Then, you

treat new heel Steiner as a complete jobber, who’s beaten up by the same guy

who doesn’t even wrestle. Then you have that commissioner, who you’re

booking as the top babyface despite the fact he can’t wrestle, attack a

babyface woman for no reason. You turn half the crowd on him, and educate

all of them that what Steiner does to her doesn’t matter, because that’s how

the babyfaces treat her too. I found it hilarious that just when I thought

WWE had booked the segment as stupid as humanly possible, they included yet

another twist that devalued the characters even more than I thought

possible. Hint: segments that hurt the marketability of everyone in them are

not good segments."



He didn't even include the hypocrisy part, but showed how not one, but two people were buried in one stupid segment that did nothing for anyone except the top non wrestler babyface.


Fuckin lame.

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The stunner on Stacy was used to further Jericho's save of Trish later in the show, just to "show up" Austin.


That was basically what the entire segment was built around.

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I thought the lamest part of the entire segment is that RVD just dissapeared. I mean are they trying to tell me that once RVD recovered from the chair shot, he would just casually walk to the back and let Austin conduct "business as usual" with Steiner? I call BULLSHIT on that one.

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The stunner on Stacy was used to further Jericho's save of Trish later in the show, just to "show up" Austin.


That was basically what the entire segment was built around.

Great, so it's ok to have your IC champ and newly turned heel get buried to further a stupid angle featuring a smark favorite vs. a non wrestler? An angle that I gurantee will not end up with Jericho smelling like a rose. My original gripe is why couldn't the Raw writing team further Jericho vs Austin by doing something else other than have Austin look like a huge hyprcrite by having him save a woman only to stun her in the end for something trivial when in real life Austin has hit women.


WWE shouldn't have even gone there. Mark my words. Austin vs Jericho will not draw any fans, ratings, or new buyrates. To top it off, they are now doing unentertaining segments to further a lame ass angle.


:: looks for $10.00 TNA money ::

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Like I said in the other thread what's almost as bad as Austin saving Stacy and then beating her himself is the way JR is played it off by saying "I'm not saying it's right but, that's just Stone Cold for you." Anybody else is a bastard and JR damns them to hell. I so wanted to smack to taste out of JR's mouth.

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Guest Choken One

Problem is...A good writer or even a monkey could make great stuff out of this segment esp since Jericho upstaged him later that night by saving Trish...


But we know who writes this and come next week it's old news...

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Great, so it's ok to have your IC champ and newly turned heel get buried to further a stupid angle featuring a smark favorite vs. a non wrestler?

Of course not. I didn't say that it was okay to do it; I DO understand where they were going with it, no matter how bad it was.


An angle that I gurantee will not end up with Jericho smelling like a rose.


It'll end with Austin leaving. That won't make Jericho look better?


My original gripe is why couldn't the Raw writing team further Jericho vs Austin by doing something else other than have Austin look like a huge hyprcrite by having him save a woman only to stun her in the end for something trivial when in real life Austin has hit women.


It's the WWE writing team. They book the way they feel will draw interest to the feud, no matter how half-assed it's done.


WWE shouldn't have even gone there. Mark my words.


They have...many times before.


--Dudleys putting women through tables.

--Jericho "breaking" Chyna's hand.

--Tori being chokeslammed by Kane.

--Victoria being powerbombed through a table by the Goodfather.

--Mae Young (1.) Angle-slammed by Kurt, while "pregnant" (2.) Chokeslammed by Big Show (3.) Pump-handle slammed by Test. (4.) Power-bombed off stage by Bubba (5.) Etc.

--Austin stunning Molly and Stephanie.

--Austin chairing the shit out of Lita.

--3MW going after the HLA girls.


Austin vs Jericho will not draw any fans, ratings, or new buyrates. To top it off, they are now doing unentertaining segments to further a lame ass angle.


Austin v. Jericho is an angle, not a PPV match. It's leading towards something else (though I doubt the WWE has planned that far ahead), that'll involve a new feud for Jericho, with Austin moving to Smackdown.

Edited by bravesfan

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Guest Polish_Rifle
The stunner on Stacy was used to further Jericho's save of Trish later in the show, just to "show up" Austin.


That was basically what the entire segment was built around.

If that was what they were going for, then at least they should've had Austin stun a hell like Victoria, Gail or Molly after he was provoked or something.


The writing is just recycling all of the old storylines. How many attempted hit and runs are we going to have? I also remember a few years ago that someone tried to kill or injure another wrestler by pushing crap off of a roof. What's next? Someone will come out with a truck and hose his opponents with...oh, nevermind.

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Guest Choken One

It's simple as this...If it's going the way it SHOULD go...the idea is to basically turn Austin and paint him as this Hypocritical self serving asshole and Jericho to chase him out of town...It's better to attack stacy then a Heel diva that the fans could care less bout...


Yes we know they popped for the stunner but if you can get Stacy to join Jericho's plight...boom...

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It's simple as this...If it's going the way it SHOULD go...the idea is to basically turn Austin and paint him as this Hypocritical self serving asshole and Jericho to chase him out of town...It's better to attack stacy then a Heel diva that the fans could care less bout...


Yes we know they popped for the stunner but if you can get Stacy to join Jericho's plight...boom...

That does sound like an interesting angle, but unfortunately it will not work for the simple fact nearly everyone has been conditioned to cheer Austin regardless of what he does. He would have to shoot on her before the fans would even think of turning on him and even then he'd have half of them supporting him.

I really do hope the Jericho's current storyline plays out, since it seems to be the first time in years that the writers have actually planned out anything long term, though if that is more because Jericho knows how to carry the writing team or the writers have suddenly experienced a momentary flash of brilliance...bleh, I'll go with Jericho carries them.

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Well, Todd Martin is a JR-Grade moron, so that's not surprising.

I agree with what he said in the above quote. This entire segment hurt everyone's credibility except for Austin. And Austin seems to be untouchable anyways in the common fan's eyes.


The thing that really upset me the most was the fact that the crowd popped for a woman taking the finishing move of a former champ for no real reason at all. Is this what people have come to? Shouldn't the crowd have been upset at this action? In my mind, Jericho is acting like the face in this feud and Austin the heel.

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Guest Choken One

No but the angle is that EVERYONE is against Austin and remember it was Jericho only who wanted this and now he has about 8 people behind him (X, Conway, Rene already aligned) and now you likely got Test, Steiner, Stacy to join him and you could get Trish on his side but not neccesarily a Heel turn...I believe the whole thing will lead up to a weak lame Mutiny "Fire him or we leave" type blowoff ala when Raw wrestlers led by Rock ORDERED The Helmsly/McMahon regime to rehire Foley.


In the end, if the plans go right...Jericho should be a huge face since he will driven out the manipulative bastard...so when Austin arrives at Smackdown he'll already be a huge heel...

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Guest netslob

all it does is show Wifebeater 3:16 for what her really is... a drunken hick with a fetish for smacking blondes. boom...says it all right there...

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When it's all said and done...Austin can do no wrong. Except when he joined the Alliance and did pretty much exactly what he's doing now...then he was a "GAWDDAMNSONOFABITCH!"

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Guest Just J

The angle was great. Having Austin saying that shit to Stiener was HILARIOUS! But the stunner was just plain great. I only saw the first hour, but that was the best part by far.

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The segment was just stupid. I am pointing out how hypocritical it looks to have Austin, a known wifebeater, save a babyface Kiebler, then put his hands on her. I am sure there are more than several ways to get Austin to SD without having to go this route. Oh well. I guess Austin get's a pass for beating women with fans and smarks alike. I mean, why not? He drinks beer and wrestles a great match when he's not crippled.


And RRR, I know Todd Martin is JR fanboy #1, but he summarized exactly what was wrong with that segment, minus the hypocrisy factor.


I also do notice how they keep recycling storylines. Did anyone get nostalgic for 2000 when they saw Goldberg almost get run over and get shit thrown at him from a high place? Very reminicient of Austin's Runover and find who did it angle from over 3 years ago. Fuckin lame ass WWE writing team. And Vince OK'd it.


Well, Fuck you Vince. You and your whole fuckin family. Right up your fuckin asses.

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You call him a wifebeater and say "he does it in real life" when he only hit her once. Did he hit his other two wives? Does he attack women backstage? Does he attack women at the Chevron when they ask for ID when he buys a 6 pack? Im not condomning what he did, but Jesus, get off his fucking back.

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Guest Redhawk

I see the whole "Jericho showing up Austin" thing, but can't they do that with a little more subtlety? Like maybe while Austin is kicking Steiner's ass, he accidentally hits Stacy? That'd be better than a totally out-of-nowhere stunner that's going to turn Austin heel quicker than they want to. But WWE has not been a fan of the slow burn lately.

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Guest The Rising Star
Did Bret Hart really say that shit about Flair?


'Cause if he did, that is GOLD.



He did and it was GOLD.

Bret Hart isn't exactly the greatest wrestler to step into the ring, either. Owen was way more talented than Bret.

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