EdwardKnoxII 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 Got this from a wrestling message board. Enjoy. credit to wade TOP STORY: Hey there's a PPV this weekend. None of the matches have set the world on fire, but a lot of them could be surprising. Angle/Cena could steal the show, since Angle wants to go in and show that he can carry a promising-but-green youngster like Cena to a great match. Brock and Taker had quite a match a year ago at No Mercy, and Brock has only gotten better since then while Taker has had a year with strong performances. Taker is being bothered by an elbow problem again, but that's just another day at the office for him. Big Show has probably had his best in-ring year ever, getting to work with strong performers like Angle and Brock. Eddie Guerrero is another great worker, although he may not match up with Show quite as well as those other two did. Vince against Stephanie should be interesting if only to see what angle develops from Stephanie being removed as GM of Smackdown. There's also a Rey/Tajiri match that could be good if given the proper time. Smackdown held up well last week against tough competition, so it the PPV may not draw as badly as people seem to think it will. TOP 5 STORIES OF THE WEEK: #1 - Jeff Jarrett attacked Hogan in Japan to set up their match. Hogan was doing a press conference after his match in New Japan when Jeff hit him with a guitar. #2 - Hogan wrestled for New Japan, beating Chono at the Tokyo Dome. The crowd of 35,000 was disappointing, but the Dome usually has a big number of walk-up sales and some kind of blackout shut down a lot of their public transportation systems. That's how most people get to the shows, unlike the U.S. where they just drive. As usual, Hogan kissed ass big-time to the Japanese media, saying New Japan is where he wants to retire and they have the only belt that matters and he'd rather work there than do WM20. #3 - Stephanie did an interview with a newspaper and talked about how she decided to wrestle. She denied that her family is on TV to try keeping power away from the big stars who could leave them behind, like Rock or Austin. #4 - Test broke his foot during a Van Terminator by Shane McMahon at a house show. People are saying that Test re-positioned himself after Shane's jump, so you can't really blame Shane for it, but those Shane-haters are mad anyway. #5 - Bob Holly wrestled Tough Enough's Matt Capotelli in OVW. They're doing an angle off the incident where Bob got rough with him. WWE NEWS: - In the main story they brought up the thing about Austin jumping to Smackdown, but just in a "maybe this could happen" type way. There was nothing more on whether that will happen or not. - Management is cracking down on risky neck moves again. I was gonna add this in last week cause they had a thing about it, but I forgot. - Speaking of last week, the location for Stephanie and Hunter's wedding was wrong. They corrected it in an e-mail. So if you're planning to attend, I'll try to find that for you. - The Rundown dropped to #7 last week, and will probably drop out of the top 10 this coming weekend. It's grossed about $40 million so far, barely half of what it cost to make the movie, and then there's the advertising budget of $20-$30 million. It's being labeled a big disappointment, but Rock doesn't seem to have been hurt by it's poor showing. With the hype for the movie and all his appearances and the #1 opening, he at least got his name out there and looked like a big star. - The sewage that Eddie sprayed on Big Show was actually watered-down dog food. The production crew had a huge batch of it and had to figure out the best way to water it down and make it look chunky, but not too chunky. - Kevin Nash is apparently going to get the Kurt Angle neck surgery from Dr. Jho, so scratch him showing up to collect the Goldberg bounty. It seems like odd timing for him to have this done with his contract running out in February, unless he's just totally unable to wrestle anymore without it. - There was a really short main event between Angle, Cena, and Brock at a house show in Trenton the other week. The crowd was small and wasn't reacting to the match at all, so with the TV tapings and European tour coming right afterwards, they decided to scrap the match and rest up for a night. - Kevin Dunn is behind the idea of using handheld cameras at house shows to show how fun and exciting they can be. - Kane's doctor on Raw was played by ROH's Chad Collyer. TNA NEWZ: - People are expecting Vince Russo to take a public hiatus from the company, then return once Hogan is no longer around. The story floating around is that Russo won't be on TV with Hogan and won't be allowed to be in the same building with him, although the reasons behind it differ some. Some people say Hogan demanded this. Others say AOL/TW attorneys are insisting that Russo not work a show with Hogan because of the lawsuit, although nothing like that came from AOL during the 5 minutes when Hogan and Russo both worked for WWE last year. Either way, people think Russo will still work as a ghostwriter behind the scenes. But some people suspect that TNA is floating this story so it'll seem like a big deal if Russo is on camera with Hogan. - Most TNA wrestlers don't think they'll be getting paid extra to work the big Nov. 30th PPV because of how their contracts are worded. But since the Wednesday prior to the PPV is the day before Thanksgiving, some wrestlers weren't expecting to be booked at all that week, so it might even out. - The latest word on the PPV site is the Nashville Auditorium, but there's still talk of Vegas and maybe in Florida near Hulk. Just have it in his backyard. TNA suits still hope to do Vegas, but they might not have the time to get a promoter's license before this show. - A rumor out of Japan is that New Japan allowed the Hogan/Jarrett angle to be filmed for a fee, with some sources pegging the figure as high as $10,000. - Industry critics are speaking out heavily against the idea of the Nov. 30th PPV on such short notice, with one source saying it could be the nail in TNA's coffin. Said one guy: "They need to have an entire (ad) campaign in place. They need at least seven or eight weeks to do that right. This is going to be a disaster. They've just abandoned their business plan completely." - Antonio Pena was backstage again last week. One guy claims to have seen Konnan giving back the AAA belt that he's refused to give back for the past several years. - Regarding the dislike of Raven, it's mainly the under and midcard guys who don't like him. Not counting the America's Most Wanted guys, who apparently don't like him, Raven isn't disliked by top wrestlers. Main event guys think he tells the younger guys things they need to hear but don't want to. CLASSIC TORCH: - Randy Savage lashed out at Hulk Hogan on Radio WWF, the first time he'd gone public with his overwhelming hatred. He talked about how he begged Hogan not to lie on Arsenio, and how he blamed Hogan and his wife for his divorce with Elizabeth. Then all of a sudden he busted out a rap about how Hogan's a chump and he never thought Hulk would go out like a punk. BE A MAN HOGAN. - Jesse Ventura took a dig at Hogan's movie career on WCWSN, pointing out that he was the only wrestler in a big movie that weekend. ON TOPIC WITH JASON POWELL: Hogan working with TNA is a big gamble. If the show bombs he could lose lots of credibility within the industry, with Vince, with TV suits who still see him as a big name. It's surprising that Hogan would agree to this with the last minute nature of the whole thing. THIS WEEK WITH WADE KELLER: He's got an Undertaker boner for some reason, so he picks Taker's 12 best PPV matches ever (so far). He writes about them and why one would be higher than another, but who cares. #12 - Taker vs. RVD (Vengeance 2001, ***1/4) #11 - Taker vs. Rock (KOTR 1999, ***1/4) #10 - Taker vs. Brock (No Mercy 2001, ***½) #9 - Taker vs. Triple H (WM17, ***½) #8 - Taker vs. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 97, ***½) #7 - Taker vs. Steve Austin (SummerSlam 98, ****) #6 - Taker vs. Ric Flair (WM18, ***3/4) #5 - Taker vs. Austin (Fully Loaded 99, ****) #4 - Taker vs. Mankind (Revenge of the Taker, ****) #3 - Taker vs. Shawn Michaels (Ground Zero, ****1/4) #2 - Taker vs. Mankind (KOTR 98, ****½) #1 - Taker vs. Shawn (Badd Blood, ****3/4) THE MCNEILL FACTOR: He books the best possible undercard for TNA's big PPV. Raven vs. Vampiro (dog collar match) Simon/Swinger vs. America's Most Wanted Kid Kash vs. Abyss Michael Shane vs. Teddy Hart: X Division title AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels TORCH TALK WITH RAVEN: He talks all about how he left WCW and then his return to WWE. It's pretty good but they didn't put it online this week. He did some drugs and banged some chicks and hadn't slept for 50 hours prior to Bischoff offering him his release from WCW that he took. Then Bischoff was all impressed that he took it, and told Raven about this big angle where the KISS Demon would take over the world and would need to be stopped on New Year's Eve or whatever that whole thing was, and Raven almost stayed. But then Eric told him about the tie-in with Dustin Rhodes' Seven gimmick ripoff, and Raven didn't like it and he left. Back in WWE, Pat Patterson didn't like him and didn't get his gimmick. "Well, Pat, you're 70 f-ckin' years old, you're not supposed to get it." He would argue with Pat and be like "when you were young, did the old timers get your gimmick? But did you still get to do your thing and get over? Why won't you let me do that?" and Pat's like "I dunno. I just don't get it." So Pat would be all "I don't get it" to Vince, and Vince wasn't big on Raven because of it. But Raven liked Vince a lot. He's good people. HOORAY A JAMES GUTTMAN COLUMN: He interviews Vince in 2010. Vince is about to main event WrestleMania 26 against his 5 year old grandson. Shane was killed at the 2004 Royal Rumble when Vince decided to replace the foam and pillows under the set with sulfuric acid prior to Shane taking a big jump off something. When Bischoff's contract expired, Vince killed him on live TV. Coach is now a Governor. Vince started a 24-hour wrestling channel, but all it showed was a smiling picture of himself 24 hours a day. The funniest part is Vince describing how he'd briefly changed Raw into the "Goldberg Schmo Show". "I blame Spike TV for trashing that idea. How could they drop the ball on that? An entire roster of wrestlers only pretending to fight while one competitor thought it was all real. Every week fans would tune in to see what wacky mishaps Bill would get into. Who would he drop on their head? It was gold." END NOTES WITH WADE: Finally!!! Footage from house shows!!! Wade's biggest suggestion for helping house show business has been followed! I guess he can retire now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haVoc 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 #12 - Taker vs. RVD (Vengeance 2001, ***1/4) #11 - Taker vs. Rock (KOTR 1999, ***1/4) #10 - Taker vs. Brock (No Mercy 2001, ***½) #9 - Taker vs. Triple H (WM17, ***½) #8 - Taker vs. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 97, ***½) #7 - Taker vs. Steve Austin (SummerSlam 98, ****) #6 - Taker vs. Ric Flair (WM18, ***3/4) #5 - Taker vs. Austin (Fully Loaded 99, ****) #4 - Taker vs. Mankind (Revenge of the Taker, ****) #3 - Taker vs. Shawn Michaels (Ground Zero, ****1/4) #2 - Taker vs. Mankind (KOTR 98, ****½) #1 - Taker vs. Shawn (Badd Blood, ****3/4) I'd put Taker Vs Triple H in the #2 spot and move the rest down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ghost of bps21 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 That match was so bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haVoc 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 Why was it bad? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ghost of bps21 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 It was slow, plodding and went nowhere. Only the mightiest of men can make it through watching it without fast forwarding. I think it somehow gained an extra * for the chokeslam off the thing outside and ANOTHER * for being before HHH totally sucked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{''({o..o})''} 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 I always give that match an extra * because of the "all your base are belong to us" sign thats visable on camera a couple of times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EdwardKnoxII 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 - Randy Savage lashed out at Hulk Hogan on Radio WWF, the first time he'd gone public with his overwhelming hatred. He talked about how he begged Hogan not to lie on Arsenio, and how he blamed Hogan and his wife for his divorce with Elizabeth. I'm shocked that the way the WWF was at that time that they let Savage get away with saying those things unless this was during the time that Hogan left the fed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fook Report post Posted October 18, 2003 I don't find Taker/HHH at WM overrated or boring at all. The ***1/2 given there is exactly how I'd rate that match. That being said, I feel the HIAC with Foley is not even close to ****1/2, and the Flair match is overrated at ***3/4. I'd give them *1/2 and **1/2 respectively. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 Taker vs Angle from SD! should be on that list. The sewage that Eddie sprayed on Big Show was actually watered-down dog food. The production crew had a huge batch of it and had to figure out the best way to water it down and make it look chunky, but not too chunky. Just think of all the things that time could have been used on. Like a promo video for Tajiri-Rey...or Angle-Cena...Hell, even Vince Steph... It says a lot when a guy can say, when asked by his wife how his day was, 'Oh, me and the guys made dog food look like sewage. What's for dinner?' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord of The Curry 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 *Gasp* Ric Flair is OVERRATED?! *Bites lip. Resists urge to smark out.* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EdwardKnoxII 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 It says a lot when a guy can say, when asked by his wife how his day was, 'Oh, me and the guys made dog food look like sewage. What's for dinner?' Hell with the way the WWE is I'm shocked Vince didn't collect real sewage for them to use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 TOP 5 STORIES OF THE WEEK: #2 - Hogan saying New Japan is where he wants to retire and they have the only belt that matters and he'd rather work there than do WM20. #3 - Stephanie did an interview with a newspaper and talked about how she decided to wrestle. She denied that her family is on TV to try keeping power away from the big stars who could leave them behind, like Rock or Austin. #5 - Bob Holly wrestled Tough Enough's Matt Capotelli in OVW. They're doing an angle off the incident where Bob got rough with him. Damn, I want to see this as it happens. - Kevin Dunn is behind the idea of using handheld cameras at house shows to show how fun and exciting they can be. Wait, so we can bring cameras / camcorders into arenas now for house shows? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J.B. Buzzkill 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 I don't find Taker/HHH at WM overrated or boring at all. The ***1/2 given there is exactly how I'd rate that match. Thank God I'm not the only person who found that match enjoyable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianChick 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 The sewage that Eddie sprayed on Big Show was actually watered-down dog food. The production crew had a huge batch of it and had to figure out the best way to water it down and make it look chunky, but not too chunky. Anyone else wondering why the production crew had a huge batch of dog food? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack_Bauer 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 I thought HHH v Undertaker was good but the middle part with the bump bored the hell out of me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cabbageboy 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 I would put that UT/RVD match higher. It was better than the HHH one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
godthedog 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 #12 - Taker vs. RVD (Vengeance 2001, ***1/4) #11 - Taker vs. Rock (KOTR 1999, ***1/4) #10 - Taker vs. Brock (No Mercy 2001, ***½) #9 - Taker vs. Triple H (WM17, ***½) #8 - Taker vs. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 97, ***½) #7 - Taker vs. Steve Austin (SummerSlam 98, ****) #6 - Taker vs. Ric Flair (WM18, ***3/4) #5 - Taker vs. Austin (Fully Loaded 99, ****) #4 - Taker vs. Mankind (Revenge of the Taker, ****) #3 - Taker vs. Shawn Michaels (Ground Zero, ****1/4) #2 - Taker vs. Mankind (KOTR 98, ****½) #1 - Taker vs. Shawn (Badd Blood, ****3/4) anybody else notice that the one night only match with bret (probably the REAL best match of his career) is missing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lil' Bitch 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 Austin / Undertaker SS 98 > Austin / Undertaker Fully Loaded 99 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist Report post Posted October 18, 2003 #12 - Taker vs. RVD (Vengeance 2001, ***1/4) #11 - Taker vs. Rock (KOTR 1999, ***1/4) #10 - Taker vs. Brock (No Mercy 2001, ***½) #9 - Taker vs. Triple H (WM17, ***½) #8 - Taker vs. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 97, ***½) #7 - Taker vs. Steve Austin (SummerSlam 98, ****) #6 - Taker vs. Ric Flair (WM18, ***3/4) #5 - Taker vs. Austin (Fully Loaded 99, ****) #4 - Taker vs. Mankind (Revenge of the Taker, ****) #3 - Taker vs. Shawn Michaels (Ground Zero, ****1/4) #2 - Taker vs. Mankind (KOTR 98, ****½) #1 - Taker vs. Shawn (Badd Blood, ****3/4) You know, if you were to take out the Rock Match from KOTR99, thatd be one fucking awesome DVD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack_Bauer 0 Report post Posted October 18, 2003 I didnt like the Fully Loaded match much, but I thought that the SS 98 match was OK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Papacita 0 Report post Posted October 19, 2003 He talked about how he begged Hogan not to lie on Arsenio Anyone know the story behind this? What did Hogan say on Arsenio? #11 - Taker vs. Rock (KOTR 1999, ***1/4) #8 - Taker vs. Bret Hart (SummerSlam 97, ***½) #7 - Taker vs. Steve Austin (SummerSlam 98, ****) #5 - Taker vs. Austin (Fully Loaded 99, ****) #2 - Taker vs. Mankind (KOTR 98, ****½) 1. Rock and Taker???? Aside from JR busting out "What a no good, lousy son of a bitch" when HHH ran in, what was so special about this match? 2. As much as I marked out for Taker/Hart in 97, watching it again on tape, that match is kinda boring. I'm sure there were better matches out there to choose from. 3. I *HATE* the Austin/Taker series with a passion. I've said before that the SummerSlam match was a big let down, and while the Fully Loaded match had some nice psychology, it still seemed to me like they were just going through the motions in that one. 4. The HIAC is very overrated, but we've all heard that before. I liked everything else he listed...though Taker/Flair was kinda iffy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mandarin 0 Report post Posted October 19, 2003 He talked about how he begged Hogan not to lie on Arsenio Anyone know the story behind this? What did Hogan say on Arsenio? Hogan basically looked like a fool denying that he ever used steroids. I have Hogan's book somewhere, I'll give more in-depth details (if someone already hasn't), after I eat dinner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord of The Curry 0 Report post Posted October 19, 2003 The sewage that Eddie sprayed on Big Show was actually watered-down dog food. The production crew had a huge batch of it and had to figure out the best way to water it down and make it look chunky, but not too chunky. Anyone else wondering why the production crew had a huge batch of dog food? It was a "snack" for Steph. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RavishingRickRudo 0 Report post Posted October 19, 2003 "Good Lord" -Dr. Hibbert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KTID 0 Report post Posted October 19, 2003 Hogan told Arsenio Hall that he had never used steroids, even though it had been obvious for years that he had been using them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites