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Spicy McHaggis

The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

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Guest drdrainoscott

I dont get what getting with Nina will prove. Even if Jack had turned bad, he would still most likely be mad at Nina for killing his wife. Bad guys have feelings too!

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Awww man that stupid brat!

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Oh God they're bringing a baby into CTU, isn't that like, against regulations or something?

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*cries* 2 weeks till next episode :(


Great episode though, looks like Palmer's finally ready to get down and dirty...and he knew just who to call to do it :)


Chase definately earned some bad ass points with that hot poker, youch.

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I was way more excited to see Sherry than I was to see Nina.


Mainly because Sherry still seems like she FITS in the storylines, while Nina is just "Hey look! It's a Very Special Guest Appearance by Nina!"

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Good episode. Jack = badass as always.


What Chase did with sealing up that gunshot, that was hardcore! And the Palmer subplot finally picked up. The Bitch is Back!!!


However, the CTU "drama" continues to be crappy. The only way to salvage is if Chloe's baby has the virus and it infects everybody.

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However, the CTU "drama" continues to be crappy. The only way to salvage is if Chloe's baby has the virus and it infects everybody.

Honestly I'd just be happy if Chloe, her baby and whatever issues she has just disappears.

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I'm just tired of Sherri.

The thing about her return that makes it awesome is that this is the first time in the 3 seasons that Palmer is using her bitchiness to get something out of it.


Scott Keith said on his blog regarding Chloe:


"I'd hit it"

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I like Chloe, but I agree with Chappelle's assesment of her baby. I just can't see a baby leading anywhere good.


Plus, why the hell is her baby even awake at 11 PM? That's one shitty babysitter.

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Guest Skironox

A little late, but I loved last nights episode. A very suspenseful ride.


Too bad about Cloudia. Damn, Jack loses another woman because of his job. Poor guy.


Chase is now lifted to official badass status. He took a shot to the hand, and sealed it with an iron for gods sake!


A very unrevealing preview for next episode, which is unfortunately two weeks away. About the only thing it really gave away was that the brothers are feuding.


So who's endured the worse torture? Jack or Chase?

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Another great episode, things were starting to slow down again but tonight things got picked up once again. I'm actually interested in the Palmer story now, thanks to Sherry. Jack and the Salazars will be fun next week. The only thing annoying was the baby part but oh well.

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As usual the preview for the next episode does it job in making me not want to wait!


As for tonight's episode, another solid show. I'm absolutely loving this season...Looks like next weeks episode may be the one that kinda switches directions on things a bit.


Oh and spoiler.....






















bye bye Hector, heh

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