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Spicy McHaggis

The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

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Guest Evolution

I'm thinking it has something to do with Operation Nightfall, which was only mentioned in Season One.


It's a long shot, and it's risky to bring up given that the fan base of 24 are probably people who joined in around the 2nd season, not the 1st, but it's a nice reward for those of us who DO remember Operation Nightfall in Kosovo (that led to the Drazens in Season 1)

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I'm thinking it has something to do with Operation Nightfall, which was only mentioned in Season One.


It's a long shot, and it's risky to bring up given that the fan base of 24 are probably people who joined in around the 2nd season, not the 1st, but it's a nice reward for those of us who DO remember Operation Nightfall in Kosovo (that led to the Drazens in Season 1)

Righto. Im happy they went back that far. Kinda a payoff for fans who followed all the way through. Awesome shit.

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Did you notice that Jack still hasn't called Palmer yet and let him know who this guy is....while Palmers playing games with them.


And what ever happened to the Sherry Situation? did they realize it was going nowhere and cut it? if so, good move

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Guest Evolution

Definitely the best episode this season, but the season 1 finale trumps this one quite easily.


Still, it's fun to watch it all come together for the end.

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Guest Fook
And what ever happened to the Sherry Situation? did they realize it was going nowhere and cut it? if so, good move

I think so.


Palmer told her off in last week's episode and told her to go home. I have a feeling it'll be brought up again once a few hours pass and the media is made aware of Milliken's death.

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g'damn that episode ruled....Kiefer said in a recent interview that this last batch of episodes this season would be some of the best work they've done and so far he's right on the money :D

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Last nights episode was probably the best episode since Season 1. The good points are that they've seemingly condensed storylines down a lot (now the only major subplot is between Michelle and Tony). They've pretty much written out Kim (gee, I wonder why) for the past few episodes and it looks like they put the whole Sherry thing on the backburner. I liked tying in Saunders to the first season.

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Guest Evolution

One problem with all of this is that in one of the books that is a guide to 24, the mission details on Operation Nightfall in Kosovo do not list Saunders as one of the people killed.


A minor oversight, for sure.

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Guest Evolution

By the way, here's another throwback to the first season:


In season 1, Jack talked with Palmer about what the Drazens were up to when a cell phone he was given in the scene with the sniper at the oil rig began to ring. Jack gave it to Palmer, Palmer talked to the Drazens, and Jack realized it was a trap, throwing the cell phone just in time before it was blown.


Notice the main Secret Service man (an actor I love) gave him the cell phone from Saunders' package, simply mentioning that it was "clean."


Nice touch there.

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I thought the SS guy was just doing that because he is the President and they need to make sure he is safe.


But that continuty is great too.

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Guest Miss Indy Queen



They're not showing 24 tonight!!!



I was watching fox news this morning and they said that they're showing a State of the Union address at 8:30pm so American Idol is being bumped to Wednesday night with results on Thursday but they made no indication of what's happening with 24. Before and after the Presidential thing is an episode of that 70's show.


I'm so damn bummed over this because I was so looking forward to tonight's show.



Edit: If you go to 24 Homepage they have a pop up window that says episode 18 of 24 will Air on Sunday April 18th at 9pm.



So there you have it, tonight's episode will be on sunday night.

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Well I really wanted to see tonights episode, but if it's on sunday night then I only have to wait 2 nights til the next episode. So I guess it works out good in the end.

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Guest T®ITEC

Oh, for the love of Jeebus... Well, whatever. According to Comcast's little schedule, "The Swan" is on in 24's spot. Fantastic.

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