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Matt Young

Guess who just got out of the joint?

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Yeah, me. That's right. Straight A's, Christian school going, perfect little Matt Young was arrested and incarcerated for the first time in his life tonight. I got my ass cuffed and tossed in county. The charges and story are as follows since I can lazily and sleepily copy and paste from my AIM convo with LJ:


"Illegal consumption of alcohol, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of cannabis- all misdemeanors. It sucks... I never got caught before, and I shouldn't have this time. I wasn't driving, but the cops followed us and pulled us over and never said what for. They saw the beer cans, then searched us and took my bowl. I had like 1 gram of weed on me and had drank 2 beers... basically nothing. But I should have seen it coming. My mom was all like, "don't get busted tonight!" before I left, and when Shaun bought the beer, it rang up to $6.66. It was a fucking omen."


So this past 8 months, in addition to becoming suicidal, depressed, anorexic/bulemic, alcoholic, a nicotine addict, and just overall loser, I now have been arrested. I asked for a copy of my mug shot, but apparently they don't give those out. Would've made a great avatar though. I honestly wasn't too worried when it was going on... I'm still confident I can make a case for illegal search and seizure, and I wasn't doing anything morally wrong, so my conscience is guilt free. Still, looking at it from an objective perspective, you can just add this to the long list of reasons for me to cease to exist

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Guest Random Hero

There seems to be a lot of depressed people posting recently. Come on guys it can't be that bad.

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Just remember as bad as life gets it can always get worse. There is no rock bottom.





Shit, I was trying to make you feel better. Ooops.




On a serious note, lighten the fuck up. You're young, have fun. And at least you're not some starving kid in Africa, you've got a home, food, and clothing on your back. Just don't have open beers in a car ever again, and you should be fine.

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My mom was all like, "don't get busted tonight!" before I left...

I just lost you after I read that.

Yeah, really.


If you were my kid, if I even had the suspicion that you were going to get busted for something, I'd keep your ass locked up in the house.



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Guest El Satanico

Well all parents aren't nazi's who have an obsession with controling everything. "Don't get busted tonight" is no different than "don't get in trouble tonight" or any other such parental warning when you go out.

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I have to disagree with you there.


Getting into trouble is one thing...getting busted is another.


If a parent think they're child has a good chance of getting busted out there, then there's something wrong, no?



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Guest El Satanico

No I'm saying that a parent saying "Don't get busted" is just a different way of saying "Don't get into trouble". I believe you're reading too much into that statement.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I remember back in the day when my mom found my first bong. It was sunny, sometime in the summer, and I'll never forget her immortal words of advice.


"Hide it better."

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Wow, I'm so sorry you got busted for drink driving and possesion of an illegal drug. Curse those evil policemen.


He wasn't driving. Just to clear that up.


I don't think Matt was subjected to enough after-school specials when he was young.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I remember getting stoned on my 17th birthday after school and coming home completely toasted. My mom punched me in the stomach as hard as she could...I think it had something to do with being arrested for being with my friend who had weed on him only 12 days before.

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Guest FrigidSoul
I don't think Matt was subjected to enough after-school specials when he was young.

*Waynes World "didditly-doot" flashes us back to a tripped out Helen Hunt jumping out a window*

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It's relatively easy not to get caught. Just don't draw attention to yourself. This does not mean driving around smoking weed right in front of cops and leaving open beer cans all over the car btw. At 22 I have been arrested zero times and cited once, and that's cause a house party was busted which is hardly my fault. It was because other people didn't know how to get fucked up and not shout or go out front and piss in the street.

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Well, you all make good points. However, Dames, my mom can't keep me in the house, seeing as I am 19. And the cops had NO REASON whatsoever to pull us over, as we weren't even smoking at the time and it would have been impossible to notice the beer in the cupholders. The driver made no violations which would have resulted in being pulled over, which means this shouldn't have ever happened. The cops literally followed us for 4 blocks as we headed to this guy's house. I've had bad experiences with Chatham cops prior to this... They pull people over for no reason at all.

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Guest The Old Me
My mom was all like, "don't get busted tonight!" before I left...

I just lost you after I read that.

Yeah, really.


If you were my kid, if I even had the suspicion that you were going to get busted for something, I'd keep your ass locked up in the house.



Nuff said.

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Well, you all make good points. However, Dames, my mom can't keep me in the house, seeing as I am 19. And the cops had NO REASON whatsoever to pull us over, as we weren't even smoking at the time and it would have been impossible to notice the beer in the cupholders. The driver made no violations which would have resulted in being pulled over, which means this shouldn't have ever happened. The cops literally followed us for 4 blocks as we headed to this guy's house. I've had bad experiences with Chatham cops prior to this... They pull people over for no reason at all.

Yeah well it did and frankly, in my opinion you were just asking for it too. Having open beer cans(Underage drinking...smooth) is a pretty stupid move considering the risk of getting pulled over anyways.

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I'll never forget when my old probation officer walked into mine and my old roommates appartment and saw the bong sitting in the window. That was fun talking my way out of.


Also, how does or why would a guy become anorexic/bulemic? I can understand if you drink too much at times so you make yourself throw up so the room stops spinning. But, you also made a habit of throwing up your food?

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Well, you all make good points. However, Dames, my mom can't keep me in the house, seeing as I am 19. And the cops had NO REASON whatsoever to pull us over, as we weren't even smoking at the time and it would have been impossible to notice the beer in the cupholders. The driver made no violations which would have resulted in being pulled over, which means this shouldn't have ever happened. The cops literally followed us for 4 blocks as we headed to this guy's house. I've had bad experiences with Chatham cops prior to this... They pull people over for no reason at all.

Cops don't need a reason to pull you over. Every heard of random stops to catch people exactly like you?

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I'm not going to argue with you guys about your opinions, because in one way or another they are all warranted. I just wanted to share my story.


As far as the bulemia goes... I don't know if that's the ebst term since I don't make myself throw up. I just was (and still am to an extent) going through a hellacious time in my life, and I get so upset I can't hold down food. As a result, I just stopped eating more than once every few days. I went from 168 pounds to 132, stayed at 135 for a while, and now I weigh 127.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Cops don't need a reason to pull you over. Every heard of random stops to catch people exactly like you?

What are you talking about? Yes they do need a reason, although they can always make one up, so basically, they don't.

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Cops don't need a reason to pull you over.  Every heard of random stops to catch people exactly like you?

What are you talking about? Yes they do need a reason, although they can always make one up, so basically, they don't.

Exactly, my friend got arrested in August with a DUI and possession. What did it say on his reason for traffic stop, reckless driving, where did the cop get him?


White Castle drive thru :huh:


Sorry about that Matt, I've done my share of dumb things, but remember "it shouldn't have happened" should be referring to open containers in the car. Be smart, sorry to sound preachy.

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