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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

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Guest Goodear

1. Really liked the Molly segment. Other than the fact that she was UberHot, Molly can cut a pretty damn good heel promo. Sadly she will be losing the belt to Lita at SS.


The women's division is actually one of the best booked deals in the WWE even if you cut out the whole Christian/Jericho/Trish/Lita thing. Molly has been doing a fine job as a dominant champion while using Gail Kim (who has improved so much by not trying to fly all the time) as a lackey. Trish is constantly improving and seems to slid into a side feud with Victoria who is always a good threat. And Lita for all of her faults works well with the injury storyline she has going on with her neck.


2. Austin's segment in the locker room with HBK was gold. Little too much SCSA over the course of the night though.


Agreed, Austin needs to be cut back a tad. I think it would have been more effective to combine his segments with Michaels and Batista so it didn't feel like he was all over the place at all times... the stuff with the Coach could have been cut entirely.


3. What the hell was Lance Storm doing? Can anyone tell me please? He looked terrible.


Lance has found the fun after a mini-run with Goldust (who is out with an elbow injury) and in the middle of his biggest push since the Invasion... which isn't saying much. Basically he dances badly and has weird music but I find it to be wicked fun.


4. No Hurricane makes the Platypi sad.


Hurricane is like the lost little puppy on RAW ... of all the guys that have roles on the show and a whole lot of people do, Hurricane is the biggest missed opportunity in my mind.

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Lance just looked so.. uncomfortable doing that shit. If he is looking that way on purpose than he is simply awesome (always liked him anyway). To me he looked like he really didn't want to be dancing around like an idiot.

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Fuck, this "Benoit's dogging it" myth is still floating around?

Used to be dogging it........not anymore.

And when I say dogging it I mean he wasn't carrying the matches anymore. He still did his part but he was content to allow his opponent to resort to a chinlock rather than figuring out something to keep the match flowing.

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That's not dogging it. "Dogging it" is not putting an effort in. Benoit was putting an effort in because you could see it in his bumping - he just let the match be carried by the young heels. "Benoit loves to work with the young guys" ...

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That's not dogging it. "Dogging it" is not putting an effort in. Benoit was putting an effort in because you could see it in his bumping - he just let the match be carried by the young heels. "Benoit loves to work with the young guys" ...

Yeah but Benoit should've smacked that new bitch and said "Do something asshole" rather than saying "Well...he sucks.......nothing I can do........ah a chinlock......i think I'll balance my checkbook"

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See, I tend to take a more optimist stance on this issue since "Benoit loves to work with the Young fellas". He was giving them a chance to prove their worth, he was game and whatever they threw at him he'd take. Some threw hard (Albert), some didn't (Rhyno). If anyone was "dogging it" it was the bookers and the greenboys. I agree, he should have taken an active stance and beat the shit out of them because it would have made for a better match, but how dare I (or YOU) question the ways of the Benoit???

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Benoit just doesn't do anything for me anymore. I can't put my finger on why, but, he doesn't entertain me. I always watch a Benoit match for his opponents, whether it be Train, Show, or Eddie.


Benoit reminds me of a lost jobber who wins, sort of like the Artic Twins, Cade and Jindrak, he's just there. No character, no time to build one, and no one else is doing it for him. It's not his fault, but, then, it's not the fault of some of the hosses they are used as they are and people still dislike them. I dislike Benoit. His time wrestling can be used to further a storyline. If they are not going to give him a personality or ANY motivations, they need to put him on the shelf.

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I think he's just been working lighter. When he came back from his injury in that tables match again Bubba and Spike I thought he was KILLING them out there. He moved so crisp and everything he did looked like it HURT. I just don't get that feeling anymore.

That being said he's still the best wrestler in the WWE.

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Guest The Old Me
Calling Van Dam a good wrestler is LAUGHABLE.

So is just about everything that has ever and will every come out of your mouth. The best people to watch on Smackdown are Angle and Eddy, by FAR.

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Guest Megatron
Christian, Storm, and Booker aren't anything special either.

If you don't like the wrestlers, why do you even bother watching? And don't diss Booker. He draws more heat than you ever will. Next you'll probably say that Jericho's nothing special as well.

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Guest Ray
Calling Van Dam a good wrestler is LAUGHABLE.

So is just about everything that has ever and will every come out of your mouth.

Hey, thanks. Great post there man.


The best people to watch on Smackdown are Angle and Eddy, by FAR.

Says who? You? Angle sure as hell isn't the best to watch for me.


If you don't like the wrestlers, why do you even bother watching? And don't diss Booker. He draws more heat than you ever will.

Booker draws more heat than me?! My god, I can't believe it! You say that as if I'm a wrestler and need "heat."


Next you'll probably say that Jericho's nothing special as well.

Well, he's overrated too, just not as much as Kurt "world's most overrated wrestler" Angle.

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Its funny how Vince takes over SD and practically sabatoges the shot just so RAW can look better. Sad.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
*Taker got back into the main event.

Yeah, but it's not like he's champ. He just had a short run with the guys on top and shifted over to Vince now. I don't see what he did wrong, his reactions alone justify an upper-card spot, not to mention his recent improvement in the ring.

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Guest Megatron
Booker draws more heat than me?! My god, I can't believe it! You say that as if I'm a wrestler and need "heat."

I said that because it's pretty obvious to me that you are a gimmick poster. The only wrestler I've seen you say you cared for is Austin. You keep saying he's the greatest ever. While I agree he was revolutionary, he wouldn't have got where he did without his supporting players, i.e. The Rock. All you do is hate on everything anybody here says. That's what I call trying to draw heat.

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Guest Ray
I said that because it's pretty obvious to me that you are a gimmick poster.

:lol: Why? Because I don't worship Kurt Angle?


The only wrestler I've seen you say you cared for is Austin.

Which must be why everyone bitches about all the Benoit dick riding I do.


You keep saying he's the greatest ever.

When did I say Austin was the greatest wrestler ever? Kawada, Tsuruta, Hansen, Liger and many more blow him away.


While I agree he was revolutionary, he wouldn't have got where he did without his supporting players, i.e. The Rock.

Yeah, because Rock was the other half of the Hollywood Blondes. Rock was the one who created the Stone Cold character. Rock was the one who did the 3:16 promo. Rock was the one wrestling Hart at Wrestlemania 13. Right.


All you do is hate on everything anybody here says.

Well, if people didn't say dumb things (Angle is better than Benoit, Austin can't wrestle, RVD is a good wrestler, Angle is an all-time great, etc...), I wouldn't have to "hate" on them. Think of me as a cosmic counterbalance to all the Angle worshippers and Austin haters. A yin to the TSM yang. The light where there is only darkness.

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Guest Megatron
:lol: Why? Because I don't worship Kurt  Angle?


When did I give you the impression of that?


Which must be why everyone bitches about all the Benoit dick riding I do.


I haven't been here long enough to see that. I guess you must change favorites or something.


When did I say Austin was the greatest wrestler ever?


Ummmm you sure sound like that's what you are trying to say in the Is Flair the Greatest thread.


And by revolutionary, I'm talking about the attitude era boom. He wouldn't have been half as effective if Rock wasn't there for him to play off of.


And by the way, I think Angle's better than Benoit by a long shot. But I still think Macho Man in his prime was better than both of them.

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Guest Ray
When did I give you the impression of that?

I was asking a question. Thanks for answering.


I haven't been here long enough to see that. I guess you must change favorites or something.

How exactly do I "change favorites" ? I'd like you to point out where I said Austin was my favorite, then I changed to Benoit.


Ummmm you sure sound like that's what you are trying to say in the Is Flair the Greatest thread.

Did you even read the whole thread?


I was defending Austin as *one of* the best *US* workers ever.


And by revolutionary, I'm talking about the attitude era boom. He wouldn't have been half as effective if Rock wasn't there for him to play off of.

The revolutionary thing was Austin-McMahon, not Austin-Rock. Rock could have never existed and Austin still would have been huge.


And by the way, I think Angle's better than Benoit by a long shot. But I still think Macho Man in his prime was better than both of them.

Oh dear. :rolleyes:

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Guest Goodear

He's more over than he was (which again isn't saying much) but he isn't setting the world on fire.

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What is so awesome about a crazy old man who's lost in the fucking ring and can't work a lick anymore?


He's still awesome.

Great reply there, champ.


Can somebody ban this putz? His gayness has gone unchallenged for too long.

Shut the fuck up, LOTC.


Rico's harmless.

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How exactly is Angle better than Benoit by a longshot?

Because he can work the mic? Ooooooohhh....that makes someone such a better in ring wrestler.

Face it...in the ring Benoit is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone in the company except maybe Eddie. Saying otherwise is denial.

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I would say Angle is better than Benoit.


I like his style more than Benoit's even though Benoit IS amazing. I would actually say Eddie is the best in WWE, with Angle in 2nd and Benoit in third, though Chris Jericho isn't that far behind when he is at his best.


I would say Benoit has gone downhill.

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Guest Megatron
How exactly is Angle better than Benoit by a longshot?

Because he can work the mic? Ooooooohhh....that makes someone such a better in ring wrestler.

No, but it makes him a better all-around wrestler than Benoit. A good promo does so much for a guy. Think about it, if Benoit could open his mouth and say ANYTHING don't you think he'd have gotten that much dreamed of title reign? When's the last time you saw a mark buy a Benoit T-Shirt over an Angle one? He doesn't connect with non-smarks. There's a reason he was called a vanilla midget. Even Malenko was a better wrestler than Benoit, but everybody seems to forget about him.

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Guest Megatron
The revolutionary thing was Austin-McMahon, not Austin-Rock. Rock could have never existed and Austin still would have been huge.

Yeah, Austin fighting Vince still would have been good without Corporate Champ, The Rock, huh? Do you even remember the night Austin chucked the IC belt into the river? Who was he feuding with at the time? The Rock. Vince was on the periphery of that. He was just starting to become Mr. McMahon. Then it became a 3 man feud. Besides, Austin probably wouldn't have won the belt from HBK if Shawn's back wasn't shit by WM14. They probably would have went with The Rock, or UT. All I'm saying is without the great chemistry between all 3 of them, the attitude era probably wouldn't have been such a boom for business.

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How exactly is Angle better than Benoit by a longshot?

Because he can work the mic? Ooooooohhh....that makes someone such a better in ring wrestler.

No, but it makes him a better all-around wrestler than Benoit. A good promo does so much for a guy. Think about it, if Benoit could open his mouth and say ANYTHING don't you think he'd have gotten that much dreamed of title reign? When's the last time you saw a mark buy a Benoit T-Shirt over an Angle one? He doesn't connect with non-smarks. There's a reason he was called a vanilla midget. Even Malenko was a better wrestler than Benoit, but everybody seems to forget about him.

Gee that must be why most marks I know thing Benoit is good.....silly me..........

He can carry his end on the mic just fine. His character doesn't require him to jump on the mic and give a 20 minute promo though. He just has to say he's going to kick someone's ass and then he goes and does it. That is Benoit's character.

And still...just because you can cut a promo doesn't mean you can wrestle good. Hogan could cut a great promo but sucked ass in the ring. So I fail to see how Angle's promo ability makes him a better WRESTLER than Benoit.

Oh and yes Angle is the BEST at working the WWE style. However he can work no other style and Benoit can work ANY style VERY VERY GOOD. Thus making Benoit BETTER than Angle.

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Guest Megatron
How exactly is Angle better than Benoit by a longshot?

Because he can work the mic? Ooooooohhh....that makes someone such a better in ring wrestler.

No, but it makes him a better all-around wrestler than Benoit. A good promo does so much for a guy. Think about it, if Benoit could open his mouth and say ANYTHING don't you think he'd have gotten that much dreamed of title reign? When's the last time you saw a mark buy a Benoit T-Shirt over an Angle one? He doesn't connect with non-smarks. There's a reason he was called a vanilla midget. Even Malenko was a better wrestler than Benoit, but everybody seems to forget about him.

Gee that must be why most marks I know thing Benoit is good.....silly me..........

He can carry his end on the mic just fine. His character doesn't require him to jump on the mic and give a 20 minute promo though. He just has to say he's going to kick someone's ass and then he goes and does it. That is Benoit's character.

And still...just because you can cut a promo doesn't mean you can wrestle good. Hogan could cut a great promo but sucked ass in the ring. So I fail to see how Angle's promo ability makes him a better WRESTLER than Benoit.

Oh and yes Angle is the BEST at working the WWE style. However he can work no other style and Benoit can work ANY style VERY VERY GOOD. Thus making Benoit BETTER than Angle.

Switch wrestler with worker and there you have it.

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The revolutionary thing was Austin-McMahon, not Austin-Rock. Rock could have never existed and Austin still would have been huge.

Yeah, Austin fighting Vince still would have been good without Corporate Champ, The Rock, huh?

Austin drew millions long before Rock became the Corporate Champion.


Do you even remember the night Austin chucked the IC belt into the river? Who was he feuding with at the time? The Rock. Vince was on the periphery of that. He was just starting to become Mr. McMahon.

Ummmm... no. Vince had already been the "Mr. McMahon" character before that and Rock was essentially a lackey midcarder that he used to get the IC Title off of Austin.



Then it became a 3 man feud.

Not til late 98.



Besides, Austin probably wouldn't have won the belt from HBK if Shawn's back wasn't shit by WM14. They probably would have went with The Rock, or UT.

You're insane. HBK was dropping that belt no matter what. It didn't matter *who* was champion going into WM 14, Austin was winning it that night. To say otherwise is just mind-numbingly stupid. Plus, Taker was already locked into the Kane feud, so he wasn't free, and Rock was nowhere NEAR ready to carry the title at that time. If Vince had done what you had just said he probably would have, the WWF/E would be what WCW is now: DEAD.



All I'm saying is without the great chemistry between all 3 of them, the attitude era probably wouldn't have been such a boom for business.

Austin/McMahon created the boom for the WWF, Rock didn't even factor into the equation until late 98-early 99, so again, you're wrong.

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