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Smarks EZBoard alumni roll call

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Yeah I was 1inch punch on the old ezboard, like I was here up to about a week ago

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Guest The Old Me
Yeah I was 1inch punch on the old ezboard, like I was here up to about a week ago

Shut up and go write your fucking column.

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Copy and Paste:


I'm old-school. August, 2001. Blue Smarks, banana Smarks, WDI, Hoff's, TSM, SNKT, UGS. I even signed up at Tom's CynicsRule forum, though I dunno if I ever posted. But I'd say I probably racked up about 3500 posts in two and a quarter years. Averages out to about four posts a day, which seems about right. Good times all around, I've met some cool people along the way, and through all the bullshit, I wouldn't change a thing.


I was involved in the initial "attack" on SK, and one of the "forefathers" of WDI. I signed up at UGS before it went triple platinum but I don't think I've posted there.


I hate EZBoard.


Umm, I signed up on this board the day it opened, and was actually involved in the decision making process that created this website.


Go figure that I hardly ever post here now.

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I joined in late 2000 at the old Delphi board (clunkiest board ever), then followed the path through the Baby Blue Smarks, Banana Smarks, The "GPC Exodus", Ikonboard, Keith finally giving up and going to 411, and finally TSM.


Scott Keith's face on Adolf Hitler's body has to go down in history.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Yeah I was 1inch punch on the old ezboard, like I was here up to about a week ago

What happened to your Raven pimping? Are you gonna polute the Puro folder like the NWA one?

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Guest JMA

I first came here around the time of the stalker angle. I first stumbled onto the Smarks when they had a link to the descrambled "Stalker" voice. I first signed up as Justin Spike-O, then Risk, and finally GenerationNever.

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Guest The Old Me
I first came here around the time of the stalker angle. I first stumbled onto the Smarks when they had a link to the descrambled "Stalker" voice. I first signed up as Justin Spike-O, then Risk, and finally GenerationNever.

Wasn't Risk banned? No??

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Guest The Old Me
Wasn't Risk banned?  No??

No. I had my old account deleted when I became GenNever.


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When did Rantsylvania become EZBoard? I'm not sure if I was around before the change or not. If so I am shocked and appalled, because I never really thought of myself as sticking to this place for so long without posting all that much at all.

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When did Rantsylvania become EZBoard? I'm not sure if I was around before the change or not. If so I am shocked and appalled, because I never really thought of myself as sticking to this place for so long without posting all that much at all.

I think around March 2001 or so. I remember Keith pretty much made the decision himself and (big surprise) pissed a few people off who hated EZBoard.

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Guest Jamal

I lurked the ezboard in late-2001. When it switched over to Invasion I joined as Your Olympic Hero1. I used that name until I logged out one day and forgot the password.


Remember when we were assigned random passwords? That was a bitch.


Anyway, I then started posting as Eagan469. You know the rest.

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I signed up at the old Delphi board as TheNatureBoy714. When it went to EZboard, I signed up as TheNatureBoy714, like it matters, but I ended up with near 1000 post back when 1000 was a hell of alot of post. Unlike here with most member well over 2000 after 6 months.. I kept posting there through all the good and bad(flamming folder bullshit) and ugly(yellow days with the RSPW text). I signed up at WDI and posted at the beginning. But It is hard for me to keep up with two boards. I stayed here and signed up at the stwich over to TS.com before its opening(CHEATING~!). I signed as Midnight Express83, last week got it shrunk to MX.

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I miss the Midnight Express name. MX doesn't cut it for me. I remember back in the late 80's going to a house show and the fans in Oakland cheering the heel Midnight Express so much that Cornette was loving it and even made mention of it on the following Saturday Night tv show.

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It is like CWM, sure the full name works, but people rather just state CWM over CobainWassuscidaleventhoughhiswifekilledhimthushewasMurdered.


Besdies, I like MX more.

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