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Lightning Flik

The One And Only Raw Thread (11/10/03)

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Guest Choken One
Orton is better than Beniot in the damn ring.


*waits for the heat*



Okay I could understand saying he's better on the mic, but until Orton has non fans complementing him on making his moves look like they hurt and look real then I doubt he's that good in the ring. Not to mention Orton has never received a Standing O because of his ring work.

Orton recieved a Standing O when he LEFT the ring once.

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Lillian's going to come in swinging a chair one of these days. She's always getting pushed out of her chair so others can use it.


Why does this Shane in a restaurant thing remind me of the APA in the bar?


I mark for Cena wearing an old school Earl Campbell Oilers jersey.


More random thoughts to follow.

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Guest Choken One
how did HHH let Cena do a YJ Stinger commercial

It's about damn time Someone other then HHH or ... Triple H promote a non-wrestling product for WWE.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

See a little candlelight, a nice dinner, some soft music...I mean I know they've been having problems but deep down Shane and Kane still love eachother. I think this is a great idea

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Um... JR's sorta calling this match... When was the last time he did that?

Last week

I meant he was doing it pretty well. Not like he'll just sorta be doing it.

The week before last JR had his worst preformance ever. Recently as of last week JR is at least trying. Looks like somebody made JR an offer he could not refuse or something.

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See a little candlelight, a nice dinner, some soft music...I mean I know they've been having problems but deep down Shane and Kane still love eachother. I think this is a great idea

Thought that was Shane and Test?

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Guest Megatron
Wana Know why they booing coach? Because he's black.


Fuckin Racist.

Hope you enjoyed your stay here on TSM because you'll be gone by the end of the show.

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