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Angle re-injures neck

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Guest Megatron
If I like something, then that means that it's good to ME or vice-versa.

If you "like" a bad basketball player, does that make him "good" ?


If you "like" Mark Henry more than Bret Hart, does that make Henry "better" ?




Keep on failing to understand..

It does TO ME. Just because you say they aren't doesn't make it true, either. Keep thinking you're always right. BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT.

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Guest Ray
It does TO ME.

Which is why you don't get it.


Just because you say they aren't doesn't make it true, either.

There are ways to prove a basketball player is bad, just like there are ways to prove a wrestler is bad. But you want to ignore those things because you "like" them.


Liking a bad basketball player doesn't make that player good. If you think it does, then you don't understand what "good" means.


Keep thinking you're always right. BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT.

I never said I was. But at least I don't say "IMO!" or "I liked it!" and leave it at that, as you do.



Maybe one day, You'll understand. You're not ready yet. :)

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Guest Megatron
But at least I don't say "IMO!" or "I liked it!" and leave it at that, as you do.

Sorry. That was Besus, not me.

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Guest Ray
But at least I don't say "IMO!" or "I liked it!" and leave it at that, as you do.

Sorry. That was Besus, not me.

You're in the same boat as him, with your "I liked it so it was good!" "It's my opinion!" crap.

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Guest Megatron
But at least I don't say "IMO!" or "I liked it!" and leave it at that, as you do.

Sorry. That was Besus, not me.

You're in the same boat as him, with your "I liked it so it was good!" "It's my opinion!" crap.

I didn't say anything was good to everybody. I said it was good TO ME. If I think something's good, then I probably will never think it's not. Why can't you see that?

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Guest Ray
But at least I don't say "IMO!" or "I liked it!" and leave it at that, as you do.

Sorry. That was Besus, not me.

You're in the same boat as him, with your "I liked it so it was good!" "It's my opinion!" crap.

I didn't say anything was good to everybody. I said it was good TO ME. If I think something's good, then I probably will never think it's not. Why can't you see that?

Still don't know what "good" means, I see...


and you probably never will.

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Guest ManKinnd

Come on Besus, give the man some reasons to prefer Haas. In his defense you really have given him no reason to take your opinion seriously.

If one were to say, "Dynamite Kid is better than Giant Gonzales IMO," no one would have a problem, but if you're going to give an opinion vastly different from most, you have to give some good backing. That's just how it works.

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Guest Username
You can dislike Karl Malone and still acknowledge that he's a great basketball player.


You can like Hass more than Benoit and still acknowledge that he's a better wrestler.

The thing is, I just don't think Benoit is that great anymore.


Last year, I would have said Benoit is better, but he seems to be just getting worse.

yeah, benoits just been put up against crappy wrestlers...but even with crappy wrestlers, benoit can actually carry a match to be decent. i actually enjoyed benoit vs a-train at no mercy. not classic, but decent at least.


THIS year benoit put on a classic match against angle at royal rumble 03.

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Guest ManKinnd
I'm surprised no one dared to challenge my A-Train > Angle statement. :ph34r:

Well I saw it as a simple example, and I know no one here likes to go off-topic :P

If you really want to argue it, I think your points were pretty good except for the bumping part (Angle is an absolute bump freak). Fact is, when it comes down to it, Angle delivers the ****+ matches and A-Train doesn't. That's all I really need.

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I'll lay it out like this.


Your brother is a wrestler. Your brother doesn't know how to execute a bodyslam, hurts his opponents, and generally can't wrestle. To your parents, your brother is a "good" wrestler. What is this based on? Reason? Logic? Informed Opinion? Or does it matter at all how he wrestles, since their opinion is based on emotion rather than an objective perspective?


So you can have your "opinion", but if you can't back it up with anything concrete - quite frankly - it has no value to me and probably no value to others either. And "if you don't care", consider this: why do you share it? AND you also live in a society where there is an importance placed on informed decisions.. Why do you think 8-year-olds can't vote?

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Does he owe HHH any jobs?  Need to make sure he gets any of those back, before Angle leaves.

Did Hunter get the win back from the cage match?

Not sure what match you're talking about...


However, did Shane (alias "the good McMahon) get his win back from KotR 2001?

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Guest Ray
Well I saw it as a simple example, and I know no one here likes to go off-topic :P

If you really want to argue it, I think your points were pretty good except for the bumping part (Angle is an absolute bump freak).

But A-Train's girth makes his bumps look bigger~!


Angle delivers the ****+ matches and A-Train doesn't.

I doubt A-Train has hit ***. I'm sure this will stir up a shitstorm...













I've never seen a ****+ match from Angle. His best match was basically the Steve Austin show, with a cameo by Kurt Angle. :) and I still wouldn't give that ****+.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Fuck....Motherfucker......son of a bitch.


there now I feel somewhat better.

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Guest ManKinnd

Angle/Rey > Train/Rey

Angle/Benoit > Train/Benoit

Angle/Kane > Train/Kane

Angle/Taker > Train/Taker

Angle/Lesnar > Train/Lesnar


and those are just off the top of my head...

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Guest Goodear

God, just provide SOME DAMN REASONS and Ray will leave you guys alone. It's not that hard, here I'll do it for you!


Case for Charlie Haas over Chris Benoit


1) Basing it on the criteria of an investment by a wreslting promoter are a few fold... Haas is younger and has none of the major injuries that Benoit has obviously suffered in the course of a career. Charlie has also developed a number of good habits (such as proper selling and a basic limb based psychology that is rare in WWE) very early in his career so it is logical to deduce that he will only improve as Benoit trends downward due to age and wear.


The rest are based on in-ring such and such...


2) Charlie seemingly has more range of character as he is simultaneously aggressive, arrogant and somewhat sneaky. Benoit in my opinion only seems to play the aggresive technician ... Charlie has more options.


3) Haas hasn't fallen quite so much into the WWE moveset trap and varies his offense from match to match while Benoit works his match basically regardless of his opponent. In an addition, Haas manages to work the canvas in an interesting and unique way while Benoit allows his time on the mat to be controlled too much with chinlocks.


THERE. Now I'm sure Ray could argue all of those points... but there's at least points to argue. It's just a discussion guys don't get all bent out of shape.

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Guest ManKinnd
God, just provide SOME DAMN REASONS and Ray will leave you guys alone. It's not that hard, here I'll do it for you!


Case for Charlie Haas over Chris Benoit


1) Basing it on the criteria of an investment by a wreslting promoter are a few fold... Haas is younger and has none of the major injuries that Benoit has obviously suffered in the course of a career. Charlie has also developed a number of good habits (such as proper selling and a basic limb based psychology that is rare in WWE) very early in his career so it is logical to deduce that he will only improve as Benoit trends downward due to age and wear.


The rest are based on in-ring such and such...


2) Charlie seemingly has more range of character as he is simultaneously aggressive, arrogant and somewhat sneaky. Benoit in my opinion only seems to play the aggresive technician ... Charlie has more options.


3) Haas hasn't fallen quite so much into the WWE moveset trap and varies his offense from match to match while Benoit works his match basically regardless of his opponent. In an addition, Haas manages to work the canvas in an interesting and unique way while Benoit allows his time on the mat to be controlled too much with chinlocks.


THERE. Now I'm sure Ray could argue all of those points... but there's at least points to argue. It's just a discussion guys don't get all bent out of shape.

Scary, you're almost making me like Haas over Benoit. Good points.

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Guest NCJ
Anglesault Posted: Nov 12 2003, 06:16 PM 


QUOTE (NCJ @ Nov 12 2003, 06:01 PM)

Angle really needs to take a step back and think about what he is doing.  He could easily kill himself when he really dosen't have to. I hope and pray that he makes the right decision.


As far as Anglesault saying he never got pushed as a main eventer, some people will never be happy unless their favorite wrestler gets a HHH or Austin push.  Yes they have done some stupid things with Angle, but are his mid card fueds as bad as you make them out to be. When Bret Hart wasn't holding the world title he was having a fued with an announcer who thougth he was a king that was talking about his mom, an evil dentist with rottent teeth that the king announcer brought in, a pirate who stole his jacket, and an asian guy with weird facial tatoos.  a joke either. 


Angle's 2002 non title feuds.


Kane, for no real reason, Edge for some reason that was never adequately explained, Hogan over a fucking hair piece, Rey because Rey is short, and Benoit for no apparent reason.


Not as goofy as 95, but just as bad.


And Rocky never fought Al Snow or the Hurricane on a PPV, they were nothing more than slight diversions during larger feuds.


and Rock's 1999 is equal to Angle's 02.



Rock did fight Al Snow at atleast one ppv and maybe even back to back ppv's I can't remember. He jobbed at one. He jobbed to The Hurricane on Raw. He jobbed to Billy Gunn on television. That is much worse than Angle who only jobbed to Edge out of all of those fueds and he actually beat Hogan and Benoit by a clean tap out. Bret wrestled guys with no heat at all who had no business being in the ring with him. He beat them all, but if your the former world champ who only lost because you had salt thrown into your eyes you can do better than those fueds. He was stuck in absolute mid card hell. Angle had some fueds that were a bit iffy, but it was alot better than what Rock and Hart went through. If your not Austin or HHH(maybe Lesnar?) you don't go your entire career getting top storylines. You go back and forth between filler fueds and crap until you get another main event matchup. That is how it is for everybody else. Like I said I think they could and should have done better, but Angle definately has had main event pushes.


RavishingRickRudo Posted on Nov 13 2003, 12:32 AM


I'll lay it out like this.


Your brother is a wrestler. Your brother doesn't know how to execute a bodyslam, hurts his opponents, and generally can't wrestle. To your parents, your brother is a "good" wrestler. What is this based on? Reason? Logic? Informed Opinion? Or does it matter at all how he wrestles, since their opinion is based on emotion rather than an objective perspective?


So you can have your "opinion", but if you can't back it up with anything concrete - quite frankly - it has no value to me and probably no value to others either. And "if you don't care", consider this: why do you share it? AND you also live in a society where there is an importance placed on informed decisions.. Why do you think 8-year-olds can't vote? 


I agree with you for the most part RRR, but as fans people have different tastes. With basketball you have stats that give you an example of who is better, but stats aren't everything. I can honestly say I don't like Kobe Bryant, but I think he is a great player. However I would also say that his defense is way overrated and that Tracy McGrady has been the better player between the two since the end of 2001/2002 season. I can give you reasons why I belive both things, but you may weigh the importance of them differently. You can apply the same thing to anything that is subjective. I think Wandelai Silva is a great fighter, but I think that Frank Shamrock is a better fighter.(I don't belive that) Those are two guys with alot of talent in different areas and it all becomes subjective based on what you put the most importance in. Do you prefer Silva's striking abilities or Shamrock's submissions. The same thing is possible in wrestling. I think that Benoit and Angle are better than Hass and Benjamin. However, if I said that I think Hass and Benjamin are better because they incorporate a wider moveset, a more belivable offense, and have shown

better continuity in their ring work. You can't through that opinion out the window because you place an emphasis on other things. That is what many people on this board do.

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If your not Austin or HHH(maybe Lesnar?) you don't go your entire career getting top storylines. You go back and forth between filler fueds and crap until you get another main event matchup. That is how it is for everybody else.

Very true.


I mean, what kind of feuds did Hogan have between his times as champion back in his WWF days? Battling guys like Big Bossman, Earthquake, and guys like the such.

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Guest NCJ
Haraga_Version_One Posted on Nov 13 2003, 11:11 AM



Rock did fight Al Snow at atleast one ppv and maybe even back to back ppv's I can't remember. He jobbed at one.



I know that Al Snow v The Rock hasn't happened on PPV. 


You are wrong. It happened at the same ppv where Foley jobbed to Val Venis.

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