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Most disappointing games...

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We all know them, sequels that failed to live up to their predecessors, game that got overhyped before they came out the gate, and games from good developers that just didn't work. Give your picks on games that could have rocked. I'll start, the horrible abomination of a follow-up, Chrono Cross.

Edited by frozenblockofpiss

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Legend of Dragoon. I had such high hopes for this. Then it fell apart.

Predictable story

Fighting every step....actually more random encounters than ANY RPG I've ever played

Oh and the ability only carry 26 or so items at once and there being no good healing spells. So you practically had to fill up with nothing but healing items.


Yes I was very dissapointed. The only thing that followed through were the visuals...

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Legend of Dragoon.

It was at least good for providing one of the more funny WTF commercials ever to hype a game.


"He cut my head off!"


As for my personal list of disappointing games:


FF8: the only post 32-bit FF I didn't like... with stupid confusing junctions, draw system of magic and "reallife" salary system


MGS2: Raiden, 'nuff said. Plus, too much "movie", not enough action.


Those're the two biggest ones I can think of off my head. CC wasn't that bad to me, just too many secondary characters and quite possibly the most confusing story in console RPG history...

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Ok....what's wrong with Smash Brothers Melee?


And yes I agree with you totally Angleslayer.

I was like "Here we go! Snake! The badass returns! Who's this asshole!?" and apparently with backlash most everyone agreed.

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Guest Skironox

Conkers Bad Fur Day.


I came in expecting a great platformer with humor.


It made me laugh, but the game was linear as hell crap.

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WWF Warzone, They hyped it as the greatest wrestling game ever. They made you wait for it too (I think abit over a year from announcement to release)


And man did it suck, total letdown.

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Guest cpac

The only games on that list that i would call a disappointment are warzone. You people are too picky. How can you not have fun playing vice city or conkers bad fur day. I think attitude was an ever bigger disspointment compared to warzone.

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Any of the Mega Man X Series post 5. Xenosaga, .hack (good story, but the game never freakin' evolves with each new game), Suikoden 3, Wild Arms 2 & 3, Smackdown: SYM, MSG: 2, GA: VC, RAW 1 & 2, Wrestlemania X8, Legend of Dragoon, Beyond The Beyond, Tales Of Eternia (otherwise known in the US as a Tales of Destiny 2), Thousand Arms, NHL 2000, Grandia Xtreme, and probably some more I can't seem to remember right now.

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Attitude... you played Warzone, you knew it was going to suck. But you hoped and hoped, after every delay, that the game would be good. So you buy it, finally, and you rush home to put the late Owen Hart through Season and give him the WWF title... and the game still sucks.


P.S. I think Andrew meant "Street Fighter III", since that was a huge let down, while SFA3 is awesome (I think, anyway).

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Shenmue? In my opion that is one of the greatest games of all time... perhaps it would have been the greatest if Shenmue II wasn't so much better.


Anyway... I disliked WWF Attitude, it got so much hype and it ended up being mediocre at best.

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If walking around town finding random people while having to sit around and wait for time to pass, and listening to people say "THAT DAY? No, I do not remember anything about THAT DAY" leading you to get bored and spend all your time buying toys from machines and playing arcade games is an incredible gaming experience, then yes, Shenmue rocked!


To anyone else, it's boring.

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Warzone was more of a dissapointment then Attitude. Mainly because you had no clue what Warzone was like. It sounded so great (especially after all those Arcade Style games that came before it) and was the first WWF game to come out in a long time. Plus previews and reviews were saying "Best Wrestling Game ever"


Then after a long wait. You find the game horribly confusing, outdated, flawed and just plain bad. YOU COULDN'T PICK YOUR OPPONENT yet they had "Burb and Fart" mode!


At least you knew what attitude was (or wasn't) like.


Actually, I say the Acclaim ECW games are much bigger letdowns than Attitude.

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If walking around town finding random people while having to sit around and wait for time to pass, and listening to people say "THAT DAY? No, I do not remember anything about THAT DAY" leading you to get bored and spend all your time buying toys from machines and playing arcade games is an incredible gaming experience, then yes, Shenmue rocked!


To anyone else, it's boring.

I think you are ignoring some things...


1. If you actually follow any of the information that people give you, you rarely have to talk to people who are unimportant to your quest. Since you are bringing up the whole "that day" part, I'm assuming you spent thirty minutes on the game then just said it sucks.


2. The graphics were incredible and are still very awesome, the game has one of the best soundtracks ever, and most importantly the control and the fighting engine is absolutely perfect.


3. The arcade games rule, how anyone could not have fun with Space Harrier, Super Hang On, or QTE Fighter is a complete mystery to me.


Shenmue is a great game, Shenmue II is even better, and Yu Suzuki = God.

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I will admit, Shenmue is a gorgeous game, but I just found it too dull to continue much further into the game. Yes, I realize that makes my complaining about it unwarranted, and sometimes I even think of dusting off the DC and trying the game out again, but I became annoyed by the whole chasing someone through downtown at a certain time and having to be home and wait around if you miss him element of it.


I hear Shenmue 2 (don't hae an Xbox to play it) has made dealing with time based situation waiting easier.

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Enter the Matrix. I've been playing this lately(bought it on impulse after seeing Revolutions) and it SHOULD have been a great game. The gameplay design is great. Jumping off walls and doing slow mo dives is a lot of fun and feels great. The story is a cool sidestory that ties to Reloaded and Revolutions. The problem it's all horribly put together and one of the most rushed and halfassed games I've ever played. A shame.

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For me:


Smackdown 3: I remember waiting for this game to come out, and when it finally did, it was underwhelming. It didn't have much of a story mode, and it took up a massive amount of space to save the data from the game.


Legaia 2: I really enjoyed the original Legaia game, except for the rather dull ending. I bought this game, expecting it to match up, but found myself really bored. It appeared they were trying to stretch a rather so-so story out as far as they could stretch it, while doing very little to hold my interest to get through the 70 or so hours it would take beat the game. Plus, in the original, the ending seemed like it was building towards a sequel. I didn't like the ending at all, but could accept it if it was building towards a sequel. Upon finding out that wasn't the case, that made a crappy ending that much crappier.


Suikoden 3: I am not sure why I disliked this game. I am not sure if I felt it was a disappointment after the quite enjoyable Suikoden 2, or if I just lost the patience needed to sit through an RPG. Either way, I wasn't able to get through this game. Plus, it got my hopes EXTREMELY up when it asked for data from Suikoden 2, as I assumed this meant characters would return. When I figured out that was not the case, I was extremely disappointed.

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Speaking of SD games, I forgot to put down SYM on my personal list. I rented it with great anticipation, but the it seemed like the computer always made every match either super easy or super hard... it was almost like the match ending was predetermined...



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Guest Nacho Nixon

Black and White was a bitter disappointment. Granted, nothing could have lived up to the hype, but it had a brillant concept, what seemed like the exact right people developing it, and then, well, it kind of sucked. The creatures turned out to be almost useless, and teaching them anything was annoying and boring. Stupid damn leashes. I did enjoy training my cow to shit in the grain store, though. Plus, even as a god game it didn't really stand up, especially since trying to play a good god offered like no real advantages, so to get any enjoyment out of the game you sort of had to be evil, cutting the number of options in half (because trying to be neutral accomplished nothing).

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Final Fantasy VIII

And that's all you have to say.


-Contrived story "Oh we're to lazy to come up with backgrounds for everyone! They all grew up together...oh and......so did the villain!"

-Here's a main villain that you don't care about thrown on you at the end!

-Oh yeah....to upgrade your weapons you have to customize them...guess what? The material is hard as fuck to find!

-Here draw some magic...you don't actually learn anything!

-The monsters level up with you! It's almost impossible to build up without it becoming a 30 hour ordeal.

-Do I need to repeat how much I hated the fucking story?

-Here's your second angsty hero that doesn't want to be a hero! Man we'd better try something new in the next few!(thank god they did. Tidus and Zidane actually wanted to help people)

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