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Vince vs Undertaker

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Vinec vs Taker had a decient build up I thought...untill they made the match. Now they haven't even done segments together. Vince's acting has his its all time low. He's by no means a good actor, but this shit he's doing lately is just embarassing to watch. For what they're trying to make out of this match they couldn't have booked it worse.

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I know they've had on and off "conflicts" in the past years, but this is the first time Vince will actually had a match with The Undertaker, right?

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they had a match on Raw in 99 just before the greater power angle.Vince won by dq.Vince had to win for Austin to get a title shot.


UNDERTAKER (with Paul Bearer) v. VINCENT K. in a nontitle match - Back in

a locker room, we see Steve Austin watching this match on a monitor.

Vince has no music and no announced weight. He does a lot of that

"dramatic" gulping that he's made famous in acting clinic around the

nation. Running in and sliding under the bottom rope, it's on as

Undertaker immediately goes to stomping and kicking, then punching, now

more kicking. Nothing for Vince here. Head to the turnbuckle. You know,

on a REALISM basis, you wouldn't EXPECT the nonwrestler to get any shots

in. Vince tries to rake the face but it doesn't work. Blatant chokehold

as Paul Bearer talks turkey with referee "Blind" Mike Chioda. Chioda

finally notices what's going on and tries the five count, but Undertaker

chases him out of the ring. Bearer doing it to Chioda OUTSIDE the ring,

too, but now Vince manages a Golotta - now he's on him with rights, body

work, right, left, right, left, repeat, but Undertaker has a double choke

- and Vince is put in the corner. Now Undertaker RAINING down rights and

lefts, now kicks. Chioda again attempts a count and Undertaker shoots him

a scary look. Crowd chants "Vince Vince Vince" and Undertaker now SHOVES

Chioda away. Everybody see what's coming? While Undertaker continues his

assault, the referee again attemps to force a break, and again Undertaker

shoves him away. Well, Chioda finally calls for the bell (DQ 2:12) and

how stupid is the Undertaker, anyway? Ross plays this as some brilliant

psychological warfare by McMahon, but I'm not sure I buy it. Anyway,

Patterson and Brisco try to rescue their fellow Musketeer, but Undertaker

gets in good shots on both men before chasing Chioda to the back through

the crowd.


Taken from Slashwrestling

Edited by deancoles411

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I don't think the build has been that bad, outside of Vince's rediculously boring segments on Smackdown and no confrontations. I actually liked the way the match was set up, where Brock and Big Show destroyed Taker after No Mercy, and Vince got in his face asking about his rematch with Brock, only to have Taker reveal Buried Alive. Taker's graveyard promo on Smackdown was decent.

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I don't see why a fucking MCMAHON has to be the reason to bring Taker back over to the "dark side".


I really don't.


I don't even know why they are feuding with one another.

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I don't see why a fucking MCMAHON has to be the reason to bring Taker back over to the "dark side".


I really don't.


I don't even know why they are feuding with one another.

I agree, but the only way I see Vince even winning is with interference from Kane to set up WM. So, for the most part, it could be Kane.

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I guess the reason they are feuding is because Taker is upset at Vince for hurting Stephanie and Linda. God knows Taker would never hurt Stephaine.

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I agree, but the only way I see Vince even winning is with interference from Kane to set up WM. So, for the most part, it could be Kane.

Well obviously.


I called it the MOMENT that the match was even rumored to happen. Kane is going to be the guy to help Vince win the match, more than likely chokeslamming Taker into the "grave".


Kane is going to be Vince's "Higher Power", which he keeps saying that he can rely on.


I guess the reason they are feuding is because Taker is upset at Vince for hurting Stephanie and Linda. God knows Taker would never hurt Stephaine.


I don't buy that. I am the guy that just about more than anyone else, allows things to slide. I excuse them when they let certain things get by, like not mentioning history, but this time I just can't do that.


First off, this feud has no roots. Here is Taker, and he just has a problem with how Vince treats his family. Am I to buy into that being the reason for this match/feud? Why in the hell does Taker care what Vince does?


Taker is the man who basicly WORSHIPED Vince McMahon, Vince was HIS higher power back in the day (it pains me to say that), and Taker KIDNAPPED Steph, did God knows what to her, and was going to perform an, *ahem*, UNHOLY WEDDING~@OMG~!


I love saying that.






I just don't see how they can ignore the past, especially since this feud hasn't even been explained really, and it's all about those that were involved with Taker and Vince before. Had this current Taker/Vince feud been given some sort of actual angle, a reason for them to fight other than what we've been given, then I'd be cool with it.


Then again, Vince shouldn't be wrestling Taker in the first place. If anything, it should be Taker vs. someone Vince is managing.





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Didn't Vince also help cost taker the title in his chain match with Brock?

Yes, but Taker has said himself over and over and over that their feud/match is NOT about the title, it's "personal" and all about Vince and how he treats his family.



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This is very odd when you think about it. The man that cares about another person's family is named the UNDERTAKER. How ironic is that? Ten years ago, who would have thought that the deadman would be worrying about someone else's life?

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

The only way this can end well is if Taker threatens to "get in his stank ASS" like he did a few years ago. That is the only way I will consider this angle succesful.

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Guest Redhawk

Since you mentioned the "Kick yo' stank ass" moment, going by history, they do have a reason to feud. Taker said when he came back in 2000 that he was pretty much only here to make money and fuck with Vince. Of course then we'd have to forget when he was a heel and was working WITH Vince (Kiss My Ass Club, etc.).

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The funny thing is at this year's SS there is an opportunity to take the McMahons off TV completely. for ever. I'm suprised no ones picked up on it.

Maybe no-one mentioned it because there is exactly no chance of it happening?

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Guest Coffey

Possibly. I think you're looking more forward to see how the gimmick part of the match is pulled off as opposed to actually watching Vince & Taker go at it....





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This is what will happen. Vince and Shane will lose their matches and will be so badly destroyed that we won't see either of them again for a few months...



... but tomorrow night on Raw, Linda comes back to be the new foil for Eric Bischoff because Austin loses his job and on Smackdown Stephanie will come back just because Vince is gone so she magically gets her job back.

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The thing I hate the most about the Taker/Vince and Kane/Shane feuds are it makes Taker and Kane part time wrestlers themselves. I can't remember the last time I've seen Taker in the ring on Smackdown and Kane hasn't had a match on Raw since October 6th when he beat Rosey.

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I can't remember the last time I've seen Taker in the ring on Smackdown and Kane hasn't had a match on Raw since October 6th when he beat Rosey.

That could be a good thing.

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I can't remember the last time I've seen Taker in the ring on Smackdown and Kane hasn't had a match on Raw since October 6th when he beat Rosey.

That could be a good thing.

Taker is the only reason I watch Smackdown!



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Guest JMA

It would be cool if Taker and Kane both took out their respective McMahons. Vince, Steph, and Shane being off TV would so rule.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Kane is going to be Vince's "Higher Power", which he keeps saying that he can rely on.

Just to drive you crazy I hope the Higher Power is either Fake Taker 94 or Giant Gonzales

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