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Perhaps we gave HHH to much credit....

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Ok so he jobs to Goldberg 2 PPV's in a row. Then he turns around and beats him on RAW and now challenges him to a World Title match on RAW next week...umm......there is no way he is jobbing a 3rd time in a singles match to Goldberg.

I'm not trying to HHHate but I really don't think he will let Goldberg go over him a 3rd time.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Obviously there will be a run-in, Triple H won't win. They just set up a feud between Kane and Goldberg for the next PPV....a PPV Triple H will be missing to shoot a movie.

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Obviously there will be a run-in, Triple H won't win. They just set up a feud between Kane and Goldberg for the next PPV....a PPV Triple H will be missing to shoot a movie.


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Hmmm.......yes........well if he at least doesn't beat Goldberg then maybe we should give him more credit. Because if Goldberg moves on to a new feud then.......HHH ACTUALLY LOST A FEUD! Oh dear god. The heavens are falling....the ground is splitting open! Hell is freezing over! People are rioting in the streets! The Cardinals won the super bowl!

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Guest Choken One



HHH still needed 3 other men to beat Goldberg which makes HHH look REALLY weak of all things.


Kane/Goldberg is set up...Although the reasoning hasn't been clarified...I'm sure the writers will use the "I am a Monster, I will rule the WWE with the WORLD TITLE! AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME!" explantion.

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HHH has been looking weak for awhile now, since he faced Booker in the match with HBK as guest ref. Booker had him beat FOUR times. This heel run is not the 2000 heel run where Hunter was dominant.


I mean, look at his SS match in the EC chamber. If any other champion was booked to get kicked in the face as soon as he steps out of his chamber and the only move he does in a match involves swinging a sledgehammer, there would have been an uproar of how weak said champion was being booked. HHH is being booked as a huge pussy.

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Guest Choken One

True but as long as he plugs his cock in Stephanie's Ass...TSM will continue to believe that HHH is holding people down dispite the fact HHH has been booked weak since 'Slam.

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True but as long as he plugs his cock in Stephanie's Ass...TSM will continue to believe that HHH is holding people down dispite the fact HHH has been booked weak since 'Slam.

You don't have to be out there squashing some one to hold down somebody though. If you're a booker or have connections to the bookers, you can do that more subtlely.

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HHH has been booked weak since 'Slam.


I'm a HHH fan, but he has looked terrible, since SS. I guess he's hurt, but, take some time off. Ever since he started wearing those biker shorts, he's looks different. The dude, just got married, and he's already back??????? If I married a rich chick, like Steph, there us only two things I would be doing. Banging her, and spending a lot of that "McMahaon" $$$$$$. I would be test driving Maybach Mercedes Benz, etc.

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Guest Choken One
HHH has been booked weak since 'Slam.


I'm a HHH fan, but he has looked terrible, since SS. I guess he's hurt, but, take some time off. Ever since he started wearing those biker shorts, he's looks different. The dude, just got married, and he's already back??????? If I married a rich chick, like Steph, there us only two things I would be doing. Banging her, and spending a lot of that "McMahaon" $$$$$$. I would be test driving Maybach Mercedes Benz, etc.

Not Like He wasn't already well off before anyways...

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Guest Choken One
Well the only thing I can think of is that Raw Roulette involves a match that actually works against HHH

Did they ever actually say it was gonna be Raw Rouletted?


Logic would have it be a Cage match with the constant interference...


I could see HHH trying to rig the wheel to land on Sledgehammer on a Pole or something but Orton touches the wheel or something and it lands on STEEL CAGE which FUCKS HHH in logic.

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Did they ever actually say it was gonna be Raw Rouletted?

Well, last time Raw Roulette happened, EVERY match on the show was Rouletted.


So...if they go by that again for this show, then yes, it will be.

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HHH has been booked weak since SS because well........HE CAN'T FUCKING WRESTLE. He's injured all to hell. The guy by all means shouldn't even be in the ring. He should be rehabbing his groin tear.

But I hope that Evolution finally turns on him next week...and he takes some time off and gets better. Jeez...I don't like the guy but he really needs to take care of himself better.

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HHH has been booked weak since 'Slam.


I'm a HHH fan, but he has looked terrible, since SS. I guess he's hurt, but, take some time off. Ever since he started wearing those biker shorts, he's looks different. The dude, just got married, and he's already back??????? If I married a rich chick, like Steph, there us only two things I would be doing. Banging her, and spending a lot of that "McMahaon" $$$$$$. I would be test driving Maybach Mercedes Benz, etc.

Not Like He wasn't already well off before anyways...

According to the trivia bit in the WWF In Your House video game manual (if I recall correctly), his personal fortune is approximately $16 million! :D

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The problem with Goldberg is that it's hard to tell if he's being held down because his character, besides his snorting and kickboxing and music, pretty much boils down to "he always wins."


Goldberg is meant to be booked so strongly that he can appear to take on the whole damn roster at once, so if he jobs in a match where logic says he is outnumbered and/or overpowered, was that just the booker thinking with his brain and realizing there's no way one guy could take out a bunch of guys, or is it a burial?


I don't consider it a burial unless he jobs clean to the Pedigree. I think we all know he'll be buried sooner or later though. The trick is to keep him going until WMXX for it.

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Guest JMA
According to the trivia bit in the WWF In Your House video game manual (if I recall correctly), his personal fortune is approximately $16 million! :D

I remember that quite well. Funny shit.

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the problem with goldberg is that he is now in a feud with Kane where neither guy can afford to lose a match clean since both have big matches at Wrestlemania.

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Guest Duncan Eternia
I still think D'Lo Vs HHH in the blindfold match is under rated.

This was great...remember H pointing to the corner when no one was there.....priceless!!

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Guest MikeSC
I still think D'Lo Vs HHH in the blindfold match is under rated.

Totally missed this one. Darn.


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They need to do at least one blindfold match a year. So many funny spots they could do. Maybe a Blindfold division, and then a real blind guy comes in and does a Goldberg streak because he's used to being blind. Yeah!

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They need to do at least one blindfold match a year. So many funny spots they could do. Maybe a Blindfold division, and then a real blind guy comes in and does a Goldberg streak because he's used to being blind. Yeah!

This would only work if they had a Blindfoldweight Belt* with 24/7 rules. So we'll see wrestlers suddenly whip out sacks to put over their heads in order to wrestle.




*Would have no more or less credability than most Raw belts really.

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