Guest Ray Report post Posted November 28, 2003 How exactly is Randy Orton getting a "god push" ??? Every damn topic here has someone bitching about this alleged "god push." What's the deal? He beat Shawn Michaels...after five brass knuckles shots. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! He threw a fat, old, RETIRED wrestler down the stairs. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! He main evented a six man match where Goldberg killed him. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! He's getting a title match...for a worthless mid-card title. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! Now, I'm no Orton mark. I don't think he's great or even very good, but I certainly don't see him as worthless or terrible as most of you seem to. I saw Orton do some decent work at Unforgiven 2003, and I'd like to see more of him, to see what he can do. So until Orton starts getting clean wins over guys like Goldberg, Kane, or Triple H, shut the fuck up about "god pushes." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highland 0 Report post Posted November 28, 2003 The constant whining about his push come from the fact many smarks feel he should still be in OVW and not getting several promo segments with Evolution. And yes they conveniently ignore the quality of his opponents and call him a suckbag when he hasn't done anything noteworthy or suckable. He's just bland. I'll laugh if in a year or so he starts busting out **** star matches, but I doubt he'll ever get those accolades from TSM, since he's already branded by Sean Waltman heat by alot of this board. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haVoc 0 Report post Posted November 28, 2003 If he starts busting out **** matches most will forgive and admit it. Remember when 90% of the board hated Edge and use to say Christian was better? Edge ended up getting on peoples good side. Except AngleSault, of course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted November 28, 2003 I find him beating the "legends" much more of a gimmick than a god push. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justsoyouknow 0 Report post Posted November 28, 2003 I find absolutely nothing wrong with Orton. The other night when he was on commentary, he was incredibly monotone, but other than that, he's not too offensive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 28, 2003 How exactly is Randy Orton getting a "god push" ??? Every damn topic here has someone bitching about this alleged "god push." What's the deal? He beat Shawn Michaels...after five brass knuckles shots. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! He threw a fat, old, RETIRED wrestler down the stairs. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! He main evented a six man match where Goldberg killed him. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! He's getting a title match...for a worthless mid-card title. FEEL THE GOD PUSH~! Now, I'm no Orton mark. I don't think he's great or even very good, but I certainly don't see him as worthless or terrible as most of you seem to. I saw Orton do some decent work at Unforgiven 2003, and I'd like to see more of him, to see what he can do. So until Orton starts getting clean wins over guys like Goldberg, Kane, or Triple H, shut the fuck up about "god pushes." My main thing is, forget simply not being any good for a minute. He's not over enough for any push, let alone a puh where he beats up and defeats the top faces on a show. Raw really showed that well. Orton was all over that show (three segments and a run in) and his comined heat was less than the reaction Molly Holly got in her little segment. You can't push a guy into feuds with the top faces on the show when he gets outbooed by the women's champion. And yes they conveniently ignore the quality of his opponents and call him a suckbag when he hasn't done anything noteworthy or suckable. He's just bland He most certainly has done something "suckable" I don't care if it was a year ago, he still hasn't made up for that Storm/Xian disaster with a great performance. So, while yes, he's been bad but not horrendous lately, he hasn't done anything to show that he's "good" either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ray Report post Posted November 28, 2003 No one's answering the question... How is this push a GOD push? When has Orton beaten up and defeated the top faces on the show? Goldberg? Nope. Michaels? FIVE BRASS KNUCKLES SHOTS! Foley? FAT OLD AND RETIRED! Orton SHOULD be able to kick a fat old retired man's ass WITH EASE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 28, 2003 Old? Is Foley even forty yet? Fat has generally been a plus in wrestling for forever and a half, old has been an almost sure Main event ticket, and retired means nothing anymore. And who else gets to beat HBK at all? He's also beaten up and defeated RVD I consider this to be a Huge push because he's clearly dealing with people much more over than him. Why not put him in there with someone on his level of heat, say, Tommy Dreamer, run a feud with him, and if it works, go from there? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Papacita 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 I don't mind Orton as much as most people on this board seem to, but the problem with his push is that it's too forced. Rather than letting him get over on his own like other, more worthy wrestlers on Raw, they've thrown him out there and basically told us he's "special" before he's really had a chance to do anything, and what makes matters worse is that they're pushing him at the expense of guys that are legitimately over. Again, I really don't mind Orton, but as long as he's pushed that way, fans are gonna resent him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest One Trick Pony Report post Posted November 29, 2003 I would say this is like when smarks bitch about the constant A-Train pushes except it's totally different. A-Train never wins any feuds, let alone matches. Orton has beaten people regardless of interference or not. He's being pushed as the guy who beats up legends but still can't get any heat. Mick Foley had the celebration for him and then got pushed down stairs and Orton got no heat. I wouldn't say Orton's as bad or pushed as heavy as Brock but they both have had undeserving pushes. Push Batista who atleast gets some boos rather than none and is good enough for an evil man on the mic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Randy Orton is HHH's fluff boy, that is all you need to know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dubq 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 The constant whining about his push come from the fact many smarks feel he should still be in OVW and not getting several promo segments with Evolution. And yet, they all loved him during his RN News segments. Gotta love the smarks. ;p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 29, 2003 I would say this is like when smarks bitch about the constant A-Train pushes except it's totally different. A-Train never wins any feuds, let alone matches. Orton has beaten people regardless of interference or not. He's being pushed as the guy who beats up legends but still can't get any heat. Mick Foley had the celebration for him and then got pushed down stairs and Orton got no heat. I wouldn't say Orton's as bad or pushed as heavy as Brock but they both have had undeserving pushes. Push Batista who atleast gets some boos rather than none and is good enough for an evil man on the mic. Dave is also much better in the ring than Orton. And yet, they all loved him during his RN News segments. Gotta love the smarks. ;p So, because some people (I personally didn't) liked his RNN segments, they should automatically like his unearned push and bad matches? Why? That's like the logic HHH sympathizers used after his return in 02. "Well, you liked him in 2000, so you should ignore that fact that he's 25 pounds heavier and heatless now and continue to like him." It makes no sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Besus Report post Posted November 29, 2003 What makes Batista better in the ring? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 What makes Batista better in the ring? Dave is a Hoss and can speak. Also his Powerbomb now looks good in comparison to the other guys who now use it. Dave beating up HBK looked better than what Randy has done with said legend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vyce 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 And who else gets to beat HBK at all? And we have a winner. That's the key thing to remember in regards to Orton v. HBK - it doesn't matter that it took five brass knuck shots for him to take out Shawn, it only matters that in the end he went over Shawn in a time when Michaels still goes over pretty much all of his opponents. In recent memory, there's only three people who have really gotten the best of Michaels in the past year or so - HHH, Orton, and possibly (if you can take the last RAW as any indication), Batista. What a surprise - one is HHH himself, the other two are his pet projects. I agree with a few of my peers about the Orton push being so unpopular with "smarks" because it's too forced. It's too much too soon for too little return. If he was the least bit over, if he had even a modest amount of heat, him going over the top faces might mean something, but instead he has little to no heat, and he still goes over them, with the result being him STILL being heatless and the faces now, in the short term at least, damaged for jobbing to him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Besus Report post Posted November 29, 2003 What makes Batista better in the ring? Dave is a Hoss and can speak. Also his Powerbomb now looks good in comparison to the other guys who now use it. Dave beating up HBK looked better than what Randy has done with said legend. He's better in the ring because he is a "hoss"? Who cant speak in the WWE? Matt Morgan power bomb even looks good. I dont understand the last sentence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Besus Report post Posted November 29, 2003 In recent memory, there's only three people who have really gotten the best of Michaels in the past year or so - HHH, Orton, and possibly (if you can take the last RAW as any indication), Batista. Y2J and Ric Flair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 WWE Logic = Big guys always look good. Dave's abilities in the promo and interview are far superior than what skills Randy has. Also the monster moves of the lariat and powerbomb are more credible with Batista than the Cocky Cracker moves of the dropkick and RKO. The monster grunt > arrogant pose. HBK had "internal injuries" from the beating he took from Batista. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Who cant speak in the WWE? Orton? "I (awkward pause) will..uhm Kill that legend! Y2J and Ric Flair. You mean... "BAH GAWD BAH GAWD BAH GAWD! THAT LOUSY PUNK ORTON SCREWED HBK BAH GAWD! HE MAY BE ONE OF THE BEST YOUNG PROSPECTS AND A DAMN FINE PIECE OF MEAT, BUT BAH GAWD HE CAN TAKE HIS TIGHT ASS STRAIGHT TO HELL, BAH GAWD! Oh yeah, that other guy won." That? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Besus Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Orton? "I (awkward pause) will..uhm Kill that legend! If he cant speak how can he say "I"? Every Wrestler pause on the mic except Ric Flair. I like his style.He wants the crowd to think about what he just said and Then he carry on. You mean... "BAH GAWD BAH GAWD BAH GAWD! THAT LOUSY PUNK ORTON SCREWED HBK BAH GAWD! HE MAY BE ONE OF THE BEST YOUNG PROSPECTS AND A DAMN FINE PIECE OF MEAT, BUT BAH GAWD HE CAN TAKE HIS TIGHT ASS STRAIGHT TO HELL, BAH GAWD! Oh yeah, that other guy won." That? Yep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CronoT Report post Posted November 29, 2003 In recent memory, there's only three people who have really gotten the best of Michaels in the past year or so - HHH, Orton, and possibly (if you can take the last RAW as any indication), Batista. Y2J and Ric Flair. Jericho went over HBK once, while HBK has beaten Jericho many times during their recent feuds. Ric Flair is Levesque's new Towel Boy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Orton? "I (awkward pause) will..uhm Kill that legend! If he cant speak how can he say "I"? Every Wrestler pause on the mic except Ric Flair. I like his style.He wants the crowd to think about what he just said and Then he carry on. You mean... "BAH GAWD BAH GAWD BAH GAWD! THAT LOUSY PUNK ORTON SCREWED HBK BAH GAWD! HE MAY BE ONE OF THE BEST YOUNG PROSPECTS AND A DAMN FINE PIECE OF MEAT, BUT BAH GAWD HE CAN TAKE HIS TIGHT ASS STRAIGHT TO HELL, BAH GAWD! Oh yeah, that other guy won." That? Yep. So, in order to prove that people other than orton get to one up HBK, you chose two matches that were done specifically to put Orton over? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Ummm AS- Coach called HBK v. Y2J Part 2. Not JR. I don't mind Orton all that much even though I don't like how big they're shoving him down our throats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Ummm AS- Coach called HBK v. Y2J Part 2. Not JR. WOW! And you know what else? During the Flair match, he didn't make a comment on Orton's tight ass. Yep, barron, you really set me straight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CronoT Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Ummm AS- Coach called HBK v. Y2J Part 2. Not JR. WOW! And you know what else? During the Flair match, he didn't make a comment on Orton's tight ass. Yep, barron, you really set me straight. So, are you saying JR did, AS? And if so, would that make JR gay? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 Ummm AS- Coach called HBK v. Y2J Part 2. Not JR. WOW! And you know what else? During the Flair match, he didn't make a comment on Orton's tight ass. Yep, barron, you really set me straight. I wasn't trying to set you straight. I was just pointing out that the commentator would not say BAH GAWD BAH GAWD if it wasn't JR. I was so bored by that match and pissed off by the result that I didnt notice whether or not Coach did say he had a tight ass Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
notJames 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 I don't mind Orton as much as most people on this board seem to, but the problem with his push is that it's too forced. Rather than letting him get over on his own like other, more worthy wrestlers on Raw, they've thrown him out there and basically told us he's "special" before he's really had a chance to do anything, and what makes matters worse is that they're pushing him at the expense of guys that are legitimately over. Again, I really don't mind Orton, but as long as he's pushed that way, fans are gonna resent him. Give this Chyna-lovin' man a cigar, because he's given one of the few intelligent responses in this entire thread... nay, all these countless threads and debates and arguments about the Heatless Wonder. It's a complete return to HHH's god push. They told us he was the best no matter how much nobody bought it, gave him a 10-minute entrance with a killer theme song, and when that didn't work, they put every heat-drawing opponent in a line and let him mow through them until we were forced to buy him as a threat. And that's what's starting to happen with Orton. [And not for nothing, but this "anti-smark" sentiment is getting a bit tedious and heavy-handed. I'm sure some posters are swayed easily into buying into different "smark axioms" (i.e. Benoit is God, Vince is the Devil, Steph is a bloated cancer), but at the end of the day, each of us likes and dislikes who we want, regardless of how we came to that decision, and for the most part, that should be respected. Dismissing anyone's argument because it happens to fall in line with public opinion doesn't elevate you to a higher plane. It just makes it easier for people to identify, and eventually, ignore you.] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ligerbomb03 Report post Posted November 29, 2003 I would rather watch Puroresu... Randy who? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ray Report post Posted November 29, 2003 < STILL waiting for a good reason why this is a "god'' push... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites