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Woman gets trampled at Walmart

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Woman Knocked Unconscious While Shopping

1 hour, 35 minutes ago  Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo! 



ORANGE CITY, Fla. - A mob of shoppers rushing for a sale on DVD players trampled the first woman in line and knocked her unconscious as they scrambled for the shelves at a Wal-Mart Supercenter.


AP Photo   


Patricia VanLester had her eye on a $29 DVD player, but when the siren blared at 6 a.m. Friday announcing the start to the post-Thanksgiving sale, the 41-year-old was knocked to the ground by the frenzy of shoppers behind her.


"She got pushed down, and they walked over her like a herd of elephants," said VanLester's sister, Linda Ellzey. "I told them, `Stop stepping on my sister! She's on the ground!'"


Ellzey said some shoppers tried to help VanLester, and one employee helped Ellzey reach her sister, but most people just continued their rush for deals.


"All they cared about was a stupid DVD player," she said Saturday.


Paramedics called to the store found VanLester unconscious on top of a DVD player, surrounded by shoppers seemingly oblivious to her, said Mark O'Keefe, a spokesman for EVAC Ambulance.


She was flown to Halifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach, where doctors told the family VanLester had a seizure after she was knocked down and would likely remain hospitalized through the weekend, Ellzey said. Hospital officials said Saturday they did not have any information on her condition.


"She's all black and blue," Ellzey said. "Patty doesn't remember anything. She still can't believe it all happened."


Ellzey said Wal-Mart officials called later Friday to ask about her sister, and the store apologized and offered to put a DVD player on hold for her.


Wal-Mart Stores spokeswoman Karen Burk said she had never heard of a such a melee during a sale.


"We are very disappointed this happened," Burk said. "We want her to come back as a shopper."


Why doesn't Walmart just give her a free DVD Player?


EDIT --- Just realized I posted this in Gernal Chat like a dope. If a mod wants, go ahead and bump this to Current Events or whatever.

Edited by MillenniumMan831

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Better yet, they should just give the woman a free shopping spree. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than paying litigation fees.



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Guest Choken One

Or the fucking idiot shoppers should LEARN to grow the fuck up.


It's a god damn dvd player. Wal-Mart has about 150 in stock for those cheap shitty dvd players.


Now if this was for the Flair DVD, it's all completely understandable.

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I stopped shopping around this time of the season a couple of years ago due to stuff like this. It was quite odd to think that I fell into this, being that I am usually a quite a calm fellow, I piefaced an old women that was trying to take a furby from me, and was seriously thinking of pushing over her cane using husband. So I just get my shopping done by Halloween now.

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Guest Choken One

It's SO much easy to go later in the day anyways...


The place is quieter and they pretty much have the same shit...


These shoppers don't seem to realize for the most part...the sale price doesn't last from 6-10 a.m...

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Ellzey said Wal-Mart officials called later Friday to ask about her sister, and the store apologized and offered to put a DVD player on hold for her.


I'd sue in the first place, but I'd be asking for even more for that comment.

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Guest XxSmashxXxHeadxX
People still don't have DVD players?



i guess so if people are still shopping for them.

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Guest hhheld_down

i dont understand how a crowd of people can just walk over another person like that... we are not animals, we arent (well, shouldnt) be that stupid.. its a dvd player for god sakes, and she should sue wal mart, if all i got was an apology and the dvd player put on hold, id be really pissed. ::takes a sigh at society once again for their utter stupidity::

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"Wow, sorry you got trampled...but we'll hold that THIRTY DOLLAR DVD Player for you."


That's wrong, man, seriously. I REALLY think that the store should be somewhat accountable for that though - I mean, they're the ones who deliberatley try to get people cramming in there right away.




Oh, and I don't have a DVD player...

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I just got a DVD player for Christmas last year. It's a piece of crap, though. Made by Digix Media Inc. (I never heard of them either) I just sent it in for replacement two weeks ago. If the new one sucks ass, I'll send it back for a refund and get a better one.

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Here’s another Wal-Mart story.


My better half knows this woman in her 50s that went to a Mega-Wal-Mart for some hamburger buns. She was at a party and they ran out and they needed a BUNCH of them. Anyway, before meeting with someone about the buns (it was busy) she went over to the jewelry section for a minute of so looking at stuff. When she left the display a security guard came over and said he saw her steal a toe ring that cost less than one dollar.


He took her to the back room, brought several other guards with him and kept saying he saw her stole the ring. She said she didn’t, and the guards said he wanted to strip-search her. (Please note the jewelry display had a security camera running that didn’t show ANYTHING of the sort regarding the theft.) The lady refused to let some middle-aged rent-a-cop see her in bra and panties, so the local police came by and a female officer did the deed.


Of course they found nothing.


Now this lady has hired a lawyer and is in the process of suing everything and everyone involved. Wal-Mart offered her a $10 gift certificate. Needless to say she didn’t accept it.


Can’t wait to see what happens next...

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Guest FrigidSoul

My mother and uncle's wife(I hate the bitch and refuse to call her my aunt) went Black Friday shopping at Wal-Mart when Furbies first came out. They saw a little girl get slammed into the automatic doors and the girl's arm was broken.


This is why stores should kill the 6am-noon sales and have the sales go on all day. They're going to lose more money in legal battles than they'll gain in getting shoppers to come to them in the small timeframe

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I'm sorry but I find it hilarious the woman nearly gets killed and all they offer her is to put a GOD DAMN DVD PLAYER ON HOLD!!!



And somone saying he was going to PIEFACE a guy with a cane.


Am I the only person who just goes to stores at like 6pm and doesn't give a fuck about 6-noon B.S. sales?



Now I must watch Jingle All The Way for shits and giggles now even though the movie sucks balls which is why it gives me the shits.

And yes, I do have 2 DVD players and my PS2 acts as a 3rd.


Cheap Bastards.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

this DVD player. Will she still have to pay for it, or is it free?

Of course she pays for it! What did you expect from Americans?

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Guest El Satanico




bitches be trippin when it comes to day after thanksgiving sales. It's a rule that people need to understand before trekking out. Like they say about mosh pits "don't go in if you aren't prepared".


Of course they wouldn't give it to her for free. Like Wal-Mart gives a fuck if she sues.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Just too make sure I don't get flack for making fun of Americans, I am American, and yes, we do suck at being nice to our own people...or anyone in general for that matter.

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*trips angel and takes his stolen VCR and his wallet*



Cue cartoony music


<opens a door while Satanico is looking behind and running forward, thus smashing into said door


takes VCR, his wallet and Satanico's gold chains>

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
<pushes Patrick down and steals his VCR>

*tackles Angleslayer, does Rocky dancing around like on top of steps, allowing AS to get away*



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Me and my friend went to Best Buy today to buy the Ric Flair DVD and the Steel Cage DVD. We're going in and it's a madhouse. We joked about putting on football helmets. Well my friend runs to the aisle and yells "I found a Ric Flair DVD!" I sped around the corner and tackled him to be funny...right in front of a store employee...who walked off and didn't say shit. I feel so safe in there now.

Ok some Wal-Mart stories:


A guy I knew in the 7th grade found a Tickle Me Elmo at like 3 AM in Wal-Mart. He's heading up to the register with it and a big lady jumps out in front of him and is like "Give me that!' He says no and she tries to wrestle it from him! He kicks her really hard in the knee and runs with it. She comes up as he's checking out with security saying he kicked him for no reason. He tells security what happened...they consider it: crazy fat lady or kid kicking people for no reason while going to checkout? "Ma'am we're going to have to ask you to leave." She was pissed.....and banned.

Then there was a guy that worked with my friends dad. He went up to Wal-Mart with his son and they were handing Furby's off of the truck. The kid got one and a guy PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE and took it! His dad wasn't able to catch the offending asshole in the mess but needless to say he wanted to kill the fucker. Seriously..I've never gone on a black friday day. But now I want to...so I can deck someone who's being an asshole over shopping. If anyone tried to take something from my kids...there'd be hell to pay.

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Guest El Satanico

Many years ago my mother was involved in a mad dash for a KITT car. She was trampled TO DEATH! DEATH I SAY! BAH GAWD!!.


Ok that's not really what happened. A friend asked her to get her one too. Well she found two, but before she could get to the check out, some woman offered her like $70 for one of them. So she kept mine and told her friend she could only find one. So she pocketed $70 and got my beloved KITT.

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Guest Olympic Slam

I hate WalMart. Hate it hate it hate it. I'd rather have sex with a blendor than shop at WalMart. There's never any parking, its always crowded, everybody there is rude, fat, ugly, smelly and god forbid if anyone actually speak English.

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Guest El Satanico

Hey man they can't help it that they can't speak clear english...



It's not easy being inbred

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