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Over the years I've come the conclusion that the toys kids have today suck balls. And mine were cool. I've been seeing these toys called "Bratz" lately. And even more so since working at Target...and I don't get it. These toy girls look like complete total whore-skannks. Why the shit are these so popular and why are parents buying them.






Buncha little hoes.

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Why the shit are these so popular?


These toy girls look like complete total whore-skanks.

Re-arranged to answer question

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Guest Fook
MTV has corrupted their fagile little minds. I can't wait for the Lil Kim, Christina Aguila, Brittney Spears life size dolls.

I just bet you can't...

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There is no way in hell that MY child would own any of that bullshit.


These lil' fuckers look like something that would've been marketed towards adults a few years back.

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That's what I'm saying. I can't figure any parent who thought "This little whore toy would make a nice gift for Sally."


I sure as hell wouldn't want my little kid to look like that...thus I wouldn't buy the damn things for them.


And they are flying off the store shelves where I work.

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That's what I'm saying. I can't figure any parent who thought "This little whore toy would make a nice gift for Sally."

That just cracked me up, badly. :lol:

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That's what I'm saying. I can't figure any parent who thought "This little whore toy would make a nice gift for Sally."

I guess parents will buy anything to shut their kids up today


"Hey, can I get some heroin with my whore doll?"

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There's enough preasure on young girls what with the way their "pop stars" look and how they are marketed towards them.


We don't need the bullshit with the TOYS now.

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Do they have a pull string? What would they say?


"Bitch Pleaze"

"Maury I think Julio, Cesar, Joe, Frank might be my babies daddy"

"Talk to the hand"

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I just saw that my own mother bought four for my little cousins for Christmas, I was like "What the fuck are these?" She was all, "meh."


Man, these kids growing up right now are going to be so much more fucked up than I was with my Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles.

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You guys are so late. That's what my niece asked me for Christmas last year.


I took a look at it and laughed in her face. She's 7, so it's ok.


I got her something else, obviously.

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Guest El Satanico



We could also call Barbie a high class call girl or a gold digging bitch. I don't see yall in an outrage over Barbie.


My conclusion is that you old timers need to calm the fuck down. Bratz aren't going to corrupt the youth anymore than violent TV shows corrupted the youth of the 80's.

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You do know that Barbie has made several woman think that being skinny is the only way to be and some women have gone to get costmetic surgery to become a "living doll".


The media is evil.

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Bratz aren't going to corrupt the youth anymore than violent TV shows corrupted the youth of the 80's.

Take that back before I kick your ass~!

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Guest El Satanico
Take that back before I kick your ass~!


*makes the ground 3 feet behind him explode which makes him jump 8 feet in the air off a trampoline*


I pity the foo who threatens me

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These are just Barbies with flatter chests.

but way more make up

Yes, and their heads are three times larger than their bodies. So what? Is it going to make little girls feel the pressure of wanting a larger skull to please society?


Man, you people need something else to kill your time with.

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Fucking lamers, being concerned with the disturbing social trend of preteens acting more adult, and in turn, sexual. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you watch TRL like a normal human being?


*dies of sarcasm poisoning*


Seriously, though, anyone who doesn't see this trend, as well as its negative effects, needs to wake up. And "Bratz," while not exactly cancer, aren't helping things any.

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Guest Goodear

Oh for fucks sake, its just a fashion doll. You know just like every doll ever? Color me shocked that they dress them up in stuff that people wear on the street and that the kids see all the time anyway.

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These are just Barbies with flatter chests.

but way more make up

Yes, and their heads are three times larger than their bodies. So what? Is it going to make little girls feel the pressure of wanting a larger skull to please society?


Man, you people need something else to kill your time with.

Hentai is a great way to kill time...

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Guest El Satanico

I know what it is..."omg they urban our kids will want to act like puerto ricans WE CAN'T HAVE THAT".


y'all a bunch of dirty racists bah gawd

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