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Guest Skironox

Seeing that reminded me, just how the hell did these jackets with fake naugahyde fur crap get to be be so popular with young girls anyway? I seriously can't go outside for 10 minutes without some little diva wannabe wearing these furry monstrosities. I want the old days back when the worst things they wore were tight sweaters.


And why doesn't that doll have a cell phone? Even ugly straitlaced girls have on attatched to their ears at all times.

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On that note, I was up at our new mall in St. Louis the other day, and while waiting in line to exchange something, I see this 7 or 8 year old girl talking on her new flip-top cell phone with the color screen and such. And All I can think of is "Not only does this little kid have a cell phone, she has a better one than me."


How fucking sad is that?

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On that note, I was up at our new mall in St. Louis the other day, and while waiting in line to exchange something, I see this 7 or 8 year old girl talking on her new flip-top cell phone with the color screen and such. And All I can think of is "Not only does this little kid have a cell phone, she has a better one than me."


How fucking sad is that?

That little girl can buy and sell your ass


Better show some love

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Guest Skironox
That little girl can buy and sell your ass


Better show some love

I think it's more like her mom can buy and sell his ass! No comment on the love...

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And why doesn't that doll have a cell phone? Even ugly straitlaced girls have on attatched to their ears at all times.

...I don't. I think they're a fuckin' waste of money.

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Guest Ronixis

Its just a sad state of the country...


The Animation Industry Hates on the female...


The Music Industry treats them like Sex Objects...


The Toys make it worse...


Where is the respite for a female soul?


To become the controler of todays man, and usurp everything Good Men and Women did right...


Bratz is the devil's child spawn.

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Yes in my previous living situation my roommate had a daughter who turned six last April and when I asked the daughter what she wanted for her birthday she asked for a Brat. I had no clue what they were and went to get it and couldn't believe what they looked like.


I bought it anyways for her because her mom (my roommate) was an ex-stripper and internet "model" so figured the kid was gonna grow up screwed up anyways. ;)

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Yes in my previous living situation my roommate had a daughter who turned six last April and when I asked the daughter what she wanted for her birthday she asked for a Brat. I had no clue what they were and went to get it and couldn't believe what they looked like.


I bought it anyways for her because her mom (my roommate) was an ex-stripper and internet "model" so figured the kid was gonna grow up screwed up anyways. ;)

Good times all around then in that household.

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Something tells me Yuna already has one of these... it'll make a nice foil for her Duo and Heero dolls

Firstly, I have never liked 'Gundam Wing', and I only know about the series due to my obsessed "friend" who I sit by in Holocaust class.


Secondly, I would never want to own one of these whore dolls. I think they're a waste of money.


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Guest Goodear

THEY'RE GIRLS. They aren't going to collect god damn suck ass mutant ducks. And assuming they're older than six, they aren't going to be into Barney and Lambchop either. Of course toys suck if you're 18 ... you're EIGHTEEN stupid.

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Toys don't suck if you're 18, toys suck if they suck. There's still plenty of great toys out there today and I'm not just talking about McFarlane either.

These Bratz are not very bad though.

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I can't believe this has actually gone two pages. Two pages. A discussion about the correlation between BRATZ and moral decline of society.







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Maybe Bratz are around to teach kids that dressing a certain way doesn't warrent you getting called a whore...seeing as this past generation seems to have missed that.




mysoginy is TSM's calling card sometimes.

Edited by Ripper

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Maybe Bratz are around to teach kids that dressing a certain way doesn't warrent you getting called a whore...seeing as this pass generation seems to have missed that.




mysoginy is TSM's calling card sometimes.

Are you really surprised?

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Nah...this is the same place where the posters encourage one guy to sleep with a girl just for sex but call every famous female a whorey slut bitch for not being virgins. I kinda expected it.

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Nah...this is the same place where the posters encourage one guy to sleep with a girl just for sex but call every famous female a whorey slut bitch for not being virgins. I kinda expected it.

Not that I like shooting down your baseless, strawman arguments and sweeping generalizations about all the posters based on the attitutes of a few, but I'm to assume that you mean that a) all the posters here feel that way and b) all of them voiced their disapproval in this thread.


Both of which are untrue. Please refrain from trying to do this in the future, Ripper.


Maybe Bratz are around to teach kids that dressing a certain way doesn't warrent you getting called a whore...seeing as this past generation seems to have missed that.




Okay, who do you usually see dressing skimpily and wearing obscene amounts of makeup--especially excessive eyeshadow? Usually whores, porn stars, and celebrities trying to look like the former two. Then of course some others like Mimi from the Drew Carey Show (a character, not an actual person though) and Tammy Faye. In general though, if you paint yourself up to a ridiculous degree, you're going to be considered to look like a whore.


I only give the female celebrities shit that actually deserve it. For example, Christina Aguilera and Paris Hilton. Both deserve to be called whores.


In general, though, it's hard to have high opinions of celebrities who seem to hook up only the basis of physical attraction and have marriages that last two months tops. That is, of course, not all of them are even most of them. Yet, stuff of that sort is heavily publicized. I don't understand why the hell people are fascinated with the private lives of celebrities and why the hell the media has to focus so much time on them. Heaven forbid real news get the attention. Of course, there are entire shows devoted to "entertainment news"--i.e. which actress is fucking this actor this week.


Regardless, I think these dolls are just a symptom and not a cause. This fucked-up society increasingly sexualizes every damn thing, so the popular sitcoms, pop music, celebrity behavior and so forth gets increasingly and more overtly sexual. Hence, you have a bunch of 13 year old girls thinking they have to dress like sluts to get attention, and that they should be having sex at their age. Plus, it sure as hell doesn't help that girls are maturing physically at younger ages (a topic of major scientific study, brought on by environmental exposure to hormones at younger ages if I recall correctly). As a result, young girls bodies are developing before they're emotionally capable of dealing with it. Since they've already had their self-esteem, independence, and positive self-image crushed from the time they could consume the media, they are constantly told how they have to be to be accepted: be pretty, be blond, be shallow, wear lots of makeup, and be sure to put out a lot.

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I think these toys are damn funny really. What a message to send to small children about life...


Anyway, for some reason I was in Toys R' Us a few days ago and I saw one of the toys... that was the most gay thing I've seen in my life (and I don't like calling things "Gay" either but this toy was flaming gay)


Take a look:




This is supposed to be a male doll named "Liam" I first thought these dolls were supposed to be gang members but no gang would accept a dude like that.


WTF is with these negative messages they are sending to children? You should act like a kid when you are a kid... you have enough time in life to be an adult.

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I think these toys are damn funny really. What a message to send to small children about life...


Anyway, for some reason I was in Toys R' Us a few days ago and I saw one of the toys... that was the most gay thing I've seen in my life (and I don't like calling things "Gay" either but this toy was flaming gay)


Take a look:




This is supposed to be a male doll named "Liam" I first thought these dolls were supposed to be gang members but no gang would accept a dude like that.


WTF is with these negative messages they are sending to children? You should act like a kid when you are a kid... you have enough time in life to be an adult.

adults dress like that?

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Okay, who do you usually see dressing skimpily and wearing obscene amounts of makeup--especially excessive eyeshadow?  Usually whores, porn stars, and celebrities trying to look like the former two.

Who's generalizing?


I only give the female celebrities shit that actually deserve it.  For example, Christina Aguilera and Paris Hilton.  Both deserve to be called whores.


I'm not a fan of [nor do I care about] either one of these two, but I am interested in why it is that they deserve to be called whores...

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This is supposed to be a male doll named "Liam" I first thought these dolls were supposed to be gang members but no gang would accept a dude like that.

The BTM [bad teenage moustache] is a nice touch. :lol:

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Regardless, I think these dolls are just a symptom and not a cause. This fucked-up society increasingly sexualizes every damn thing, so the popular sitcoms, pop music, celebrity behavior and so forth gets increasingly and more overtly sexual. Hence, you have a bunch of 13 year old girls thinking they have to dress like sluts to get attention, and that they should be having sex at their age. Plus, it sure as hell doesn't help that girls are maturing physically at younger ages (a topic of major scientific study, brought on by environmental exposure to hormones at younger ages if I recall correctly). As a result, young girls bodies are developing before they're emotionally capable of dealing with it. Since they've already had their self-esteem, independence, and positive self-image crushed from the time they could consume the media, they are constantly told how they have to be to be accepted: be pretty, be blond, be shallow, wear lots of makeup, and be sure to put out a lot.


Snaps for AndrewTS! *snaps, snaps* Seriously, that is the best paragraph I've read in this whole discussion, and I wholeheartedly agree with it.


EDIT: Those male dolls are the funniest things I've seen.

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Not that I like shooting down your baseless, strawman arguments and sweeping generalizations about all the posters based on the attitutes of a few, but I'm to assume that you mean that a) all the posters here feel that way and b) all of them voiced their disapproval in this thread.


Both of which are untrue. Please refrain from trying to do this in the future, Ripper..


Oh, I'm sorry, I figured that anyone this side of retarded would see that I am saying there is a very prominant mysoginistic overtone to alot of the post here, but that in no way is an attack on EVERY poster here. I should clarify for the people that don't want to use common sense in reading.



Okay, who do you usually see dressing skimpily and wearing obscene amounts of makeup--especially excessive eyeshadow? Usually whores, porn stars, and celebrities trying to look like the former two. Then of course some others like Mimi from the Drew Carey Show (a character, not an actual person though) and Tammy Faye. In general though, if you paint yourself up to a ridiculous degree, you're going to be considered to look like a whore.


No you don't see that USUALLY on whores, or porn stars. You usually see it on women when they dress up to go to the club or such. Of course, I am not constantly surrounded by prostitutes and porn stars so maybe that is the norm at your house. And they are going to be seen as a whore if they were make up, huh? Maybe by a woman hater like you. Sane individuals see the difference.


I only give the female celebrities shit that actually deserve it. For example, Christina Aguilera and Paris Hilton. Both deserve to be called whores.


How do they deserve it. Is it because that damn Christina didn't wear a dress down to her ankles and sing about the virtues of staying home making babies while the man gets the job? She had the FUCKING nerve to have a song about SEX of all things...SEX!!!!! Lets ignore the MILLIONS of songs male performers have about sex, but if this young woman dare to speak of acts non-virgin like, she should be called a WHORE. Although there are rock stars, rap stars, country stars, that outright say I want to FUCK, but thats cool because they are guys. Do I have it now?


And Paris Hilton HAD SEX. OH THAT FUCKING WHORE!!! She had the NERVE to do what BILLIONS of other people in the world do. FUCKING SLUT!!!! Funny though...I haven't heard one person call the guy that was also on the tape a whore...hm....funny.


In general, though, it's hard to have high opinions of celebrities who seem to hook up only the basis of physical attraction and have marriages that last two months tops. That is, of course, not all of them are even most of them.

Now see, this is just plain stupid. In the REAL world, long distance relationships seldom work out, yet if celebrities, who see each other a few hours a MONTH sometimes can't work it out, its because they get together on looks. The divorce rate is WHAT in this country? Celebrities make up a minute portion of the population. It isn't only in hollywood where marriges end quickly. But since they get shoved on TV, you say "They get married solely on looks". Idiot.


Yet, stuff of that sort is heavily publicized. I don't understand why the hell people are fascinated with the private lives of celebrities and why the hell the media has to focus so much time on them. Heaven forbid real news get the attention. Of course, there are entire shows devoted to "entertainment news"--i.e. which actress is fucking this actor this week.


Yet, one paragraph ago, you were bitching about their precieved life styles because you yourself are so into these peoples lives that you take the time to make opinions on people you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. And you show another reason celebrities marry so quickly. They can't date. Everyperson they go on ONE date with, morons...such as yourself...will say "Look who she's fucking now". Don't let her not like the first date with the guy and go out with someone else..."That slut, she was just fucking him LAST WEEK." But I guess that is the way some peoples simple little minds work.


Regardless, I think these dolls are just a symptom and not a cause. This fucked-up society increasingly sexualizes every damn thing, so the popular sitcoms, pop music, celebrity behavior and so forth gets increasingly and more overtly sexual. Hence, you have a bunch of 13 year old girls thinking they have to dress like sluts to get attention, and that they should be having sex at their age. Plus, it sure as hell doesn't help that girls are maturing physically at younger ages (a topic of major scientific study, brought on by environmental exposure to hormones at younger ages if I recall correctly). As a result, young girls bodies are developing before they're emotionally capable of dealing with it. Since they've already had their self-esteem, independence, and positive self-image crushed from the time they could consume the media, they are constantly told how they have to be to be accepted: be pretty, be blond, be shallow, wear lots of makeup, and be sure to put out a lot.


So you, who have proven how incredibly shallow you are by saying people should be judged on how they look and dress say that it is dolls like these and society that is making the youth shallow...So whats your excuse?

And how about a wake up call on this SOCIETY TODAY bullshit. Kids were fucking at young ages in the 40's and 50's and they are fucking at a young age now. The average age for first pregnancy hasn't changed much, and the average age for first sexual experience (15-16) hasn't changes much either. Marrige during that first pregnancy has changed....divorce rates have gone up, and I would like to see you try and put that on the "oversexing" of society.


These big head, flat chested dolls don't even look human, but because how they are dressed you are screaming "whore!!!". Its that kind of thinking that causes asshole lawyers to say "Well, she says she was raped but look at what she was wearing" and idiots like you buy into it because they obviously are sluts. Whatever.



And all this started from talking about Bratz.

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Once again bringing the lightheartedness (something sorely missing from this thread since the last time I posted), allow me to paraphrase a great wise man


"Ladies, some of you may not be whores... but you sure are wearing a whore's uniform.


Like I could walk around in a police uniform and someone will come running up to me shouting 'Officer officer!' and I'd say... 'Listen here! Just because I'm wearing this blue uniform and this badge does not mean I am a cop!'"

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The vast majority of celebrities who dress similar to the "Bratz," in terms of tons of makeup and skimpy outfits, tend to act very sexual and provocative. Kids see these actions from people they think are "cool" and figure it's okay. These dolls are a reinforcement of that lesson. They make this sort of promiscuous behavior seem okay -- not by doing it themselves (they are just dolls), but by popularizing an appearance that is, however unfairly, associated with a certain behavior.


Furthermore, I find Ripper's claims of "misogyny" to be ridiculous. I'm sitting over here worried about the young girls who could be negatively influenced by these dolls, and somehow, that makes me biased against women. I must have missed the connection there. And for record, I don't give a shit how adult women act. It's the kids that worry me.

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Dave Chappelle has taught us all something in life.


Now just sprinkle some crack on this topic and lets get the hell out of here.

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