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The vast majority of celebrities who dress similar to the "Bratz," in terms of tons of makeup and skimpy outfits, tend to act very sexual and provocative. Kids see these actions from people they think are "cool" and figure it's okay. These dolls are a reinforcement of that lesson. They make this sort of promiscuous behavior seem okay -- not by doing it themselves (they are just dolls), but by popularizing an appearance that is, however unfairly, associated with a certain behavior.


Furthermore, I find Ripper's claims of "misogyny" to be ridiculous. I'm sitting over here worried about the young girls who could be negatively influenced by these dolls, and somehow, that makes me biased against women. I must have missed the connection there. And for record, I don't give a shit how adult women act. It's the kids that worry me.

Once again, what is the negative influence of big-headed, flat chested, humanoid looking dolls? How are they any different from Barbie. I know that there was a uproar from parents groups when barbies had skirts that CAME ABOVE HER KNEES yet your parents seem to have made it out without dying of syphyliss due to all the fucking.


If a young girl thinks, "This doll's belly button is showing...I want to suck annonymous cock for money" then she was heading in that path anyway and a doll, that once again DOESN"T EVEN LOOK LIKE A REAL PERSON, could ever do.


Where is your outrage over the violence that young boys learn from GI Joe? Or mutated turtles with swords and sais beating the ever loving shit out of things? The only harm that comes of this is if some person goes to a little girl and calls her doll a whore based solely on how it looks. What is the damaging message now?


Kids been fucking early since the beganning of time and it is not dolls or society that is making it happen. It is hormones. The only thing that stopped them before was the lack of opportunity and personal beliefs instilled in them by parents. Don't believe this "Kids are sexually active younger and younger" because it simply isn't true. Early in our country and around the world it was common place to be married at 12-13, and kids having sex was happening then.


If Dolls and TV are raising someones kids, they are going to have some interesting lifestyles anyway. This is just more needless bitching.


And if you haven't noticed the misogyny on this board, you haven't really been looking at all.

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Where is your outrage over the violence that young boys learn from GI Joe? Or mutated turtles with swords and sais beating the ever loving shit out of things? The only harm that comes of this is if some person goes to a little girl and calls her doll a whore based solely on how it looks. What is the damaging message now?

But, Ripper, didn't you get the memo? It's completely acceptable to glorify war and violence in toys and videogames.. but over-using make-up.. that's a big no-no. :P

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I'm questioning how the misogyny claim applies here. The board on the whole can take a flying leap, for all I care. And as far as the dolls go, you're missing the big picture. The dolls themselves are fairly harmless, but they promote an image that is associated with promiscuous behavior. That's all, and as far as I'm concerned, that's bad enough. You're wrapping yourself in the argument of the dolls being totally unrealistic. Well, no shit! People really don't have giant heads? I had no idea. That's not the point at all. The point is that this style of dress is associated with this lifestyle that attracts a lot of kids these days. Because, get this:


Kids are impressionable.


Yeah, I know, it's hard to believe, but children often pick up bhaviors and traits from what they see every day...and not only in the popular media, but from their friends. And if a perfectly good little girl starts dressing this way, she may end up running with others who dress the same, and I don't want to shatter anyone's utopian vision of not judging a book by its cover, but some of the girls who dress up in these tight, skimpy outfits are sexually active. The concept is social responsibility, folks, and it's not a hard one to understand. Even the world's best parents can't protect their kids from everything, and if they could, it probably wouldn't be healthy. It's up to the rest of us to help out by not encouraging these types of behaviors. And if you don't agree, that's fine, but don't ever come crying to the rest of us if you catch your fourteen year old girl sucking dick. And hey, no that probably will never happen. But it does happen to some people out there, and not just degenerates or lowlifes. And frankly, if I see something that encourages this kind of behavior, I'm going to be firmly against it.


Which pretty much brings us back to the original argument. These dolls, these toys, are not the death knell for chaste virtues. A lot of girls will have these dolls and think nothing of it, and it won't change their lives in the least. But the dolls are another outlet for the media to say "this appearance is cool," and the underlying message, believe it or not, is "so is this lifestyle."


One last thing. You make an exceedingly eloquent point about GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, and the like. I think the outrage about Bratz, though, comes from the fact that this is a relatively new phenomenon. Twenty years ago, you didn't see thirteen year olds dress and act the way they do today -- and I'm not just talking sex, but the impoliteness, vulgarity, and detachment that is far more common in teenagers today than it ever was, no matter how young kids have always had sex. Sometimes, the attitudes associated with am activity are worse than the action itself.


I'm not trying to be a prick here, and I hope your daughter never ends up sucking dick at fourteen. But there's another side to this argument that you seem to be dismissing out of hand simply because these dolls have disproportionate heads, and that's a shame.

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Oh, I'm sorry, I figured that anyone this side of retarded would see that I am saying there is a very prominant mysoginistic overtone to alot of the post here, but that in no way is an attack on EVERY poster here. I should clarify for the people that don't want to use common sense in reading.


Thanks, Yuna for the feedback. Anyway, back to Ripper...


You basically said TSM as a whole was that way, and implied that many of us had a double standard going on when clearly it wasn't the same posters saying different things based on gender.


No you don't see that USUALLY on whores, or porn stars. You usually see it on women when they dress up to go to the club or such. Of course, I am not constantly surrounded by prostitutes and porn stars so maybe that is the norm at your house. And they are going to be seen as a whore if they were make up, huh? Maybe by a woman hater like you. Sane individuals see the difference.


Excessive makeup and extremely provocative clothing. A little makeup, maybe a low-cut blouse, a little bit of tummy/leg--that's fine.


I'm a "woman hater" now. Yup, the same guy who is constantly pointing out how misogynistic WWE is, like last night when a man had to come to Stacy's rescue, because heaven knows we can't have a Diva show any backbone, is a woman hater. Why don't you cut out the ad hominems, and try using better arguments. I'm anything but a woman-hater. I hate a society that forces women to conform to certain standards to meet its approval.



How do they deserve it. Is it because that damn Christina didn't wear a dress down to her ankles and sing about the virtues of staying home making babies while the man gets the job? She had the FUCKING nerve to have a song about SEX of all things...SEX!!!!! Lets ignore the MILLIONS of songs male performers have about sex, but if this young woman dare to speak of acts non-virgin like, she should be called a WHORE. Although there are rock stars, rap stars, country stars, that outright say I want to FUCK, but thats cool because they are guys. Do I have it now?


On the contrary, I extremely dislike many musical acts on that very basis. I loathe Limp Bizkit, get really annoyed with Led Zeppelin, and a lot of AC/DC's stuff I dislike on that very basis. I never got why people loved the Rolling Stones so much. Rap acts that mainly speak of women as "ho's" also disgust me. I think sometimes you can fit in some innuendos and if that isn't the entire point of the song it's fine by me. However, if you're screaming that it's "all for the nookie," I'm going to get rather pissed off. So please don't even attempt that double-standard garbage with me.


Funny though...I haven't heard one person call the guy that was also on the tape a whore...hm....funny.


Both of them are rather fucked up to have been taping it, but anyway, nobody knows who that guy is. Hence he's just "that guy."



Now see, this is just plain stupid. In the REAL world, long distance relationships seldom work out, yet if celebrities, who see each other a few hours a MONTH sometimes can't work it out, its because they get together on looks. The divorce rate is WHAT in this country? Celebrities make up a minute portion of the population. It isn't only in hollywood where marriges end quickly. But since they get shoved on TV, you say "They get married solely on looks". Idiot.


Ripper loves his ad hominems. Celebrity marriages tend to end a lot quicker and are a lot more publicized. When non-celebrities get divorced, it's usually for the same reasons; done on impulse, mainly for looks, and the two usually don't know each others. Since the celebrity marriages are on TV and more publicized, people think it's normal and it's okay.


Yet, one paragraph ago, you were bitching about their precieved life styles because you yourself are so into these peoples lives that you take the time to make opinions on people you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. And you show another reason celebrities marry so quickly. They can't date. Everyperson they go on ONE date with, morons...such as yourself...will say "Look who she's fucking now". Don't let her not like the first date with the guy and go out with someone else..."That slut, she was just fucking him LAST WEEK." But I guess that is the way some peoples simple little minds work.


It's not that I care and actually watch, but it's EVERYWHERE. Let them date, let them take their time. They don't. Within a month, you hear they get married, and in about the same amount of time, they break up. No commitment there, no big deal, right?


So you, who have proven how incredibly shallow you are by saying people should be judged on how they look and dress say that it is dolls like these and society that is making the youth shallow...So whats your excuse?


Nope--it's that these dolls are dressed like celebrities who act in a certain manner, therefore young girls draw the connection that they should act that way as well. It's not the look itself, it's the behavior that comes along with it.


And how about a wake up call on this SOCIETY TODAY bullshit. Kids were fucking at young ages in the 40's and 50's and they are fucking at a young age now. The average age for first pregnancy hasn't changed much, and the average age for first sexual experience (15-16) hasn't changes much either. Marriage during that first pregnancy has changed....divorce rates have gone up, and I would like to see you try and put that on the "oversexing" of society.




Try 12-13. Go to a junior high school and ask around about it. Unless that's just around *here* as opposed to nationwide. Granted, I don't study statistics on the matter much, but what I see around where I live is going to affect my perceptions.


Oh, and the average "first pregnancy" rates have actually declined, but that's because unlike in the past, contraceptive methods are more readily available and use of them are encouraged more. So comparing on that basis is somewhat skewed.


As for the divorce rates--people don't know each other well before they get married. It's simple as that. However, it's much more acceptable now to get a divorce than it used to be. Earlier, it was frowned upon even though in many cases divorces should have occured if there was an abusive partner.


These big head, flat chested dolls don't even look human, but because how they are dressed you are screaming "whore!!!". Its that kind of thinking that causes asshole lawyers to say "Well, she says she was raped but look at what she was wearing" and idiots like you buy into it because they obviously are sluts. Whatever.


And all this started from talking about Bratz.


That's a non-sequitor. How are those at all connected, Ripper? If a woman is raped, she's a victim regardless of how she's dressed.

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But my problem stands with the idea that promiscuity and how someone looks is a okay standard to be on. You are teaching your children that how people look is more important than how they really are. That is a shallow mindset you are passing on.


Here is a even bigger bunch of crap that I have personally HEARD. I HEARD a group of girls tell this lady that they were not like those sluts out there because they dress like they should....they just have sex with older guys because they like it. That mind set absoultely baffled everyone on the bus and got some strong belly laughs out of some of us. But now I am starting to see where it comes from.


So we tell our kids "Clothes don't make the person" when they ask for expensive clothes, but tell them "Clothes that look a certain way means you are a slut".


You know what will stop kids from wanting to dress like that. How about them not having the clothes in their fucking closet. How about not tossing kids a huge allowance so they can go buy halter tops. I don't give a shit what is on TV, if people grow up and do some god damned parenting, what a couple of big headed dolls are wearing wouldn't be a big deal.


How about sitting down with the kids and explaining that x Star doesn't really dress like that. I know its hard when so many people here pretend that Christina Agulilara goes to the grocery story where the outfit from the "Dirty" video coverend in water. They are there to put on a show...to entertain. They are at award shows to dress in a way that draws attention. If you don't have the ability to teach your kids that or can't understand that yourself, procreation is not your friend.


And the vulgarity as you so call is was also prevalent in the olden times too. You need to find older people that shoot from the hip about how they were when they were kids. They tried to drink and smoke and fuck at the youngest age possible JUST LIKE KIDS TODAY. It isn't society, it is human nature to want to rebel from parents and the first way to do that is to convince yourself you are old enough to handle the reprecussions of being an adult. That is what KIDS do. That is what they are going to do. Puberty hits and they try to get a glance at some pussy and start cursing like sailors. The indifference and disrespect...blame the parents for not instilling them with respect. Respect for your common man just doesn't pop on and off like a switch, either it was taught or not.


If my 14 year old daughter is sexually active, you can bet I want be looking to blame TV, and freaking toys for it.

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So we tell our kids "Clothes don't make the person" when they ask for expensive clothes, but tell them "Clothes that look a certain way means you are a slut".


The clothes don't make them sluts. However, when they try to emulate the behaviors of many of their idols, that behavior comes with it.


You know what will stop kids from wanting to dress like that. How about them not having the clothes in their fucking closet. How about not tossing kids a huge allowance so they can go buy halter tops. I don't give a shit what is on TV, if people grow up and do some god damned parenting, what a couple of big headed dolls are wearing wouldn't be a big deal.


Agreed, but these days, the TV is the babysitter. The pop-stars are the baby sitters. The cliques are the babysitters. They do the parenting, and the parents won't parent. Sometimes, the parents do parent but those are the values they see fit to instill in their children.


How about sitting down with the kids and explaining that x Star doesn't really dress like that. I know its hard when so many people here pretend that Christina Agulilara goes to the grocery story where the outfit from the "Dirty" video coverend in water. They are there to put on a show...to entertain. They are at award shows to dress in a way that draws attention. If you don't have the ability to teach your kids that or can't understand that yourself, procreation is not your friend.


However, their actual behavior off-camera is highly publicized, and usually it's not too good. Often, they themselves will do interviews and come out and describe sexual activity they were involved in, or that they were involved with such-and-such.


The kids also don't see what isn't on TV.




And the vulgarity as you so call is was also prevalent in the olden times too. You need to find older people that shoot from the hip about how they were when they were kids. They tried to drink and smoke and fuck at the youngest age possible JUST LIKE KIDS TODAY. It isn't society, it is human nature to want to rebel from parents and the first way to do that is to convince yourself you are old enough to handle the reprecussions of being an adult. That is what KIDS do. That is what they are going to do. Puberty hits and they try to get a glance at some pussy and start cursing like sailors. The indifference and disrespect...blame the parents for not instilling them with respect. Respect for your common man just doesn't pop on and off like a switch, either it was taught or not.


There's not really much rebellion going on because that's the accepted standard. Kids aren't rebelling, they're conforming. Yeah, there are ones that do things because their parents told them not to, but if the parents tried to teach them those things, but they rebell anyway, and then decide to conform to society--whose fault is that?


Puberty, as I said before, is coming sooner these days, so they haven't even been prepared adequately for the whole mess. Even when the parents try to teach kids what's right--they're fighting a tough battle, what with all the other negative influences coming from everywhere else. Either they fight it, or try to shelter the child from those influences. That usually doesn't end well either. If you shelter a child from those influences, then often when they eventually do get exposed, it backfires and they become more likely to be more sexual.

Edited by AndrewTS

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Thank you, Hoff. Good post.


Ripper: oh, and kudos on cutting down on your ad hominems. Those don't help your arguments, but make you look like a jackass.

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Guest El Satanico

Who do we most often see wearing makeup like bratz? Black women and latin women. It all goes back to "y'all a bunch of dirty racists". Barbie looking like a high class call girl is just fine, but bratz are urban looking aliens so good god almighty the world is DOOOOMED!


You guys bitching about these dolls sound like someone's grandfather bitching about "those damn kids" or "in my day we didn't do that".


You know you're getting old when you start pointing at toys, tv, movies or music as being bad influences.


Baby Dolls teaches little girls to care for babies and to like babies. So, where's the bitching about them causing the increase of teen pregnancies?



Yeah kids are impressible, so fucking what. You can't blame a toy or form of entertainment if a kid ends up being fucked up. The kid was screwed in the head to begin with and/or a product of bad parenting.

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Guest Ronixis



You know that half of what El Satanico and what Andrew TS is correct, Ripper?


They do look like Ricans. Not hating on that fact. Barbie was prim and proper (Consertive) where as Bratz is Ghetto hardcore (Liberal)


But where Satanico misses his point entarly and Andrew gets it is that Humanty has changed from the past. Not all of the changes were good, some of the changes were needed, but now have been mutilated into something that could tear this country apart.


There as always prudes. They will always be those of a free spirit. The problem is todays actresses that dress like whores and dance like whores say they are NOT WHORES. Thats the problem. Somebody must define what they are in the Industry. If Christina Aguleria said that she was a whore in the first place, then the issue would have ended. BUT NO, she's a singer first. Then why can she be like Norah Jones? Norah Jones dont have to act like a whore to make sure I like her music. Thats just a message Aguleara is sending, and IMO Its the wrong fucking one. If you have to undress to sing, then your no singer, your a whore. PERIOD.


Why cant they just Legalize Prostitution Already? It would solve a hell of a lot of problems with this issue. The parents know what is off limits to the children, we would have a sepreation between the Singers that are not whores from the whores that Want to be Singers, and those females who want sex with out a realtionship can go to a barleque house for a job? This saves men/women a hell of a lot a trouble finding a mate these days.


I have much respect for both of you guys, but you both of you guys miss the point somewhat. I think that a Female must be treated with a Spritual Respect that Humanty lacks right now. They almost did this back in the Great Depression...but now? I dont know.

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I boil it down to those who have kids and don't. Your outlook on life will change if/when you have kids. Things that you didn't find harmful take on a new light.

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We could also call Barbie a high class call girl or a gold digging bitch. I don't see yall in an outrage over Barbie.


My conclusion is that you old timers need to calm the fuck down. Bratz aren't going to corrupt the youth anymore than violent TV shows corrupted the youth of the 80's.

You're right to a point since these dolls are modeled off what the teen girls today already look and act like.


So they won't corrupt them since they're already corrupted.

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I have much respect for both of you guys, but you both of you guys miss the point somewhat. I think that a Female must be treated with a Spritual Respect that Humanty lacks right now. They almost did this back in the Great Depression...but now? I dont know.


I don't follow what you mean back in the Great Depression, so could you elaborate, please?


Although, the reason I dislikes the sluttish attitude and lifestyle is because it, to me, denotes lack of self-respect. Ripper seems to feel that it's the other way around, and is a manifestion of power and self-confidence.


I disagree, because I've known of young girls who shack up with drug dealers who beat the shit out of them, and they stay with them. They won't break up with them, they will think it's their fault. There's nothing that you can do about that, no matter how you try to convince them otherwise. They're hopelessly dependent on their men, and if they're dumped, they have to get another man. Unlike achievement-oriented, independent women with higher goals in mind. Personally, I find intelligent, confident women way more attractive than some bimbo strutting around in next-to-nothing, who expects to get by in life on her looks. I may be in the minority on that.


Hypersexuality is a known side effect of sexual abuse, and many of the women involved in many of the seedy industries went through that when they were younger. Yes, there are women who use their sexuality to obtain power, although not literally whoring themselves out.


Of course, there are the ones that were abused and haven't seeken out help.


However, while only a small portion have been abused, it seems that the major message is that it's okay to just do whatever the hell you want because there isn't any consequences. Maybe some of these celebrities were abused, but to me it just seems they're exploiting their sexuality for money. Of course, literally or figuratively, "all performers are professional prostitutes" (Kevin Dubrow, formerly of Quiet Riot) -- but some performers are so more literally than figuratively.


Ripper, if you think so many of us are misogynist, you obviously don't peruse the WWE thread much, where we regularly tear apart the disgusting acts usually found in those shows.


You're right to a point since these dolls are modeled off what the teen girls today already look and act like.


So they won't corrupt them since they're already corrupted.


These dolls seem to be depicting young women in their late teens/early twenties, but I'm assuming they're marketed to girls 8-12. They're not being marketed at the same ones who are buying them, correct?

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Apparently you guys haven't heard, but Bratz is not only a line of dolls, it's a clothing line. Suck on that one.

Neither the dolls or the clothes do anything to kids, however. I could go on about why, but there's oh so much long winded argument in this thread already.

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On the contrary, I extremely dislike many musical acts on that very basis.  I loathe Limp Bizkit, get really annoyed with Led Zeppelin, and a lot of AC/DC's stuff I dislike on that very basis.  I never got why people loved the Rolling Stones so much.  Rap acts that mainly speak of women as "ho's" also disgust me.  I think sometimes you can fit in some innuendos and if that isn't the entire point of the song it's fine by me.  However, if you're screaming that it's "all for the nookie," I'm going to get rather pissed off.  So please don't even attempt that double-standard garbage with me.

I still don't see how this explains why Christina and Paris deserve to be called whores.. I don't like either, but I'd love to see an explanation that doesn't boil down to "just my opinion."

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Guest Ronixis
I have much respect for both of you guys, but you both of you guys miss the point somewhat. I think that a Female must be treated with a Spritual Respect that Humanty lacks right now. They almost did this back in the Great Depression...but now? I dont know.


I don't follow what you mean back in the Great Depression, so could you elaborate, please?


Although, the reason I dislikes the sluttish attitude and lifestyle is because it, to me, denotes lack of self-respect. Ripper seems to feel that it's the other way around, and is a manifestion of power and self-confidence.


I disagree, because I've known of young girls who shack up with drug dealers who beat the shit out of them, and they stay with them. They won't break up with them, they will think it's their fault. There's nothing that you can do about that, no matter how you try to convince them otherwise. They're hopelessly dependent on their men, and if they're dumped, they have to get another man. Unlike achievement-oriented, independent women with higher goals in mind. Personally, I find intelligent, confident women way more attractive than some bimbo strutting around in next-to-nothing, who expects to get by in life on her looks. I may be in the minority on that.


Hypersexuality is a known side effect of sexual abuse, and many of the women involved in many of the seedy industries went through that when they were younger. Yes, there are women who use their sexuality to obtain power, although not literally whoring themselves out.


Of course, there are the ones that were abused and haven't seeken out help.


However, while only a small portion have been abused, it seems that the major message is that it's okay to just do whatever the hell you want because there isn't any consequences. Maybe some of these celebrities were abused, but to me it just seems they're exploiting their sexuality for money. Of course, literally or figuratively, "all performers are professional prostitutes" (Kevin Dubrow, formerly of Quiet Riot) -- but some performers are so more literally than figuratively.


Ripper, if you think so many of us are misogynist, you obviously don't peruse the WWE thread much, where we regularly tear apart the disgusting acts usually found in those shows.


You're right to a point since these dolls are modeled off what the teen girls today already look and act like.


So they won't corrupt them since they're already corrupted.


These dolls seem to be depicting young women in their late teens/early twenties, but I'm assuming they're marketed to girls 8-12. They're not being marketed at the same ones who are buying them, correct?

There are some stories about females in the great depression on the net...


But it leads me to my point:


In the 80's: the girls shows (I can mention 4 of them): Jem, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears and the Male shows that had a major Female Presence (Thundercats, He-Man/She-Ra, Robotech, Voltron, Dungons and Dragons (which Lodoss War is based apon the same campain lands that the Kids that got trapted into) all had females that both repsended what females could aspire to become. They all had feelings, they all cared for the Male counterparts.


The 90's (Sailor Moon, Power Rangers, Gargoyles, Spider-Man, X-Men...ibid) Same as the 80's. With the Marvel Propterties, female story lines and chartizations were already established by the comics back in the 1980's. Sailor Moon is the one that should have been the new Rainbow Brite-but thats IMO. (my sister still likes that show even its off the air for three years.)


This decade (Kim Possible, Totally Spies, The Proud Family, Thats So Raven, etc) promoting a culture of somewhat of counfusion. Kim Possible is too perfect (at times., but still better than most of the other girl shows now) ...Totally Spies is too much of a whore out, The Proud Family is too...ghetto. (Sorry, theres Ghetto, and theres just want to be Ghetto- and Proud Family is want to be ghetto) Thats So Raven is just a Urban version of Duff's show.


Reason why Bratz is so popular is this, the girls shows that are promoted as such is boring. Bratz is something (That leads into the impressionism of Girls) its hip, its cool, its gonna break your mothers heart and make your father look at your toys in a new light kinda way. Back then, the Girl chartors were dynamic and had something more than looks. Today, looks can get you too far...


Thats my point.

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Guest Kamui
I know I'm misogynist.



Sailor Moon > Bratz.

Original Japanese Sailor Moon > That piece of crap you watched

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Most girls I see dressed like that are the skanky early teen girls. Just go to an amusement park and look at the clothes on some teen girls.

Yeah...they are HOT...wait wait I mean um, I'm outraged and appalled!

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If it's any consolation, I've seen a comeback of Strawberry Shortcake dolls in the Target store near me.




Of course, in the rap/urban/street world I'm sure someone named Strawberry Shortcake would have a different meaning than that of the plastic figurine...

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Guest Ronixis
If it's any consolation, I've seen a comeback of Strawberry Shortcake dolls in the Target store near me.




Of course, in the rap/urban/street world I'm sure someone named Strawberry Shortcake would have a different meaning than that of the plastic figurine...

Swank. Thanks KKKTookBabyAway.


There is some sad things I have to say about this.


There are two new Girl shows coming out - One from Italy Called Winx Club:




Then a Japanese Series that ended last year Magical Dorami:




Both will air on the same place that TMNT is airing - Fox Box...however lisen what the CEO had to say about the Dorami Anime:


Comments from 4Kids's CEO About Dorami Anime...


I respect him as a buisess man, but WHAT the fuck? There 8!

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Andrew, would you like to point out a time EVER where sexuality wasn't used as a drawing point. From male crooners back in the 50's and 60's to the glamour actresses, sex has always been used to sell. Have the levels of sexuality gone up? Yeah, they have. But it isn't any more prevalent now than it was then.


I still take exception to the fact that if women dress a certain way that you don't like, you see fit to call them whores. I know you say don't hit you with the double standard stuff, but I am still yet to hear anyone call the male artist whores when they talk about their sexual actions. Where is your outrage and worry about what they young boys think when they hear some male star talking about sex? Yet let there be a thread about a Britney Spears concert or a Jennifer Lopez movie and the word slut, whore and bitch will appear a million times. No everyone here isn't mysoginistic but I don't see too many people stepping in and saying "Whoa, that isn't cool". Some do, but it is rare.


All this bullshit about corrupting the youth is the same crap they spewed about Elvis gyrating his hips. It isn't causing shit in your child that wasn't going to happen anyway.


And that "Hypersexuality usually comes from abuse"...that is one of the biggest myths and crocks of bullshit that is out now because people just refuse to accept that a woman MIGHT like sex. A oversexed male...thats fine. A oversexed female must have been abused to be like that. Sex is wrong is something that is instilled by society and basically, if someone manages to see through that bullshit, they are more likely to be more open. We were taught shame for natural behavior and when people don't buy into that, they are called whores(well, if they are female).







Look at all that blush and that firey red dyed hair...Raggedy Ann is such a fucking WHORE~!



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Andrew, would you like to point out a time EVER where sexuality wasn't used as a drawing point. From male crooners back in the 50's and 60's to the glamour actresses, sex has always been used to sell. Have the levels of sexuality gone up? Yeah, they have. But it isn't any more prevalent now than it was then.


I've said myself that sexuality will be used in popular music and so forth. However, if it's more subdued and not overt I can deal with it, because it can very well go over the heads of younger audiences. In fact, I think censorship breeds more creativity. If you can't be blatant and instead have to be more sneaky about what you're doing, you can have a clever song, or in the case of a movie--one suitable for wider audiences, that different ages can get different things out of. How the hell is "Nookie" at all clever, or any of the current songs that are just blatantly sexual?


I still take exception to the fact that if women dress a certain way that you don't like, you see fit to call them whores. I know you say don't hit you with the double standard stuff, but I am still yet to hear anyone call the male artist whores when they talk about their sexual actions. Where is your outrage and worry about what they young boys think when they hear some male star talking about sex? Yet let there be a thread about a Britney Spears concert or a Jennifer Lopez movie and the word slut, whore and bitch will appear a million times. No everyone here isn't mysoginistic but I don't see too many people stepping in and saying "Whoa, that isn't cool". Some do, but it is rare.


I don't call those men whores, I call them pricks and assholes. For men, I usually use "whore" in the sense of just going for money and not sticking to your principles--whatever they may be. Kid Rock, for example, I absolutely loathed for his bullshit "music" that's little more than him swearing, bragging, and talking about sex. Of course, I think his girlfriend, who has been caught on camera screwing several hasbeens from shitty 80's bands, is a whore in the sexual sense. If I find songs sung by a "musician" or that person's behavior distasteful, I won't listen to the music (if I can help it) or buy the albums. Simple as that. As for others--I can't speak for them. I also call Mick Foley a manwhore because he'll say or do anything for the right price, regardless of what it is.


Back to the issue with the clothing. It isn't even the clothing, it's the behavior that usually those persons who wear a certain type of clothing engage in. Usually we're talking famous ones, and young girls emulate famous figures--from the clothes, to the way of talking, to the songs they sing, to the behavior. Plus, there are many cases in which the clothling, or lack thereof, is somewhat tied to the behavior. For example: tongue rings, thongs up the ass and the pants low, or no underwear at all. While that's not true in every case of those, there is a connection. If it's a matter of practicality--for example, the weather where you live, or comfort, or something to that nature, that's good and fine. However, a lot of this stuff being worn sure as hell can't be for comfort reasons. They're to attract attention, attention said females are desperate for. Heaven forbid someone be attracted to their personality or intellect. If you have a nice figure, you can wear some classy, somewhat flattering clothes. However, stuff that looks like it could fall off at any moment--why?


All this bullshit about corrupting the youth is the same crap they spewed about Elvis gyrating his hips. It isn't causing shit in your child that wasn't going to happen anyway.


You read, but don't comprehend. That's not as overt and blatant, although I could certainly see why they'd overreact.


And that "Hypersexuality usually comes from abuse"...that is one of the biggest myths and crocks of bullshit that is out now because people just refuse to accept that a woman MIGHT like sex. A oversexed male...thats fine. A oversexed female must have been abused to be like that. Sex is wrong is something that is instilled by society and basically, if someone manages to see through that bullshit, they are more likely to be more open. We were taught shame for natural behavior and when people don't buy into that, they are called whores(well, if they are female).


Ripper--READ AND COMPREHEND. I don't know where you got that particular quote, because it's not from my post. I never said "all hypersexuality is rooted in abuse." What I said was that "hypersexuality is a known side effect of abuse." There have been observable patterns of hypersexuality in a number of persons who were abused when they were younger. That doesn't mean that only hypersexual people were abused, and only abused persons are hypersexual. In the very same post I even pointed out that there are cases where being overly sheltered can be a cause.


However, I am quite shocked that you seem to think that the way in which someone is socialized has absolutely no effect on their behavior, whether immediate or later on in life. I suppose you're completely in the "nature" camp. Oh wait--you contradict yourself by laying everything on the doorstep of parents. If it's only nature and can't be nurture, than the parents aren't to blame if a child grows up to be a scumbag drug dealer pimp or a prostitute, right?


Or do you find "nature vs. nurture" too simplistic a theory, and you have to analyze the bigger picture? In which case, you simply have to admit that behavior is molded by many factors, of which parental upbringing is just one. One that you yourself admitted is often rebelled against. So what's the factor that leads to a certain sort of behavior, Ripper? I'm dying to hear it.


Look at all that blush and that firey red dyed hair...Raggedy Ann is such a fucking WHORE~!


Because there's no difference in clown makeup and other types of makeup?

Edited by AndrewTS

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Guest Ronixis

You know the crazy things about these things are?


If this was a goth version of these Dolls (Bratz) came out- They would be consertive for the most part, and most of the metal fans here whould say damn, they look hot.


Racial Element? Not really but Satanico's point is taken here.


However, where it comes why men excape scrutaniy of there sexual promiscuty? Because females confuse where Men want sex, and where men want companiship. Really, a man cannot be a whore...rather he is a "sick" indiviual if he's poor, and a "hero to millions" if he's rich.


MONEY is the reason why Men in the industry get away with it...they sometimes do in the real world, but if your "poor" and you messed with a 12 year old? Youre in JAIL. If your R.Kelly however...


And another point.


All the females we mentioned (Hilton, Agulara, Spears et.al...) all are around our age, all watched the same girl shows that Yuna-Firerose and other female had back then, yet Hilton and the rest of them DID not get the Memo from those shows, that in order to be a good female, you dont have to use that body to get what you want, you have to use the talents inside you to do so...


If they had learned that, then Female side of the Music industry would not be such in dire state...

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All the females we mentioned (Hilton, Agulara, Spears et.al...) all are around our age, all watched the same girl shows that Yuna-Firerose and other female had back then, yet Hilton and the rest of them DID not get the Memo from those shows, that in order to be a good female, you dont have to use that body to get what you want, you have to use the talents inside you to do so...


If they had learned that, then Female side of the Music industry would not be such in dire state...

Hilton didn't have to. That's what Daddy's money is for. So she could land "acting" roles despite being unable to act (and being nearly nude for those roles despite being as arousing as a stick figure), and a "singing" career without any need for actual singing talent (now I could be wrong, but if so, it wouldn't be her talent to get her that gig).

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You know the crazy things about these things are?


If this was a goth version of these Dolls (Bratz) came out- They would be consertive for the most part, and most of the metal fans here whould say damn, they look hot.

There is a goth version, actually, although I can't remember what they're called. Not the same company, but they're pretty much the same thing, except they have males as well as females.

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Guest Ronixis
You know the crazy things about these things are?


If this was a goth version of these Dolls (Bratz) came out- They would be consertive for the most part, and most of the metal fans here whould say damn, they look hot.

There is a goth version, actually, although I can't remember what they're called. Not the same company, but they're pretty much the same thing, except they have males as well as females.

Well I be damned!


They have bondage and PVC boots right?


Links...now...so I can see this.

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