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One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

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Okay, the Resthold Kid Hate Club gathers every Wednesday at 8PM. I'm the President, and to join, you must swear that you will forever hate RHK for as long as he continues to NOT PUT ON GOOD MATCHES YET BE PUSHED DOWN OUR FUCKING THROATS STILL.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

If Low-Ki can't drag *** out of his sorry, untalented ass next week, then I forever will hate Michael Shane.


Are there any X-Division guys WORSE than Michael Shane? Even Kid Kash can have a decent match now and then with the right opponent(s). Michael Shane just sucks.

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Kash at least has the proper heel mannerisms down to have an entertaining bout with somebody of obvious greater (or lesser) talent than he does. Shane? He has no idea what his gimmick is supposed to be (nor does anybody else, apparently), and he can't do anything that an untrained backyarder can't do better.


As for hating RHK if Ki can't pull a good match out of him? How about hating RHK in advance because you know the match will end in some screwy fashion (either by interference or the ever-popular PULLING THE TIGHTS~! that is so fucking stupid)?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Kash at least has the proper heel mannerisms down to have an entertaining bout with somebody of obvious greater (or lesser) talent than he does. Shane? He has no idea what his gimmick is supposed to be (nor does anybody else, apparently), and he can't do anything that an untrained backyarder can't do better.


As for hating RHK if Ki can't pull a good match out of him? How about hating RHK in advance because you know the match will end in some screwy fashion (either by interference or the ever-popular PULLING THE TIGHTS~! that is so fucking stupid)?

Good point.


Hmmmm.....maybe if he's in an Ultimate X II, he cna fall and break a leg or arm, that way TNA can have him sit on his ass doing nothing for a few months.

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Shane does suck in TNA, but a lot of his ROH stuff is really good.


This was the first TNA I ordered since the best of three with AJ and D'Lo (since it was the first Wednesday I didn't have to work until the show had already started since), and while the product certainly has gone downhill since its roll during the summer, I certainly didn't think it was that bad. But for the love of God, can we please get ONE World Title Match that doesn't end in some sort of interference or screwy finish? I mean, it's one thing for the heel to cheat to win, but when half the roster gets involved in the final five minutes of the match, it kind of takes the heat away from the two guys who are supposed be out there.

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Guest TDinDC1112

1. The main event turned into a circus and was very disapointing.


2. it's going to be Daniels vs. Shane next week.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

man, I called a good show and got this. thanks for nothing dutch. kidding. it wasn't a bad show, just disipointing for what it could have been. Did Kash get legit hurt during the opening, because it looked that way. The match itself was very disapointing, but I guess it was unrealistic to expect a match like the one from EoHB. The rest of the card was okay-solid, but nothing special. The main event was good, and even had me believeing in an AJ win for a while. Maybe next week....

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A major booking flaw I found in the main was that Jarrett had complete control during the brawling portions. I do suppose it makes some sense, since Jarrett has been in more brawls, but why didn't AJ get the upper hand during ther brawl seemingly at all? He's been in a few brawls in TNA (vs. Lynn, vs. Raven, vs. D'Lo), and he's held his own there. Why not against Jarrett? Dutch, go watch every ep of TNA from its inception until your latest effort. Should take about a week and a half, but the value of how to book the current roster is immense.


I have two RoH comps that Helmet made for me, and I love the matches on them (except for Shane/London, which I thought was boring as fuck, and it certainly wasn't due to London). The only reason I don't buy more RoH tapes is due to monetary constraints, what with having no current employment and all.


And JHawk, you'd be that much more pissed off if you were an avid viewer of the product. Just knowing that TNA is capable of so much better and has been reduced to Memphis 2003 makes me pissed off very much.

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What a waste this once happy promotion has become.


"Locker room is like a family!"


"Great X Division X-posure!"


Now, like...NWA:TNA is like that guy who keeps getting told by the hot chick "yeah, we'll hang out soon" but they never do by Hulk Hogan.


TNA sucks. The NWA died nearly 13 years ago.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

how many of the shows have you watched recently. I don't think TNA sucks right now, or at all in thier run. I think they are adjusting to a new booker who came in and was screwed right away by the Hogan thing. I think they are just having a hard time, and that things will get better, hopefully soon.

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I've seen every TNA since Week 4 (7/10/02), and I can honestly say the product has never been as bad as it is right now. Boring-as-fuck workers holding the titles? Check. Consistently disappointing matches that are at a corpse's pace compared to bouts that took place 6 months ago? Check.


Boring matches + boring booking = boring show. Nothing TNA is doing is particularly interesting, as Mantel books like Hemingway made sentences: too simple to be drawn into.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I disagree. I've been watching teh same amount of time and I honestly think the time when Syxx had teh X title and Henning and Hall were around was alot worse than now.

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