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One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

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And Sabin's music still sucks.


Ultimate X 2? Yeah, because the first one didn't suck enough, right?

The original was a kinda 'work in progress' kinda thing. I reckon they'll think more about the mistakes from the first one and try and change a few things.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Shane/Douglas won when Shane pinned Dutt after the superkick.


Match was pretty eh. * I think, maybe a little higher.


Traci seemed to have messed up two spots. One, she couldn't put Douglas' foot on the bottom rope, either because she fucked up, or because Douglas was two far away from the ropes. The second when Sabin went for something after a springboard off the top rope, but he had to stop because she was standing in front of Douglas. So Sabin stops, wiats for her to move and does a plancha instead. BOO TRACI!

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Michael Shane doesn't even job in the fucking tag team match and the last time he has even lost in TNA was vs Kazarian in The X Cup.

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Low Ki beat Kash and Daniels to win a shot at The X Title

Really boring 20 minute AMW/3LK/Jarrett/Simon/Swinger/Gilberti/Young showdown

Shane and Douglas beat Sonjay/Sabin

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

X defeated Don Harris with a shot to the head with a chain.


Boring match, so thats a good enough answer as to how good it was. I woulda liked to see X do that piledriver to Harris, but he's probably too big to get up for it.



The AMW/Simon&Swinger thing set up as triple threat tag I think for #1 contendership.


AMW v. Simon/swinger v. Gilberti/Young. I THINK thats the match, but I wasn't paying much attention.

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Michael Shane = Xavier - Talent + Influential Relative

RHK is an unover champion whose only heat comes from the fact that the fans, be it in attendance or online, don't fucking care about him, and don't want such a bland worker as the champion.


I think I've figured the problem with much of TNA. The workers are either nothing special and are put in big angles, or are extremely good and not used properly. Also, it seems nobody has a really distinct character, not even Raven (who has become a generic babyface, it seems).

Dark, brooding promos have been replaced with standard "sing along with the catchphrase" face promos. All-out in-ring violence has been replaced by your standard "heel beats him up, then he makes a comeback" match formulas. Who was once an innovator in hardcore brawling is now just another user of the style.


Oh, and AMW's path to the Tag belts sucks too, as is obvious (my opinion, at least) by their addition to my "Fuck" list.

AMW are the new #1 contenders to the NWA World Tag Team titles. Next week is AMW vs. 3LK, which should prove to be teh sux0rz whenever Truth isn't in the ring.

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They did a freaking 20 minute angle and gave the X Division 3-way 10 minutes?? Honestly, who is booking this shit? Thank god I got talked out of ordering, because I would be pissed as hell. If Jarrett-Styles is less than 20, there should be a TNA boycott.

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Yeah...when was the last time they did something interesting with Sabin...or Daniels...or Ki...or other great workers they have. Why should the fans care about them? The booking right now is so upper card focused that no one mid card level or below has much semblance of a character.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I Wouldn't say the segment with the tag teams and Jarrett was TWENTY MINUTES. Maybe as long as the X-Division Match.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Yeah...when was the last time they did something interesting with Sabin...or Daniels...or Ki...or other great workers they have. Why should the fans care about them? The booking right now is so upper card focused that no one mid card level or below has much semblance of a character.

It's hard to do anything interesting with Low-Ki since he's stated his #1 priority is working Japan Tours.

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Yeah...when was the last time they did something interesting with Sabin...or Daniels...or Ki...or other great workers they have. Why should the fans care about them? The booking right now is so upper card focused that no one mid card level or below has much semblance of a character.

It's hard to do anything interesting with Low-Ki since he's stated his #1 priority is working Japan Tours.

Okay, fine...but the point still remains.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Abyss/Red Shirts def. The Gathering when Abyss speared a chair into Ravens midsection.


After the match, Julio & Punk cleared the ring until Abyss double chokeslammed them and beat down Raven some more until J&P chased the heels off with chairs.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Add TNA Production to your FUCK List.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Jarrett vs. Styles starting now.....Maybe it WILL get 20:00 unless they do a 10 minute heel beatdown after the match.

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Hey...think this match will stop being a boring piece of fucking shit anytime soon? I liked the matwork at the start, but the moment they started brawling, it became SHIT.


Fuck...just like EVERY Jarrett match...FUCK.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Has Piper been on the show yet cutting some incoherent promo?

Obviously not. I'd have mentioned it, but they did show more of that crap from last week.


Someone tweak the volume of it damn it!

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Well, there's Watts being taken out post-interference. And here comes Julio/Punk...OH WOW! JULIO/PUNK vs. RED SHIRTS NEXT WEEK!! SMELL THE BUYRATES!!


Jesus Fuck, man...AMW here to get rid of Abyss...and they're trading punches...REF BUMP!!! I KNEW IT WAS COMING!!!


Small package out of a Figure-4 attempt. Jarret floats over from a suplex, and gordbuster onto the top turnbuckle. Jarret and Styles up to, and Styles hits Jarret off. Spiral Tap? Hmmm?


Jimmy Hart in the ring, and he's the new referee...?

Ha! AJ fell off the top rope, superkick to Jarrett...AJ does the SPRINGBOARD...uhhh...Spiral Tap...

1...2...Kid Kash pulls Jimmy hart out. Kash with the guitar, misses Styles, and AJ hits Kash with the Styles Clash. Jarrett with the guitar, ref's back, 1...2...3.


Well, I can say that the booking at the end was good, but the match? Mediocre at best. Jarrett completely killed ANY flow this match had once he decided to take it outside. Kash is with Jarrett. THE FUCK?!


Yeah, that's all Jarrett needs to get some heat: ANOTHER UNOVER HEEL ON HIS SIDE. Hey, I like the K-I-D, but he's now involved in the main event, which is BAD.


Raven promo from Raven's lair in the back, and he sets up a match next week against Abyss. "I've got 2 words for you: INTERNAL HEMORRHAGING." Credits roll, voila.


Decent show, but again, Mantel needs to learn that each show needs to deliver. Tonight's show BARELY delivered, as the only positive was the actual start of the Ki/Daniels feud, and Jarrett needing interference to beat AJ. Everything else pretty much sucked angle-wise.

Match-wise? Very bland. Nothing on this show was any better than your average SmackDown match, only they were given twice the amount of time. Fucking Mantel's notion of "Old-School" might have worked in Puerto Rico, where everybody seems to brawl anyways, but TNA has too many flyers to focus on brawling and the 5 MOVES OF DOOM~!



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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I was too cheap to pay for the show tonight. Have I missed anything good?

Didn't miss anything special.



Ki/Daniels/Kash was pretty good.

Jarrett/Styles was decent, but the brawling portion was boring as hell.

AMW/Simon&Swinger/Gilberti&Young was as good as every other handicap match.

Douglas/Shane v. Sabin/Dutt was ok at best.

X/HArris was bleh.

Gathering/Red Shirts & Abyss was decent.


Average show I'd say.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad I didn't get the show this week seeing as money is short and those results (and match quality) doesn't sound like anything I would get too excited about.



I'm going to join the bandwagon that hates Michael Shane. He's pissing me off too.

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Guest PowerPB13

(Finishes watching A.J. getting screwed again.)


Class, the moral of the story is this:


When watching professional wrestling in 2003, never, EVER get your hopes up...they'll always get squashed. Always.



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