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Guest Choken One

Ric Flair in WWF 1993...

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Guest Choken One

I always wondered Why exactly Vince just let Flair go in 1993?


I know It was a mutal agreement and that Flair said that he and Vince felt there wasn't much left for him to do with the company...


I struggle to believe that Vince McMahon didn't want Flair to stay or could not think of anything to do with the man.


Flair only worked two televised shows in 1993 for WWF, The Rumble (where he was looking to repeat but drew #1 and lasted 20 minutes before his former Consultant turned bitter rival Mr. Perfect eliminated him and of course the very next night in a classic Loser Leaves Town Match with Perfect.


I still think Vince should have AT LEAST kept Flair with the company until Mania to blowoff the Perfect feud there.


However, I still think Flair had ALOT of stuff to work with in 1993...Even in a Land of Gimmicks, It wasn't any different in WCW at the time either...


But I guess Flair really just wanted to stay in WWF as long as Herd was there and once Herd left...He was all ready to come back home.


I wonder if he would have reformed the Four Horsemen (different name of course)...


Looking at the Roster of 1993, You struggle to find the pieces for a formidble Heel group but here's what I would have Got


Ric Flair

Razor Ramon

Mike Rotundo (get rid of the IRS gimmick)



Ideally, He would have perhaps EXTENDED the feud with Perfect and blown it off at KOTR where he would beat Perfect and He and Hart would be the KOTR finals...Bret winning of Course.


At this Point Yokozuna would be the Champion, which means Flair would have to do other stuff...


1993, WWF was WEAK with Faces with Only Luger, Bret, Tatanka, Undertaker, Perfect, 123 kid and the undependable Marty Jannetty.


So Flair would have Problems getting a long feud but that would mean Hart and Flair could have had a Big feud. You could have Razor start to make mistakes and eventully get kicked out of the Group...


During the Flair/Hart Series Blowoff...The hype would be who is the NEW horseman. Bret would be ambushed outside the ring as Bobby Heenan...The J.J Dillon of the group distracts The ref but OWEN hart comes to the ring presumably to help his brother but Owen turns on Bret and helps flair win.


Owen's the newest member.


At the Royal Rumble Hart/Ramon Vs Flair/Hart is booked. Bret gets the pin over flair and they finally put an end that one.


Flair then dismantles the group.Bret faces Owen at Mania and Luger will simply get the triumphant victory after a long chase over Yokozuna. Flair goes over Ramon.


Then Luger/Flair and Bret/Owen would dominate the Summer of 1994 with Flair getting the cheap win over Luger at KOTR for the titles.


Meanwhile, Owen "suffered" an injury by the Hands of the dastardly Diesel, HBK's Bodyguard.


Owen pleads for Bret's forgiveness. Bret accepts and announces he wants to avenge his brother's injury and wrestle Diesel but Shawn Claims Diesel only works when he tells him to...but Shawn gets suckered into the match instead.


They wrestle a solid excellent 25 minute match with Bret having the match won but Owen, Playing cheerleader suddenly pulls the ref under the ring after Bret gets a rollup....Owen Laughs as Bret is Confused...Diesel BLINDSIDES bret and lays him out. Owen hops in the ring and celebrates and revels he was NEVER hurt at all.


They book at Match at Summer Slam in a Cage.


Else where, Ric Flair fresh from his HUGE title win over Luger starts a program with his Old Nemesis Randy Savage...Savage wants to put an end to flair's actions...


Each match is ****+...Bret wins and Flair hits every page of his dirty book to keep the title.


The Owen Feud is blown off and Flair easily makes use of Savage.


Rather then go with another Flair/Hart feud right away...They decide to Turn Flair face and give him a feud with Shawn.


Bret has a short little feud with Bam Bam Bigelow to kill time.


Shawn and Flair work a fall/winter program. Shawn gets the title via cheap actions at a Major Raw...They book a Re-Match at Rumble. Flair wins with a whole HUGE comeback deal. Bret wins the Royal Rumble last eliminating his Brother.


Bret Hart Vs Ric Flair for WMXI is booked. Face Vs Face.


Bret Wins the title and Flair finally leaves the WWF.

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I struggle to believe that Vince McMahon didn't want Flair to stay or could not think of anything to do with the man.


I still think Vince should have AT LEAST kept Flair with the company until Mania to blowoff the Perfect feud there.

The plan WAS to blow off Flair/Perfect at WM 9 I believe. But that got moved up when McMahon & Flair agreed to part ways -- and Flair had a no compete clause. That's why WCW created "A Flair For The Gold," to give him something to do till the clause expired.


IIRC, Flair had no problems staying in the WWF until Vince wanted to remove him from the WWF title picture into the IC title chase. Kinda like the way Jim Herd thought Flair was done main eventing.


Oddly enough, if what I read is true, Bill Watts was the one who cut the deal to bring Flair back, but as we all know Watts resigned before Superbrawl III. (Flair's WCW return)


Very good fantasy booking. If Flair & Hart met at WM XI, Flair probably would of played the "Luger" role at the debut of Nitro, assuming (most likely) Flair had the no compete clause.

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Guest Choken One

Shit...Flair should have listened...


Shawn, Marty...Well yeah that was the whole I.C roster that year but imagine those matches.

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Guest Ray

This is sort of off-topic, but am I the only one who doesn't love the Flair/Perfect loser leaves town match?


I found it on kazaa recently and was quite disappointed with it.

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Guest Choken One

Likely by the hype of the match.


The match was great in that whole "Ya had to be at the moment"...


Ya know...a REALLY good match live but watching it ten years later, cold it doesn't have the effect.


You gotta remember the hot segment they had the night before.

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Guest MikeSC
This is sort of off-topic, but am I the only one who doesn't love the Flair/Perfect loser leaves town match?


I found it on kazaa recently and was quite disappointed with it.

Umm, you don't seem to like a lot of matches. It might be more time saving for you to say the matches you liked and let us assume you hate all the others.


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Guest Ray
Umm, you don't seem to like a lot of matches.

Nah, it just appears that way, since I don't tow the standard good WWE matches party line.

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Likely by the hype of the match.


The match was great in that whole "Ya had to be at the moment"...


Ya know...a REALLY good match live but watching it ten years later, cold it doesn't have the effect.


You gotta remember the hot segment they had the night before.



You can't watch that match cold turkey and necessarily have the same feeling as the fans "back then" did, since you'd have to trace their history as partners back to the 1992 Rumble.

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Guest Ray
Likely by the hype of the match.


The match was great in that whole "Ya had to be at the moment"...


Ya know...a REALLY good match live but watching it ten years later, cold it doesn't have the effect.


You gotta remember the hot segment they had the night before.



You can't watch that match cold turkey and necessarily have the same feeling as the fans "back then" did, since you'd have to trace their history as partners back to the 1992 Rumble.

Good matches stand the test of time. This one doesn't.


Not seeing it live is irrelevant.


I didn't see Austin/Hart live. It was still great. I didn't see Misawa/Kawada live. It was still great.


I don't see what's so great about Flair/Perfect.


I'm sure people overrate it because it's Flair putting over Hennig in his last WWF match.

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Guest Indikator

Hey Choken One, your scenario has a major flaw, it doesn´t include Hulk Hogan so Vince would never ever done it

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Well, Hogan didn't leave until the summer of '93 after KOTR. It would have been nice for Hogan and Flair to have had a match during that time period. Also, Ted Dibiase was still hanging around making noise at that time and you forgot to do anything with 'Taker who was getting a massive push.

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Guest The Midnight Rocking Warrior

Here are the highlights of Flair's wwe career in terms of wins and losses:


1991: Was the last man standing in the survivor series opener

1992: Won the royal rumble and beat Savage for the title

1993: Um.........Errrrr....... Eliminated soon to be Uswa champ Papa Shango from the royal rumble

2002: ( In my opinion) Beat Chris Jericho at summerslam

2003: Pinned Shawn Michaels at Badd Blood


I think he should have stuck around until at least wrestlemania in 1993

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Guest Mad the Swine

Actually, Flair had at least another televised match with the WWF in 1993: he worked against Tito Santana on Raw.


Flair didn't have a no-complete clause as far as I can tell. WCW just wanted to drag his wrestling return out until the Clash in June to pop a big rating. It failed, miserably.


Vince might have been ready to start moving him down because Flair was out a month with vertigo from mid October to mid November in 1992. And Flair probably had that desire to go home. WCW was still home, no matter how awful it was. Plus, he would be working less matches and matches that were much closer to home.


Besides, WCW offered him a large sum of cash.

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Guest Stunt Granny

I always wanted to see Flair (face) do a program with DiBiase (heel). But not durng '93 Ted was starting to deteriorate, but late 80's feud between those two would bave been the shizz. They could feud over who has the bigger house, slams more chicks, who has more cars the whole thing would be gold.

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What if the WWF Horsemen was Flair, Arn, Tully, DiBiase with Bobby Heenan as the manager? They could of worked with Savage, IRS, Mr. Perfect, Virgil as faces.

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What if the WWF Horsemen was Flair, Arn, Tully, DiBiase with Bobby Heenan as the manager?

That would of been awesome IMO. It could've happened in 1992 since Flair and Dibiase were already in the WWF, Tully wasn't doing much since WCW decided not to re-sign him in 1989 due to his failed drug test, and Arn was on the verge of getting fired from WCW when Bill Watts became WCW VP of Wrestling Ops., because he didn't want to take a pay cut.


Then again, hot rumor back in '92 was DiBiase going to WCW but didn't because WCW wasn't willing to offer him the money he wanted.


How things changed when Bischoff took over: Watts - sign guys for cheap price, Bischoff - over pay. Then again, Watts' job was to cut cost.

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Guest Choken One

I dunno about Putting Flair and DiBiase on the same team.



The purpose of the horsemen was that Flair was always the charismatic hot shot of the group...


DiBiase and Flair Kinda had the same style in terms of promos...

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Flair explains the Horsemen dynamic very well on the Flair DVD. Ric was the standard bearer and the rest of the guys complimented and protected him. Originally, Tully was the technician, Ole the brawler and Arn the brash rookie. Everyone had to know their role and fit into it. I could see have rebuilt the Horsemen in late '92 with Razor Ramon as the 4th member.

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I don't see why they didn't have the Flair/Perfect loser leaves town match on Royal Rumble 93. It would have helped a lackluster card a lot, IMO. Let's say Perfect beats Flair, but Flair does an interview and says he still has his spot in the Rumble, and if he wins that he's guaranteed a shot at WM even if he doesn't have a job - then he'll take the WWF title back down south. They could have had Flair enter early and tease him winning before Perfect finally eliminates him late in the match.


Just an idea. :)

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I don't see why they didn't have the Flair/Perfect loser leaves town match on Royal Rumble 93. It would have helped a lackluster card a lot, IMO.

They were trying to pop a rating for those early epiodes of RAW.


IIRC, that was the third episode in RAW's history.

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Guest DeputyHawk
Flair was out a month with vertigo from mid October to mid November in 1992


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Question: How did Flair do the *** Miracle jobs with Warrior on house shows like he did El Gigante?




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