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Sharpton SNL appearance to be blacked out in Iowa

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You know, I have never been a supporter of campaign-finance reform/equal time, but maybe it does have its positives after all...


Source, for those that care...


Sharpton to Host SNL, Iowa Won't Air


DES MOINES, Iowa - Democratic presidential candidate Al Sharpton will host this weekend's broadcast of "Saturday Night Live (news - Y! TV)," but viewers in Iowa won't see it.


All four NBC television affiliates in the state announced they won't carry the show because Sharpton is one of nine candidates seeking the Democratic nomination. The selection process begins with the Iowa caucuses Jan. 19.


Tim Gardner, director of creative services at WHO-TV in Des Moines, Iowa, said station lawyers decided that airing the 90-minute show would trigger federal "equal time" provisions — meaning the stations would have to offer an equal amount of air time to each of the other presidential candidates.


WHO and two other stations instead will air a previous episode of the 90-minute show. KWWL viewers in the Waterloo, Iowa, area will get to watch three infomercials pitching the Miracle Blade, Total Trolley and something titled "Attacking Anxiety."


Sharpton campaign manager Charles Halloran was puzzled by the decision.


"Their lawyers must not have finished law school because NBC went through all sorts of research to make sure that it was appropriate," Halloran said.

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Here's a similiar article-


'SNL' May Be Yanked in Three States on Saturday



NBC is planning to provide copies of an older episode of Saturday Night Live to affiliates in three states (California, New Hampshire, Oklahoma) and Washington D.C. because the Rev. Al Sharpton, who is scheduled to appear on Saturday's show, is due to be listed on the primary ballot as a presidential candidate in those states, CNN reported today (Friday). The cable news network observed that, under current FCC rules, Sharpton's appearance could trigger demands for equal time from other Democratic candidates running for the nation's top office in those states.

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Guest Cerebus

Sharpton on SNL? Well he can't make what passes for comedy on that show now that much worse can he?


Oh wait...

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Guest MikeSC

Heck, I worry if his appearance might show what good comedy writing is.


Of course, his comedy is unintentional --- but no way Tina Fey et al can compete with Rev. Al's natural flair for the asinine.


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Guest MikeSC
Yeah, um...not showing here right now (TN).


We got a Steve Martin episode. Damn.

You aren't missing much.


...Think of the Rock's first appearance. Take away his charisma. Take away the comedy. It's a little worse than that.

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Guest MikeSC

OK, I'm sure Bob Barron, who posts in numerous boards here, can say better than I ---


But this was the worst SNL I've ever seen.


Unfunny to a startling degree and the audience was nigh silent.


Sharpton isn't ready for prime time --- but are we shocked?


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Worst I've ever seen was Tom Green.

The only sketch I really liked was the 3 wise men getting pulled over. That's the type of topical, smart humor SNL used to be known for. I also found the one with all the Dems chilling to be decent. Everything else was pretty bad though. Its clear Sharpton is best when he's allowed to rant and rave impromptu, not under a script.

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Honestly, it was probably one of the best shows of this season, so far. Granted, they have had some stinkers this year (Andy Roddick, for one), but it was actually pretty good. They avoided his weaknesses and played up his strengths.

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Guest MikeSC
Worst I've ever seen was Tom Green.

The only sketch I really liked was the 3 wise men getting pulled over. That's the type of topical, smart humor SNL used to be known for. I also found the one with all the Dems chilling to be decent. Everything else was pretty bad though. Its clear Sharpton is best when he's allowed to rant and rave impromptu, not under a script.

I missed the Tom Green one as I am convinced that he has a pact with Satan --- only POSSIBLE explanation for somebody so devoid of anything resembling ability having a career.


But this was horrid --- and the last 30 minutes was awful. I haven't watched the show a ton --- but whomever told Maya Rudolph that she's funny did the poor girl a disservice.


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Hmm, they showed the episode on the Providence NBC affiliate, but the Boston one had the "Best of Steve Martin".


I wasn't going to watch it anyway, with Confidential and MXC and all.

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Guest JMA
Honestly, it was probably one of the best shows of this season, so far. Granted, they have had some stinkers this year (Andy Roddick, for one), but it was actually pretty good. They avoided his weaknesses and played up his strengths.

I agree. I found the show pretty funny. Sharpton was clearly nervous, but I thought he did a decent job.

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I'd just like to submit kkk's own thread title as more proof of his insidious racial bias.


His appearance was "blacked out", kkk?



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His appearance was "blacked out", kkk?


Glad someone noted that. *Leaves to get kkk hat out of dryer. Returns.*


The OAO kkk review of bob's review of snl...


Thoughts- I thought for sure when Al mentioned past mistakes we were going to get Tawana Brawley jokes and I would admire Al Sharpton for being willing to make fun of his past.


Too bad SNL has no balls and didn’t do one. I even have a skit idea. Old Poo-Face stops at some fair and visits a group that just did a chocolate pie-eating contest. OMG THE NYPD IS OUT OF CONTOL!!!


I enjoyed the knocks at Bush, the bit where Tina called Jimmy an idiot and when there they yelled at the places that wouldn’t carry SNL.


Why the fuck are these two douches yelling at the places that didn’t carry the show? They should be yelling at their public officials. Like I said before, I'm starting to like the whole "equal-time" rules if it means more mayhem like this. SNL should have every one of the Dem presidential pretenders have their own show.


Overall, I give bob's review a ********** because I got to see how fucking stupid Poo-Face's appearance was and I didn't have to watch that pile of shit on TV. Thanks to bob, I watched "Predator" on FX instead, and it makes me feel great to know that two current/former governors starred in that film.


Die already, Al...

Edited by kkktookmybabyaway

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On its merits, the show was terrible. There was only one "good" sketch, as noted above (the Three Wise Men). Sharpton delivered his lines with all the style and emotion of a first-grader reading about good oral hygiene.


However, it was entertaining because it was such a clusterfuck. I mean, Sharpton as Brian Fellows' brother Ryan Fellows, who does love the ladies and wants to go clubbing with a baby seal, then argues over whether Frosty the Snowman is an animal? Who isn't entertained by that?


The Democratic Nominees sketch had potential, but just reeked of trying too hard.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think I'll end up voting Sharpton, just out of spite.


Twice, even.

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Guest Kamui

It's a good thing Sharpton has no chance in hell of winning the nomination, because if he did, then man, would we liberals be fucked.

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Guest Cerebus
Therefore, we are going to change the rules so

that each Democrat vote only counts as 0.2

votes because Democrat is a shorter word than



That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read on this board (SIG or otherwise) espcially when "Democrat" has .8 of the amount of letters as "Republican" does. Idiot.

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There is a flaw with that sig's logic (I don't have the sig option turned on, but I'm assuming it's Kamui's).


Democrat = 8 letters

Republican = 10 letters




Democratic (which is used all the time, though not by me, to describe the Party) = 10 letters


So they're all Even Steven in the end...

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Guest Kamui
Therefore, we are going to change the rules so

that each Democrat vote only counts as 0.2

votes because Democrat is a shorter word than



That has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read on this board (SIG or otherwise) espcially when "Democrat" has .8 of the amount of letters as "Republican" does. Idiot.

/watches as joke goes over your head


Congratulations. You figured out the point of it. It's an indirect insult at Republicians. Carry on.

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I'd just like to submit kkk's own thread title as more proof of his insidious racial bias.


His appearance was "blacked out", kkk?



Many a true word spoken in jest.

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