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Guest Kamui

Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

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Guest MikeSC
See, that would work if I was some kind of depressed metal kid or something. But I'm not. I'm HAPPY.


Let's go over it again:


1) I'm smarter than you.


2) I'm probably richer than you.


3) I probably have more friends than you.


4) I'm cooler than you.


5) Did I mention I'm smarter than you?


Yup, no reasons to be depressed here.



The mating call of the net geek in all its glory!


You know, I'm fervently pro-life --- but even I think your mother made a mistake when she didn't correct that night when got all drunk and allowed the special ed kids to have their way with her.


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I can't decide which gets my vote for "Post of this thread" now.


Kotzen's rewrite is right up there with JOTW's pic

They do both exihibit signs of greatness....I dunno.....tough call.......

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What can be a little lamer than "working an entire folder"

1) Bragging about it

2) Nailing donkeys


You're 2-for-2 on that, too, aren't ya, twink?


3. Lying about it.

Myself and DH can't be the only ones that don't believe him. Just go back to his pleading of how he found that site on a google search and even LINKED us with the search...

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Wait...I just realized something...Kamui has actually forged a cause that brings the conservative and liberal contigents of the board together! Just in time for the holidays! Now, go play with your Pikachu...

I wish I had a Pikachu, because if I did, he'd be electro-shocking ALL your asses right now.








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I can't decide which gets my vote for "Post of this thread" now. 


Kotzen's rewrite is right up there with JOTW's pic

They do both exihibit signs of greatness....I dunno.....tough call.......

I am guessing the pic took more work, so it would have to get my vote.

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Lightweight. Until you can convince a dozen people in a chatroom that you just committed a murder, was wounded, and ACTUALLY CAME TO THE CHAT ROOM FIRST, you shall not get props from me.



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Admittance of posting to get a reaction, eh?


You like Japanese culture, so you'll be familiar with the term Sayonara, fuckhead.

Nice work, Mr. Malibu.

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Hey lay thanks where thanks is due! I PM'd this thread to Malibu and alerted him!


So did others, my hosserific friend. Pretty much everyone caught on that this sushi grubbin' ma'fucker was septic waste.

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Hey lay thanks where thanks is due! I PM'd this thread to Malibu and alerted him!


So did others, my hosserific friend. Pretty much everyone caught on that this sushi grubbin' ma'fucker was septic waste.

So we have like a narc coalition? NOBODY IS SAFE!

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In all seriousness....the moment he made his first post in the Video Games forum I wanted the fucker gone. He was such a high and mighty bastard it was just annoying.

He came on here and ran his mouth about subjects which he knew nothing of, then turned around and did some damn hypocritical things. And his acting like he was on some moral high ground and the rest of us were wallowing in ignorance really grated on my nerves. But he's an annoying little geek that is now banned and will probably hang himself as a result.

So in closing........use a nylon rope dude....it won't burn and is a bit stronger...... :headbang:

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Guest Cerebus
In all seriousness....the moment he made his first post in the Video Games forum I wanted the fucker gone. He was such a high and mighty bastard it was just annoying.

He came on here and ran his mouth about subjects which he knew nothing of, then turned around and did some damn hypocritical things. And his acting like he was on some moral high ground and the rest of us were wallowing in ignorance really grated on my nerves. But he's an annoying little geek that is now banned and will probably hang himself as a result.

So in closing........use a nylon rope dude....it won't burn and is a bit stronger...... :headbang:

Indeed, speaking as far as the CE folder is concerned he was Godzilla.

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Guest BDC

As soon as he showed in CE, it was crap. This thread... well, I was waiting for a mod to show up. I wonder if they drew straws to paint this one of their ban gun.

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Well he got what he wished for. Now he will have plenty of time for the games and anime he spoke of, not to mention all the friends he has, all the money he has to spend, and time to reflect on his neverending coolness.

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<opening credits finish rolling>


<open with shot of cemetery, zoom in on Angelslayer standing over freshly dug grave>


"...I have gathered me here today to mourn the loss of my foil, Kamui..."


<Shot of tombstone engraved:


Kamui, RIP


Registered: Who the fuck cares?

Banned: December 8, 2003>


<Angelslayer solemnly walks away, toward camera, then stops to look pensively into the distance>

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