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Armageddon Match Ratings and Results

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Batista and Flair beat the Dudleys


Whoa... Where the hell did that come from? Since when we're Flair and Batista in that much anyways? Did they replace a team or getadded in at the end due to their shameless kissing-up to Bischoff?

It goes like this:


Batista lost to HBK, got pissed, whined around to Flair, Flair fired him up, then they apparently talked Bischoff into including them into the Tag Team Turmoil so they could win the belts.

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I can't wait for the suckfest of a feud that is Flair and Batista vs (Generic Raw Tag Team) and how the rubes on this board will begin to praise Flair's "*****" tag work.


I'm surprised more people haven't commented on how Flair is champ again and how him and Batista are the greatest tag team of all time. Because they are.

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I didn't mind Flair / Batista winning. Having the Dudleyz retain after all would have seriously pissed me off.

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Um..the show was pretty good...I guess not being on the net actually does help enjoy the show.

Or maybe someone loves kissing HHH's ass.

Sure...I dont even like HHH..fucking idiot.

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You can't compare HHH and JJJ, its like comparing Hitler and Hussein. Two completely different assholes.

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You can't compare HHH and JJJ, its like comparing Hitler and Hussein. Two completely different assholes.

How about this:






Jericho's and Style's title reigns were both weak and they lost the titles to politicking assholes. The only difference is Styles hasn't jobbed to Michael Shane 3 weeks in a row like Jericho did to John Cena last year.

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I can't wait for the suckfest of a feud that is Flair and Batista vs (Generic Raw Tag Team) and how the rubes on this board will begin to praise Flair's "*****" tag work.


I'm surprised more people haven't commented on how Flair is champ again and how him and Batista are the greatest tag team of all time. Because they are.

Not even Flair's greatness can help Batista.

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This is the first ppv I have missed in a loooooong time(I had christmas shopping to do), and from the looks of it, good thing I missed it.

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If Molly Vs. Ivory was ** how was the main event a dud? Just because you don't like a wrestler doesn't mean the match quality is worse.

Dude, the match SUCKED. Name me one redeeming thing about the match.

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Dude, the match SUCKED. Name me one redeeming thing about the match.


It was short. :)

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I'll be generous and call everything a DUD. It sucked ass and is my nominee for worst PPV of the year. Yeah, Bad Blood was better.

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Guest Coffey
If Molly Vs. Ivory was ** how was the main event a dud? Just because you don't like a wrestler doesn't mean the match quality is worse.

Dude, the match SUCKED. Name me one redeeming thing about the match.

It was three big names in a WWE ppv main event? There's a start. You knew what the main event was going into the event, and you knew the participants in said event. Did you think that they were going to just randomly start hitting suicide planchas and frankensteiners? Did you think that Bischoff would come out and change it to a Hell in a Cell match?


It was good for what it was. It was booked as three powerful men beating the hell out of each other and Triple H told a good story in the match. He manipulated Kane the whole match, then Kane caught on. Then Triple H played the coward. The two had to work together to take out Goldberg. Goldberg fought back despite all odds, then the dastardly HHH got the cheap victory.


How could it have been better? Oh, I know, if ya'll would've got a winner other than HHH.


Get over it.

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What I really don't understand is....how did Ivory get a shot at Molly? Where the hell was Victoria? And Flair winning a belt for doing nothing is shit...period. Had it been Batista and Orton running down with Flair, and Orton/Batista getting the titles...ok...but, is Flair a manager? mentor? wrestler? What the hell is he?


It was a badly booked, badly executed, shitty PPV....that I was excited to actually see....and then was extremely let down.

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Guest Coffey

Ivory/Molly was a filler because they ran short on time. Look at Owen Hart Vs. Skinner from Wrestlemania past.


Victoria couldn't do it because she's heel, just like Molly.

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What I really don't understand is....how did Ivory get a shot at Molly?


She was the next face in line since Trish / Lita were busy and Jacqueline's AWOL.


Where the hell was Victoria?


Backstage I assume. She hasn't made the face turn yet so it made sense for her not to be booked.


And Flair winning a belt for doing nothing is shit...period. Had it been Batista and Orton running down with Flair, and Orton/Batista getting the titles...ok...but, is Flair a manager? mentor? wrestler? What the hell is he?


I don't know, but it was better than the God damn Dudleyz retaining after all that.


To me, Armageddon was good. Yeah, I'm shocked to say that myself, but I like how things happen tonight except for HHH of course.

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Guest MikeSC

The show was OK. I don't care that HHH is the champ because, well, GB was hardly a fave of mine. Batista and Flair as tag champs are REAL odd as the hottest tag teams on RAW are on the heel side.


But, and maybe I'm nuts here, weren't Shawn's shoulders down for the count along with Batista? I figured they'd DEFINITELY play up THAT --- but, no, they didn't.


But did ANYBODY not see Flair & Batista winning the tag gold when Flair promised a plan to give them all gold after their little post-match promo?


On the good side, John Hi-I-Suck (or whatever his name is) got beaten by Rico in short order.


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If Molly Vs. Ivory was ** how was the main event a dud? Just because you don't like a wrestler doesn't mean the match quality is worse.

Dude, the match SUCKED. Name me one redeeming thing about the match.

It was three big names in a WWE ppv main event? There's a start. You knew what the main event was going into the event, and you knew the participants in said event. Did you think that they were going to just randomly start hitting suicide planchas and frankensteiners? Did you think that Bischoff would come out and change it to a Hell in a Cell match?

Whoop-dee-shit. I guess that means that Undertaker/HHH negative-star fiasco from last year was really a **** match just because it had two huge names, right?


The match was a DUD because everyone was going through the motions, and it showed. Hell, the crowd was even turning on the match at the end. To quote Jim Cornette, the match sucked a dick. I wasn't expecting a ***** spotfest, but I was certainly expecting those guys to put forth some kind of effort.

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If Molly Vs. Ivory was ** how was the main event a dud? Just because you don't like a wrestler doesn't mean the match quality is worse.

Dude, the match SUCKED. Name me one redeeming thing about the match.

It was three big names in a WWE ppv main event? There's a start. You knew what the main event was going into the event, and you knew the participants in said event. Did you think that they were going to just randomly start hitting suicide planchas and frankensteiners? Did you think that Bischoff would come out and change it to a Hell in a Cell match?


It was good for what it was. It was booked as three powerful men beating the hell out of each other and Triple H told a good story in the match. He manipulated Kane the whole match, then Kane caught on. Then Triple H played the coward. The two had to work together to take out Goldberg. Goldberg fought back despite all odds, then the dastardly HHH got the cheap victory.


How could it have been better? Oh, I know, if ya'll would've got a winner other than HHH.


Get over it.

Well I didn't get to see it(thank god) but given the participants I wouldn't exactly hold my breath for a good match. And from everything I've heard and the PBP I've read......it sucked. But Coffey seems to be playing the old cheap heat "You only hate it because of who's in it! God! Stupid sheep!" which is just ignorant. Because what if they hate it because well it sucked? Huh? Ever think of that? Oh but you liked it. So somebody must automatically hate it because of that reason and not because it was a bad match!

So no....you get over it.

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But, and maybe I'm nuts here, weren't Shawn's shoulders down for the count along with Batista? I figured they'd DEFINITELY play up THAT --- but, no, they didn't.

Yeah, I saw that too. I guessed it was because Shawn was completely on top of Batista, so Batista wasn't "covering" Shawn in any sense.


But...maybe they play it up on RAW tomorrow.

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Here's the Low-Down on this ABORTION OF a PPV...


1. Henry Vs. Booker T was complete shit. Call it * for effort and the closeups of Henry's ugly mug.


2. RVD Vs. Orton was MATCH OF THE NIGHT at about * 1/2. Orton used 4 resthold sequences....jesus. The end was pretty damn good, and felt like an old-school IC title bout. RVD made to look like shit with the easy Orton victory at the end.


3. Lita and Trish Vs. Christian & Y2J was mildly entertaining...at about *. But it was a comedy match, and it was nothing special.


4. Batista Vs. Shawn Michaels. Batista dominated the entire thing with some nice back-selling by HBK. Michaels uses 2 kip-ups (sigh...) and the Chin Music to beat Dave.


-Batista stays in the ring.


5. Maven Vs. Matt Hardy never happened. Maven is pummeled by Dave as the crowd sleeps. Matt Hardy, who is an awful, corny, unfunny piece of shit on the mic (but tolerable in the ring) impresses no one with his antics.


6. Superheros defeat La Resistance in a few minutes. Hurricane fucks up a spot big-time. 1/2 *. Cade & Jindrak roll up Jurricane in 3 seconds for the win DUD. Cade & Jindrak defeat Val & Storm. Actually kinda decent, if lacking heat. * 1/4 Dudleys finish off J & C, in a sloppy brawl. 1/4 *. Dudleys defeat Steiner * Test in an uninspired fight. * Bischoff announces Batista & Flair in the match, and Dave pins D-Von in 15 seconds. DUD.


7. Ivory Vs. Molly Holly was horendous, gaining 1/4 * for effort. Awful finish, awful match.


8. IN THE FUCKING HORRIBLE CAR WRECK MATCH, that was WORSE THAN ROYAL RUMBLE's RAW TITLE MATCH, HHH pins Goldberg after Kane chokeslams him. - ***. Just terrible. No psychology, blown spots, shitty moves all around.


Jesus Chris this was the worst PPV I have ever seen, all around.




Fuck you, RAW.

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OMG, now that you reminded me, Hurricane's botch was fucking hilarious. God, I need to see that again. :lol:

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I actually hyped Molly to my friends watching the show after she was surprisingly thrown in their, noting her in-ring-talent and awesome finisher. We saw neither. ** my fucking ass.


SUPERSTAR OF THE NIGHT goes to Eric Bischoff, for at least putting the tag titles on Flair and relieving us of the battle of 6 shitty teams.

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I was at the PPV tonight and there were some awful parts but the crowd went nuts when Orton, Batista and Flair, and HHH won the belts. Most of the matches were lacklustered, especially the women's match and the Booker T/Mark Henry match. I enjoyed being there live even if the matches weren't the greatest

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Guest Coffey

I think you people are missing the point.


You knew what you were getting going into the show, yet after it goes down, you complain about it.


How can matches be negative stars? You can't be worse than nothing. That's ignorant and adds nothing to the conversation.


Those huge names that you say "whoop-dee-shit" about are the names that sell the PPV's and the reason that you even have the option to watch wrestling weekly and monthly. Without the WWE, whether people want to admit it or not, more than half of the people here wouldn't be wrestling fans.


Sure, you may like other wrestling better, but I'm willing to bet that the majority of the people who found wrestling outside of the WWE, did so after watching the WWE. Not everyone, but I bet most.


I thought they did put forth an effort. I don't know what you were expecting them to do! When you have a main event with more than two people, it usually turns out the way that the match turned out tonight. I thought it was damn good for what it was.


What was it? A match between HHH, Kane & Goldberg for the WWE title where HHH had to win to advance the Evolution storyline.

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Guest JMA

Well, the entire PPV sucked (glad I didn't pay for it). And thanks again to the person who sent me the webcast (you know who you are).

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