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WWE Considering Turning Matt Hardy Face

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Could it happen?


WWE is considering turning Matt Hardy face because he seems to always get face reactions in the arena. At this point, the thinking is that they have to do something with him before the window of opportunity for his push is gone.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Could it happen?


WWE is considering turning Matt Hardy face because he seems to always get face reactions in the arena. At this point, the thinking is that they have to do something with him before the window of opportunity for his push is gone.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Ok...they wanna turn him face.


Question is...HOW will they do it?

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I would veto this idea. And who wants to bet that a face turn would put him back to square one as a Hardy where the only folks who give a damn about him are the 12 females in the crowd. He is getting face reactions because his heel character is cocky and pretty well done.

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Ugh, reactions... They don't even use him anymore. I could care less if he's heel or face. They should at least have him wrestling actual matches on PPV's. He shouldn't be stuck in matches that never happen and then cockily declare himself the winner. When he does loses matches, that'll just make him look weak. :angry:

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Could it happen?


WWE is considering turning Matt Hardy face because he seems to always get face reactions in the arena. At this point, the thinking is that they have to do something with him before the window of opportunity for his push is gone.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Ok...they wanna turn him face.


Question is...HOW will they do it?

You just know it has to involve Lita because the marks are heartbroken that he turned on her.

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Guest StevieNightHeat

I like the idea of Matt turning face. I just hope they don't put him back with Lita.

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WWE is considering turning Matt Hardy face because he seems to always get face reactions in the arena. At this point, the thinking is that they have to do something with him before the window of opportunity for his push is gone.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


They think this after they just had break up with Lita? Yeah, smooth move there. I'd still like to see that Hardy / Christian feud happen though soon.

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I'm pretty sure WWE could just turn him face and no one would notice, they haven't really given the fans a reason to care whether he is heel or face.

Him turning on Lita was the reason for the marks to boo him. Lita is semi-over with the marks.

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Guest Bottled Black

I just hope they're not planning on following the Eddie Guerrero plan.. Turn a popular heel face, then totally destroy any push by sticking him with a heatless hack..

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Lita is semi-over with the marks.


I wouldn't say semi, she gets more pops than Trish.

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Lita is semi-over with the marks.


I wouldn't say semi, she gets more pops than Trish.

No, no she doesn't. Trish has become more popular than Lita.


Anyways, I don't want him to turn face. He'll just be what he was before Mattitude, and I don't want to see that.

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Lita is semi-over with the marks.


I wouldn't say semi, she gets more pops than Trish.

No, no she doesn't. Trish has become more popular than Lita.


Anyways, I don't want him to turn face. He'll just be what he was before Mattitude, and I don't want to see that.

Ya, Lita more over then Trish?!




Trish always gets the monster pops. The whole Trish/Lita/Jericho/Christian feud was carried by Trish on the women's side.


Trish > Lita

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It'd be cool to see him turn face during the course of a **** match. Have his face opponent start using dirty tactics and whatnot, have matt hardy give it everything he's got, and BAM, 20 minutes later, Matt Hardy is bloodied and bruised, and he pulls off some insane high risk move, the crowd pops, and we have a new IC champ.

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No, no she doesn't. Trish has become more popular. than Lita

Ya, Lita more over then Trish?!




Trish always gets the monster pops.



I always hear the Lita chants. Where are Trish's?

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Ha! "Trish" isn't chantable smart guy. But the fans give her a way bigger reaction when she comes out, and when she's actually in the ring. The only thing the fans care about when Lita is in the ring is her sloppy hurricanrana and her usually-botched moonsault.

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The problem is Trish so unbelievably stale now. At least Lita has that freshness to her since she was gone for so long.

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ONLY could the WWE think of turning someone face AFTER he allows his g/f to get her ass kicked.


I swear, this company is filled with wife beaters and racists.....on the writing staff.


I think it's time for that big Test/Scott Steiner face turn then.


Company of idiots.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
The problem is Trish so unbelievably stale now. At least Lita has that freshness to her since she was gone for so long.

Yeah, I loved Litas fresh hang over gut and cellulite from Unforgiven. UGH.


SOMEONE GIVE HER BACK THE PANTS! The Shorts look isn't working. Her theme song sucks so bad I mute the T.V., and lets just say she couldn't carry herself on the microphone if her life depended on it.


The Whole Love angle was ALL Trish on the womens side btw. Trish = entertaining. Lita =nausiating.

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The problem is Trish so unbelievably stale now.  At least Lita has that freshness to her since she was gone for so long.

Yeah, I loved Litas fresh hang over gut and cellulite from Unforgiven. UGH.


SOMEONE GIVE HER BACK THE PANTS! The Shorts look isn't working. Her theme song sucks so bad I mute the T.V., and lets just say she couldn't carry herself on the microphone if her life depended on it.


The Whole Love angle was ALL Trish on the womens side btw. Trish = entertaining. Lita =nausiating.

I wouldn't go THAT far. Lita is far from fat. She ain't pretty, but she has a nice enough body.


But she isn't entertaining in the least. I'm glad that Victoria is turning face. Hopefully, she'll actually be on TV though.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I wouldn't say Lita's fat, but pausing the tape and seeing her stomach just looking like she just gave birth to puppies doesn't make me fool good. (runs to bathroom again)

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Might as well turn him face - NOTHING is being done with him. Of course, if you do turn him face than you essentially eliminate what's made him unique for the past few months and he just becomes another directionless babyface. And I have no clue how they'd turn him so soon after the whole Lita angle.


SOMEONE GIVE HER BACK THE PANTS! The Shorts look isn't working.


I respectfully disagree. In my eyes, she's actually looking pretty attractive, and I was NOT the biggest fan of her looks pre-injury.

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I'm far from being a Lita supporter, and I like Trish atleast 1,000 times more, in many different ways. But I'd argue that Lita is one of the Top 5 over faces on the whole WWE roster.


When marks talk to me about wrestling, they almost never mention Trish, but Lita gets more discussion than Goldberg and probably equal to Stone Cold.

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Guest wildpegasus

Lita has an attractive body.


She's not fat either. If she's fat, than I'd be scared to see skinny.

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