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Top 50 SNLs on Com. Central

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So far I've found the one on now, #36 to be pretty damn funny. Robert Downey Jr. hosts, and the real-life Bob Dole confronts Norm McDonalds (in Dole gettup) and real-life Evander Holyfield in a segment.


Also, from #47...Weekend Update 1995


Norm: "Research has shown that SLEEPY TRUCKERS are responsible for nearly 1,000 deaths each year. Coming in second place was O.J. SIMPSON, with 2 deaths per year."


Post which ones ya've gotten a kick outta!

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barron, it's the best we can get, what with no SNL show DVD sets coming anytime soon that'll be unedited. They usually air the best stuff, anyway.


My God...#37-36 are hosted by Downey Jr. and now JON LOVITZ. Yuck.


Mena Suvari was pretty good, but the skits were pretty lame.


Anniston did a cool "Sex in the City" thing where she took home Mr. Peepers from a night club.

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Is that the Jon Lovitz one from 1997-1998?


If so then yuck- then that one sucks.


Maybe Comedy Central clipped it well but I never liked the Mena one. They ruined Janet Reno and Mena looked too disturbingly like Aaron Carter for me to like her in Rap St.


Robert Downey Jr/Fiona Apple is a kickass show though- Downey had a great sense of humour to laugh at himself

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I thought it would be something after the first two episodes yesterday (3 Amigos/Randy Newman; Robin Williams/James Taylor), but there's NOTHING worthy after that. They really need to bust out some old stuff from the Ebersol era.

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Well to be fair, this is a "fan-selected" Marathon. CC.com laid out little highlights of every episode up til '01 and had people vote, so it looks legit with all the work they put onto the site.


Today I saw some classic X-Presidents stuff, the Tracy Morgan "Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier" thing, the REAL Pesci & DeNiro attack the "Joe Pesci show" so I'm happy.


I'd like to see a classic episode or two...stuff like "Jeopardy 2000" or Buckwheat, Gumbi, etc. from the 70's.


Mostly mid-90's stuff here. GOD that Norm McDonald as Letterman stuff sucked. "Eh, Got any gum?" LAME.


There's lots of little good skits in this 90's ones, tho.

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It doesn't make sense that they call them the top 50 of all time since it pretty much starts at 1991 and it's the same episodes they play every day. There are probably only 50 episodes they play on Comedy Central.

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The Jon Lovitz David Letterman skit is not as good as the Kevin Spacey one.


1) Kattan sucked as Paul Shaffer

2) Jon Lovitz sucked as Marv Albert


and Norm didn't seem into it.


CC only let people vote from about 1980-2001. No one is gonna vote for anything pre-1991. I think people just voted for random stuff

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At least they showed the Tom Hanks episode from '88; I love that one. I just hope they show Norm's episode(unless they have already). Best Celebrity Jeopardy ever.

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El Nino vs. Ric Flair? How in the fuck have I never seen this?!


Also, I thought the opening monologue to the Robin Williams episode was hilarious yesterday. His standup bit was good stuff.

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El Nino vs. Ric Flair?  How in the fuck have I never seen this?!

I am EL NINO! Which means....THE NINO!

I thought he was challenging Hogan instead of Flair.


Well, I know for sure that Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. the Santa Ana Winds was on the undercard though...

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The main problem:


Why advertise the 50 greatest episodes of ALL-TIME unless you have the rights to ALL the episodes?


That would be like WWE doing the ten best WrestleMania matches of all-time but only counting them from the Attitude era on.

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The main problem:


Why advertise the 50 greatest episodes of ALL-TIME unless you have the rights to ALL the episodes?


That would be like WWE doing the ten best WrestleMania matches of all-time but only counting them from the Attitude era on.

E! has the airing rights to the 75-76, 77-78, 78-79, 79-80, 01-02 and 02-03 seasons and in January, they'll have airing rights to all past seasons. If you want uncut reruns, watch Classic SNL (usually 3am or 3:30 am Sunday morning). This Saturday they have an episode from 1985-86 on it.

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Classic SNL is awesome- up in Canada we get it at 1 am which is really cool.


Last year they were showing 96-97. Recently we've been getting 1993 episodes and 1984. They even showed the one that aired the day I was born.


This whole poll is total bullshit as well. I doubt many people have seen most of the episodes and are just voting based on host (Hey- let's vote for Bill Murray!) It'd be better if they had every episode available and made it so people actually knew what they were voting for.


I hope some random episode doesn't win

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So if E! is getting access to all seasons of SNL and Comedy Central is going to start airing Mad TV starting in January, does this all mean that Comedy Central will no longer have SNL?


If that's the case, talk about being bounced back to the minors... Yikes.

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That's one of Norm's best sketches (I also like the Stan Hooper from the Quentin Taratino show and the Inside the Actors Studio sketch when he hosted).


Norm needs to host again and just rip into everybody (especially that no talent --- at least in comedy --- Maya Rudolph) except Forte, Richards and Armisen

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Whatever happened to Jamiroquai.


One thing I liked about 97-98 is that they gave the musical guest one song.


I always used to hate the musical guest

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