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Who will be the Mystery Guest Entrant(s)

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Honky Tonk Man wasn't a mystery/surprise entrant in 1998, because when HHH got injured, they announced him as entering. 1998's only surprises were Mankind & Dude Love, after Cactus was eliminated.

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Guest Choken One

I wouldn't put it past Austin to announce that a Former winner of the rumble will return to the ring at the 2004 Rumble...


They'll tease us that it's Austin himself or Rock*but in fact it's actually JIM DUGGAN. (All other dead, already on the card or blackballed).


*Yes, Rock didn't win the 2000 rumble as it was reversed to TBS but fans remember rock as the winner.

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Guest Choken One

No...The Headshrinkers were Fatu and Simeon(AKA Barbarian)...


The SWAT Team were two fat guys.

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Guest Choken One
Did they make the 2000 reversal official then?

On air they did at the start of a Raw episode about two weeks after...


HHH or Vince said to TBS "All right Show, It's offical, The ref has reversed the decision"

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Guest Choken One

Actually come to think it...I only want #7 to be Jake The Snake Roberts.


For those who aren't aware...3 times Jake drew #7 in the rumble

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Guest Choken One

He can't actively move


*waits for...The mandatory "Either can The World Champion" Joke*

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Guest W_Hillard

I don't know who will be the mystery entrant this year, but I know who I'd like to see...






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Guest W_Hillard
No one wants Sabu.

Well, I did, when the hardcore division was still going.

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Guest Anglesault
You're both wrong, Funk was 98, i'm sure. This was when Foley appeared Three times.

Funk was also 97.


His and Foley's brawling is what distracted the refs and allowed Austin to throw Vader, Taker and Hart out.

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For background, here's some of the past Mystery Entrants:


1991: Shane Douglas

1992: Colonel Mustafa

1993: Carlos Colon

1994: Sparky Plugg, Greg Valentine

1995: Dick Murdoch

1996: Dory Funk, (Takao) Omori, SWAT Team #1 and #2, Doug Gilbert

1997: Pierroth, Mil Mascaras, Cibernetico, Latin Lover

1998: Mankind, Dude Love

1999: Mabel (aka Viscera)

2000: Bob Backlund

2001: Drew Carey, Honky Tonk Man, Big Show, Haku

2002: -none-

2003: -none-

Um, A LOT of these people were not mystery entrants. I distinctly remember over 60% of these people being advertised for their Rumbles.


And Mabel wasn't even in the 1999 Royal Rumble. He was a suprise opponent for Mankind on Heat, and afterwards, he was kidnapped by the Ministry Of Darkness and returned the next night as Viscera.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Drew Carey in 2001

Also Drew Carrey went inbetween the ropes cause he couldn't get over the top...so in my book the 2001 Royal Rumble is still happening to this day damnit.

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Guest ManKinnd
Drew Carey in 2001

Also Drew Carrey went inbetween the ropes cause he couldn't get over the top...so in my book the 2001 Royal Rumble is still happening to this day damnit.

No, he definately went over the top.

Rewatch it.

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Um, A LOT of these people were not mystery entrants. I distinctly remember over 60% of these people being advertised for their Rumbles.


And Mabel wasn't even in the 1999 Royal Rumble. He was a suprise opponent for Mankind on Heat, and afterwards, he was kidnapped by the Ministry Of Darkness and returned the next night as Viscera.

He actually beat up Headbanger Mosh (Thrasher was injured at the time) and took his spot. I don't know if he even got in the ring, but he did that and from there was the abuction by the Ministry. He was for the first hour of his return, part of the Corporate Team.

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And Mabel wasn't even in the 1999 Royal Rumble. He was a suprise opponent for Mankind on Heat, and afterwards, he was kidnapped by the Ministry Of Darkness and returned the next night as Viscera.

He beat up one of The Headbangers and took his spot, then he threw 4 guys over the top rope, then The Acolytes and Mideon beat the shit out of him and threw him out. Then they kidnapped him, so yeah he was in The Rumble.

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Guest Skironox

Knowing WWE....


Naked Mideon will make a guest spot on the rumble.


I remember back in the day there weren't enough active members of the roster to fill all 30 spots in the rumble. Didn't they have some toughman contest winner enter in 1993? And some Dark match workers or something? My memory of such old days is foggy but I remember alot of nobodys entering the rumble and never appearing again.

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Guest Indy

Im gonna with the impossible and have Mick Foley (or Bret Hart) in the rumble....or have Mick help RVD win the IC title


Im also going to say.....Pete Rose only to see him chokeslammed by Kane


Oh by the way.....the Pete Rose one was a joke :P

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Guest FrigidSoul

Pete Rose comes out for WM, not RR


and I have no desire to watch the 2001 RR again so I'll just beileve ya on that...though at the time I was saying due to some stipulation in it he couldn't have been actually eliminated.

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Guest Indy
Pete Rose comes out for WM, not RR

I know, but they didn't do it last year. They either do it on RR and WM or he attempts to attack Kane twice on WM and gets his ass chockslammed for both attempts.

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Pete Rose comes out for WM, not RR

I know, but they didn't do it last year. They either do it on RR and WM or he attempts to attack Kane twice on WM and gets his ass chockslammed for both attempts.

He appeared at WMs 14-16, getting tombstoned once, chokeslammed once, and chokeslammed, then a stinkface from Rikishi.

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For background, here's some of the past Mystery Entrants:


1991: Shane Douglas

1992: Colonel Mustafa

1993: Carlos Colon

1994: Sparky Plugg, Greg Valentine

1995: Dick Murdoch

1996: Dory Funk, (Takao) Omori, SWAT Team #1 and #2, Doug Gilbert

1997: Pierroth, Mil Mascaras, Cibernetico, Latin Lover

1998: Mankind, Dude Love

1999: Mabel (aka Viscera)

2000: Bob Backlund

2001: Drew Carey, Honky Tonk Man, Big Show, Haku

2002: -none-

2003: -none-

1991 - Douglas was announced.

1992 - Mustafa, I believe was, but can't remember for sure. I think Haku was a surprise entrant though. Somebody had to have replaced Marty Jannetty, but I forget who.

1993 - Both Colon & Tenryu were announced.

1994 - Valentine was announced. Sparky was an injury reserve for 123 Kid. Virgil was the real surprise entrant from 1994 as he hadn't been on TV in months.

1995 - Dick Murdoch was announced. Rick Martel was a surprise, I believe subbing for Jim Neidhart.

1996 - Funk, Omori, Gilbert & The SWAT Team were all announced

1997 - Don't remember much about this year

2002 - The Hardy Boyz were surprise entrants since they were supposed to have been sent home due to Jeff's poor behaviour.

2003 - None. I don't know why they didn't sub for Buchanan since he was doing an injury angle and got tossed in seconds anyways though. Billy Kidman was CW Champion at the time and should have been in the thing.

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