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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Ranthology: Analysis of a roster

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Guest Loss

Goodear, or anyone else from that matter, did you get the feeling watching last night's RAW that some of the workers actually *did* watch the HHH/HBK match and are trying to learn from it like management suggested? I noticed more babyface offense all night than usual (except in the Henry match) and noticed that Jericho is picking up a lot of Shawn's "cocky babyface" mannerisms.


Booker is a smart worker, but unfortunately, he's never really been paired with a heel that knows how to work with that, except, ironically, HHH.


Even Goldberg v Steiner v Test was better than it had any right to be.

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Guest Goodear

I haven't been able to watch RAW or Smackdown for the last few weeks due to being sick and basically falling asleep at 8pm. But from what I hear and see in bits, some guys are trying to bring more psychology into matches like Randy Orton working RVD's ribs and Christian and Matt working over Book's neck after the tombstone from the work before. I really can't comment on how well it is working though.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
So you think that WWE should have their guys "develop" before pushing them as new characters? That's a novel concept that I don't disagree with, but WWE doesn't do it much.



What a horrible attitude. Sign with WWE before anyone else, get buried, start from scratch and get over, get buried, get pushed to the main event, get humilated with racist comments, lose, get buried, retire because of back problems, come back because you think you have a couple years left in you but don't think you'll be able to work much more than that, get used barely at all...


Yeah, what a selfish son of a bitch. Let's bury him!

Cade and Jindrak are currently out on Heat trying to find something.


Batista is currently Evolutions Big Dumb Idiot because he's trying to find his own character. Then he'll get the monster push



As for Booker, here's an idea. Railroad him into the main event and put him over young heels like Orton. Give him a token reign as Champ and then get rid of him.....and you're left with a gaping hole in the main event - and Orton isn't over because he jobbed to the retired guy.

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Booker should've won at XIX.


And the fans love Booker so having someone like Orton job to him doesn't hurt him at all.


I don't get how his attitude "stinks" either.

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Guest Loss

Nah. How about Booker wins the title from HHH at Wrestlemania XIX and has a TV rematch with HHH that sees Nash return and cost him the title? HHH and Nash do their feud and then HHH and Goldberg do their feuds in non-title fashion while Booker feuds with Jericho. Jericho wins the title at Summerslam, Goldberg finishes off HHH at Unforgiven, then wins the title from Jericho at Survivor Series, and you head to Wrestlemania where Brock Lesnar beats Goldberg on his way out.


Booker is now feuding with Goldust, his former tag team partner that became jealous of his success and lingered in his shadows.


That feud means more because Booker T is now a former world champion who cleanly defeated HHH.


HHH means more because he's prepped for another main event run after six months out of the title picture.


Goldberg means more because he systematically destroyed his opponents on the way to the gold.


Jericho means more because he proved his first title win wasn't a fluke.


That should have been 2003.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

For the millionth time.....if he doesn't want to be there...give the spot to someone who does

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For the millionth time.....if he doesn't want to be there...give the spot to someone who does

He DOES want to be there or else he wouldn't have come back from a back injury.


Booker said that in two-three years he would like to retire and run his store in Houston.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

I don't understand why I have the exact same attitude about RVD, and yet no-one's giving me shit about that

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Guest Loss

Booker WANTS to be there! He took an early buyout on a guaranteed Time Warner contract just to be there for crying out loud.


HHH was also interviewed and said he'll probably retire in the same amount of time about a year ago in some bodybuilding magazine. He said he would have said different in 2000, but all the injuries made him realize he didn't have as much time left.


Booker *came back* from a back injury that he could have retired off of. Most of us were under the impression that he was done.


Since coming back, he's stayed over, dragged Mark Henry to his best matches and continues to be someone they can bank on for the next few years.


Booker plans on retiring in a few years. I would assume half the roster probably feels the same way.


When Booker says, "I'd rather stop this wrestling crap and find something else to do with my life", you'll have a point.

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Guest Loss
I don't understand why I have the exact same attitude about RVD, and yet no-one's giving me shit about that

Because Booker and RVD are apples and oranges. They've both experienced bad booking and stayed over through it all, but Booker puts in worlds more effort than RVD on a consistent basis.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Booker plans on retiring in a few years. I would assume half the roster probably feels the same way.

Orton won't, neither will guys like Jindrak and Cade and The Frenchies, and yet, you lot want Booker pushed ahead of these?



but Booker puts in worlds more effort than RVD on a consistent basis.


Ok, that i'll accept

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Guest Loss

Those guys are not ready yet. Pushing them in that position suggests that you want them to fail. Right now, the time is right for the Benoits and Jerichos and Guerreros and RVDs and Bookers to carry the torch until they're ready and transition from there.


Collectively, that's what we've been saying for four years. Going from HHH and Taker to Orton and Batista is going from Point A to Point C while skipping over Point B completely.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Oddly enough.....the exact same shit is happening in New Japan.....man the wrestling business is weird

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Guest Loss

And actually, the only guys on RAW I'd move around on the card at all would be Booker and Jericho into main events. Everyone else would stay where they are. I'm not a proponent of RVD in main events right now, but I think he should be the top midcarder on the show.


RAW needs "The Man" that everyone can clamor to defeat. If HHH were healthy enough to wrestle all the time and the booking would allow him to job not all the time, but at the right times, he'd be a natural.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

He was though - I once again bring up his legendary match with TAKA

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And actually, the only guys on RAW I'd move around on the card at all would be Booker and Jericho into main events. Everyone else would stay where they are. I'm not a proponent of RVD in main events right now, but I think he should be the top midcarder on the show.


RAW needs "The Man" that everyone can clamor to defeat. If HHH were healthy enough to wrestle all the time and the booking would allow him to job not all the time, but at the right times, he'd be a natural.

But he's not healthy, so let's send him to Nwa WILDSIDE!~

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

If Dave was in charge of booking right now RAW would be getting 1.2-1.3 ratings tops.


We'd have amazing main events of "Jindrak & Cade Vs. Randy Orton & Mark Henry"

Smell the ratings?


Please stop trying to argue or debate like you know what your talking about.


Maybe they should rehire your beloved Russo so he can ride them in to the grave like he did with WCW

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Guest Loss
And actually, the only guys on RAW I'd move around on the card at all would be Booker and Jericho into main events. Everyone else would stay where they are. I'm not a proponent of RVD in main events right now, but I think he should be the top midcarder on the show.


RAW needs "The Man" that everyone can clamor to defeat. If HHH were healthy enough to wrestle all the time and the booking would allow him to job not all the time, but at the right times, he'd be a natural.

But he's not healthy, so let's send him to Nwa WILDSIDE!~

I said that. Yep, sure I did.


HHH should be a top guy on RAW, but not *the* top guy. Can you comprehend anything besides absolutes?


EDIT: Shouldn't have said that last line. Sorry.

Edited by Loss4Words

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Guest Duncan Eternia
[Yes, but your 'analysis' can barely be called that. For most of the roster members you merely made a one-line general statement. With a few of them, you start to bash outright, which makes you no better than the Orton-haters. Take the high road.

It's Suckbag Orton This, Suckbag Orton That. Your'e not giving him a CHANCE.

This is similar to the way you didn't give Paul London a chance in your "rant".


I personally think that Orton will be big. A few guys the WWE has signed now I think could be huge.

e.g. London, Cena (getting there), O'Haire, and possibly Conway.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
But he's not healthy, so let's send him to Nwa WILDSIDE!~


Don't get me started on Wildside.


If Dave was in charge of booking right now RAW would be getting 1.2-1.3 ratings tops.


We'd have amazing main events of "Jindrak & Cade Vs. Randy Orton & Mark Henry"

Smell the ratings?


Please stop trying to argue or debate like you know what your talking about.


Maybe they should rehire your beloved Russo so he can ride them in to the grave like he did with WCW


Current EWR Game. Raw Roster. Orton's injured.


World Champion : HHH, if only because he's unsackable and I might aswell use him. Strongly considering feuding him with Stevie Richards.


IC Champ: Rico. For four months


Tag Champs. The Midnight Express (Conway and Dupree), but Conway's turning because a face turn will up his heat into the Upper Midcard level.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
This is similar to the way you didn't give Paul London a chance in your "rant".

Not really. I like Orton, and am disgusted by the level of bile against him on this boards, which is what my post yesterday was about - except I backed myself into a corner yammering on about Spanky and London.


As for London - why the fuck should I give him a chance if Vince didn't????

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

So are a lot of people who aren't on WWE TV, i don't see you bawling about them

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Paul London is, IMO, the best wrestler on the WWE roster. A lot of you may not agree with me, but I don't care anyway.


Vince is an idiot. Pure and simple. Spanky should have had a chance. The fans ENJOYED his fued with John Cena. It was the only fued he was really part of. The fans bought into it.


The cruiserweights can be good if Vince lets them be, but he's a prick.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
This is similar to the way you didn't give Paul London a chance in your "rant".

Not really. I like Orton, and am disgusted by the level of bile against him on this boards, which is what my post yesterday was about - except I backed myself into a corner yammering on about Spanky and London.


As for London - why the fuck should I give him a chance if Vince didn't????

Because if you thought like Vince did, nobody here including myself would give your opinion any credibility, because it would be all shit.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I wasn't even defending myself. I was talking about a previous response of yours to Spiff. But I can tell that you're totally worked up and not thinking straight, so I understand.


You must have long arms because you like to reach....


You said:


"So's this forum, in a lesser sense. Yet you still hang around despite angering yourself almost every time you read a thread. "

And that was in response to YOU complaining at Spiff for actually criticizing something WWE does. TRY TO UNDERSTAND THIS.


Your defending the point for a reason, to take the jump from me actually disagreeing with something to saying I agreed fully with "admitted weakness" just shows your leading yourself through this without actually replying to whats said.


I can't decipher the poor English contained here, so I won't try to counter the point hidden. But I will say this:








I don't know why you insist on making yourself look like you're not intelligent by not using a simple contraction.


OK, moving on...


I just don't see why people who generally dislike the WWE continue to watch and follow it, as if only to criticize it.


This applies to me how??


If something good happens, you know you'll most likely here about it, why put yourself through the pain in the meantime if you have the choice not to? Is the WWE that good at keeping you all hooked?


I just don't get it, wrestling can be a hobby if you wrestle, or collect tapes, or merchandise or something, but right now, Smackdown and Raw are television programs, if you guys were watching PPVS and critiquing the matches, ok, but your watching TV programs, and it just doesn't make sense to keep watching if it's as bad as one says.


Well it's a good thing I pick and choose what I want to watch, so I can avoid 'the pain'. Thank God for spoilers. Thank God I am not so "hooked" that I have to watch Mr. Randall Orton, and thus don't have to participate in 'debates' about him. Seriously, he's like the new Jeff Hardy with the sheer obnoxiousness of his fans. I agree to an extent that those that watch all four hours of RAW/SD, without fail, and still complain as if it's a painful experience don't have a leg to stand on, but I am not one of those. So just DROP that assumption right now.

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This is similar to the way you didn't give Paul London a chance in your "rant".

Not really. I like Orton, and am disgusted by the level of bile against him on this boards, which is what my post yesterday was about - except I backed myself into a corner yammering on about Spanky and London.


As for London - why the fuck should I give him a chance if Vince didn't????

Paul London is a great worker and has shown the ability to connect with crowds- that's a good thing.


Why do you let Vince McMahon decide your opinions on wrestling?


London does deserve a chance to get over- and that hasn't happened yet.

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Guest Goodear

Here's the thing about cruiserweights... There's a ton of them now everywhere you look. And since no other division in wrestling depends so much on match quality and the 'WOW' factor of spots, they are constantly being topped by the next set of cruisers that are coming down the pike. They go from being impressive to routine to boring incredibly quickly especially when there are twenty guys on the same card trying to do the same thing. That's why cruiserweights only really make inroads with the crowds when they have some sort of personality like Rey.

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