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And the Oscar goes to...

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Just wanted to say that Big Show gave an excellent promo last night when he berated Lesnar for leeching off his protection, and then telling him how he was gonna win the Rumble and take the title at WMXX. His speech was concise and direct, it illustrated his motivation to a tee, gave his character more dimension than just the average "me bad guy, hurt good guy", and was delivered impeccably. I haven't been the biggest fan of his work, but he's showing a lot more motivation in and out of the ring, and his performance last night was very efective in making him a viable threat.


Not only that, aside from Lesnar's stupid fart joke, Show made Lesnar look vulnerable and added to the whole "afraid of Bob Holly" angle. He made it sound like "If you get past Holly, you'd better watch out for me", and if they can get that over, it might just put Show back in true contender form, instead of as a second banana or high-profile choker. (Now if only he could shed some of those pounds...)


So why can't the bookers put that much effort into everybody? Is it really that hard to make everyone on their shows seem important, on any level?

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Guest Ghettoman

On a side note it gave me hope for a Lesnar/Show blowoff match/fued, which I was hoping would come in 03 to make it the fued of the year, but'll take any time soon.


I still stick to my guns, Show is the most useful worker the WWE has.....

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Guest Goodear

I've always liked that they've never made Brock and Show out to be buddy buddy. Even when they are on the same team, the antogonizm is right there and the beauty of it is that they might just be doing it with no plans for the future at all. It's just internal consistancy.

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Lesnar & Big Show always seem to go good together. In and out of the ring.


Hell, if we ever get to a point were they put some new people in the main event they could put Show & Lesnar together in a tag team for a little while.

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One thing about the Big Show is he really tries. The man knows he doesn't have a lot of talent, but he does his best every time he is in the ring.


Plus, he does give pretty decent promos. Remember him on SNL in 2000? He was pretty damn funny.

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Guest Coffey

Remember Triple H is 2000?


We can't always live in the past.


I like the Big Show however. I agree that he can be funny too, but he shouldn't be funny on TV. He should be a man who's all about winning and very capable of doing so. A serious threat at all times. Not some big goof.


I have no problems with his ring work either. For his size, he does a lot more than I expect. He plays to his strengths.

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Well, I think it's already been stated--if WWE Films really does come to fruition, they would do a lot worse than having Show do some comedy. Hey, he's already got more charisma than Richard Moll.

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I've come to really enjoy the Show in the past year. When he was in the nWo was probably one of the lower points of his career, but he's rebounded beautifully.


I actually look forward to some of his matches.

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Remember Triple H is 2000?


We can't always live in the past.


I like the Big Show however. I agree that he can be funny too, but he shouldn't be funny on TV. He should be a man who's all about winning and very capable of doing so. A serious threat at all times. Not some big goof.


I have no problems with his ring work either. For his size, he does a lot more than I expect. He plays to his strengths.

Although that is true, Show isn't nearly as interesting when he's serious. Having him be a funny/goofy heel is more entertaining.

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Big Show was never a stud in the ring, but if by some miracle he can get his weight down to what it was in WCW, and grow his hair long again even, then I could at least settle for him playing the MONSTER role. I could see him playing the MENG bodyguard role. Give him a pair of sunglasses and just kind of have him behind the wrestler as a threat or something.

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I'd mark out for a Meng-style Big Show. And does anyone else here think the name The Big Show is just too inappropriate? Call him by his name or something like...I don't know, "The Giant"?

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I'd mark out for a Meng-style Big Show. And does anyone else here think the name The Big Show is just too inappropriate? Call him by his name or something like...I don't know, "The Giant"?

That's a WCW gimmick! NO! Can't do it!


Although yeah, the name is just...eh.


It's funny that he's had the same damn theme for nearly 5 years, through face and heel turns, and it's always been out of place. It sounds like he'd be half of a tag team with the Ringmaster (who would of course be like a circus ringmaster, not like Austin's original WWF gimmick).

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