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Royal Rumble's Final 4 . . .

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Diesel wasn't in the Final Four in 97 was he? Remember the Final Four match? Vader/UT/Austin/Hart

Yeah he was. Austin snuck back in and eliminated UT/Vader, then Hart dumped Diesel just before Austin took out Hart. Monsoon said that it would be Austin and the 3 guys he cheated out of the Rumble that would be in the Final Four match.

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Guest Anglesault

I just thought of something.


As Suckbag is trying to eliminate FGB, Benoit comes over to help.


HHH runs out to help Orton and get rid of FGB, and nails him with a belt shot, taking him out, but taking Benoit with him. Angle eliminates Suckbag.

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The Rock will elimate all and win the thing for HHH vs Rock XIII at Rastl3mania.


Orton elimates Zangief with help from Benoit then Rock elimate both at the same time.

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Guest Choken One
I'm surprised no one thinks Angle will draw #2 and be guaranteed 2 minutes with Benoit with reference to last year's Rumble included. My 4 will be:


Benoit, Goldberg, Christian (Schmoe of the night since I'm not sure if Rhyno is even in it), and Orton.

Because Angle can't work 50+ minutes, He's getting the hogan treatment here...I.E he'll do this for the troops and draw from #24-27.

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Diesel wasn't in the Final Four in 97 was he? Remember the Final Four match? Vader/UT/Austin/Hart

He wasn't in the Final Four but he was the third last guy to be eliminated from the Rumble.....He was made to look very strong. Let's see if he does it again.

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Guest Anglesault
My Final Four is


Jericho, Benoit, Angle and Orton.

One of these things is not like the others


One of these things just doesn't belong....

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Guest Choken One
My Final Four is


Jericho, Benoit, Angle and Orton.

One of these things is not like the others


One of these things just doesn't belong....

You're right...


Silly Me...


GOLDBERG, Angle, Benoit, Orton is the final four.

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I'm surprised no one thinks Angle will draw #2 and be guaranteed 2 minutes with Benoit with reference to last year's Rumble included.  My 4 will be:


Benoit, Goldberg, Christian (Schmoe of the night since I'm not sure if Rhyno is even in it), and Orton.

Because Angle can't work 50+ minutes, He's getting the hogan treatment here...I.E he'll do this for the troops and draw from #24-27.

I'm not claiming he'll go 50 minutes . . . I figure he'll go 20 minutes before getting bamboozled and chucked out. And the jive about him doing for the troops vertainly came across as a bit insincere . . . he wants it for himself but he'll fall short and get pissed in the upcoing weeks.

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Guest Anglesault

I don't think he will, LC.


Vince knows I'm a short drive from Titan Towers.

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I find it interesting that we're all excited and happy going into this event (well...except AS...but he's never happy) based on the idea that this is Benoit's rumble from start to finish. Even if he doesn't win...he's going to be out there for a long time trying to earn his title shot.


Now...how pissed will everyone be if he gets eliminated in the first 20 minutes?

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Guest Anglesault
Now...how pissed will everyone be if he gets eliminated in the first 20 minutes?

By Orton

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I find it interesting that we're all excited and happy going into this event (well...except AS...but he's never happy) based on the idea that this is Benoit's rumble from start to finish. Even if he doesn't win...he's going to be out there for a long time trying to earn his title shot.


Now...how pissed will everyone be if he gets eliminated in the first 20 minutes?

thats a good point........what if Benoit gets elminated before the 10th entrant even comes out. I would be one pissed bastard. They better not screw this one up.

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Guest Choken One

I won't.


Anyone but Goldberg. Yes, Even Orton.


I don't think Benoit is worthy of winning the title just because some fan boys on the internet think he is...when John Cena in less then one year has already become more over then Benoit is, Where Angle is better deserving for his dedication to the sport and fighting with the neck injury...


So Benoit can get chucked out in 2.4 seconds and I'll shrug my shoulders and go back to the match.

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I find it interesting that we're all excited and happy going into this event (well...except AS...but he's never happy) based on the idea that this is Benoit's rumble from start to finish. Even if he doesn't win...he's going to be out there for a long time trying to earn his title shot.


Now...how pissed will everyone be if he gets eliminated in the first 20 minutes?

Pretty pissed. But I'd be pissed if they did the "#1" buildup for anyone and eliminated them right away unless it made sense (Jericho eliminating HBK). I can't see how doing that could make sense.

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Benoit had a neck injury too...returned from it after a year...had a ***** match with Angle a year ago...GO A STANDING OVATION afterwards...and a year later we'll still waiting to see him get a SHOT at winning the title.


I'd say he's more than earned it.

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I don't think Benoit is worthy of winning the title just because some fan boys on the internet think he is...when John Cena in less then one year has already become more over then Benoit is, Where Angle is better deserving for his dedication to the sport and fighting with the neck injury...

Yeah, nobody likes Benoit *cough*standingovation*cough*, he's not over AT ALL *cough*hugepopsandreactions*cough*, and he has NEVER had an injury, especially to his neck.



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Ooh A standing Ovation that meant jack shit...

Well, it probably would mean a lot to you too, if you had been wrestling in a damn good match for 20 minutes and the crowd stands and applaudes you for your effort in the ring.

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Guest Choken One

That would be gold...or something like how Jericho slipped off the ropes last year and the refs had to shove him back in...

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Guest Coffey

I'm hoping that Goldberg isn't in the final four, despite being #30. I'm thinking he'll come is as #30, and then get thrown out quickly while the ring still has like seven or eight guys in it.


Thus, my final four predictions.

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Guest Choken One

I often wonder how many times someone was eliminated at the wrong time because of a miscommucation spot...


I know the pay alot of attention to the big names but I always wondered how the lowcarders were treated...


Patterson: So Rico, When you go in there, stay away from the Benoit/Angle program...they got something going

Rico: All right, so what you want me to do?

Patterson: Oh, Hell I dunno just stand there in the corner with the other no-bodies.

Rico: Cool


Later that Night


Rico comes in at #28...


Avoids the hot Benoit/Angle segment and saunters to the corner with Orton. He pushes him a little and orton falls over...Rico gets thrown out by TBS.



Rico: You told me to stand there with the nobodies so I did...


Rico: THAT GUY? You can't be serious here...

Patterson: Great, now that Toothless fuck will win...great...Vince won't be happy.

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