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PROMO: Welcome, Part 1 of 5

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Promo: Welcome, Part 1 of 5



Location: South Dakota


(Maddix) – Ahhh…home sweet home.


The SJL Unified Champion steps onto the platform just outside the plane door, smelling the fresh air of his hometown. With his carry-on in tow, he walks down the stairs descending form the small jet.




Upon reaching the ground, Landon’s cell phone rings in the inside pocket of his jacket. He places his bags on the ground temporarily to reach in his jacket and answer the phone, only to pick the bags back up and continue towards the gate with the cell phone positioned between his ear and his shoulder.


(Maddix) – Hey. I’m here…just landed.



(Maddix) – Outside of baggage claim? Ok…but I don’t have any bags. I’m only hear for a couple hours, remember?



(Maddix) – Yeah, but it was cool of them to let me take the jet for the day to get you all. You’re gonna have fun in Cleveland…I know I am.



(Maddix) – Ok, I”ll see you outside in a minute then.










20 minutes later


Now, Maddix sits in the passenger seat of a car, riding next to an attractive woman while rummaging through the duffel he brought off the plane wit him.


(Maddix) – Ok, so we have about 2 or 3 hours before the plane’s ready to leave. Wanna grab a bite before picking them up?


(Lady) – Sure…how about…











(Maddix) – What the hell was that??


A glance in the rear view mirror reveals a gold Cadillac directly behind their car, getting closer at a rapid pace.






(Maddix) – What the fu…Pull over! I’m gonna teach this asshole a lesson.


(Lady) – Be careful Landon, don’t do anything stupid. He might be a gang member.


(Maddix) – Please…I’m Landon Maddix, SJL Unified Champ…ain’t no little street thug gonna ram into my car like that and get away with it.


The lady driving pulls the car over to the shoulder, followed closely behind by the Cadillac. After coming to a rest, Maddix leaps out of the vehicle and starts to storm back to the gold car behind his. On the passenger side of the Caddy, the door opens slowly, and a huge boot hits the asphalt.


(Maddix) – What the hell is your problem? Look what you did to my car you son of a bitch!!


A large figure emerges from the Cadillac, and completely ignoring Maddix, HVT starts around the car towards Landon…


(Maddix) – I’m talking to you man! What the hell is your…ACK!



…but before Maddix can finish, HVT reaches out and grabs him by the throat!!


(HVT) – SJL Unified champ, huh?


Maddix delivers a hard right hand to Thugg’s chin, snapping his head to the side…but the blow doesn’t even make Thugg blink.


(HVT) – Hahahahaha!


And after the sinister laugh, Thugg raises Maddix high into the air with one hand, and then…







…slams him hard, back-first, onto the trunk of his own car, leaving a gigantic dent where his body is planted!


(HVT) – Yo…you might be da man in the SJL…but now you on the porch with the big boys. On Sunday, you best remember who’s house it is…cause in my house, the SJL means shit, and if yo punk ass step outta line…I WILL…wreck yo shit. Believe dat.


Inside the car, the woman who was accompanying Maddix is screaming as HVT takes a long stare through the rear mirror at her. He walks around the driver side of the vehicle, and her screaming only becomes louder.




(HVT) – Yo…shut up. When dat punk ass boyfriend of yours wakes up…give him this.


HVT hands the woman an index card and leaves without another word. The woman, still sobbing, looks in her side mirror and sees HVT get into his Caddy and pull away. She then looks in her rear view and sees Maddix starting to stir on the trunk of the car. Visibly upset, she gets out of her car, and runs around to its rear, where Maddix has slid himself off the trunk and onto his feet.


(Lady) – You alright?


(Maddix) – I’ll be fine…Ugh…son of a bitch!


(Lady) – He told me to give this to you…


(Maddix) – What is it?


Maddix takes the card from the woman and reads it to himself. His face grimaces...


(Maddix) – Let’s go.


(Lady) – What did it say?


(Maddix) – Let’s just go…I’ll take care of him on Sunday! Don’t worry, him and the entire SWF had better prepare for Landon!


And suddenly, the car drives away…leaving only the index card, lying on the ground. Upon closer inspection, it reads…





Welcome to the SWF. You are officially my bitch.



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*adds a section to his match in which Thugg inexplicably appears in the ring, only to be thrown over the top by Shortdogger Ian*

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Ok...so let's all point and laugh at HVT.










Good. Now...what are we pointing and laughing about? I'll tell you. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I thought that Maddix was in the CF match with all the other JLers, hence the promo. Now I'm dumb because I just realized he's not in it, rendering this promo useless and pointless. Dammit! Now I encourage everyone to find the most obscure, embarrassing way to eliminate Thugg from the CF...my punishment for being a moron.


Oh well...I'll just deal and continue with the series...



Da "this is what I get for trying to flex my fuckin' muscles" H

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It's still a good "HVT welcomes the JLers by beating them senseless" promo...


...who cares if he is in the match or not...you just let a Maddix-sized dent in that car!


It's a work of art really...



Translation: Do Spike next...twice.

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(Call me slow, but I've only just seen this.)



OMG WTF!?! I paid good money for that woman. And you come along and try to ruin my planned evening of 'fun'? Damn you. Oh, and kudos for using my catchphrase at the end. :D



Now, Rando...man, if you could maybe have HVT get bitch slapped out of the CF by HSP...I would be most pleased.

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Guest ToddRoyal

Hey Landon, you aren't with another woman while gratuitously flirting with my manager are you...


huh? No one pays attention to SJL semi-storylines? Oh. Aha. I see... carry on.

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