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PROMO: Welcome, Part 3 of 3

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Promo: Welcome, Part 3 of 3



Location: Cleveland, Ohio



In the rear of the Gund Arena on this very cold Sunday, a Lincoln Towncar rolls to a stop in front of the loading dock entrance. Near the door, 50-75 fans stand with signs, awaiting the arrival of the SWF superstars participating in tonight’s event. Hopefully, they stand staring at the luxury vehicle as the driver walks around and opens the passenger side door.






Jacob Helmsley emerges from the vehicle, with duffel bag in tow, and acknowledges the fans with a raise of a single finger, that causes them to boo him even louder. He walks towards the entrance, and as he pulls open the door, a fan screams out…




With that, Jacob stops, and turns to address the fan.


(Jacob) – First of all, if you think Thugg’s gonna do to me what he did to Maddix and Spike, you are sadly mistaken. Second of all, even if Thugg did actually attack me from behind, I will whoop his enormous ass. Now…if you jackasses who obviously have no life because you are waiting around 10 hours before the show to see us when you could be having a Super Bowl party or something….I have a Clusterfuck to win.


Jake, rips open the door…






Jake stares straight ahead, and then up. The camera pans backwards and shows the beast of a man, HVT, standing in the doorwar with a sinister look on his face. The fans actually cheer him, as it would seem that he is here to beat down Jake…








…but instead, Thugg’s face opens into a huge smile.




(Jake) – THUGG! What the hell is up?!?






Thugg and Jake give each other a manly embrace before Jake turns back to the fans…


(Jake) – Oh, I’m sorry…you all must have forgotten that Thugg and I were the best of friends in the JL back in the day. Dumbfucks! Anyway Thugg, how the hell are ya?


(HVT) – Yo, I’m chill…just gettin’ ready for this match. It’s about time they brought you up here man…


Their conversation tapers off as Jake walks through the door and it closes behind him.






PS – Yeah…I stopped with the beatings of the other JLers cause someone complained. I was gonna do it if no one complained, and Maddix was a good sport about it. But if people are going to complain, then I can’t do it. This was the ending I was doing anyway. For most of you, this is meaningless cause you weren’t around back then…but Jake and HVT, along with Mistress Sarah, started up the Alliance and were the best of friends when HVT and Sarah were in the JL. I just felt like reminiscing cause Jake is finally coming up.


Da “done and done” H

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my beatings will more than likely be larger in dimension and more frequent... so my chance at getting off on the Welcome Party is nice...as I'm sure hospitals around the globe will know my name if i ever get in the ring with HVT.

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I was going to reference the Alliance in my never-to-be-finished match, with HVT and Jake teaming up to kill everyone in the ring, before Thugg then turned and threw Jakes's ass out of the ring anyway, one of at least seven eliminations i was planning for HVT. Good times.

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No offense dude, but please don't say stuff like that to me. I've been here a long time man, I know how things work. I know there is no "rule" against doing that, and I know that people generally don't like it when people do that. I also know that there was a time when people in this fed weren't so serious and weren't so protective of their characters. There was a time when...if someone beat you up in a promo, you just wrote a response promo doing something to them...or you called them out on the show...or something. There was a time when people didn't take this so seriously that they got all pissed off if someone wrote a promo where they got beat up. There was a time when people saw this as a challenge and either they accepted it by writing a response...or they declined it by ignoring the actions. I want to get the fed back to a place where this is less of a serious "job" and more of a fun place where you don't ever know what's gonna happen. That is all.


I'm not flaming...nor am I pissed. I just wanted to ask you not to say things like that to me that imply that I don't know the rules of the game...because I do. The reason I stopped was because my dream was crushed. I was very excited when Maddix didn't overreact and laughed and perhaps used it as a chance to do something somewhere down the road. However, when I saw a few people posting saying they didn't like it, I just stopped rather than deal with the flaming that may have ensued were I to continue. It seems my dreams of returning to a time when this place was so much fun...and you had to read everything because you never knew if and when you'd be in one...is dead, and I guess it will never return. My mistake for trying to revive it.


Da "the above is NOT a flame...it is a response to Va'aiga's post" H

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s'cool man. didn't mean to come off as preachy :)


And if I bring Card back you're welcome to deliver a shitwrecking to him... provided you're feeling facey and don't mind high heels/testicles/mace spray stuff happening to ya.

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It's all good man...I'm very picky about some things...and one of the things that bothers me is when people treat me like I don't know what I'm doing...and that goes for anything in life. But it's all good man, I know you didn't mean anythign by it. And thank you for not taking my post as a flame or anything...I just felt that I'd explain why I did what I did, and why I stopped doing it.


Da "The Card is cool with me" H

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Yeah... same thing with Thugg's post... I'd like to get back to the old watch out... the PIPE is coming~! days, where I could just hit anyone and everyone I pleased with random pipe shots, but these days if I do that I'd get flamed to shit.




Hits Va'aiga with the pipe as he walks out of his dressing room

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Eh, just ignore 'em, Thugg; I do. For example, while I ask people for ideas for the HOLT reports I do, I never actually ask people for permission to put them in it.


Eff 'em if they can't take a joke...


- Dub Cee

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Not to extend the debate or anything, but I asked Wildchild if i could beat the crap out of him, he said yes and I Maori Dropped him onto a crate of electrical equipment.


I think we have to agree it works both ways then :)


btw.. we never had that match that should have set up WC! Va'aiga vs Wildchild HAS to happen sometime, cos we've only faced once and I no showed it :(

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What ARE you talking about Card?? I don't even know the event you're referencing? :) And, no one said you didn't ask permission...so I don't understand what you mean by saying that it works both ways...explain!


WC, I get what you're saying, but what we're talking about is kind of different. Your HOLT report is kind of an off camera thing, where, like the WWE, these events didn't "really" happen because they are off camera. People don't ever feel obligated to sell what you put in there, other than the heat stuff. Also, you generally have people going against some jobber in the dark matches...


What we're talking about are "real" promos where this stuff is really happening, so to speak. So, it's kind of a gray area because it's a board promo, but it's more "real" than the HOLT report, so people are very protective of their characters and very serious about stuff.


Da "like it's a job" H

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What ARE you talking about Card?? I don't even know the event you're referencing? :) And, no one said you didn't ask permission...so I don't understand what you mean by saying that it works both ways...explain!

If we're in agreement that crazy stuff can go on in board promos that's cool. Seems that's the way so i'm drifting with the flow here. Maybe the fed does need a sense of chaos to it again. Can't leave all the chaos to the 'TOASTERS.


See I'm easily persuaded on things,


*voice: no you're not*


Oh alright i'm not then. Never mind.


The WC attack was just after my heel turn. It was a short backstage segment to solidify it. (like dropping Dace on his head wasn't enough) I asked first and got a damn good segment out of it, and it worked better, cos WC was playing the rib injury angle, so i made sure to do something rib affecting.


Sooo.... both ways work :) Asking and not asking.


Now who wants a pass... Crow? Kibs?

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Well yeah...it does work both ways...


But I loved the fun people were having with promo wars against each other, leading to fueds and huge blow off matches and such. It was just a lot of fun. Something about the element of surprise made it work, and got people more into their feuds...and, it got other people into feuds that they weren't in, something that I think is lacking today. Of course, there was an unwritten understanding with these...like, I wouldn't seriously injure anyone...like, I wouldn't break Apostle's leg or anything. I just went to his house, beat the crap out of him, threw him through a fish tank, and punched out his girl. SO, there an understanding not to injure people in these promos...people weren't scared or worried about their characters. People just saw it and said, "oh shoot...i'm gonna beat your ass for that". And then, they'd write a promo driving a bulldoze into my house. It was just more fun than the, "Ok, here's what we're gonna do over teh next 6 months. We'll establish x, y, and z with subtle hints and body language, and then after 2 months of that, we'll do this subtle thing...blah, blah, blah." I just don't get excited by that stuff...from either side. Also, it had people reading the shows and promos. People knew what was going on in the fed...so when I wrote a promo, I already knew that Apostle was selling a leg injury or whatever...or that he was involved with so and so 2 months ago. Everyone was involved in not only their own angles, but other angles because of the element of surprise. You never know when you'll be in one, so you read them...and you get into them...and it's just more fun.


Da "but, whatever...people are too protective of their characters now, so it won't work...it would just turn into a flame war" H

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"You know what, H- V - T? You should treat people with some respect, like me, I deserve respect!"


The Sacred One throws Sexton Hardcastle at Thugg, then throws him off a 20 story balcony onto a open bed truck full of mouse traps.




End Promo

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I have two trains of thought on this subject:


1) If the character is turning...or has that kind of MONSTER feel where they just destroy everything in their path (see: Kane last year), and they want to write a promo where someone gets beat up to help along that story...then fine. Whatever. Same for this...it was just fun hazing...and wouldn't have bothered me.


2) On the other hand...if I would happen to be in a 1 on 1 storyline based around these two guys fighting each other two and nail...I wouldn't want someone ELSE coming in and just randomly attacking EITHER guy...as it would weaken the story.



I guess what I am saying is that I think there should be a good reason for the attack to happen - not just to be completely random. These promos were good fun little reasons that weren't exactly meant to be taken TOO seriously.

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You're absolutely right Clark. I guess there were just unwritten rules that people followed. Everyone just knew that if you and Maddix were in an angle, he wouldn't just attack one of you for no reason. But, if someone was just sitting around in no angle, someone would just attack them. Also, it didn't have to be physical...it could be just calling them out or something. Also, it wasn't so wrong to just ignore the promo if you didn't want to do it. Or just say...hey, I don't want to do anything with you or hey, i'm involved in something. There was nothing wrong with that...people just didn't get as mad and weren't so serious. If someone jumped in...they just rolled with it. How do you think I won my first title...I just wrote a promo where i got into an argument with ELM over the stable we were in...and there was no asking permission. ELM wasn't that pleased, but he didn't make a big stink about it either. He just rolled with it, and we had a great match...and it kind of worked itself out. I dunno...things were just more fun back then...people were just more laid back. Hell, even when someone did get pissed...the flame war that ensued was fun too.


Da "doesn't know why people are so against flame wars" H

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