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Why Michaels is in WM XX ME...

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I LOVE the elimination style 3 way dance. Especially, because Benoit could go over HBK and HHH in one match. Thus putting over Benoit in a big way.

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I think they know that the storyline of Benoit coming to Raw makes no sense. It looks like the Benoit/Lesnar feud was always just looked upon as a filler feud before Benoit won the Rumble and Lesnar's angle with Goldberg started.


That's why they think they have to stick HBK in there, to add some interest. Lets face it, WWE have been pushing the hell out of HHH and Shawn's feud lately.


Benoit still won the Royal Rumble, which will be remembered for years. Most people here would be able to name the last 10 years Rumble winners, and now he is part of that elite.


And he is still involved in a main event feud for Wrestlemania, something he has never done before. And even though it's not just HHH vs Benoit at WM, I still feel that he will win the belt. If not Mania, then Backlash.


And what else were they going to do with HBK?

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The logical thing here would be to have Benoit win at Mania, and have HHH/Benoit at Backlash. Here's how I'd book things to set it up:


Sign the 3-way for Mania, and give it half an hour. Five minutes in, have Michaels do the Crazy Elbowdrop Spot on HHH through the announcer's table, and do an injury angle where HHH can't continue the match afterwards. This gives us a 25-minute HBK/Benoit match that could end up a classic, if both have their working boots on. The next night on Raw, HHH can come out and claim that he deserves a shot at Benoit because that no-good Michaels took him out of the match, and he had no chance to win it. Bischoff comes out, Benoit comes out, they sign the match for Backlash and go from there.


So of course, they won't do that.

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Guest Askewniverse
And what else were they going to do with HBK?

Have him face Flair? It wouldn't be too hard to set up.

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Yes, because having Benoit's Big Win in doubt is the BEST way to start off his championship run.  It worked SO well for Jericho.

I realize that, but a clean win for Benoit over HHH at Backlash should clear that up. That's something Jericho never got.

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Damn, thats an EXCELLENT way to go about it. That idea put into the mix would kill any of my problems with the match itself. Good thinking, and thank you, Tawren, for helping me out there.

No problem. I too prefer elimination matches. Just seems better.


Raz, I don't know if Taz/Tanaka/Awesome was on any of the DVDs. I may be wrong, but I really can't recall.

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WWE feels that the three way will give them more flexability with house show main events following WM, since they can run Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels, Triple H vs. Chris Benoit, or Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit.

Am I the only one who sees a problem with that one statement???


Because I really, really hope that isn't meaning what I think it does...

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And what else were they going to do with HBK?

Have him face Flair? It wouldn't be too hard to set up.

HBK/Flair didn't exactly set the world on fire at Bad Blood. And MSG has seen it before. Bad idea IMO.

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I think what they're REALLY planning is to have HBK pin HHH at WMXX, have Benoit pin HBK at Backlash in Edmonton, and then have Benoit vs. HHH at Badd Blood (with HHH winning, of course).


That way, not only does HHH not have to job to Benoit, but it allows you to have the HBK vs. Benoit match everyone would rather see than HHH/Benoit.


Isn't it funny how HHH's opponent gets blamed when the match won't draw? You'd think after 17 months they'd notice the common denominator.

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HHH can have his rematch at Backlash saying to Benoit "I've lost the title before, not to worry, I always get it back" and Benoit proceeds to beat him again. There shouldn't be anything to "clear up" once WM is over.

Exactly, I want Benoit to win the title from HHH at Wrestlemania, because I'm so damn sick and tired of seeing HHH go over in the main event.

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Guest FrigidSoul
I hate to sound like the typical cynical smark, but I feel that if Benoit does get screwed out of his World Title reign, then the clique is in full force again (as if it never was).

yet Scott Hall won't be offered a job there again, Nash won't go to work there again, and Waltman has disappeared off the face of the planet ala Ozzie Smith in the Simpsons episode 'Homer at the Bat'.


Contrary to popular belief the Cliq has long been dead as up until 2 years ago the only one Levesque spoke to was Nash(now he speaks to Nash and Michaels(I'm sorry, I can never call him Hickenbotom) both), Michaels speaks to both Levesque and Nash, Nash speaks to Michaels, Levesque, and Hall, while Hall speaks to Nash and Waltman. Yup, only Hall speaks to Waltman now.


They are no longer a Cliq, if anything its Levesque in control with Michaels just going "Ok, I'll Main Event with ya" whenever Paul asks.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
But come on RRR, seriously. Shawn Michaels DESERVES his 3216581915th try at the World Title, even though he had his chance at the same pay per view where Benoit won the Battle Royal. I mean, Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest performers ever~! in a WWE ring and it would be fitting to add to his illustrious career.

Why not? Benoit's getting another shot after getting bitched out by every champ from Rock to Lesnar. Not to mention he needed instant replay and the Big Show to beat Cena.


In kayfabe land, HBK SHOULD get another shot since his match ended in a draw... he just should not get his shot at 'Mania.

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Guest Choken One

and don't forget that Shawn and Jericho are buddies as well...So the Kliq branch has been chopped down as It's really just HHH pulling the strings, He just chooses Shawn because he knows how to work with shawn the best and oddly enough trusts him more...dispite Shawn being the one who TAUGHT hhh how to play political games.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Some very good points there from the Choken One.


Personally, I think that WWE have backed themselves into a corner now that they're not likely to get out of by making Triple H seem boring and stale in the ring with his past it's use-by date World Heavyweight Championship reign.


I'm sure that Triple H and Chris Benoit could work a fucking fantastic Main Event for WWE WrestleMania XX, but by adding the (paraphrasing) "whoever the World Heavyweight Champion may be" stipulation may just guarantee a title change before WrestleMania.


I'm willing to tip Shawn Michaels. Benoit is the watcher in a mini Michael/Triple H feud, The Game drops the strap to Michaels, one man who he has no problem doing it for, and a feud is built between Chris Benoit and the Heartbreak Kid.


Would a Triple-Threat match between these three men be a good one? Probably.


Would I mark out for it more-so than a one-on-one affair?


Fuck no.

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If they do elimination style rather than a triple threat match, I can be fine with that. Unless they book HHH eliminating HBK then Benoit winning the title via HBK run-in, but the WWE can't possibly be that inept in booking matches, right?

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Guest FrigidSoul

Sad thing is if Triple-H was in his 1998 or Corporate Minestry form he could have all these excellent matches and nobody would be against his title reigns. The extra weight in at first muscle and now obvious fat he's put on has killed him though. Rather than working out like a madman and eating non-stop after the quad injury he should have been working at strengthening his Quad and rebuilding stamina. Obviously his Quad couldn't hold the weight he had before, so what makes him think it'll hold up under even more weight now?

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Guest Choken One

it had nothing to do with the weight he was carrying, He just injured it in a freak accident...


Now it's the case but not then.


It seemed like for the 12/29 match, HHH had finally returned to his old form and looked healthy but he's bloated back up again...

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Guest FrigidSoul

Freak accident that's chances of occuring were heightened by the fact he put on so much muscle mass.


When I tore my bicep they told me to work on restrengthening the muscle and keeping movement in it rather than trying to pump it back up 6months after. Doctors said 5lb weights were needed more than the 40-60lb dumbells I had been using prior to the accident because it had to slowly regain its form. I think Trips just took the shot in the ass and went into the gym for 8hrs a day rather than doing movement/stretching excersises and low leg lifting excersises.


Its probably why that left quad is often taped up in matches where he knows he'll be going more than 5-10min.


Edit: By the way when I tore my bicep I also got tendanitis in that shoulder and brusitis<sp?> in that elbow. My whole left arm was fucked up and in a sling for close to 3 months...worst long term injury I've ever had.

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Guest Choken One

Storyline wise


Benoit/Trips works the best...


Shawn really needs to get PHASED out of this some way or another...


It's not too late to start Flair/Shawn or Shawn/Rock...

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Guest Choken One

Yes but Rock.Shawn would just be legendary as NO ONE works a crowd like those two...The heat would be insane.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

But yes, if Benoit moves to Shawn Michaels, then that will almost be as stupid as WWE ignoring Benoit's feuding on SmackDown! to have him Brand-jump.


But Benoit hasn't definitely begunf feuding with Triple H yet, so if Benoit does go on to Shawn Michaels, with both feuds, they'd better start moving fast.

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They could go with HHH/Benoit after all and then go HBK/Rock/Foley vs Orton, Flair and Batista... or swap HHH and HBK in that scenario...


Austin did an interview with the Sun a couple of weeks ago saying he wanted Vince at Mania but now though there wasn't enough time to set up the storyline... I think this is true of something like Rock/HBK as well. Especially since we'll be lucky if Rock makes one Raw appearance before Mania...

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While I want Shawn out of the ME at WMXX, I really don't want to see Flair/Shawn again. I don't think they can have a good match period. People have to remember that Flair is shriveled up and can no longer have good matches. (smarks, quit fooling yourselves) Shawn and Flair RIGHT NOW just don't have it. I think people have a time capsule that they see these men in and think they can still go. Shawn still can. Problem is Flair can't. Flair hasn't had one intriguing match since he lost to HHH in NC where Flair was paraded around the ring when cameras were shut off.



Bottom line: Leave Flair the fuck off the WMXX card.

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Guest Metallica
Reasoning Behind WMXX World Title Match Change

Posted By Ashish on 02.06.04


One reason why HBK got it...


In addition to previously reported political reasons, it appears that WWE changed the Triple H vs. Chris Benoit WrestleMania XX World Title match to a three way involving Shawn Michaels due to the house show ramifications. WWE feels that the three way will give them more flexability with house show main events following WM, since they can run Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels, Triple H vs. Chris Benoit, or Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit.


Credit: PWTorch.com


So the WWE actually cares about their house shows... hunh?

That's not what Wade said, he said that with the match being a 3 way, they can milk it at house shows afterwards. He didn't say that was the reason WWE made the match.


It's best to get your news from the Torch instead of from a site who takes what the Torch say and then make their own "newz" headline out of it.

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The Torch has changed their minds on what WMXX will look like several times in the past six months. I no longer take them at their word when it comes to this event, or the news that WWE would actually change WMXX so that house shows are more exciting.

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