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The Dames

The WWE Folder

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Guest Loss

Ok, guys, here's the new plan.


Effective as soon as this is posted, the "rules" set forth are null and void. Consider what was posted here a draft and we will look at adding and modifying from there. We'll give it 30 days. During that time, I'll monitor the folder and come back to this thread and make suggestions regarding ideas I have as I go and get a consensus reply. For now, the boardwide rules still apply, but the ones in this thread do not.


Look at these rules as suggestions at this point, not law. If I see someone doing something that is against the TSM Board Rules And Regulations, I'll issue warnings or bans based on that. But for now, these rules are nothing more than ideas and will not be enforced until, we'll say, March 15. By that time, we hope to have rules to which most can agree to adhere and that we can strictly enforce.


So, again, keep the feedback coming and as I notice things I think should probably change, I'll make a note here and get feedback on it. We'll make this more of a group effort than a declaration.


How does that sound?

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That's it.


You two, Downhome and Anglesault.


If you don't have anything productive to say, without repeating yourselves, shut up.



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Guest Krazy Karter

I haven't really read much of the thread, but as far as warnings go...




This is the site's Feedback folder. If anyone has an issue with what a mod does or says then *please* take the issue here, not in another thread where people are having a discussion. We will be more than happy to address any grievances you have with us in here and none of you will have to worry about paying some kind of consequence for speaking out against us.

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I haven't really read much of the thread, but as far as warnings go...




This is the site's Feedback folder. If anyone has an issue with what a mod does or says then *please* take the issue here, not in another thread where people are having a discussion. We will be more than happy to address any grievances you have with us in here and none of you will have to worry about paying some kind of consequence for speaking out against us.

Both DH and AS posted their grievances pages ago. In the last 2 or 3 pages of this thread they've just been going back to the well.

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Both DH and AS posted their grievances pages ago. In the last 2 or 3 pages of this thread they've just been going back to the well.

Yes we did, but when someone replies to something that I personally say, then I should be able to respond to it. Just like everyone should be able to respond to what I say, and so on and so on.

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Yes we did, but when someone replies to something that I personally say, then I should be able to respond to it. Just like everyone should be able to respond to what I say, and so on and so on.

I told you to no longer badger myself or Loss in this thread.


Dames told you and Anglesault to be quiet to in this thread.


You made your point known and stopped being productive or remotely helpful like you intended to be to Loss or myself pages ago.

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Downhome, Anglesault, and NY Untouchable continue to march on for the common TSMer cause against the brutal and merciless monarchy of the Gang of 15 Moderators.


EDIT: Seriously, it hasn't even been a week since this stuff was instituted. You're cutting the legs off of this before it can even stand up and walk.

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Downhome, Anglesault, and NY Untouchable continue to march on for the common TSMer cause against the brutal and merciless monarchy of the Gang of 15 Moderators.

I'll give them this: They have BALLS.

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Guest Anglesault
That's it.


You two, Downhome and Anglesault.


If you don't have anything productive to say, without repeating yourselves, shut up.





But only because I have some hope that this thing will work itself out and I'd like to see the finished product.


That, and if no one else, I happen to like Dames and I want this to work for him.

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So, the rules of WWE have been taken out of effect now?


IMHO, AS, DH and the mods have made their points of view known to everyboy in this thread. Shut it now, and if DH, AS or anybody sees something being done in WWE that riles them up they can start a fresh topic in this folder to say why.

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Crikey. Throw in a "we're going through some growing pains, just bear with us" and you have a collection of the most cliche excuses people use when something's not working.

If you want to be chronically miserable, then go ahead. I refuse to star in your psychodrama.


In the meantime, rational people will understand that things are still being worked out. What you see now will not be the final result. I know asking you to have patience is like asking the Pope to sacrifice a goat on a black altar, but make a little fucking effort, will you?


Two sentences.



Sure, except that I wasn't even talking to you.

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Dr. Tom, especially after your own fuck-up in the WWE folder, could you please stop with comments such as "the sheer level of rampant idiocy" relating to the WWE folder.

Me posting something early based on bad information in no way relates to the problems in the folder, most of which are caused by idiots being idiots.


That means you are calling all those whom post in the WWE folder - and many of whom are currently posting in this thread - idiots.  I don't consider myself a great intellectual, but I don't see myself as an idiot. 

Not all. But the bad outweighs the good, and pretty much always has. Good threads almost always devolve into the Same Old Crap. As for you, I'm the one who nominated you to be a mod of the forum (a position I later found out you didn't want), and argued in favor of that choice, so it should be obvious I don't think you're an idiot, either.


And how can you draw in new members when no new members can be signed in?

That's not going to be permanent.

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Well, I was referring to this:


Maybe we should just delete any post that multi-quotes like that. Idiocy is what everyone wants us to get rid of, and you can't be much more idiotic than to blindly hit Quote everytime you want to make a reply.


I'm not completely sure how sarcastic the statement was. But with the way things have been going in the WWE folder the past couple of days, I wouldn't be shocked. Just saying that I HOPE multiple quoting isn't one of the main problems in the WWE folder, and that there way more important issues to address.

I thought the sarcasm was pretty obvious.

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Guest Anglesault

I'd like someone to note that Tom is starting with me now after I agreed to back off until this whole mess somehow works itself out.


Also, he still hasn't said "Rome wasn't built in a day!" and, personally, that would make the thread for me.

Edited by Anglesault

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I think that there maybe should be a sort of tribunal that decides whether or not a thread gets deleted (Loss, Goodear, CC); where at least 2 of the three have to vote for it and then address why they closed it in-full afterwards.

The problem then becomes bureaucracy. All three of them would have to be online at the same time for that to be really workable. Otherwise, you're going to be leaving questionable threads open for hours while one or two people get online to add their vote to the mix. Moderators, including forum mods, should be able to act with autonomy. No one on the staff would have their positions now if we didn't think they could do the work.

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I'd like someone to note that Tom is starting with me now after I agreed to back off until this whole mess somehow works itself out.

Cry me a fucking river. You've been shitting on the ideas and the people behind them for three or more pages. And if replying to your clearly caustic tone in a similar fashion is "starting with you," then I guess I'm guilty as charged.


Besides, Rome wasn't built in a day. :P

Edited by DrTom

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Guest FrigidSoul

That's it. DownHome, Sass, AngleSault, and DrTom should all settle this by the old willow trees at 3'o'clock sharp.

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Guest Anglesault
I'd like someone to note that Tom is starting with me now after I agreed to back off until this whole mess somehow works itself out.

Cry me a fucking river. You've been shitting on the ideas and the people behind them for three or more pages.

I never said anything about the people behind the ideas. Great people have had shitty ideas, that doesn't make them less great.

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And it's funny how it's not ok for the WWE Folder to drive people away or prevent them from posting here, but Dr. Tom doesn't mind if people leave because something that HE represents is causing a problem (as opposed to the WWE folder which he has relatively nothing to do with).[/b]

Yes, I'm aware of tonight's developments in this saga, but I feel people's concerns should be addressed regardless.


That, and I'm apparently a glutton for punishment.


Anyway, I don't want to see people leave in droves for any reason. My point was that if people don't think the staff is doing a good job with the board, they should find a place they enjoy more, a place that makes them happier to post. The reality is that we can't stop people from leaving whatever their reason might be, but I'm not trying to encourage departures, and I said that in the original post.

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Someone's post was edited, I think it was Krazy Karter, and he replied saying that when a mod edits someone's post, they should let the poster know just why. I forget who, but a mod replied by saying that it's too much work to do such a thing.

That was DrTom, but it's understandable.

What's understandable? That I don't think any staff member should be burdened with a lot of "busy work?" THere's no way anyone should have to cut and paste someone's post and cite chapter and verse as to why something happened with it. The reasons should be self-evident, and the staff isn't interested in abusing their power.

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Me posting something early based on bad information in no way relates to the problems in the folder, most of which are caused by idiots being idiots.


Still, glass house... stones... For someone in your position, which I think is done well 99% of the time - this 1% being discussed here, I'd think better selection of words, especially when implementing a somewhat "controversial" measure, is in order... And certainly when the words you use insult those with whom have to "live with" the measures. Whether those words were intended for a specific group or not, they were used in referencing the whole. I like the WWE Folder; it's my favourite MB to post at. I know there are better ones; hell, I lurk at better ones. It's not the best, but it's the one that suits me the best. And it suits DH and AS and NY Untouchable the best. It suits *a lot* of people just fine; so when you call something a piece of shit, think of what you're calling our choice to post there as well.

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I'd think better selection of words, especially when implementing a somewhat "controversial" measure, is in order... And certainly when the words you use insult those with whom have to "live with" the measures. Whether those words were intended for a specific group or not, they were used in referencing the whole. I like the WWE Folder; it's my favourite MB to post at. I know there are better ones; hell, I lurk at better ones. It's not the best, but it's the one that suits me the best. And it suits DH and AS and NY Untouchable the best. It suits *a lot* of people just fine; so when you call something a piece of shit, think of what you're calling our choice to post there as well.

Fair enough.


Suffice it to say that I recognize the fact that there have been problems in the folder for a while, and that I want to see it improve for the better enjoyment and benefit of the people who contribute to it.

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Guest Krazy Karter
Someone's post was edited, I think it was Krazy Karter, and he replied saying that when a mod edits someone's post, they should let the poster know just why. I forget who, but a mod replied by saying that it's too much work to do such a thing.

That was DrTom, but it's understandable.

What's understandable?


That I don't think any staff member should be burdened with a lot of "busy work?" THere's no way anyone should have to cut and paste someone's post and cite chapter and verse as to why something happened with it. The reasons should be self-evident, and the staff isn't interested in abusing their power.

I was saying the original explination you gave me a few days back as to why mods shouldn't have to copy and paste posts they edited/deleted (it would take too much time) is understandable.


Everyone in this thread needs to lay off the juice. Damn.

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My point was that if people don't think the staff is doing a good job with the board, they should find a place they enjoy more, a place that makes them happier to post.


My point is that there apparently is a problem with the WWE Folder because people leave, but if people leave because of the mod-ing then nothing is wrong. Double Standard. A sub-point in that was because you don't participate in WWE discussions yet are a mod (or super mod), that a certain bias exists which creates that double standard.

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Suffice it to say that I recognize the fact that there have been problems in the folder for a while, and that I want to see it improve for the better enjoyment and benefit of the people who contribute to it.


THANK YOU! That's all I wanted to hear in the first place. Nice, smooth, political answer. None of this "other boards make fun of us" and "this place sucks". It only leads to alienation which this thread should prove. Whenever the rules are fully implemented, just give the reasoning Dr. Tom gave.

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God-damn it.


Tom, just don't fucking answer anything in this thread not related to the WWE folder. Not only are you responding to petty shit, you're inciting it. As a mod, you should really take the higher ground and stop it instead of baiting DH and AS.

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God-damn it.


Tom, just don't fucking answer anything in this thread not related to the WWE folder. Not only are you responding to petty shit, you're inciting it. As a mod, you should really take the higher ground and stop it instead of baiting DH and AS.

I'm not going to censor myself just because I have a blue flashing title beneath my screen name. I happen to like this board and my fellow staff members, and when I see them being unfairly shat upon, I'm going to jump into the fire and start shooting back. And I don't really care who likes it and who doesn't.

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