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Well, how about that, may I say that Va'aiga really inspired me somehow to write that match. Apparently it's good or something, I still feel a bit rusty but meh... I'm back, bitches. Expect promoage next show at the latest...



Uh, Thugg v. Clark? okay....



I'm going to read the matches more in depth and get re-acquainted with the roster... so many newbies...



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Smacks Spike


Quit sucking up to the lesbo, moron.




All I really have to say... is I'm glad the in-laws are gone. I think my free-cell game has more goddamn hours of play on it this past week than it will ever have.




...oh... and welcome back Annie. :headbang:

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I wrote the opening promo! I touched up the Matheson/GSMS promo! I expect much love for these... or else.


Actual comments will come later. Hopefully. Until then, I say yay Annie, yay Sacred for what look like the best two matches on the show. Yay also for the promos.



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Guest Aecas

Well welcome back to Annie first and foremost I guess!


I'm still reading through the show now but I'm deifnietly liking what I'm seeing thus far.


*thinks up nasty evil match to have with Duran for the Hardcore Games Title*

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I would just like to say that, with all due respect to Landon Maddix, whose work I enjoy and personally mark for, after lobbying for over a year to have the cruiserweight division reinstated, anybody who thought I was going to lose the strap on my very first defense (read: Stryke) needs to have their head examined.


More comments and/or the HOLT report to follow sometime after I get off work.

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Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh, so now you come back when I'm not active!? Bah. I was wanting to write that chauvinistic sex-crazed male and cock-hating lesbian tag team.

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Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh, so now you come back when I'm not active!? Bah. I was wanting to write that chauvinistic sex-crazed male and cock-hating lesbian tag team.

I don't see anyone stopping you from returning too, come on back an we'll talk tag!



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Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh, so now you come back when I'm not active!? Bah. I was wanting to write that chauvinistic sex-crazed male and cock-hating lesbian tag team.

I don't see anyone stopping you from returning too, come on back an we'll talk tag!




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Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh, so now you come back when I'm not active!? Bah. I was wanting to write that chauvinistic sex-crazed male and cock-hating lesbian tag team.

I don't see anyone stopping you from returning too, come on back an we'll talk tag!




Alright, alright, here's what we do.



Sacred, Crowe, and I will form a 3-man tag called the Syndicate. We will get the tag belts somehow, form a third belt, and make it the triple-tag championships ala the WCW. Like the Guerreros, we will hold and defend these belts until the end of time.



Everyone wins!



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