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Guest reshad974

Best televised WWE matchs since January 1st

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Guest reshad974

1. Royal Rumble match – Royal Rumble January 25th *****

2. Brock Lesnar vs Eddie Guerrero (Smackdown World title) – No Way Out February 16th **** ½

3. Shawn Mickaels vs Chris Benoit – Raw February 16th **** ¼

4. Tajiri v. Rey Mysterio (Cruiserweight title) – Smackdown January 1st (taped December 30th) *** ½

5. The Bashams v. Los Guerreros (Smackdown tag titles) – Smackdown January 8th (taped January 6th) *** ½

6. Rey Mysterio v. Chavo Guerrero (Cruiserweight title) – No Way Out February 16th *** ¼

7. Chris Benoit vs Ric Flair – Raw February 9th ***


2 Raw brand matchs, 4 Smackdown Raw matchs, 1 interpromotional match.


Eddie Guerrero featured in 3 of them ; Chris Benoit featured in 2 of them (3 if you count the Royal Rumble)

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

That is not true. It's biased for Benoit and Eddie. Heck, I thought HBK/Benoit was good, but not the third best match of the year so far. What about HHH/HBK at Royal Rumble?

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Guest Trivia247

kinda funny though...


if you ever follow any of SK's older rants on PPVs you see that he never rates Battle Royals or Rumbles.. But Ohhhh when Chris Benoit WINS?!?!?!?! then Well its a ***** match wasn't it?

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Anybody who watches enough of the current product to come up with seven matches deserves a Purple Heart.

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kinda funny though...


if you ever follow any of SK's older rants on PPVs you see that he never rates Battle Royals or Rumbles.. But Ohhhh when Chris Benoit WINS?!?!?!?! then Well its a ***** match wasn't it?

He always rates the Rumbles.

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Guest reshad974
kinda funny though...


if you ever follow any of SK's older rants on PPVs you see that he never rates Battle Royals or Rumbles.. But Ohhhh when Chris Benoit WINS?!?!?!?! then Well its a ***** match wasn't it?

he doesn't rate battle royals but he does rate Royal Rumble's battle royal EVERY year. check his older rants. he gave a 5-star rating to Royal Rumble 92.

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While I agree with you Laz, I don't really understand your ratings system. I mean, it totally blew away anything TNA has done since....uh....god, ages ago, yet I see you give some matches on those shows ratings like **1/2-***.


Anyway, he was right to leave that piece of shit HHH/HBK match from the Rumble off. God what a horrid match that was.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Every TSM reviewer ever > Scott "Canadian Fat Fuckface" Keith

Hey Laz, do you think we can possible make this stick??? I'd sure as hell be willing to try.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
kinda funny though...


if you ever follow any of SK's older rants on PPVs you see that he never rates Battle Royals or Rumbles.. But Ohhhh when Chris Benoit WINS?!?!?!?! then Well its a ***** match wasn't it?

He has always rated Rumbles. So maybe you should go back and follow some of his older rants.

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I don't have a big problem with the list, though the Rumble wasn't the best one ever.


And HHH/HBK from the Rumble was maybe **. It isn't anywhere near the best matches of the year so far.

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::reads The Official Guide to Rating Matches.... without Anyone Disagreeing with Your Opinions::


No, the Rumble was ****1/2.


HBK/Benoit was ***1/4


Benoit/Flair was **3/4.


I respect Keith's opinion but it's all subjective.





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Guest Ghettoman

Subjective is one thing but when they just don't hold up with other ratings it's hard ot take things seriously.


I mean seriously, Eddie vs Brock was a 1/4* better than Benoit/HBK? That just doesn't make sense.

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Guest Loss

RVD/Orton was better than Benoit/Flair. I didn't particularly care for either match, but the first match had a smarter layout, it just wasn't executed so well.


I would probably only go **1/4 or so on Benoit/HBK. That's coming from someone who is a big fan of both wrestlers that expected a classic.

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Guest Loss

Scott Keith's love of Benoit is fine, considering that we all have our favorites. But since he's a match reviewer, he should be able to set that aside and look at a match for what it is instead of who is participating. Instead, he tends to give matches high marks based on who's involved and ignore matches that are unexpectedly good with underrated workers.


Then again, SK's style is to do boring play by play with one sentence, if that, actually "reviewing" the match, so maybe he's not capable.

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If you don't respect his opinions, why are you making a big deal about the ratings he gave to matches. No one is forcing his ratings down your throat, so it doesn't really matter if you disagree with them.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I don't have a big problem with the list, though the Rumble wasn't the best one ever.


And HHH/HBK from the Rumble was maybe **. It isn't anywhere near the best matches of the year so far.

You underrated it by a star and a fourth, at least.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Every TSM reviewer ever > Scott "Canadian Fat Fuckface" Keith


HBK/Benoit was NOWHERE NEAR ****1/4. I'd give it ***1/4, ***1/2 tops.

I agree it was 3 1/2 because of the ending. It was a nice flowing match but it died as soon as Triple Inflated Ego walked down to ringside.


I don't see why they couldn't have had Michaels miss the superkick and straddle the ropes, then have Benoit whip him down for the crossface, which led to Trips pulling Benoit out and beating him down. Its a screw-job finish but it doesn't make either guy look weak.


I'm still happy to have taped it though, its a match I'll watch again.

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Guest Loss
If you don't respect his opinions, why are you making a big deal about the ratings he gave to matches. No one is forcing his ratings down your throat, so it doesn't really matter if you disagree with them.

Actually, they are forced down our throats quite often. How many times do you see "but Keith gave it ****1/2" in arguments? Quite often, actually.


If no one bothered to read him, he could say whatever he wanted, but you always have people using his match ratings to attempt to settle arguments, which is weak.

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Guest MikeSC
Every TSM reviewer ever > Scott "Canadian Fat Fuckface" Keith


HBK/Benoit was NOWHERE NEAR ****1/4. I'd give it ***1/4, ***1/2 tops.

I agree it was 3 1/2 because of the ending. It was a nice flowing match but it died as soon as Triple Inflated Ego walked down to ringside.


I don't see why they couldn't have had Michaels miss the superkick and straddle the ropes, then have Benoit whip him down for the crossface, which led to Trips pulling Benoit out and beating him down. Its a screw-job finish but it doesn't make either guy look weak.


I'm still happy to have taped it though, its a match I'll watch again.

And they shouldn't do that.


We need to get AWAY from screwjobs to "protect" people.


If you can't look strong even while jobbing, you shouldn't be in the business.


...Funny, Flair never looked weak, yet he got the snot beaten out of him in every match he worked

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Guest FrigidSoul

I more meant if they were going for the screwjob finish. Personally I would have enjoyed Benoit just plain beating HBK or if they planned on having HBK win make him win cleanly. That way if Benoit does win at WM they can have HBK say "I beat you cleanly one-on-one bla, bla, bla" and set up a match between the two for the Raw PPV.

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I don't have a big problem with the list, though the Rumble wasn't the best one ever.


And HHH/HBK from the Rumble was maybe **. It isn't anywhere near the best matches of the year so far.

You underrated it by a star and a fourth, at least.

Bullshit. The match sucked. 3/4* at most.

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