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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Where do you have this idea that I go around closing so many threads?

In the past month, I'm aware of you closing three threads:


-The Rawmvp thread


-The Paris Hilton thread


-The Anti French-Sentiment thread


Three threads in less than a month. Two of which should not have been closed in the first place. I'm not even going to go into the amount of threads you may have locked in 2003.


Perhaps this is why some get the idea if you being somewhat of a dictator on this board.

Yes, because an entire month is indicative of everything I've done in the past two years...

it's enough to show that you're going to far lately.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Where do you have this idea that I go around closing so many threads?

In the past month, I'm aware of you closing three threads:


-The Rawmvp thread


-The Paris Hilton thread


-The Anti French-Sentiment thread


Three threads in less than a month. Two of which should not have been closed in the first place. I'm not even going to go into the amount of threads you may have locked in 2003.


Perhaps this is why some get the idea if you being somewhat of a dictator on this board.

Yes, because an entire month is indicative of everything I've done in the past two years...

Tom: Give examples


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Unfortunately, if he would have made said thread in HD, you would have shown up, said something along the lines of, "This is a waste of bandwidth, you should have PMed me," and then locked the thread.

Hardly. I don't care if you believe it or not, but I wouldn't have done anything of the sort.


If he would have PMed you, you would have said, "Take it to HD, that's where flaming belongs."

No, I was quite sincere about talking things out with him, if he wishes to have such a conversation.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I can't help but feel responsible for all of this...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

this thread is classic. People come up with legit concerns. Tom no sells them and instead insults them and the way they contribute to the board.


Its amazing how offended he is that anyone would DARE complain about the way he's doing things.

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Since I refuse to copy and past that whole thing, I'll make things simple

Translation: I'm too lazy to conduct an argument properly.


That fat chick picture which was basically a massive blob of flesh and nothing could be noticed...you know, the one you didn't like...the joke thing? You deleted that cause you didn't like it

I deleted it because it shouldn't have been posted. Grotesque images and all that. Yes, what's grotesque is ultimately a judgment call, but all staff are empowered to use their judgment. Dames deletes pictures of spiders because he has arachnophobia and thinks the images grotesque, and no one bitches. But I turn your picture into a link (so people can still see it and your "joke" can still be made), and you pitch a bitch. Oh well.


yet go through the LSD folder and you'll find pics of attractive women with their titties showing and everything.

We try to make sure there's no nudity. Bikinis and the like are almost always fine.


I also don't name the names of people who haven't agreed to be named. Its kind of rude.

How upstanding of you, you're an oak.


but it appears they're showing up in this thread now to also give their distaste for you.

Yeah, all... what, six or eight of them? My, I'm jost overwhelmed here. And no one who's really a surprise to be included in that group yet, meaning they've (a) had a problem with me in the past or (b) are serial whiners. If this is your army, kid, I suggest you stay in the barracks where it's warm.


Other mods, if shit is flying PM people(at least as far as it goes with me) and talk about it there, while staying calm and cool...you give one line slams, tell the person to shut-up, and then close the thread so they stay shut-up.

And I've done that when... ?


You don't do what's right for the board, you do what's right for Tom and what Tom likes.

If that were true, I think Dames would have gotten rid of me a long time ago.

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it's enough to show that you're going to far lately.

I've given my reasons for closing all of those threads, many times now. Those reasons were justified. Find something else to complain about, eh?

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Tom: Give examples


Poster: Example, example, example



See the reply I just posted to CWM. Those threads were not closed arbitrarily.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Just for arguments sake:


The Soviets gave special "perqs" to their members yet imposed ridiculous rule and regulation upon their citizens. I am not comparing this place to Communist Russia, but the double standards and illogical explanantions are similar.


Its like if a government instilled a non-smoking bi-law. Y'know, a RULE that no one can smoke in a public building. But suddenly, a government employee decided to break that rule. They would get fined just like anyone else. They wouldn't get off with it as a "perq" for being a good guy or a good employee. RULES are supposed to be followed by everyone, not just slect people who are in the know.

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I am SHOCKED that this thread hasn't been closed yet. I really am. Here we have multiple people talking about Tom's abuse of power, he vehemently denies it, people talk about his use of one-liners and slams, he denies that, lather, rinse, repeat.


You want an example of your one-line slams? Take your "Know Nothing" slam for example. How was that a valid argument? You mock others for being "too lazy" to come up with a good argument, then that's your rebuttal? Hypocrisy, thy name is Tom.

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You bunch of pussies.


Tom will give you a direct answer if you PM him. I have done so and get a reply and have discussed it with him if he does something I don't agree with. It's not that big of a deal. It takes longer to post a thread then PM him.


Oh.. by they way.



Heil Tom~!

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Tom: Give examples


Poster: Example, example, example



See the reply I just posted to CWM. Those threads were not closed arbitrarily.

Once again, I don't understand the Paris Hilton closing. The last two posts were you and Ghettoman exhanging words. Before that.....


That being said I just can't find Paris Hilton attractive. She's far too skinny, snobish, and air-headed. I'd rather Nicole Ritchie out of those two.


Before that post....


and I wonder what exactly Mik at Cornell had a problem with Paris Hilton's dick sucking. She seemed to be doing fine to me. I guess Mik knows a few tricks on how to make a guy blow quicker.


Before that, we had a grand total of 5 off-topic posts with the stretch initially started by you telling Ghettoman he was much more useful being suspended (i.e. Flaming outside of the flaming folder. But I suppose this is one of those "perqs"). Finally, before that post...


Can ya download the whole video from that trustfundgirls site? Or is it a shame?




Anyway, I've jerked it to this video. It's easier with the sound off.


For the most part, the thread remained on-topic. Yet, there were several barbs in your direction and suddenly the topic was out of control and needed to be closed. Why? People were still talking about Paris Hilton! The video was still being talked about. Bifeverchad even asked a few posts before the closing where the entire video can be downloaded from! There was no reason for the thread to be closed. Despite the arguing between you and Ghettoman, with the occasional off-topic comments thrown in from Spicy and EQ, people were still talking about Paris. Which is what the topic was about. So why was it closed?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
You bunch of pussies.


Tom will give you a direct answer if you PM him. I have done so and get a reply and have discussed it with him if he does something I don't agree with. It's not that big of a deal. It takes longer to post a thread then PM him.


Oh.. by they way.



Heil Tom~!

I am what I eat.


This thread shouldn't be closed, its my pride and joy. Take it to NHB. We'll all ahve a good chuckle over it.

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You want an example of your one-line slams? Take your "Know Nothing" slam for example. How was that a valid argument? You mock others for being "too lazy" to come up with a good argument, then that's your rebuttal? Hypocrisy, thy name is Tom.

I never intended it to be a valid argument. It was answering a barb with a barb.


Silly me, thinking things would've stopped soon after and not spiraled into this. Oh well. It's been a while since I fought off eight or so people at once, but it's still fun. Keep 'em coming, kids.

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In the closing of rawmvp's thread you said that you agreed with the people asking to close it because it had run it's course but what about those who wanted it to remain open? You basically snubbed them based on your personal feelings on the matter that while a judgement call, could be questioned as being truly impartial as well. Aren't Mods supposed to be somewhat impartial and objective when making these judgement calls?

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Silly me, thinking things would've stopped soon after and not spiraled into this. Oh well. It's been a while since I fought off eight or so people at once, but it's still fun. Keep 'em coming, kids.

Don't worry.... Commie Cleanser has your back.




Teach all these hippies that are rebelling against the man.

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I think people wouldn't be so aggressive about it if they weren't talked down to with each response. A simple response without the "try again"s and "kid"s and "laddie"s might not get such a reaction. Moderator does come from "moderate," after all.

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