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Guest Mikey2Dope

The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

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Watched Maniac Cop this afternoon while doing shit around the house. Probably not as good as I remembered it from seeing it ages ago, but a decent time killer. I can't hate on anything with Bruce Campbell in it, that's for sure.

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Truman Show- 8/10


*pops out of box* "TRUUUMAN! IT'S TELEVISION! YES! Yes! I did it! I'm on the Truman Show!"


Good stuff.

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AVP: Alien vs. Predator (5/10)

Not particually bad but not very good either. It all seems a bit pointless. At least the fight scenes are pretty good.

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Van Helsing: 5/10 (Fun movie to watch)

Varsity Blues 0/10 (Hollywoods half-assed attempt at bringing Favre's first season with the Packers. It also rips off Friday Night Lights)

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind 7/10


It was good but I dont see what all the hype was about.

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Schindler's List- ****/**** (First time I've ever seen it.)


Pretty much flawless. I have no idea why I wanted to watch it at this hour of night, but I did. The acting was incredible from the extras to the main cast. Ralph Fiennes was so sadistic it scared me.


Thankfully my streak of not crying during movies continues.


Probably one of my least favourite movies to watch though, and I'm hopefully never going to again.

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Recently saw Dario Argento's "Inferno" last night on IFC. I'd give it a 7.5/10,mainly because at times, it's nonsensical even by Italian horror standards (and I love Italian horror, especially Argento's).


Also recently saw "Saw", which is an 8/10 due to some bad acting. Sure, it's not the second coming of "Se7en", but it's pretty awesome, quite similar at times to Italian giallo films.

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Some movies I've watched over the last week:


Memories of Murder - a decent, albeit totally nondescript korean thriller.


2009: Lost Memories - another korean film, this being a pretty crazy sci-fi/action movie. This felt very strained and forced and managed only to instill in me a sense of utter and total apathy.


Wishing Stairs - a korean horror movie in the veign of the wave of asian supernatural horror films that seems to be all the rage now. This was well crafted on a technical level but felt pretty insubstantial when matched up against something like Dark Water.


The Legend of the Evil Lake - another korean film (I should probably point out that there was an asian film week at one of my local movie theaters last week, which is where I got to see many of these movies), this one a fantasy/kung fu epic of the rather brief kind, a mere 90 minutes. This was fun but very forgettable, nothing I haven't seen before (and done better then).


Public Enemy - the last of the korean films, this was a renegade cop versus psychotic killer film. This film suffered from multiple personality disorder as it fails to make up its mind about its protagonist and his use of violence. Not that the film was trying be ambiguous, which I wouldn't have minded at all, it's that it both tried passing the violence off as terrible and amusing, a tightrope act it failed at. That said, the film was well shot and had a few good action scenes.


The House of the Flying Daggers - Zhang Yimou's new movie, another foray into wuxia territory following Hero. This was, as expected, gorgeously shot and had some marvellous scenes. While it seemed a bit slight on first viewing, I still enjoyed it very much (I'm a sucker for l'amour fou).


I'm now about to watch Michael Powell's A Matter of Life and Death (in which I have high hopes). Tomorrow I should also likely see Powell's Black Narcissus as well as make my way out to one of the local independent theaters to see a screening of Wong Kar-Wai's Happy Together. I need to see more of Wong's films, I've only seen In the Mood for Love (which I loved), so this should be a step in the right direction.


Well, that was rather long and rambling. I probably should apologize.

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enduring love - overall, quite good with the creepiness & existential angst & what not. could've been REALLY good, but it lost its place a couple times in the drama and thematics.


ray - eh. i truly do not get the verbal fellatio this movie is getting, as aside from foxx's performance it's an absolutely standard, cut-and-dry, formula biopic. it was pretty good, but i'm already having a hard time remembering it and i just saw it an hour & a half ago.

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