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"Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

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Three Republican senators agreed Tuesday to support renewal of the soon-to-expire assault weapons ban, a small victory for gun control proponents as the Senate prepares to wade into several contentious gun issues this election year.


The GOP-controlled Senate plans to take up legislation Wednesday that would immunize gun manufacturers and distributors from lawsuits that arise from crimes in which guns were used.


Senate Republicans have enough votes to approve the legislation. Democrats plan to force votes on at least two other gun issues they want to attach to it, however, amendments to renew the assault weapons ban and to require background checks for all purchasers at gun shows.


Gun rights groups plan to urge majority Republicans to defeat both measures. The GOP-controlled House already has said it does not plan to approve the extension of the assault weapons ban.


"To protect the future of America's millions of gun owners, it is vital that the Senate pass (the lawsuits immunization bill) without any antigun amendments," the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action said on its Web site.


The White House also urged the Senate to pass the legislation without amendments.


"The administration urges the Senate to pass a clean bill, in order to ensure enactment of the legislation this year," the White House said in a statement. "Any amendment that would delay enactment of the bill beyond this year is unacceptable."


Getting the 1994 assault weapons prohibition renewed has been a Democratic priority this year. They picked up support Tuesday from GOP Sens. John Warner of Virginia, Mike DeWine of Ohio and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island.


"Although I voted against the ban a decade ago, over the past 10 years it has reduced crime dramatically and has made our streets safer," Warner said. "The legislation also has protected the rights of gun owners better than many of us predicted."


The three GOP senators' support does not guarantee the amendment's approval in the Senate, but "this gives the effort to renew the assault weapons ban new momentum," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a sponsor of the original assault weapons ban.


Republicans, along with several Senate Democrats, have been pushing for the gun immunity legislation for some time. Gun advocates say firearm makers shouldn't be forced to spend millions of dollars fighting off lawsuits designed to win large rewards and bankrupt them for making legal products.


"The manufacturer or seller of a legal, nondefective product should not be held liable for the criminal or unlawful misuse of that product by others," the White House said.


Democrats like Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota agreed to get behind the legislation after gun supporters accepted a specification that firearms manufacturers and distributors would not be protected from lawsuits that involved defective products or illegal sales.




Though it'd been a while since we had a good ol' gun discussion. I thought it was quickly fading into a non-issue with both parties (aside from the NorCal lib favorites like Feinstein, who can be found just about every year showing off some big-ass gun OMGBANITNOW that she's holding or pointing extremely wrong.)


Never thought the Republicans would be the first one to stir the pot, though.

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Well, Lincoln Chafee is a RINO, so I don't really count him. If they'd actually define the assault weapons ban, instead of making it a ban on ugly looking weapons, I'd at least give it some thought.

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Guest hunger4unger

Guns should be banned. The only exceptions should be those who belong to a gun club (where the guns would be stored under lock and key) and the police/armed forces.

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Guest thebigjig
Guns should be banned. The only exceptions should be those who belong to a gun club (where the guns would be stored under lock and key) and the police/armed forces.

Oh come on... that is not the right solution. If you ban guns, it wont stop problems, it will make them worse... black market sells would explode and gun selling would become just as bad as drug dealing


The key is stricter gun control laws... banning them completely is not a solution

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Also, why are guns ok in special locked up "gun clubs"? In a hypothetical world where Joe Public can't buy a .38, you're going to have these cloisters of gun nuts at their "club" who aren't just hobbyists, they're clearly preparing for something.


To infringe on a constitutional freedom is absolute madness. WHY would you want to be less free? Are you THAT afraid that a bad man will come out of the shadows with a cheap pistol? I believe it was Ben Franklin who had the beautiful quote about people willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserving neither.


Also, for someone like yourself who comes across as a government-hating Holden Caulfield contrary shit, why would you want to completely skew the playing field between yourself and the suede-denim secret police? Armed populations don't get sent to concentration camps and things.


Perhaps you're in the sad lot that wants the safe loving government who will always be honest and give everyone a fair chance. You want to love Big Brother, and that's sickening.

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Guest hunger4unger
Also, why are guns ok in special locked up "gun clubs"? In a hypothetical world where Joe Public can't buy a .38, you're going to have these cloisters of gun nuts at their "club" who aren't just hobbyists, they're clearly preparing for something.


To infringe on a constitutional freedom is absolute madness. WHY would you want to be less free? Are you THAT afraid that a bad man will come out of the shadows with a cheap pistol? I believe it was Ben Franklin who had the beautiful quote about people willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserving neither.


Also, for someone like yourself who comes across as a government-hating Holden Caulfield contrary shit, why would you want to completely skew the playing field between yourself and the suede-denim secret police? Armed populations don't get sent to concentration camps and things.


Perhaps you're in the sad lot that wants the safe loving government who will always be honest and give everyone a fair chance. You want to love Big Brother, and that's sickening.

Gun club members are not "clearly preparing for something". By Gun Clubs I mean huntsmen and farmers. More like an armoury than Gun Club.


Banning guns will make America a safer place. I live in England and thank my lucky stars that people in my neighbourhood don't own guns. An example: Two neighbours have a disagreement over here, it might come to blows and that's it. IF one had a gun in their home it would be easy for them to get that gun and kill their neighbour..because the gun is there, available and ready to use. That's my point. Take away guns from the people and they won't go around shooting each other. OF course, the above is just an example.


The police in America need to be armed due to the high crime rate and the fact that criminals are not going to give up their weapons.

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Since you are in England, you might not know too well about our Constitution. The second amendment was made BECAUSE of England and their anti-gun laws. This country will never ban a person from owning a Windchester. This country will ban a person owning an AK-47. You see the difference here? One is a weapon that only slaughters, the other could be used for hunting. Gun control to alot of Americans is two fingers on the trigger.


You are right about murders by shooting in England going down with anti gun laws. They just stab each other to death.

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They just stab each other to death.

England has worst crime rate in world

England and Wales have the highest crime rate among the world's leading economies, according to a new report by the United Nations... people are more likely to be mugged, burgled, robbed or assaulted here than in America, Germany, Russia, South Africa or any other of the world's 20 largest nations. Only the Dominican Republic, New Zealand and Finland have higher crime rates than England and Wales.

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Guest hunger4unger

Wow, I never knew that. Imagine what the crime rate would be like if the UK allowed any tom, dick or harry to own a gun!

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The key is stricter gun control laws... banning them completely is not a solution

The key is to stop requiring concealed carry licenses for anyone licensed to possess a firearm in the first place. Make the two permits one and the same. Crime rates would plummet.

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Guest hunger4unger
It's like talking to a fuckin' wall. Not that I'm surprised; most criminals take a big dose of stupid pills every morning.

Can you explain a little more clearly what you mean?


Are you suggesting that I am a criminal?


Do you think that crime will go down if the UK allowed citizens to be armed with a gun or two?


What is your point?!

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Surely thats what she's saying.


If any criminal had to consider that any potential victim could be holding a gun? Why would you want to attack them?

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Guest BDC

The point is you flamebait like no tomorrow, how's that?


Lord, the fact is, by allowing people to have the opportunity to have a firearm in their home for defense, that means that breaking into someone's home just ain't a real good idea. I'm going to keep a pistol in my home for just such an event and if someone breaks in, it's his ass. Breaking into someone's home is an undisputable act of aggression and me having th emeans to defend myself seems like a damned good idea.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

The whole "point" about

IF one had a gun in their home it would be easy for them to get that gun and kill their neighbour
..is idiotic in the first place because of what it takes for a person to KILL another person. That's not a flippant decision, and if someone is willing to point a gun with the intention of killing, they're just as likely to pick up a knife, or a baseball bat, or run them over in the car. To totally overlook the urge to kill by blaming the gun is ridiculous. How old are you? Sixteen?

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It's like talking to a fuckin' wall. Not that I'm surprised; most criminals take a big dose of stupid pills every morning.

Can you explain a little more clearly what you mean?


Are you suggesting that I am a criminal?


Do you think that crime will go down if the UK allowed citizens to be armed with a gun or two?


What is your point?!

FBI statistics show that places that have more legally owned guns tend to have less crime all around. Anti-Gun advocates just HATE that report.

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The key is to stop requiring concealed carry licenses for anyone licensed to possess a firearm in the first place. Make the two permits one and the same. Crime rates would plummet.

Sweet lord no. I have no problem with people owning guns to protect their homes. I've thought about that as well, and I can totally understand.


I'm not very excited at the thought of anyone who owns a gun being able to carry it with them where every they please. Then you pretty much HAVE to own a gun.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

But how many people are going to do that, really?


No way to tell, and that's the best part. You don't HAVE to have a gun, if Joe Mugger thinks he's going to get one in the gut if he makes a try for someone's wallet or purse, or KID.

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Guns should be banned. The only exceptions should be those who belong to a gun club (where the guns would be stored under lock and key) and the police/armed forces.

Two words: Washington D.C.


It's where I live.


We have very harsh gun laws - D.C. law prohibits ownership or possession of handguns and requires that others, such as shotguns, be kept unloaded, disassembled or equipped with trigger locks.


Guess what? We have one of the HIGHEST crime rates in the country, and we have one of the highest rates of homicides per capita of any large city in the U.S.


Yep, banning most of our guns here sure did help us out! Oh wait......it didn't.

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No way to tell, and that's the best part. You don't HAVE to have a gun, if Joe Mugger thinks he's going to get one in the gut if he makes a try for someone's wallet or purse, or KID.

I'd just rather keep the concealed public weapons to the police, arnored truck drivers, etc etc.


I don't trust our people or culture today to be able to do the right thing when it comes to everyone taking their gun to the mall.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Cops and Brinks security guys aren't the ones getting robbed or worse...(unless we're talking classy criminals w/ the Armored cars.)


Besides, I've got as much right to defend my property/family/self as First National Bank does.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Well, to be perfectly fair Marney, it's the same rationale I have FOR carrying a weapon.

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Guest hunger4unger
The whole "point" about
IF one had a gun in their home it would be easy for them to get that gun and kill their neighbour
..is idiotic in the first place because of what it takes for a person to KILL another person. That's not a flippant decision, and if someone is willing to point a gun with the intention of killing, they're just as likely to pick up a knife, or a baseball bat, or run them over in the car. To totally overlook the urge to kill by blaming the gun is ridiculous. How old are you? Sixteen?

Sorry, I disagree. I stand by my comments.


As for my age..how is that even relevant here? If I was 16 would that mean i'm not allowed to put over my thoughts on the topic?

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Guest BDC

No, just a reflection on the amount of experience (generally) collected. Be glad you're not like Kamui was...

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