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Lightning Flik

I Hate Today...

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Today I lay to rest a friend of 20 years...


She was always there for me. Since I was little child, she's been there for me. If I was ever sick, she'd be by my side cheering me up. Whenever I went some where when I was little, she'd be sure to follow me, making sure that I'd have someone watching over me.


She was there when I needed someone and had no one else. I said a lot of things I rarely told another soul. She'd always listen and never walk away if it was important to me.


I'll remember her grace, her beauty and forever more that serene and patient look she'd always give. The kind befitting of who she is... The kind of person I needed many times in my life to be there.


If you'll excuse me, I'm going to say my last words to her... My cat, Patient. The person whom I've called friend for so long. And for quite some time, my grandmother as well.


I hate today...

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Thanks guys... I appreciate it. I know it's pretty stupid to mention this, but I'd rather say it, in case I go absolutely a-wall over something and people wonder why.


At least, she's with her mate now, so I'm happy about that. Knowing she's with Snootz (her mate) and quite content, makes me feel better. Not much, but at least good enough.

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A buddy of mine was just completely torn up when his Pug Rocko passed away and we were afraid he'd never get over it. He had the dog since he was a little kid and when Rocko died he said it felt like he had lost a member of his family.


I know losing a pet can hit people home pretty hard so I understand why'd you be upset Flik.


Again, my condolences.

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Guest FrigidSoul
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to say my last words to her... My cat, Patient. The person whom I've called friend for so long.



As I told Kotz one night via AIM, every cat or dog I ever owned was basically sent packing within a few months. Thus I can't get close to animals in that kind of sense, so I can't really understand how you're feeling. However I hope you get a new cat or something, I dunno.


I tried to be comforting, key word being tried

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

My current dog is a pain in the ass but yet I still love him...


despite the way we treat each other.

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Firstly, thanks Sass... I worry about my father, since Patient was really his girl, and it hit him quite hard as she passed away. Then again, I've always thought of her like a second mother to me, so I'm feeling it pretty good as well.


If you'll excuse me, I'm going to say my last words to her... My cat, Patient. The person whom I've called friend for so long.



As I told Kotz one night via AIM, every cat or dog I ever owned was basically sent packing within a few months. Thus I can't get close to animals in that kind of sense, so I can't really understand how you're feeling. However I hope you get a new cat or something, I dunno.


I tried to be comforting, key word being tried

I was kinda expecting one these responses. So no worries FS. I understand that some people might not know how someone can be so attatched to a pet, but to me, as I said, she was the one constant in my life. If I needed her to be there for me, she was.


And I'm not lying on her following me if I need someone to watch me to the local store in town (at the time when I was younger, I lived in a town of about 2000) she'd walk all the way to there with me and back. She was always there when I was sick in bed and in need of companion. ...and all I've got of her now is those memories. A lot of good ones so that's always something I can hang onto.


She was one of the people to raise me into who I am, so maybe that's why this hurts so bad. Like, I expect her to be home when I return from any place, I expect her name to be called out as we lock up the cats to let out the birds, and I'll probably expect her then the next time I get sick...


To put it into words, she is family to me. I don't care if she is a cat, she was to me, a part of my family...

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Guest FrigidSoul

I have a couple of Golden Geckos, but you can't hold them or anything...they don't like it and they're also very delicate so the littlest pressure would probably squish'em. They're cool and all but if they die I'd be more frustrated than upset, cause they're just nifty to watch.


I loved cats when I was little but like I said all my cats and dogs ended up being shipped off not too long after I got them(mother is allergic to cats and they didn't want my old dog there anymore). The family has had a dog for 4 years, and while the dog absolutely loves me I won't let myself get too attached to it because it isn't mine and knowing them it could leave anytime.

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I have a couple of Golden Geckos, but you can't hold them or anything...they don't like it and they're also very delicate so the littlest pressure would probably squish'em. They're cool and all but if they die I'd be more frustrated than upset, cause they're just nifty to watch.


I loved cats when I was little but like I said all my cats and dogs ended up being shipped off not too long after I got them(mother is allergic to cats and they didn't want my old dog there anymore). The family has had a dog for 4 years, and while the dog absolutely loves me I won't let myself get too attached to it because it isn't mine and knowing them it could leave anytime.

Ok... Seriously, your parents are messed up for keeping getting you pets and shipping them away. That isn't right.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Ok... Seriously, your parents are messed up for keeping getting you pets and shipping them away. That isn't right.

My mom let me get a cat one time when I was 13. The cat ended up being infested with fleas(the person that gave it to use didn't take good care of it). Rather than taking the cat to the vet my mom said "Well I'm allergic to it anyways, we're getting rid of it". She then had me grab the cat and bring it to the car, where we drove to a fairly wooded area and she made me open the car door and leave it on the side. Broke my heart at the time as I turned around and looked at the cat's face while we drove off because it had this look of "What did I do...?" on it. Since then I haven't allowed myself to get close to an animal.

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Ok... Seriously, your parents are messed up for keeping getting you pets and shipping them away. That isn't right.

My mom let me get a cat one time when I was 13. The cat ended up being infested with fleas(the person that gave it to use didn't take good care of it). Rather than taking the cat to the vet my mom said "Well I'm allergic to it anyways, we're getting rid of it". She then had me grab the cat and bring it to the car, where we drove to a fairly wooded area and she made me open the car door and leave it on the side. Broke my heart at the time as I turned around and looked at the cat's face while we drove off because it had this look of "What did I do...?" on it. Since then I haven't allowed myself to get close to an animal.

...seriously, what type of parent is your mom? That's just sickening to do that to both you and your cat. That's just awfully ignorant of how you'd feel about it and how that would hurt that cat's feelings.


And thanks Papacita.

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Guest FrigidSoul

My mother's ok if I don't have to interact with her for more than 2hrs a day, otherwise she's horrible. Thing about the cat is she allowed me to get it because I was still down over my Nana(her mother) dying about 6-8months prior. My Nana pretty much was always there with us up until I was 12 when she died of lung cancer, so I was feeling lonely and pretty empty...she let me get the cat and then I had that taken away from me about 3 weeks later too. That's why I can pretty much shrug off people in my family dying and not allowing myself to get close to animals. They all leave ya anyways.

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I'm allergic to cats, which I hate with passion because I've always found felines to be very interesting animals. However, I cannot get within a metre of them without breaking out in hives and sneezing uncontrollably, so that tends to see me keep my distance.


I'm very much a dog person though, my first best friend was my dog when I was only 3 years old and I lost him, so I know exactly how you feel Flik.


Rest assured, God has given her a very safe resting place for her to reside until you come to collect her.


Take it easy.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I remember seeing this big Hereford on my granddad's farm give birth to this big gorgeous calf...his first words to the kids before it even stood up.."Don't get attached."


It was delicious.


I've never had a pet for that long. Longest I ever had an animal was this german shepherd named Watson that I had until I was 7 or 8.

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Cats > People.


How did he/she/it die?...

Kidney failure is likely the guess... She wasn't dead before I said my goodbyes (whether or not I want to say thankful, I'll probably forever debate) but it was pretty much a done conclusion that even if we had done everything to help her along the way, we pretty much would prolong the suffering as she would have to have some surgeries done and spend even more time in pain that she had no sure chance of living. The vet said that she at most would have a week from any surgery we give her, just beause her body wouldn't be able to take the pain that would be involved. She might've even died on the table...


None of us wished her to suffer any worse than that... I don't approve of putting her down, as we did, but I wasn't about to let her suffer just so I can have "another week" with her.


The thing that rips apart of me out, is the fact that she pretty much walked into the carrier... With Patience, she never liked carrier's and wouldn't go in them if her life depended on it... But she knew...


Rest assured, God has given her a very safe resting place for her to reside until you come to collect her.


Take it easy.

I believe that... I get to see two people whom raised me up there, Patience and Snootz, along with my departed friend Yanni, when I finally pass away. I miss them a lot. I could definitely use a good friend right here and now... I don't have a sole one that will be there for me now...


On the humorous note, at least death isn't looking too bad now. I've already got three people I care about up there watching and waiting for me till my time is up. Strange way to look at it, but its how I feel. And about the only way I can take it without falling into despair...


Then again, so says the man who hasn't dared to sleep yet in fear of having dreams about those whom have died... Since I know I'd wake up full of tears, and I really don't want to start crying again...




BTW, Agent... Thanks. The humor helps.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

If you want humor, you should see a German Shepherd after it chases a rabbit into some cockleburrs and brush.

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I know how you feel Flik...two years ago my dog that I had been with since I was 2 passed away. Worse pain I've ever felt, I've lost two uncles even and losing my dog was more horrible than that. Just one day he got really sick and my dad dropped me off at school and then took my dog to the vet. I dunno, I just had this feeling that it would be the last time I saw him. That night my dad got the call...Freeway had died of a heartattack in his sleep. Still think of that little guy...damn.

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