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Christ what the hell is wrong with you OAOAST/PT'e

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Guest FrigidSoul

He wrote a parody of somebody's life. He didn't drug, kidnap, and have sex with Popick's fiance. Shove your religious deceny up your ass and grow a set of balls.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Popick's sense of humor is fine. Its some people's sense of decency that is in question.

Get a grip, man. Really. You fucking conservative prudes shoulda lived in the 1920's. Whats next? Banning gay marriage because it lacks decency?


This was a joke on the internet. As FS said, nothing truly bad happened here. It was a harmless joke. Decency doesn't even come into play.

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Why people think they need to create threads on things like this I don't know. Everybody needs to keep their mouths shut on this issue. Thoth, you're an SWF guy, so with all due respect... stay out of this. You're not there, and like CWM said, you don't know the whole story. The problem wasn't with the parody. The problem is with people digging up the past when they said they wouldn't two years ago.


I couldn't give a damn who's friends with whom, who holds shit over somebodys head, etc. Blame belongs on 2 people: Superstar & Popick. Yes, AP was involved but I've always believed Supes was the one who couldn't let the past go. He does most of the baiting, so he gets a majority of the blame between those two (SS & AP).


Stephen, we get along fine (you probably considering me a friend) so this might surprise you and others, but you are partially at fault. Hear me out, I'm going to be harsh on both of you.


I understand the piece upset you, however, you should of PM'd Supes about your problem with the use of your girlfriend instead of plastering it in front of the others to see, that makes the OAOAST look bad. It takes a problem between 2 people and makes it look like the whole place acts like that. Did BPP act like a drama queen, sure. What he should of done was PM SS and AP.


Onto Superstar. We also got along fine, but let it go, man. What happened years ago is over. It's history. If BPP's the drama queen, you're the crybaby. Always the one who fires the first shot. You two were able to get along when you returned to the OAOAST under a different username. Go back to those days, where nobody brought it up. Yeah, nobody knew it was you, but it wasn't a problem.


You and AP should of shown better judgement on using her name. You know how BPP is. Friendships blind people in situations like this. Let's be honest -- Zack, AP & CWM stick up for you. It's normal, that's what friends are for.


I just want an end to this now! I just said what no outsider, persons involved in the OAOAST or has a friendship with the guys involved in the situation wouldn't do: I cut through the bullshit and told it like it is.


Case closed.

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Man, this bitching and moaning from all this is funny. This is **** spaz. I would go the gusto, but someone needs to put BPP's head on Hitler's body to get to that Smarks ezboard level.

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...do you people even listen? Tony, kindly go away.


We've said about 20 times that we just wanted to create a new character; it was mainly AP's idea in the first place. I thought it was great and we went with it. This isn't about any feud or any bullshit from the past. I've been trying to refrain from posting because this big quivering mass of idiotic arguing is embarrassing, but Tony's ignorance set me off.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I truly can't believe somebody refers to Popick using the BPP acronym which stands for Big Poppa Popick. That reaches levels of ghey that have previously been unforseen.


I support SuperStar and Angle-Plex. They wrote shit that entertained people, which is far more than I can say for alot of other board members here.

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Guest SP-1

And where, exactly, did I call upon my faith as a frame of reference in this particular scenario?


Oh, that's right. I didn't.


Did I strike a little nerve there, though? I mean, you obviously felt the need to respond in anger.


Most common human beings, I would hope, would respect the relationship that BPP and his fiance have. There are simply some things, religious beliefs or not, that shouldn't be played with. Especially when its only done to please the childish need to goad someone else into a reaction based on things from an E-Fed episode from a couple of years ago. OMGITHINKMYCHARACTERWASBOOKEDUNFAIRLYSCREWBPPVOTESWF2K4~!


As for me needing to grow a set: my friend, that's a territory I'm not sure you are prepared to venture into.

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As for me needing to grow a set: my friend, that's a territory I'm not sure you are prepared to venture into.

You never wash your crotch?

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Guest FrigidSoul
As for me needing to grow a set: my friend, that's a territory I'm not sure you are prepared to venture into.

You're right, I have no desire to venture into your groin.


However in past arguements you often always bring up your faith and what the good Christian would do. You come off as somebody here to preach and save souls. What Angle-Plex and Superstar did was neither illegal or did it break any written rules(OAOAST still has no written rules laid down so anything not breaking global rules is fair game). Thus you may not agree with it but it was all kosher.

What you believe is decent is completely different from what others percieve to be. Bottom line is nobody got physically hurt nor did anybody for a minute think what was written had any factual proof to make Popick or his fiance look like those characters.

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Guest SP-1

There is also historical precedence for Superstar and Angle-Plex doing things to get at Popick. The storyline, dubbed the "Poplex" storyline so far, also used the name of his fiance. So let's see: two people who have a history of starting crap get together and make a storyline that portrays some pretty messed up things in a "Poplex" storyline using a female character with the same name as his fiance.


I think that's pretty good evidence that it was a direct stab at him. As he said, the OAOAST moderators acted pretty much together and the decision was handed down. So there was an obvious concensus of some kind there that it was an issue that shouldn't have been touched upon. Given your recent escapade, I wouldn't go getting all haughty about a power trip or right and wrong, FS. When even Zack and CWM get pissed off about how things went down in the OAOAST, something major, insofar as how major something can get on a messageboard, has happened.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Oh no~! Zack and CWM got pissed about the OAOAST...I'll start shaking now!


Who gives a fuck if people don't like one another and poke fun at it. Is JoJo bleeding from it? Is his fiance in trauma over the fact that 2 people she doesn't know have written a ficticious story using her name? Somewhere did the earth fall off its axis due to this? It wasn't a big deal until Popick jumped on it and then his nut swingas started to follow.


I had no power trip, I said to Zack everybody was all for him being the main man at OAOAPT because he does promote creative freedom. He just doesn't have the nuts to tell the Popicks of the group to shuddap.

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He just doesn't have the nuts to tell the Popicks of the group to shuddap.

How do you know he doesn't have nuts?

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Guest FrigidSoul
He just doesn't have the nuts to tell the Popicks of the group to shuddap.

How do you know he doesn't have nuts?

I saw him get owned in the OAOAST Mod Folder by Popick. He showed no nuts at all. He could have told Popick to shut the fuck up and stop being such a bitch-ass pussy...instead he never did and kept beating around the issue.

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First thing I have to get out of the way.....when are you going to change your title. OK.



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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Zack is da man. Quit hatin' on Zack.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Banky you would have been ashamed and just shook your head in disgust if you saw it.

Edited by FrigidSoul

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Look everybody, SISSY FIGHT!


Banky is the fat one with the chocolate dripping down from the sides of his mouth, if you can't tell.

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Guest FrigidSoul

damnit Kotz, everything doesn't need your penis being brought up into it

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Frigid, please will you stop acting like a little bitch. What you are saying BPP is doing, you are doing right now. You are like the 4 year old who had his toy taken away and is whining to everyone. You asked for the mods to be stripped from their powers because, ahem, they deleted your folder. This is sad, really sad. It got deleted from OAOAST because it was so tasteless. If anyone who has it wants to post it in here, fine, if not fine. It will not change anyone's life because it is AN E-FED ON AN INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD! It is not the end of someone's life for seeing any of it.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Frigid, please will you stop acting like a little bitch. What you are saying BPP is doing, you are doing right now. If anyone who has it wants to post it in here, fine, if not fine. It will not change anyone's life because it is AN E-FED ON AN INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD! It is not the end of someone's life for seeing any of it.

I'm deleting threads and keeping people from posting what they want so long as it doesn't break global forum rules? Holy shit I didn't know I had those kind of powers... you fucking dink


You are like the 4 year old who had his toy taken away and is whining to everyone.

Actually I'm like the person who is fighting for people to have creative freedom. By the way, wasn't my toy...sure I got it started but it was started for numerous people who are willing to take it elsewhere when I get it hosted...which I am working on. So try the fact that it was potentially taking away from 7 people who got interested in three hours and many more who would have followed.


You asked for the mods to be stripped from their powers because, ahem, they deleted your folder.

First off, as I stated it wasn't "my" folder...it was everybody's. I was just given the forum title because Josh knows I can take care of my shit unlike some other people. I wanted the mods powers removed because some had gone out of control since Dames has departed. Come around more often and you'll see I'm not the only one bringing that up


This is sad, really sad. It got deleted from OAOAST because it was so tasteless.

It got deleted because Popick is a bitch and went about deleting it. Hey wait a minute, this quote of yours contradicts the next part


If anyone who has it wants to post it in here, fine, if not fine. It will not change anyone's life because it is AN E-FED ON AN INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD! It is not the end of someone's life for seeing any of it.

Its tasteless, but its not hurting anybody. Its "AN E-FED ON AN INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD!" however removing it was just because...? Your arguement is full of holes. Go away

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Guest FrigidSoul


First the Fat Boys break up, and now this...

I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but...one of the FatBoys is dead

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First the Fat Boys break up, and now this...

I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but...one of the FatBoys is dead

I got a replacement set up already.


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As another former member of the oaoast (something which I am not putting on my resume), I can confirm that this bitching and bullshit has been happening for the past two years, which drove me out a year ago. I can confirm that a) Superstar is an asshole, b) Agnes isn't close to bitter enough, c) popick has no sense of humor whatsoever, and d) the oaoast doesn't deserve the bandwidth it is wasting.


I call for the entire thing to be deleted and it's members permanently banned.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Sandman, is your radio show online at all? I'm curious what metal you play but I'm not starting a fucking thread on the matter.


Also any and all bannings should lead to Sandman9000 making MSPaint to explain them.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
intentionally pry into his personal life.


Pry? SP you're a good friend but dude he posted shit about his girlfreind all over the fucking internet.


Once he did that he has no fucking right to bitch about anything.




I have the ejac chamber somewhere on my PC and once I find I WILL post it and if anyone doesn't like it they can go to hell.

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