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Products you put over to everyone

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Condoms with spermacide.


I mean.... why the fuck wouldn't you want the extra protection?

I second this.


For me, it's Cookie's and M&M bars (they also make Cookies and Twix, and Cookies and Snickers, but I'm not a fan of either of those). Those things kick ass.


Razor-wise, I'm a Mach 3 Turbo man myself.

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Guest LME


I also liked Crystal Pepsi.  Yeah, I'm weird.

Crystal Pepsi, eh?




L = Logan

M = Mario

E = Eggs



I can't explain the eggs, but the other two make me want somebody to run a PBP check on this guy.

Is this the part where I vehemently deny the suggestion over and over again to the point where no one gives a shit, not even the parties involved?


Just wondering...

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Guest stardust

Support camis from Old Navy--they're inexpensive, come in great colors, and can be worn with anything and everything. Feel like you're showing too much cleavage? Throw a cami on underneath that shirt.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Condoms with spermacide.


I mean.... why the fuck wouldn't you want the extra protection?

I believe the answer is tugging at your pant leg, Rant. While she was on Depo...HAHAHAHA! Bet that was your lucky day.


As far as razors go, you creeps with your multi-blades, and your spinny elecric fuckers can take a hike. I use SINGLE bladed disposable Bics, but only because I can't find a straight razor anywhere. I have never visibly cut myself shaving.

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Well Depo is technically better. Just not in my case. But if I have to use a condom.. those are the kinda I use. Sure that means that you can't have your woman but it on with her mouth unless she wants to not be able to taste food for about 4 hours.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent



None of my friends listen to it - or me - when I talk about it.


and shaving? Shaving is for pussies. I use my hear clippers to shave. I shave once a week or even bi-weekly - so I've always got a beard that ary normal razor won't sufficiently hack off. Plus I don't like shaving to the skin, I need some stubble to remind myself that I'm a man.

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I use a Mach 3 only because they sent me one on my 18th birthday. I don't know why they did it, or how they knew I was turning 18. It freaked me out.

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None of my friends listen to it - or me - when I talk about it.


and shaving? Shaving is for pussies. I use my hear clippers to shave. I shave once a week or even bi-weekly - so I've always got a beard that ary normal razor won't sufficiently hack off. Plus I don't like shaving to the skin, I need some stubble to remind myself that I'm a man.

Stop wearing panties and you won't need the stubble.

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I use a Mach 3 only because they sent me one on my 18th birthday. I don't know why they did it, or how they knew I was turning 18. It freaked me out.

They didn't send me one, but they did to my brother...so I took it

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent


None of my friends listen to it - or me - when I talk about it.


and shaving? Shaving is for pussies.  I use my hear clippers to shave.  I shave once a week or even bi-weekly - so I've always got a beard that ary normal razor won't sufficiently hack off.  Plus I don't like shaving to the skin, I need some stubble to remind myself that I'm a man.

Stop wearing panties and you won't need the stubble.

Thats what my friends try telling me, but I assure them that the panties are strictly a comfort thing.


JSYK - No one ever listens to me, thats why I am forced to be so belligerent.

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I use a Mach 3 only because they sent me one on my 18th birthday. I don't know why they did it, or how they knew I was turning 18. It freaked me out.

They sent me one too. I was freaked out...how did they know my birthday?


Anyway, free shaving gel.

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Support camis from Old Navy--they're inexpensive, come in great colors, and can be worn with anything and everything. Feel like you're showing too much cleavage? Throw a cami on underneath that shirt.




There is no such thing as "too much" cleavage and anything that restricts free roaming cleave doesn't get my support.




Ripper: I support da cleave.

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I use a Mach 3 only because they sent me one on my 18th birthday.  I don't know why they did it, or how they knew I was turning 18.  It freaked me out.

They didn't send me one, but they did to my brother...so I took it

They did the exact same thing with my brother, and also gave him a can of shaving gel.


As for products I put over to everyone...



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Tabasco Sauce

You know what Tabasco sauce is good for don't you?

A Spicy Stanley?


I was also bestowed a can of free shave gel & Mach 3 razor when I turned 18.

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Support camis from Old Navy--they're inexpensive, come in great colors, and can be worn with anything and everything. Feel like you're showing too much cleavage? Throw a cami on underneath that shirt.




There is no such thing as "too much" cleavage and anything that restricts free roaming cleave doesn't get my support.




Ripper: I support da cleave.

Supports Ripper supporting Da cleave.


The Pixies. For the most part to resounding success. But I was kinda disheartened when I told one dude and he was like "They sound like a fag band. The Pixies, what kind of name is that?!" He then went to listen to his shitty Doors music and that was that. He actually tried to convince they were good and said he'd be willing to burn me a compilation. I promptly told him to fuck off. Like I said though, success for the most part. It helps when 95% of the people you know are so narrow-minded when it comes to music that REM or even U2 would be a revelation and a step up.


Popcorn and salsa. That's the fucking shit.

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SoBe. Seriously. That shit is like Gus' Windex to me.*


To those that haven't seen My Big Fat Greet Wedding, the chick's father, Gus, uses Windex as a cure for all ailments. Fever? Soak something in Windex and put it on your forehead. Burn? Spray some Windex on it. SoBe is the spinach to my Popeye: I take even a few sips and I'm all better.

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Tabasco Sauce

You know what Tabasco sauce is good for don't you?

A Spicy Stanley?


I was also bestowed a can of free shave gel & Mach 3 razor when I turned 18.

I'm thinking he was going the Curb Your Enthusiasm route on the Tabasco issue.

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Guest T®ITEC

Kool-Aid. Just cherry Kool-Aid, either with no sugar or TONS of sugar. Mmm.

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Guest stardust
Support camis from Old Navy--they're inexpensive, come in great colors, and can be worn with anything and everything. Feel like you're showing too much cleavage? Throw a cami on underneath that shirt.




There is no such thing as "too much" cleavage and anything that restricts free roaming cleave doesn't get my support.




Ripper: I support da cleave.

We can't always show off cleavage, though, like in a professional work setting (provided that professional work setting isn't a titty bar or a whorehouse, mind you). And for those of us with big boobs, we often need to wear something underneath a button down shirt in order to keep it decent and from not looking tacky and/or slutty. However, if someone's buying something to go out clubbing in, the more cleavage the better.

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However, if someone's buying something to go out clubbing in, the more cleavage the better.

Ick, don't say that. Because frankly, I don't want to see flat girls who have a AA cup clubbing in a low cut shirt. That just annoys me to no end. If you don't have any, don't show it off!


Now, if you have big boobs, go right ahead.

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