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Zetterberg is God

Raw rating

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The Raw the day after Wrestlemania last night did a 4.0 rating. Has to be considered a disappointing number.

-credit to Dave Meltzer

I'm not sure if it's disappointing or not.


In one hand it is the day after WM so you except a nice increase


However this is only the second time Raw has gotten a 4.0 since September 8th.

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They can't totally expect the numbers to go up right away?


They need to completely change the style and tone of the company to something other than "WWF Attitude Lite." There was no way they could have the company in ship shape in time for WMXX to pull off the lofty expectations they were hoping for, and no signings or retirees coming back will help either.


They're certainly going down the right road though, stopping the SWERVE~! shit, paying off when they promise something, and putting the belt on people who draw in merch and ratings (see Guererro, too early to tell with Benoit.)


I think the biggest problem in returning this company to 1998 is that the general public realizes there's a neverending story, and that Vince McMahon will never end a feud if he can sell you on the rematch.


As the headline in an old issue of "The Onion" parody newspaper said, "Steel Cage Match Settles Nothing."


And in the long term, that's going to be their problem.

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Guest Choken One

it's amazing to think that Raw once averaged in the 7's...and that when it hit 4.0...it was ROCK BOTTOM. Now, a 4.0 is a AMAZING thing or something.

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Guest Trivia247

your probably never gonna see the 6. and 7. numbers like we saw when Raw was on USA. Spike TV is still a rinky Dink Channel deep in the Cable Mess and its not as wide spread as UPN or USA.

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Can somebody please post the Heat spoilers?

Heat matches


Lance Storm defeated Ken Phoenix


Rico defeated Steven Richards


I don't know if Rico is having surgery or something,

but Richards worked on his knee the whole match, and

then after the match Richards attacked him ramming his

knee into the post a couple times. He was helped to

the back.


The Hurricane and Rosie defeated Mark Jindrak and

Garrison Cade


They gave this match about 10-12 minutes, and it

actually was pretty good. Jindrak and Cade have the

basics down pretty well, it's just a matter of them

finding a way to get over with the crowd. Finish was

Hurricane climbing on top of Rosie's shoulders, and

doing a splash on to Cade. Cade sold it like he was

dead after the match, falling down twice on the ramp

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your probably never gonna see the 6. and 7. numbers like we saw when Raw was on USA. Spike TV is still a rinky Dink Channel deep in the Cable Mess and its not as wide spread as UPN or USA.

USA?! What's on that channel these days, anyway? What's its highest-rated program get in ratings?

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USA?!  What's on that channel these days, anyway?

Crappy movies, I believe.

"I'm Gilbert Gottfried, and welcome back to U-S-A UP All Night, and you're watching Striptease with Demi Moore. Stay tuned afterwards for Marilyn Chambers' Wet Malibu Nights."

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RAW after mania should atleast get a 4.5. These days, that will not happen. Next week should boost to a 4.2 only because of this draft 2.0. It will take almost a year for a boom to fully get underway. People forget that it took the year long stwich off of HBK and Austin vs Bret Hart/Hart Foundation & the SurSer97 to get fans to watch RAW again.


RAW hasn't hit a 7 or 6 since moving to TNN/Spike. It never will. The WWF boom ended when it moved onto Viacom. Smackdown used to be the show with the 6.5 rating weekly pulling huge ratings going to the news.

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Guest Brian

Hey man...Monk and the Dead Zone are on USA.


Anyways, when's the last time the numbers jumped after a pay per view?

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Smackdown-only viewers, and you KNOW there are a bevy of them, will spike RAW's rating this week.


I predict a 4.5.

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I don't know if Rico is having surgery or something,

but Richards worked on his knee the whole match, and

then after the match Richards attacked him ramming his

knee into the post a couple times. He was helped to

the back.


SHIT! Thanks for posting though. I FINALLY get to see Rico / Stevie wrestle each other on TV. So much for a face Stevvie though. :(

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

Don't forget Walker Texas Ranger. I thought I heard that was one of the top rated cable programs.

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Question for the people that think that the first Raw post-WM should have huge numbers compared to previous weeks: who exactly do you guys think will start watching? Is there a massive number of wrestling fans who say to themselves "I don't like the way that the WWE is going now, but I'm sure after WrestleMania it'll be better. I'll just tune in then." To have any increase in the first Raw after Mania is good, and if it goes up again next week and the week after, even better.


Baby steps, Dr Leo Marvin.

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USA?!  What's on that channel these days, anyway?

Crappy movies, I believe.

Correction: Crappy Movies and "Monk."

What exactly does SPIKE TV have to draw an audience outside of wrestling........................5 hours a day of Star Trek?

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RAW after mania should atleast get a 4.5. These days, that will not happen. Next week should boost to a 4.2 only because of this draft 2.0. It will take almost a year for a boom to fully get underway. People forget that it took the year long stwich off of HBK and Austin vs Bret Hart/Hart Foundation & the SurSer97 to get fans to watch RAW again.

It's not even that it takes a year. It just needs something to get people talking. Austin/Bret didn't get people talking. But Montreal, WWF Attitude, Tyson, McMahon/Austin did and ratings picked up immediately after.

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I don't think anything can really save WWE or bring it back to where it once was.......the high 6's.....and the record breaking PPV buyrates every month in 2000.....record earnings....


Wrestling in general doesn't have that mainstream appeal it once had....it will take some time for it to recapture that feel....but not likely in the next 2 or 3 years....if not then...I expect it to become a closed circuit sport....


The real test for WWE is when the contract with Viacom ends next September.....we will then see if they have that pull it had...when it was popular.....they are getting paid 500K every week for WWE shows from Viacom...

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